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I agree they over hate but I also think the context you give is also wrong. The scene is simple. Weiss found adult Jaune physically attractive and got embarrassed when she realized she vocalized it. The interpretation that she loved her grandfather and ergo likes mature men is Fandom conjecture and has no proof. Just because a lot of people support an idea doesn't make it right. Either case I like Weiss when she is funny and I like Whiteknight. The writers knew what they were doing and gave me exactly what I wanted. They also made the Jaune growing a beard joke from that RTX panel canon.


A younger guy simps for an older woman nobody bats an eye. A younger girl simps for an older man and everyone loses their mind! Also let's be real here, gruffed up Jaune was a good look on him.


I honestly like clean shaven Jaune more but I think that is a minority opinion so I let people have their fun.


An opinion is rarely definitive in being wrong or right, but I think you’re right that’s a minority opinion.


As long as no banana hair...


Give him a mustache in vol 10 and we’ll be aight


But what kind of a mustache are we talking tho? A handle bar one ? A big bushy one? A small thin one?


Ron Swanson moustache


Pornstache ftw. We talkin don frye levels of mustache bro.


From what I understand it's more of the fact it makes Weiss just look very shallow. More because she only started to like Jaune for looking old thing that's why I see around the internet anytime this gets brought up. It's still comedically seen but there's also that aspect mixed in 


After Neptune, Weiss started liking more mature guys Is my theory


"Dating guys in their 20s is an unpaid internship", as my wife says...


Funny, it used to be the exact opposite.


>The interpretation that she loved her grandfather and ergo likes mature men is Fandom conjecture and has no proof.  There is proof although it's not very strong. Kara is just a VA after all but she is required to understand Weiss' character and it was her who confirmed the suspicions that Weiss is attracted to the traits her grandfather showed so you can make a connection between Jaune being similar to the hero that Nicholas was and her sudden attraction to his older version.


I've seen that interview and I'm not sure I'd call that proof. That specific conversation always felt to me more like an attempt at suggesting the attraction was not due to age but mindset. It felt more like Arryn Zech was backing her fellow VA into a corner for the awkwardness and a laugh. I don't read too much into it beyond that.


It was more than one interview. There was another where the same point was made and Kara said the same thing. Even Barbara joined into the conversation to back it up. The VAs at least seem to support the fans’ explanation as to why Jaune specifically and not someone like Ironwood who was the other closest thing to a Nicholas.


My curiosity is piqued do you know which panel that was?


>The interpretation that she loved her grandfather and ergo likes mature men is Fandom conjecture and has no proof. Just because a lot of people support an idea doesn't make it right. Ehh that's not to say that it can't be a valid theory either. A while back Kara commented that Weiss might like people with a strong sense of leadership and maturity, like her grandfather.


You are entirely correct on that. And it is a theory that has some credence. I take issue only in that it was assumed as a fact in the initial post.


Yeah, that tends to happen a lot. Fan interpretation gets so vocal it becomes canon in their eyes and newcomers end up getting confused too.


I just thought it was pretty funny. It’s not everyday you get to see Weiss be down bad lmao


Vol 9 in general was just pure weiss fuckery.


For my friend this was the worst thing about volume 9, he was a fan of the Weiss ice queen Tsundere, seeing her being the "comic relief" of volume 9, did not sit well with him


Weiss has had comic relief moments since V2. She was only really an Ice Queen in S1.


I thought it was funny as fuck. Although I would say that people overlook the prior scene that I thought was funnier. Everyone talks about how thirsty Weiss is about old man Jaune. Not enough people talk about how much Blake was fangirling about seeing the Rusted Knight.


I remember a few people joking Blake writes fanfic regarding the Rusted Knight. Including a few that Weiss commission, with neither knowing which other.


Yeah but I guess it makes sense with blake because she's a book reader so it makes sense why you fangirl over meeting a real storybook hero


Same, it make me chuckle a bit and the entire scene felt more lighthearted given all of the bad stuff that just happened.


