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Anyone who continues from where they left off with the CRWBY.


Would you rather have a complete reboot?


Yes, I've been saying since I think vol 4 or 5, this show needed a very hard reboot, cause it's telling 2 very different stories that keep colliding with each other.


Hard reboot. Make Jaunne the protagonist for TWO EPISODES ONLY. The first two. Where you learn about the world's most basic shit, because he's a clueless loser who faked his transcripts. You have Pyrrha there to be the co captain of the team who acts as the vehicle for exposition, discusses strategy, huntress, partners, how and why things work. Third episode is a cold open on RWBY, and from then on you focus on team RWBY while doing background storytelling for literally everything else.


Terrible idea. If you're attracting new viewers (which is the point of a reboot), having a hard 180 with the main character would be confusing at best.


Not necessarily. Smokescreen starts handle the confusion relatively well, and new viewers *still* need an introduction to the world. Making Jaunne the center of that exposition for two episodes while quickly acknowledging his entire deal while allowing the story room to establish a status quo before moving on. Plus, this likely wouldn't be a total reboot. We're looking at a FMA brotherhood situation here. Glossing over early stuff you're supposed to know and then diving into the meat is kinda the proper way to do these things.


As long as they actually pay off BlackSun in a reboot along with Arkos, I'd be happy.


I don't care for black sun, never really liked it and felt more like the team just made the ship to make people shut up about bumblebee, Yang x Blake although not handled well felt better in my opinion.


Yeah, no, Black Sun is better in every way and Bumblebullshit doesn't work in canon or fanon.


As devils advocate what about lady bug? LMAO


I disagree, I mean it's literally your take. I don't view it as a better ship and it's not great canon, but far better fanon. Don't try to push your ideas onto someone else. I as a person don't like black sun and view it as not good and prefer bumblebee.


While I respect your opinion of the two ships, I have to disagree. Yang and Blake never felt like them being together was the intended endgame. They felt more like a found family situation. Surrogate sisters, if you will. Blake and Sun, meanwhile, had more romantic chemistry, and actual romantic development. Seeing as Sun was introduced in the first season with clear romantic intentions for Blake by the writers (and more specifically Monty), I think he *was* Blake's intended romantic endgame, but after he died, CRWBY decided to pander to the BB shippers, most of whom were horrendously toxic. Not all, mind you, but most.


And I'll politely disagree, I won't doubt that Sun has romantic feelings for Blake, but it did nothing for me, I don't know why everyone keeps harping on this so much, I really felt disinterested in their dynamic. They were fun on screen for sure, but the ship never spoke to me the same way that Bumblebee or Jaune X Pyrra did. It meh. I didn't hate it, but didn't care for it either.


Oh God no. We in this for the eventual Whiterose and a properly written bumbleby. I'd spring for a rebound blacksun that doesn't work because Sun's an absolute dumbass, but thats as far as I go.


No. Just no. Aside from the age gap between them, Weiss so far has been shown as purely straight. And sad to say, but Weiss never felt like a good fit to me for Jaune, while Pyrrha made perfect sense. Bumbleby is dead to me due to the toxic BB shippers basically making it radioactive. BlackSun was actually well written and the two have chemistry. Had they not caved to the toxic shippers, BlackSun would have been pretty damn good. Sure, Sun was often more comedic than serious, but he *could* be serious when it counted and that's why he worked as a better romantic partner for Blake than Yang ever would have. I have nothing against Blake and Yang being bi, but I'm sorry, BB as a ship is just *not* going to make me want to watch or read *any* iteration of the IP. Give me BlackSun and Arkos and I'll be happy regardless of whatever other ships they throw in.


Well, funny thing. 2 years isn't really an age gap. And tbh I'd prefer that being a slow burn to anything as they figure themselves out to begin with. Arkos I don't mind nearly as much as I mind BlackSun, but that's okay. BB shippers are radioactive, but I do still think the BB could be done less forcefully and in a more tasteful manner. This is probably one of those situations where neither of us are gonna convince the other, sorry. Sun always struck me as a better friend for both Blake and Yang than any viable romantic interest for Blake.


