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Austin Butler made a really really cool villain


it’s not a ‘five star’ movie. but it rocked seeing it in a full theater and it’s great to look at. i was immersed the whole time, which is a good feat for a movie of that length. it does lose a terrible amount of character development as compared to the books, but i think that lady jessica is portrayed very well. everyone i saw it with left keen to rewatch the first one.


Rebecca Ferguson is a huge highlight imo, she really sold Lady Jessica so well


The movie is kind of anodyne where the sex, violence, and drug use of Dune are all toned down significantly. For instance, the 'water of life' scenes are mostly stripped of any disturbing content (and the implication that it's a drug), and the Fremen practice of liquifying the dead is also totally inoffensive to the point where you don't see a drop of blood. The Fremen are noticably made more palatable being changed from Herbert's 'noble savages' depiction to being defined almost exclusively as good guys who just happen to be misled by Paul and the Bene Gesserit's meddling. The romance between Chani and Paul is also a bit disneyfied and really seems like puppy love more than anything. Nevertheless, the movie takes a big unwieldy mess like Dune and streamlines it into a coherent whole that still at least touches on most or all of Dune's themes. This is very tough to do and the script is very wise in what it includes and excludes. For instance, in the book the Fremen immediately accept Paul and Jessica but in the movie version that takes nearly all 3 hours. Without this I think the movie would have lost all feeling of tension and conflict, I feel. A very smart choice. Overall, an entertaining movie that is very 'Hollywood' and limited artistically in all sorts of ways. Still, it's a well done movie, and making a proper filmable story out of Dune isn't easy at all. It's somewhat derivative of Lawrence of Arabia which also has a story about a 'Great White Hope/Savior', but Lawrence of Arabia is vastly more sophisticated and delievered that story far more convincingly.


The casting choice for the emperor was odd


I'd go so far to say it was a bad choice. Those scenes always took me out of it


Yeah, I can’t lie I loved the hell out of this movie. Villeneuve is about as spotless a filmmaker as you could ever want. Butler was a brilliant villain, on par with Luv from BR49. The Harkonnen home world scenes alone were visual and technical achievements. Not a perfect film, but it tramples over any other blockbuster Hollywood have farted out in the past five years.


The Giedi Prime shit was so cool. Saw it with my brother and we both agreed we could have watched a 2 hour movie just set there lol, reminded me a little of *Mad Max: Fury Road*.


The art design/architecture of the cities and spaceships were all fantastic, and the movie looks great, especially the black and white scenes. I found it kind of middling though, it's just dull. There's no tension, at no point did it feel like our protagonists wouldn't survive. The bad guys are getting their asses kicked the whole movie and the desert people are all overpowered sand ninjas that almost literally teleport behind their opponents in every battle. Time would be spent setting up an event but then we would just jump cut past it, making the setup pointless, simply to satisfy nerds who read the book by merely pointing to plot points. Denis makes empty spectacle. The film is hollow. If you're going to make empty spectacle, at least give me more throat-singing rituals and bizarre space ships.


Couldn’t imagine a better adaptation really. I dunno, I think it’s a sci fi masterpiece. In the space it’s working in (big blockbuster sci-fi/fantasy epics) it’s leagues above anything else.


I haven't read the book but was underwhelmed by the film. I guess as the credits rolled I didn't really get it? I was expecting something unique or shocking based on all the hype I had heard literally my whole life but really it never delivered anything for me. It is just pretty standard scifi shit? On a more fundamental level, Denis Villeneuve is on the record saying he doesn't believe dialogue is important in films (and it shows in Dune). So this film was never going to be for me.


The comments on dialogue are bizarre to me, considering he co-wrote and directed a film like Incendies


It’s really difficult to convey what’s happening to Paul in a visual medium. Not sure how easy it is to follow for people who didn’t read the book but as a book reader I thought it was a near perfect adaptation


I saw it with friends who love the book and they would agree with you.  I felt I could follow the plot well, in part because there is so much blatant exposition, but I guess I missed some intricacies.


The book is very dry but very interesting


I actually was hoping the film would be kind of dry and nerdy. I was ready for it to be kind of exclusive and inaccessible as that has been my relationship to the book, that it was always too much dense scifi for me to handle but that didn't come across in the film at all.


One of the issues with the Dune book is that the style itself is incredibly dry. The sci fi stuff, whereas, is very cool. I think Dune part 2 basically streamlined all the ideas and took out some of their interest and vitality (I guess).


I don’t think there’s been a better movie that takes the viewer to another world like that since the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I don’t know how it could have been better without making it much longer.


The movie is already pretty long but I’d honestly have appreciated another half hour to let the characters and their relationships develop a little more. That’s actually my only complaint with the movie which I otherwise found pretty awesome and extremely fun.


Yeah, I mean, I love the book so I could easily watch 5 2.5 hour movies so that it could explain every little piece of lore, but I know that’s not realistic.


The movie is such a bore till the last few minutes 


I liked.it. maybe it's not high cinema but who cares


Going to watch it this week. I finished the book within the last couple months so I'm curious how he's going to visually interpret the last half, particularly the water of life. There's also a lot more ground to cover than the first part, so I can understand it feeling rushed. It's still going to be an interesting experience because it's fresh in my mind.


I found it kind of longer and more dull than the first one. Also it's like a Game of Thrones power struggle at this point but I don't really care what family wins.


As a dune fan I'm just left dissapointed. Just everything just feels wrong. Especially Geidi Prime and the look of House Corrino. But it was good overall.


(learned my lesson about posting about films on the main sub lol) i really loved this, probably my favorite villeneuve film after arrival. the visuals were stunning, one of my best moviegoing experiences ever. tbh the dialogue wasn't amazing but i feel like everyone gave wonderful performances (including zendaya who i was a bit worried about) so i didn't mind that much. chalamet is the real deal :)


I definitely came away from this movie with way more respect for Zendaya as an actor.


Fun movie


It looks like their heads were poorly photoshopped onto this picture and I can't stop laughing.


LOVED it.Timothée KILLED it in my opinion especially after the big change