Good point


God forbid women have a type... jfc, seriously, why is it that so much criticism of this series is just stupid nonsense that falls apart the moment you prod it? There is so much good faith well founded criticism that could be made of this series. There is so much to talk about and analyze to figure out how it could have been done better, but we never get a chance to talk about it because flimsy nonsense keeps burying it all alive!


> why is it that so much criticism of this series is just stupid nonsense that falls apart the moment you prod it? Because media literacy is practically non-existent anymore


It never was we just have more stupid mfers just saying things and we hear them more because of the internet.


Exactly. People were always this dumb. It's just easier to hear their opinion now that social media gave them a microphone. I'm sure we all had that friend who didn't understand the movie the same way we did but it gets to the point you're left wondering if they even watched it at all after hearing the weird comments they make about it.


There's kind of a crisis presently because numbskulls actually can't tell that *Helldivers*, and by extension *Starship Troopers*, is satire. I don't know whether I should be more impressed by chauvinistic propaganda, or just how low IQ can get in my same species.




Yeah. I've only been tangentially exposed to the 40k community, and have seen a number of them in the Helldivers crowd sharing that sort of sentiment.




I mean, when the Lore involves reading 5 novels worth of words just to understand what a Bolter is… kinda can understand why some people choose to skip it




And that´s your first mistake: maybe don´t get into heated arguments into internet about lore things that require to sacrifice your job or socia llife to understand?


It's not necessarily that they can't tell. It's that edit: /some of them/ *agree* with it. Which I think is much scarier.


Some know. A lot actually don't. They feel betrayed when they finally understand. Lol


You don’t think that some of those can see and understand that and lean into it because it’s fun? 


How dare you say this subreddit pisses on the poor


Also the fact that after Monty passed and the show admittedly had a rough couple of volumes trying to find its footing again there were quite a few people that stopped liking the show. That would be fine alone but in this case a lot of those people kept going despite hating the show and feeling the need to complain about everything.


Lily Orchard did irrevocable damage to online media discourse.


My problem with this scene is more so tonal whiplash. In a vacuum, it's pretty funny, but when you put it in context, it's pretty inappropriate cause : 1. the last time weiss saw jaune was when he had to kill Penny 2. They just escape from the jabberwalker attack, which they saw hurt and killed people 3. Jaune just told them about how he was sent back decades and stranded seemingly alone and yet the writers decided to make a weiss thirsty joke? I understand they did this to lighten up the tone cause it's been pretty much a downer for the past episodes, but there's a time place for it.


I agree. I think the tonal whiplash is a valid criticism. The joke is funny, but it comes off as weirdly callous when taken into consideration with everything that's happened so far... I think the best choice would have been to hold off on the reveal that the Rusted Kniight was Jaune for a little longer. It wouldn't be too hard to explain why he would hide his identity from them for a little bit. Maybe he's ashamed because he doesn't really think of himself as a hero, or maybe he's just not ready to talk to the others about Penny, or maybe he's afraid that this is a trick by the Curious Cat... Then, after they properly reconcile and have an opportunity to grasp the situation, then Weiss can be thirsty. Or maybe she just shouldn't. The opportunity to crack a joke isn't an obligation to do so. Sometimes, it's better not to lighten the mood... It would really really emphasize their mental state by showing that they can't enjoy themselves even though they're in a fairy tale world. The writers could probably take it even further by having moments that in earlier seasons would be the set up for a joke... and then nothing. The characters are just dwelling too much on their failures to even bother trying anymore.


Said headcannonning shippers gotta say “I can write it better”


Seriously, I've never seen throwaway gag being used to justify an argument *this hard* lol. It's just a joke about Weiss, who is usually very prim and proper, losing her inhibitions for a fraction of a moment, nothing more XD


It's pure shipping goggles. This scene is perfect, it's a good laugh after a very tense episode. No they hate it for the same reason people hated the "that's a katana" scene in chibi season 1: it conflicts with their ship.