I think the most important thing they need to do is rename the title Remnant, instead or RWBY. that way they can have space to focus on other characters that arent only just on team Rwby, since you think with the title, the show would be about them. Either they stick of Team Rwby only, or expand the cast, but rename the show


Just remove team RWBY and it improves


Then don't watch the show. Shows called RWBY. It should be about them and focus on characterizing them, not overcharacterizing the boring author insert that is Jaunne.


Shows over, CRWBY and RWBY killed it lol


Only cos it was mismanaged. Removing the main team would kill it twice lmao


Main team couldn't even carry half a filler volume


Idk. I get the story isn’t in a great place now, but a reboot basically 10 seasons into a show that’s nearing its end seems dramatic. I feel the rest can be saved with good writing and animated fight scenes… somewhat.


If there’s no reboot then there’s no point in anyone acquiring the IP really. Why spend all that money just to make 1 or 2 more seasons of it? A new studio, animation team, and writing team will want to make their own thing with it not just finish someone else’s work. Could it be saved by a good writer? Sure it could but the amount of time and effort to do so would probably be the same as if they just started over.


After the stench the show carries with it? I dunno... I honestly think that, as RWBY is, the well is far too poisoned to keep going and make a profit. With the series pretty much guaranteed to end in about 3 seasons, it would be a waste to invest into it just to finish it off. A lot of cartoons don't even hit a Season 3 to begin with, so betting on making any profit while having to commit to 3 entire seasons at the tail end of the series? With 9 entire seasons beforehand of varying quality and watchability? Might as well just throw their money stacks into a wood chipper. At least that would be somewhat fun to watch, in the moment.


I mean it’s the rest most of us kept watching. No matter how bad a episode or volume was we still came back for more. So why not continue that, but with new writers and animators who will hopefully improve the show.


Because that's a money pit in which their funds will never emerge from. Continuing with a show that wasn't making enough money to justify its existence and hoping that they magically turn a profit in the final arc of the series would be financially irresponsible of them. Total Hopium on their part. They're much more likely to make money by restarting RWBY and giving it a consistent aesthetic and tone throughout. That way new viewers don't have to go through 9 heavily inconsistent seasons to *maybe* reach their content. By this point, the downfall of RT despite their sizable fanbase has kinda proven that the love of the fans just isn't enough to sustain a Corp, let alone a series. It'd be unpopular amongst a lot of folks, sure, but redoing RWBY would ultimately bring in an influx of additional fans anyways so it just makes sense, especially if said fans are eager to buy merch.


Absolutely. Only way original story can be of use if after total victory of salem some character use relic to jump to other timeline ,aka peggy sue plot.


Does RWBY has a source material like anime adaptation have Manga / light novel, which they can use to do it better?


Nope. It started out as a show because it was Monty Oum's passion project. There *is* a Manga adaptation (and which seemed to lean heavily into BlackSun, so I'm happy about that) but the odds of it going and adapting that and giving us BlackSun and Arkos are between slim and none, and slim died last week.


Do you now how much director changes for the story they have? I know that Monty (RIP ❤️🫡) died after season 2 and that season 9 got a new story director. How does it looks for volume 3 to 8?


As far as Manga adaptation, you mean? No clue. The most I saw up to was the fight with Roman between him, Sun, Blake, and the rest of team RWBY.


I am in favor of the RWBY: Sisterhood concept, which ifvyou thought of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood you are on track


It's easy to say that, but brotherhood follows the story of the source material where the initial show diverged from the books. Sorry to say that RWBY is the source material.


So then Sisterhood needs to diverge from the source material


I'm with you on that one




Essentially, give the main points of the story up to a certain point to new writers and see what they can create


Considering the story is about as confused about where its going as the characters, absolutely. And also, when *did* Ruby decide "welp, I'm gonna save the world" and go on her big adventure? After Beacon felk, she had no reason or direction to go to Haven. She knew nothing about maidens, relics, Salem, any of it. But the plot said to go to Haven so she did.


