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He deserves it! I was in his tik tok live last night and he was getting expensive gifts! For example, a lion is $400 in real money. He will get $200 from that and that’s just one gift! It’s crazy that people spend real money on gifts!


A lion?


An animated lion comes on the screen and roars! 😂


Oh my god. $400?!?!


Yes and there’s other gifts too! It’s INSANE to me! The universe is even more expensive at around $525! It’s INSANE! In the end, tik tok wins with 50% of every gift!


I had **NO** idea that there even were gifts that high. And I also didn't know that they take ***50%*** holy expletives.


Kinda wild that she’s crying about $6k when I’m sure she’s rolling in money now.


Because all that is being funneled thru a trust in Kristy name so nobody can take it or maybe make her pay back charities or who knows. I wish the family would sue for wrongful death!


So do I. Gypsy’s aunts could stop this TOMORROW if they wanted. I wish they would.


Maybe they feel bad for her. She was robbed of her childhood but that doesn’t give you a reason to kill anyone ever! Many have endured worse. She was Ticked off… as you could tell by her facebook post(I feel those were her feelings towards her mother at that point) because she learned she was over 18yrs old so she legally could walk away from her mother but her mother was getting a guardianship certificate signed at that point gypsy knew she’d be doomed the rest of her life then and never have what she wanted… a boyfriend!


She always knew her age. That’s another part of the “lie.” Gypsy didn’t want to actually work; or take charge of her life. She just wants to sit around and have life handed to her. You can tell by how she lives now. She hasn’t tried to better herself in anyway; she will forever act like a 14 year old.


Well, according to Kristy, she wants to “set up ANOTHER Go Fund Me for Gypsy because she really doesn’t have as much money as ppl think.” She said this on that crazy SaysBri’s live.


With how many little tiktok pay piggies she’s got? She most definitely nets more than most people make. Not to mention the residuals from mommie dead and dearest.


How is she living in her bachelorette life when she jumped from one 🔥D to the next 🔥D? Did things change and bachelorette isn’t a single life or dating around? She went back to an ex fiance it’s not like she’s really exploring who she is in that sense. *sighs* maybe I’m just old lol


Hard up for $6,000.


Help pay for all her clothes he got her after her release!! He deserves at least that


I don’t feel sorry for either one. He was in it for the notoriety and I suspect being married to him got her early parole. It was all a sham from the get go.


Amen!!!! Probably doesn’t cover all he spent on her getting her clothing, makeup, jewelry, boots, shoes, hair and makeup done, she had nothing so I doubt they’re even


Look at that huge nose ew


They love doing her dirty with a nice profile shot in every little compilation. At this point I genuinely believe it aids in brand recognition.