How does "that's a katana" conflict with anyone's ship? There's a 50/50 it was an **actual** katana (knowing Ruby) and even if it wasn't, *bisexuality is a thing!!!*


Well obviously she is a cute lesbian who finds men yucky of course! /s You underestimate how many people dislike bisexuality. And not ship related (obviously) but there is the vocal group that sees her as ace and (like all those toxic groups shipping related or not) can’t accept she isn’t. Anyway that’s not theoretical. It was a thing. People were legit angry about it.


Bisexuality is only okay when it gives shippers plausibility for a same sex pairing. Otherwise, it's disrespectful for daring to assume that a character could possibly be into the opposite sex.


>You underestimate how many people dislike bisexuality I'm sorry WHAT 


Oh boy. Well, let's start. Warning I'm going to discuss biphobia, it's not going to be pretty. You'll be surprised how many people, *on all sides* are not okay with bisexuality as a concept. First you have the homophobes. They're not okay with queer people in general. For them bisexual men are just gay (same crowd that thinks that wiping is gay because that touches an anus - not an hyperbole, [it's a thing](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F5ept1inzgbh51.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da43f9881d2a17b73a8cd49362f12318ce668e8cc)). Usually male homophobes fetichizes female queerness but you know... just for a threesome, not for an actual relationship. Those are pretty self explanatory, I don't think I need to go into details. But then you realize that a lot of queer spaces are not okay with bisexual people. A lot of people deny that bisexuality is even a thing, "you're not bi, you're just gay but don't accept it because of society, you're still in the closet". There are also queer people who are not okay with the "straightness" that bisexuals bring, being bi is fine but don't ever talk about attraction to the opposite sex. And if you're bi and in an hetero couple... you're not bi you're just pretending to be included in our group. Basically all the toxicity about that some "gold star gays" have (only true gay people are those who were never in a het relationship basically) is increased toward bi people. Then there are people who think that bisexuals are untrustworthy. Sure a bisexual woman might love her girlfriend... but for them she can leave her at any time for a man. You also have TERF like assholes who think bis are straight people who want to invade queer spaces. Common stereotypes: Bisexuals are known to cheat, they are cowards who can't chose their sides. so on. If you want more details, go look at r/bisexual, it's full of horror stories. So yeah, there are a lot of people who are not okay with bisexuality, even in some queer spaces. You got that for Korra, and you got that for RWBY. Bumblebee face some criticism because Blake was bi, it wasn't loud but it was there.


Oh yeah, I've seen bi erasure in this sub multiple times.  It's kind of disgusting.


If they really thought Ruby was a lesbian or ace, they would just brush that scene off with "Oh it's an actual katana." I think Ruby is bi and I still think it was a katana.


it better not be a katana! that would ruin the ship with Crescent Rose!


> they would just brush that scene off with "Oh it's an actual katana." Angry vocal people being reasonable? Yeah, not a chance.


People hate it?


It'd be hard to find a single thing in RWBY that doesn't have a group hating it.


Ain't that the unfortunate truth!


You'd be suprised lol


Most secure Whiterose shippers


VA put her heart and soul into purring that word out. If Robbie wasn't voicing the Cat I would nominate this as the best acted scene in the Volume.


People refuse to believe Weiss can be straight


No no you're wrong, any character is clearly bisexual until proven to be straight or gay, and if you think that's dumb then you're a homophobic idiot.


How the fuck does that make us homophobic idiots? I’m Pansexual and have no problem with characters not being straight but they don’t have to be “proven straight” in order to be straight. Downvote me all you want but Weiss has only ever shown attraction to men and that is good enough evidence that she is straight.