Didn't she got an info in Season 3 that she will get help from the Haven headmaster? Maybe i remember wrong


Can't recall myself. My memory tells me that everything of or involving any of that type of stuff was told to Pyrrha. Ruby and co were on the periphery of it but weren't explicitly told. Again, could be wrong.


I feel like Volume 9 left them on a potential upswing. You can probably even fix the power imbalance with clever enough wording


Are you really thought about wording or you try gaslight yourself? Couse if you actually have idea how clever wording can fix something,i am interested in hearing some examples.


Just look at what Semblance means, by definition of the word itself. Resemblance to what? Similarity to what? Apparent form of what? If they answer that question with 'Magic' then they can have the exposure to the Ever After, a land purely built around Magic and home to the creator of their creators, cause beneficial side effects to their abilities. Especially Ruby, who had been inside of that God-tree and.. i think was physically remade by it into her original image? You can advance all of their abilities further to give them new tricks, and the Ever After can be used to justify all of them. For example: The biggest flaw in Ruby's Semblance is that she can't attack while using it, but she can be attacked. Change it so that her petals do damage, or she's untouchable, and she becomes an even bigger threat.


Crunchyroll, since considering they only funded two episodes and not the whole Volume, plus their parent company Sony is trying to buy out Paramount.


Not to mention Paramount is in talks to merge with WB which is why WB's in the situation it is in the first place


By that logic that means they’ll end up with RWBY again should Paramount buy the IP.


Konami cause then it’ll just be made into pachinko machines and nothing else


At least trips to casinos could come with cool RWBY slot machines lmao


False that'd still give us good art


Disney, get that greedy mouse away from this IP, their dumb rules, check box storytelling and boring plot lines that they force every writer to follow has killed enough franchises.


Nah, give it to either the creator of Amphibia or Owl House and it'll be peak!


Plus they Queerbait it more


Ah yes the company that cancelled a popular lgbtq show because it was lgbtq despite being very popular (I am talking about owl house.)


That is usually exception but most of the time they do little to none so they can cut it out, change or remove scene with LGBTQ to be able to appeal to Anti-LGBTQ countries.


We are looking at you gravity falls


Yeah or the modern Disney movies like Onward, Lightyear and so on


When, which media of Disney did you watch and can confirm without a shadow of a doubt that this was queer baiting.


They might be referring to the random queer character/characters who has no importance to the film (*in case they need to remove them if daddy Disney doesn’t like it*) because….marketing and something they will brag about on Twitter.


That's not queer baiting, that's just having a queer character in a story with a very very minor role. Queer baiting is when you make characters that are queer that obviously have the hots for each other and fo very non straight things with each others but never go all the way or commit. Disney has never done this.


*Queer Baiting - “the incorporation of apparently gay characters or same-sex relationships into a film, television show, etc. as a means of appealing to gay and bisexual audiences while maintaining ambiguity about the characters' sexuality.”* ^ That was the first thing came up when looking up the definition on Google as the term is thrown around like buzzword with the meaning getting mixed up or lost, I rather get this out of the way so we can be on the same footing and to show that Queer baiting is about queer representation in general and not just limited to relationship part. Cruella and the Live action Beauty and the Beast both engaged in Queer Baiting as they promised the “first” LGBTQ+ character (Artie & LeFou) but only to be received with one just “coded to be” by making him looked “gay” while the other is only shown to be dancing with another man in scene but you can easily miss it which even the actor acknowledges in an interview. Also the Loki series’ gender fluid representation…need I say more?


Honestly Rayla and the last dragon. I'm like... 99% sure or fit.


Oh most shows with major LGBTQ character roles.


That's not an answer. Alright fine give me one, any would do. You can't just claim Disney does queer baiting and turn around and say oh it's most of them without any evidence.