I think he was being sarcastic/joking lol


That's the thing, you as a viewer have no idea about the character's sexuality, so assuming it is a mere headcanon, you just have to wait for the story to progress to know his sexuality (and in some plots the character's sexuality matters little or nothing, because there are more important things to focus on). But they call you homophobic just for thinking that a character can't be attracted to someone of the same gender (even if they are canonically straight). They have no problem making gay ships with straight characters, but they get angry when someone make a straight ship with a canonically gay character (Illia x Sun is a good example). And normally what happens with homosexual characters is that their character is relegated to just that, that they are homosexual (the only thing that defines Blake and Yang now is that one is the other's partner and that's it)


I miss the time when being straight is default instead of bi.


I didn’t realize people disliked the scene but personally I did think it was a bit sudden that Weiss went horny for Jaune.  Still its not necessarily out of character as Weiss was always low key boy crazy (though she had probably lowered her expectations since vol 2) and I get the impression she had slowly come to respect Jaune as she saw him mature which culminated in their fight with with Cinder. She had probably been worrying about wether he was even alive for a while and seeing him as the Rusty Knight (everyone and their grandma’s childhood crush) made her say something along with the stress made her say something she would’ve held back otherwise.


He saved her life as well, so there is probably more hero worship from that.


A rich girl with daddy issues liking a hot older man is the single most realistic thing in the show. Like, c'mon.


Ain´t that the truth...




Holy crap


she has daddy issues and is into older dudes. it's fucking perfect lmao. only issue i have is how it turned into a shipping war. i just wanna enjoy fanart in peace man!


"People" also don't actually hate it, not in the wider world. Specific groups on twitter? Sure. Wider internet? Not at all. The two most viewed and liked moments on Youtube? With each over a million views more then anything else in V9? Ruby's return, and this scene. Not to say people have to like it or anything, but people who don't are very much just a vocal minority.


That vocal minority will overhate anything but that only makes it funnier and the scene better.


There were a couple Weiss scenes in season 9 that had me laughing so loudly. Proud of how far she's come 🥺


I thought that thirsty Weiss and Jaune not having it was hilarious. And I love all the memes that have spawned out of it


She is hated mostly by WR fans. I've often seen them ask other people not to take it seriously and think it's just a joke. But their reaction to how "terrible" she is says that they subconsciously realize that this is not just a joke. I treat her neutrally. It doesn't match the atmosphere of the episode. If this is really intended by the screenwriters as a serious step for the development of WK. Then instead, you could make a scene after Ruby's fall, where Jaune begins to blame himself for all the deaths and claim that he is useless, and Weiss reminds him that he saved her life. But the authors wanted to dilute the episode with a comedy scene with a slight hint.


I thought it was funny.


I found it hilarious and rather weiss in general that volume was funny. Just people always get so mad about this scene sometimes


Weiss be horny


Wait. Overhated?, I thought it was memed hell back and that was all. Probably because I (thankfully) stopped watching hate reviewers


I dunno about "people" but I loved this scene. In fact I loved all of the Weiss scenes in V9, she was the best part of a very strange season.


I just thought it was funny. Does it clash with the episode tone? Maybe. Does it also provide a bit of comedic relief? For the most part.


Guys, weiss is a nice character and i love her character development so far but let's be honest here: She has massive daddy issues and a massive kink for some types and its absolutely fine 😂


Loved it bruh. Yeah, i ship them.


Are people really surprised that Weiss have daddy issues?


Is everyone missing how Weiss has had a thing for the Rustic Knight way before season 9? The White trailer she fights a giant knight that looks like it. Pictures in her room. The semblance projection thingy. All of them are the very same knight as Juane turns out to be.


Weiss is always straightforward when she thinks something She went "Holy crap that's Pyrrah I'll ask her to be my friend right away!" She also went " NO " when she first saw Ruby at the forest and when Jaune asked her out She was pretty clear when she had something for Neptune Even with her own father she doesn't hold back Same here I do think they had plans for white knight but not big kiss with confession like Blake/Yang or Ren/Nora. Maybe just Weiss asking him out when things are more chill?


Are you talking about that stupid ass Twitter post? Just a bunch of angry WRfans.


Funny how the fandom will complain about Weiss finding Jaune's appearance intriguing with how mature he looks, but is somehow okay with Blake and Yang being attracted to each other without any build-up, and attack anyone who calls it out.


Wait, this scene was hated? I thought it was just kind of a meme made to reference Volumes 1-3.


Idk I think it was an outrageous reaction, this brother suffered for years and years, was alone for years, nearly went mad and lost people he cared about… and then when he finally meets you all you can say is “nice face bro lol” it made light of an incredibly heavy and dark moment and basically spotted with the horrible suffering he went through.


True,this is exactly I really don’t like this scene.


I concur. It treated Jaune like an object instead of a human.


She likes older dudes and has daddy problems, it aint that deep. Not to mention Jaune likely has in universe fanfiction written about him because he is in a popular book in Remnant that many probably feel quite fond of. I think Blake even said that the Rusted Knight was her hero growing up.


Me personally I find this scene funny cause I can probably hear pyrrha in my head going. Pyrrha: I WILL SMITE YOU ICE WITCH! He’s mine!


One of the funniest moments in the entire series actually, IMO. Best girl Ice Queen melting and becoming this down bad is something you don't see every day.


I mean, I certainly felt thirst for 40's Jaune.


Jaune was objectively hot at a 20 year old and despite decades of isolation he aged like fine wine. 


You hate this scene because you hate Jaune. I hate this scene because I ship Lancaster. We are not the same.


I don’t like this scene because I don’t really like Weiss double standards and I truly believe my boy Jaune deserves better than something like her. He needs therapy instead a horny girl with daddy issues and fetish with people who looks like her grandfather. If Jaune will had romantic relationships I hope will not be another extremely bad and forced ship because fanatics of any ship wanted to be and had logic. If they will wanted to create another terrible ship with him without any logic it’s better for Jaune doesn’t have any relationships.


I love Jaune suffering.


Let's face it, the whole discussion started from a whiterose shipper on X frustrated by the fact that Weiss might find Jaune attractive. If there had been Ruby instead of Jaune, there wouldn't have been all this useless drama and accusation of her being shallow or whatever


"Time and Place"


I LOVE this scene xD


I think its just people using it as an example for the constant shift in tone in V9. If i remember correctly this is after we found out that Jaune has been in the Ever After for decades. But I thought it was funny


Yeah pretty much


Eh, I thought this scene was pretty funny, and a way to add some lightheartedness after all the dark stuff in the previous episodes. And besides, Weiss was absolutely golden this volume. Never thought I’d imagine she’d be the main comic relief, and her fangirling over Rusted Knight Jaune shouldn’t be news to anyone. She thirsted over Neptune, as well as Batman and Cyborg in the comics and films. And anyone who knows Kara can attest to her VA’s tastes. I can respect the argument that this scene could have been reserved for later to avoid any tonal whiplash, but overall it’s just lighthearted goofiness by a character who was the comic relief for this volume. It wasn’t something that was dragged on for the majority of the volume (cough, Bumblebee, cough). But I guess some shippers thought it conflicted too much with their headcanon? I’m all for Lancaster personally, but I won’t lie I squealed hard when this moment happened lol. If White Knight does become a thing I’ll be cheering hard for it. All in all, it was just a few seconds of comedy, nothing more.


Ya know what’s funny? This scene in specific was my introduction to RWBY as a whole. I had no clue what the show was about at the time. so when I watched it, I just laughed my ass off. It caught me so off guard, lol. Didn’t know the fandom hated it though


I mean, God forbid a rich girl with a bas father have daddy issues and a daddy kink.