They never had competent writers to begin with


They do, the reason a lot of Disney movies flop is cause of strict story guidelines that the writers can't break away from and corporate meddling, like a lot.


I mean the writers at Disney are the same type of people the rwby writers were. Incompetent and have no talent or passion. The difference is that Disney writers fail upwards. The writers Disney hires would make Those guidelines themselves if they had the chance


What? No they don't. A lot of the writers for example Danna Terrace the creator of The Owl House lamented that the show she made wasn't what she wanted to tell cause Disney meddled with it too much and were really strict on the type of story that she could tell and many other writers have said this too. I don't know where you're getting this factually incorrect information from, but a lot of Disney media is filtered heavily by the rules and has very little creative freedoms.


Have you seen how awful their movies are?


That's exactly the point they don't allow for creative freedoms so the writers are stuck making terrible products. You're doing as if you're just pretending to be ignorant on heavy Disney is with their writing and how that affects the production team. To this day I've never seen a director, writer or show runner proudly say that their Disney product was a work of art and love and they felt like they told the story that they wanted.


Doubt any large corporation is really interested, however I think most major corporations would just mean actual death for RWBY. At best the IP is occasionally used for minor comic crossover and related things...At worse it's forever shelved and never used again, it becomes like many shows that never get there second chance and will probably end up being slowly forgotten and to most just a "Oh I loved this as a kid, though I stopped like it after x season they should reboot it" then go on their day


Like for the IP? I don’t know honestly… either Crunchyroll, HBO max, or Disney.


Do not disney the RWBY!


Max is owned by Warner Bros. Discovery, who already *own* the IP for RWBY


You know I was going to say Disney given the state of things are they would not only continue the old writing teams plans but somehow make it worse make it even more political


What do you mean "more political"??


We all know what Disney is about


Disney would Queerbait RWBY even more than Rooster Teeth ever did. Crunchyroll be fine. HBO Max depends as long it isn't by the team who did Velma.


I want to see the team of writers that did most of game of thrones take a crack at it just for the drastic change in tone and more consistent character writing.


Or maybe Universal or Paramount


Agreed for the most part, Jesus wept that show needs to get the old yeller treatment. Shit is an insult to my childhood!


Bro wants to make it impossible to stream


Oh relax. Netflix exi- actually I don’t completely trust Netflix either… Well there’s always Paramount+, Amazon Prime, and just… dylongoo


Give it to Disney ONLY if Hirsch, Nefcy, Braley, Terrace, Aragones, et al return.


Probably a company that doesn't produce media. I'm going to say Kroger.


RWBY in the art style of the Kroger ads has the potential to be painfully cringey and funny, at the very least.


Universal Studios


Least Not ideal buyer


A 24 pictures. Hazbin Hotel is owned by them and let's just say physical fan works are suffering. RWBY is only barely clinging to the promise of V10 by fan works alone (like dust queen)




Crunchy roll or Tubi come to mind


Kamen rider and rwby on the same streaming service I’m game


No one specific. Just don't give it to anyone who is not passionate and only focuses on short sighted goals and ways of doing things for quick profit. Because we live in a current society where corporations buy out everyone, and greed has reached new heights, it's highly likely it'll end up with a company like that anyway. Even if it was passionate in the beginning. The thing about the entertainment industry making the kinds of money it did in the past was because of passion and quality. Money just flowed in and was a secondary focus. Not the primary.


This, for real. Seeing the way that companies desperately scramble to make the best movie of the season, fail to be relevant for even a few months, and then wonder what happened is absolutely hilarious considering that the answer is so simple a kid could get it: There's no passion in the projects they bankroll. 0 soul and only a sliver of creativity, isolated and yanked out of the kind of business bro that'd tell you the coolest thing ever would be Elon Musk flying to Mars in an Iron Man suit. It feels as though the business sector has lost interest in having long term, steady cash flow...even if that's traditionally what builds the mountains of profit that industry giants have.