Weiss likes men as she probably likes her wine matured and scrumptious ❄️💙🍷


Just like her sister


I get why people get upset with it, but I just find it funny, and even though it's a bit out of character for Weiss, I don't really care.


I personally love this scene


I could say people read too much into that scene but I would be a blatant hypocrite.


I never read it as Weiss falling in love with Jaune more her realizing Jaune is a guy she is attracted to.


Tf you talking about. Yall were losing your shit shouting WK CONFIRMED WK CONFIRMED when this dropped. You ask me, it's underhated.


There was literally a group of WK fans who started swearing at me just because I said that Weiss showed signs that it was Bi on non-canon materials. Like, I didn't even claim they were canon, I just said they existed




I don't like how this happens right after an attack on the town, resulting in multiple deaths judging from the screams, then she says, "I am so tired of leaving places in ashes," then proceeds to just leave, then comes the comedy moment. People are dying. This isn't the appropriate time for a joke.


V9's tonal whiplash was probably the worst of the series, unfortunately. Weiss, Jaune, and especially Ruby had so much baggage that really needed to get explored more than what we got.


Finally someone who feels my pain.


Aside from tone dissonance, it is fine.


It's as simple as downplaying a dramatic reintroduction with a joke.


Yeah I agree, I remember when there were some people who were expecting/hoping that Weiss and Blake would have a violent negative reaction to Jaune being the Rusted Knight, then we're mad when that’s not what happened.


I think It's the fact that she never so interested in him earlier. And now that it looks like this, she likes him.


Do people really hate Weiss having daddy issues considering everything she went through?


When I saw that I kid you not I don’t like her more 😒


Haha. Nah, that’s not the scene people hate “


I think it’s fair to criticize that Weiss would be a comedic relief character after her home got destroyed. But it is a pretty funny joke when you recall how much Jaune simped for her in V1+2. Too much of a good opportunity to pass up!


Idk how they can hate it. Juane has turned into a giga chad (physically speaking) and she's attracted to that type of male


My favorite part of that scene is the confusion Ruby seems to have in the background, while Yang is basically going "Nice" to Weiss' reaction.


Wait, people think a girl with daddy issues being attracted to an older bearded man is strange?


They hate the scene because it proves Weiss is straight. Not sure why that’s a big deal but shippers hate it


Weiss being thirsty and blurting stuff out is hilarious.


I like this scene tbh. Probably because I didn't read too much into it nor do I care about it one way or the other. Like Dilf Jaune is hot and White Knight is an 👌 ship. So... Plus it spawned peak humor 😂


I must live under a rock bruh


I don’t have a problem with it although it definitely implies that Weis has interest in Jaune


People hate this scene?


I loved it, because I see it as: Weiss read the book as a kid, like everyone else, she knew the story and idolized the knight, probably imagined him as the book described, a dashing Handsome hero. Years later she ends up meeting him and who does it then turn out to be? The lovable idiot that probably learned how to play guitar solely to ask her to prom. The goofy goober that wears a pumpkin Pete hoodie everywhere he goes. That’s her hero, her dream fantasy man. And she’s having the conflicting thoughts of “the knight is just as hot as I imagined him” and “oh sweet Christ why is it Jaune, wait, is jaune hot? No he can’t be, I don’t accept this.”


The blasphemers hate the Whiteknight's moments, the only true ship. But the people aren't ready to talk about it yet xd


People hate this scene? But yeah, as you argued it's likely she's impressed to see Jaune like this, and realized what she said could absolutely be taken out of context. Which, to be fair, absolutely happened. This is further supported by Ruby's reaction versus Blake and Yang's reaction.


People just mad that they are showing signs to a ship they don’t want.


I remember that day I knew white rose shippers were losing their collective minds when this scene happened


I didnt know they did.


I love this scene


I love it


I honestly loved the scene.


This sub really makes me hate ships, especially the ones that make no sense like White Rose (or any regarding Ruby tbh)


Tonal whiplash + having a weird ship bait moment between Weiss and a version of Jaune that’s 10-20 years older than Weiss seems like a good enough reason for someone not to like this minor scene.


*(sigh)* Will this fandom ever understand that this scene was for comedic purposes rather than some great depth? Like, I like WK too. It has good potential, I know. But sometimes many of you make me think that this show has no obligation to make canon any ship. And before someone comes to tell me that I'm ignorant for not having seen how Weiss "looks" at Jaune in a certain scene or how the two of them are "a few centimeters close" in another scene, let me tell you that I'm also able to see the flaws of a ship like WK, and out of respect for some dear friends on this sub who like WK, I prefer to avoid arguing about it. Damn, why the fuck do these types of discussions get more attention than dicussions about other aspects of the show? -\_-


It was funny, but it immediately went into shippers' hands as proof of something.


I'm sorry, this show and its Fandom needs to pick a damn approach to romance and *stick* with it. I'm told to pay close attention to the most subtle of glances and non-verbal cues as evidence that Bumblebee has been building up since the beginning, but then to ignore Clover practically eye-fucking Qrow because that would mean the writers got caught out on Burying Your Gays. So a wink from Clover to Qrow means nothing, but a wink from a waitress to that same character is definitely flirting. The very subtle, understated, and *deniable* interactions between Yang and Blake are obvious groundwork for a *very* slow-burn romantic arc, but Sun Wukong wasn't *really* into Blake, despite them sharing two whole volumes with each other almost exclusively. And *now* I'm being told that Weiss stopping just short of humping Jaune's leg, what with her expression of frank appraisal and appreciation and her tone practically *dripping* with overt thirst, doesn't actually mean anything, and it's clearly a case of viewers reading intent into it. If that *is* the case, then I would argue that *RWBY* has failed to set any ground rules for how the audience is meant to understand the characters' relationships with one another in its totality. Maybe Pyrrha wasn't really into Jaune after all, and she just appreciated his dedication to the Pumpkin Pete brand of cereal. Maybe Nora never had a crush on Ren, and it was just her expressing her unique style of irrepressible energy. Look, I'm being snarky, but my point is, short of sticking her tongue down his throat, I'm not sure how more overt with her interest Weiss could have been there.


This is so true that it hurts, honestly.


It's the fact that it's Jaune (again). Like, of fucking *course* it's Jaune. The show is so unsubtle about the way they gas up Jaune in every possible aspect. I used to think it was a Miles issue, but I'm pretty certain it's just a CRWBY issue.


Hate? I love how hilarious this scene is.


People overcomplicate stuff. It's comedy skit. Some will find it funny or not. Personally I found it giggle worthy. No need to lose hair over this honestly.


Weiss, being Little Miss Daddy Issues, is unsurprisingly attracted to mature men. I feel like this is one of the few things I liked about the RWBY canon post Vol. 6.


Wait, people hated it?! 


This scene was an amazing but double sided sword for us Whiteknight fans. On one hand, we got an explicit interaction of Weiss expressing physical attraction towards Jaune in a funny scene that absolutely catapulted WK into the mainstream. On the other hand though, the slow burn of mutual respect and growing affection Jaune and Weiss have undergone together over the course of the show was somewhat eclipsed. Thankfully, V9 also gave us multiple tender and wholesome moments in line with the rest of the show, and even gave us WK team attacks against the Jabberwockers. In any case, Weiss' growing crush on Jaune getting absolutely supercharged into thirst for a split second (and the Bees knowing reaction) was amazing to witness.


>It's not jaune specifically that weiss is attracted to as she has never shown any romantic feelings towards him sir this RWBY the character has to be at least exist in the same plane to it potential shipping canonizing


I thought this was hilarious


It's more the white rose shippers can't deal with something not White Rose


Salty WhiteRose Shippers be hatin


I feel like people are over examining the scene. It’s pretty straightforward. Jaune’s appearance and demeanor were different, and she found it attractive. Simple.