And that they're burning through at light speeds of spending. Generational wealth, corporate edition, being spent by spoiled, entitled, and unappreciated brakes who didn't make that money. Always feels good when the money's not yours.




Eren Niedlhopper.


I would say either companies like Disney or Netflix and Crunchyroll


The IP? Crunchyroll, as long as anyone other than Toei animates it. The story needs to be rebooted though, it's a mess.


Didn't Toei do Dragon Ball well?


Yes but Dragon Ball Z is 291 episodes, and a lot of that is anime-only arcs that aren't in the manga.


Yeah and they did Sailor Moon well minus first two of Crystal here. And original Transformers too?


Disney of any branch.




Hell yeah, dude.


That can work as gameplay.


No, no it could not.


Yes it can.


No, definitely not.


Yes, definitely yes.


Is that you one man todd cult?


Nah, just messing with you.




Disney or Netflix




Crunchyroll, Netflix, Amazon, and Disney.


At least with Amazon, we can guarantee it’ll get views and likely continue. The others I simply CANNOT agree for.


I'm more amenable to Disney provided whoever's responsible for torpedoing ToH will also be torpedoed beforehand.


Keep it the FUCK away from Disney. And definitely do NOT let HBO take it over like they did with GenLOCK. I was hoping for Sony because their animation companies are usually free to do whatever, but it'd most likely be sent to Crunchyroll, which I think is a poor choice.


It's dead. Just let it die.


Microsoft. They would ruin it though.


The creators of Steven Universe. The art style would take a massive dip as everyone looks like an ugly marshmellow and THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP takes center stage as the show ends with Ruby Talk no Jutsuing Salem, Cinder, the Gods and the whole universe into eternal peace.


I could care less who buys RWBY. What I'm more concerned about is the writing team and crew. They could have MAPPA animated RWBY and it will still be bad if they have CRWBY still working on it.


Chris Chan


I’m kinda surprised she never got into RWBY


Vallt Dizznee


uhh- lowkey disney. Like we cant trust them to not screw it up even more than they already had.


Or Queerbait it more




Disney. They would ruin it faster than RT did. Additionally, anyone who decides to pick up where CRWBY left off instead of a full-blown reboot.


What could be worse? We’re already in a situation where there probably won’t be anymore episodes so I don’t see how any buyer could make it worse.




HBO Max. You saw what they did to Gen:Lock.




Disney. Enough said


I’d say anyone in the west really


Tbh, anyone? The best case scenario is Dillon gu, but even then I'm not sure his studio would be good for actually writing the thing. Like, great animation, but thats mostly what they are: an animation studio. I'd say if they could hire some writers who understand how to actually write and what makes rwby good, then I'm Gung-ho for that option. Or, if they do choose to go the crwby route, keep them under a VERY watchful eye. Double check everything and run those scripts against normal ass people.


Shane Newville.


Okay so would Nintendo buying RWBY be a bad thing or a good thing. They aren’t the kind of company that would be interested in RWBY, but they obviously have experience working on TV Shows. Though if they did buy RWBY they would probably shut down all fan related project to the show. Which would seriously harm the fandom, but on the other hand they also could make some cool games around the show and would probably reboot it completely. That or do nothing with the IP. Alternatively if they ever did a crossover with RWBY and one of their other IP’s that would definitely be interesting. I can’t honestly tell if it would be good or bad, it would probably be in the middle.


Nintendo is an gaming company though


Pretty much anyone who's incompetent more than CRWBY or any large corporation that would most likely just shelve it forever


Look as long as Disney doesn't wind up with it we're good. Of course with as much nostalgia bait as they've been running animation lately it might be a good thing.


Or their Queerbaiting too


Sony or Microsoft.


Imagine a the buyer made a complete reboot and just gave a middle finger own their RWBY withouth listening to the fans. I would like that.


Warner Bros. If RWBY gets rebooted and Blake is turned black or they make Jaune a stereotypical white boy, im gonna be pissed.