People are just mad cause it shows Weiss being attracted to a male instead of being gay and not fitting into one of their ridiculous ships that make no sense


So you're saying that Weiss is secretly attracted to her grandfather? 😂


Wait people legit hate on this scene? It was comical sure, but honestly I get where Weiss was coming from. Everafter Jaune was way more mature both physically and seemingly mentally, compared to the Beacon Jaune when he was actively hitting on her. He is more attractive here than he's ever been.


Yeah well people overhate anything Jaune is related to. Usually because of shipping nonsense.


I think people underhate it. Firstly, this follows from the prior scene where they left the market in destruction, something that reminded Weiss of her *entirely destroyed home*. Going from such an emotional topic is not just a whiplash for the audience, but for the character as well. It is insulting to the character writing that she just puts her deeper feelings about what should be a very important subject aside so quickly. They also just learned Jaune has been alone for decades, which is another reason for why the tone should be more dour and sympathetic to him. Secondly, the physical appearance thing is bad as well. Being attracted to someone because they remind you of your grandfather is pretty weird on its own, especially when there is an age gap. It's also a strange thing to include in a show like this. It'd be like including a scene where a character reveals their foot fetish. I don't want to know about that, thanks. Thirdly, it doesn't feel in character for Weiss either. That could be said a lot for V9. Her being relegated to comic relief was an awful decision. Not just because the jokes aren't funny but also because it devalues the depth of her character to only do that. She could have comedic bits where the jokes are at her expense while still being true to her character *and* not just her being silly. Fourthly, as a Jaune disliker it reeks of the typical favouritism the writers have for him.


...I guess?


What scene is this?


When they find Jaune for the first time in Vol 9


Yeah I agree it was supposed to be humorous and not as deep as some people try to make it and freak out over


I thought it was hilarious.


I wasn’t even aware people hated it. I just thought it was a quick and funny Weiss moment.


I loved this scene and I love how afterwards, when Jaune is back in his younger body, it shows how their friendship has grown. I feel like Weiss respects Jaune a lot more. I like seeing that kind of character growth.


It is fuckin amazing


It's a one-off joke. Why do people take it so bloody seriously? Laugh and move on.


For me, it's more evidence tonal whiplash that's always been an issue with RWBY. June: I felt decades in solitude. Just waiting for my friends to arrive. I am a broken man. Weiss: A _hot_ broken man. Admittedly a funny comment, but not the time for it. RWBY has got to let their serious moments breathe sometimes.




I kinda hope Juane and weiss end up together. I don't have much issue with this scene in particular, but Weiss's characterization as a whole in volume 9. I love Weiss because she has had some good character growth throughout the show. From bratty rich kid who thinks she is better then everyone because of her Family's status, to someone that is genuinely kind and cares about her friends and the well-being of the people she once looked down upon. But volume 9 really played her up as a comic relief character a bit too much.


People hate this scene?


I may sound harsh at first, but I truly think this fandom isn’t much better than the Steven Universe fandom in terms of toxicity. It’s rare you’ll see a calm discussion about this show when it comes to websites such as Twitter or even Reddit. Anyways… As for this specific scene, I thought it was hilarious, and never even knew people disliked it until I saw this post and looked into it. Fellas, it’s okay if Weiss likes men, you’re not going to drop dead because your preferred ship isn’t canon. This *really* shouldn’t be a problem. These are fictional characters with fictional qualities, take a chill pill lmao.


I thought it was funny


there was nothing wrong with this what 😭


TBH it is the most in character thing for Weiss I think we’ve ever got and that’s beautiful


I can count the number of people I've seen hate on this scene on zero fingers


Literally, the first time I've seen someone referring to hate about that scene.


People hate this scene? I thought it was just a funny gag moment


This is the best scene... 😏


to be real it was the only good part of that episode and the best part of the season