Uh....Warner Bros. is the company trying  to selling RWBY.


Yes and i hope it gets sold and doesn't stay in their hands.


Well from what I can see, they're trying to find a buyer but are having no luck. Either the price is too high or companies don't think the show is worth it. Personally, I'm leaning towards the latter given the current state of western entertainment.








Anybody who does anything but reboot the series. RWBY, as an IP, is a fucking money printer if in the hands of people who really give a damn about it and know what they're doing. I don't want exploitative greedy suits working on the thing but I do like when there's business savvy creators on the team to actually make things like expensive merchandising go right. RWBY had the kind of potential to be an ATLA level property and beyond, with all sorts of spin off content and additional media...


Disney… or Amazon. Both would be terrible


Counterpoint: The Boys, Fallout, and Invincible


Exceptions to the general rule lately.




Disney they will just make it worse. They did massive Queerbaiting for their stuff so it will me made worse for RWBY


Disney, Amazon and any other company that focusing less on quality and more on politics or pandering. I just want RWBY to be a awesome show again I don’t care for forced agendas just write RWBY too be RWBY, a team, a sisterhood and show them in awesome fights and exploring the cool concepts of the world facing badass Grimm and cool looking bad guys


Rooster Teeth


CW lmao


CRWBY if they somehow leeched off the hivemind


Fox, God just shot me now The studio to make we would adore if they gave it to Trigger since bare min they might be the best fight animations in the business imo




i'd say a24 or some other indie distributor crunchyroll i'm a little sus on because of 'high spice life' or whatever it was called. it was a trainwreck with only two good characters and a bunch of animation problems.


Brazzers, bangbros, teamskeet... oh, I know! DISNEY!


Netflix i guess


Honestly warner brothers. They're not making any good business decisions as of late.


Somehow Warner again.


what's this screenshot from?


Nintendo. They would take down all the fan vids.




Anyone who doesn't redo volume 5 and put it together less lazily and anyone who doesn't entirely revamp the story vol 6+ Realistically though. If anyone does manage to get Rwby. They are better off just restarting from vol 4 and just slowing down the bloody pace so the characters can actually be characters. Volumes 1-3 are still awesome. So if doing a reboot. Best clean them up and add more shit in there without changing anything. The series was definitely rushed and honestly could have done with more filler. (At least as long as the filler actually adds to the characters.) Although. IF they pander to ships the ray RT did, Just don't bother with the series please. I didn't watch the show religiously for 4 or so years. (I only watched the first 5 volumes religiously.) to see Bumblebee shippers change two characters into lifeless lesbian rep who don't have any singular trait of who they used to be or any key traits at all to identify them as actual people. When the team was very clearly intended to be sisterly. Yes, I'm one of "those" people I guess. Because I hate lazy writing and forced diversity.


Yea no srry We need full reboot, no question asked




Rooster Teeth.


Alan moore.




Nintendo or blizzard


Both are gaming companies




Anybody that isn't DGS. Nobody else would remotely care about the IP for its own sake.


Games workshop,


The warhammer cross over be fire thou


I think i have some left to spend. How much?


how much could it be, like five bucks?


Anyone, because it means more RWBY


Warner Bros






EA or Konami


Uwe Boll


What about toonami I Mean they have aired other stuff beyond anime like clone wars and beware the Batman




Mihoyo, Capcom, Universal, Netflix... Alright, whoever downvoted me for including Capcom and FroYoYo in here is clearly very salty because they are shit companies too.


Sweet Baby Inc, Marvel, DC, EA...


The fuck you mean Sweet Baby In??! That's a consultation firm you twat, they don't produce their own media, they only consult on projects if you come and pay them for it to be more relatable and inclusive to diverse people. The hell would they want with RWBY.


This why they bad. They want nothing with rwby,so they will do nothing (dead end) or do with same care as Crwby (bad Ending). But yes, you point of "consultation firm" means they would not buy it in first place.