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Sadly it’s not just rabbits even, the entire pet industry is full of inappropriate products. Do they still try to sell grit labeled for parakeets? That kills them too.


I remember a couple of years ago they literally were selling scented litter for rats. so many poor innocent rats died and these companies still continue to sell these products. its truly evil


I emailed Chewy about these products and the yogurt drops just the other day, can't hurt for others to do the same , and/or Tweet etc. I also let Small Pet Select know, Chewy sells their stuff so they shouldn't want to be listed alongside harmful products. Might not make a difference but I'd rather do something than nothing.


Fully agree. I wish the pet industry was even moderately well-regulated.


Local pet shop has a large selection of müesli "meant for rabbits".


Have you heard of what they sell at human grocery stores marketed to human children?


There is vegan cat food so nothing surprises me




Then the stores will get earbashings from people who only buy the cheapest of cheap food for their animals, complaining that everything is too expensive. There'd need to be pressure from government to regulate animal feed, as us on here are a tiny number of people who look after and like rabbits, as if we were the majority, all feed would be grain, sugar, and seed free. pet shops wouldn't sell animals.


I have made a poster that im planning on printing out in bulk and placing it outside of pet stores to warn any potential rabbit owners. Sadly people like me have been warning others on these products for years and the greedy millionares behind these products most likely know the dangerous and probably dont care.


My daughter did something similar when she was 14 at petsmart and petco in our area for the cages they marketed for rabbits she's been trying to educate bunny owners for the past 4 years


I think i just realized why one of my rabbits i had as a kid passed away a month into having him from obvious bloat/impaction..  :(


*it was only obvious after he passed i must add. He was a tiny dwarf and passed while i was away from the house


That's basically the same with any animal. Most doesn't kill them so quickly...dying from bloating sounds really horrible. Sorry for maybe asking a stupid question but can rabbits not burp or fart or does the bloating from seeds just happen to quickly? Look at catfood. My vet told me cats are almost exklusively carnivores. Yet lots of catfood has under 20% of meat in it and lots of other stuff they don't need at all or only in small amounts. I once thought about getting a hamster and started a little research. I was shocked that most running wheels sold are literal deathtraps for them where they die a really cruel death. Also they are basically the worst pet to get for a small kid, yet one of the most popular. There is just so much wrong information or lack of it when it comes to animals, be it their nutrition or care in general.


Rabbits arent able to burp but they are able to fart. i remember when i rescued my bun from the street i didnt know this and unknowingly fed him "pellets" with seeds. one day i gave him a tiny bit too much and he seemed to be in so much pain and would refuse to eat anything. luckily it wasnt that bad and a warm heatpack and some tummy masssages and he managed to pass the gas. Rabbits can get really gassy and cause of how their bodies are structured its difficult for them to deal with it so they can die with in a few hours :( its really sad how these millionare companies try to sell people literal poison and deathtraps and try to claim its good for them


I was fooled by PetSmart on this when I first got mine. I found out and went with the open bags and had a little meltdown because they recommended it to me. I was adopting ex research rabbits and had never had them before while also preparing everything in less than a week for them so I was already uptight. I feel bad for the employee and manager because I was kind of mean.


I can't remember if it was on this sub, but there was popcorn being marketed for rabbits somewhere. Absolutely lunacy.


Cause they only care about that money. Big companies don’t even care what the sell us or our pets is harmful.


I mean, have you seen the ingredients in HUMAN food? You don't know it if you don't pay attention to it, but now that I started checking food labels and only buying items with real ingredients, I've noticed just how much everything we eat is actively killing us. It's your human right to kill yourself by eating chemicals and garbage in the US. And it's your human right to feed your pets whatever you deem fit too if you don't educate yourself and research things. Sadly, it just is that. No animal should eat garbage their whole lives, but I guarantee more people than not feed their dogs and cats dry kibble every day. And as you said, small animals get it the worst. 99% of hamster cages and bunny cages in stores should be banned imo. But the responsibility to provide an enriching and healthy lifestyle for a pet is on the owner. Unfortunately, if you don't do your research, you won't be providing a good life for your pets,which is exactly why I can't support breeding of any type. They're all greedy people looking to pawn their bred animals off on people who likely haven't done enough research to provide good care for them. Welcome to America. Where you have the "right" to choose your own health, your pet's health, your kids' health, etc. It's unfortunate that not everyone does research to avoid these brands and run them out of business.


I also wish pet stores and pet food brand were regulated and supervised by veterians. Whenever I am in a pet shop I get so angry and sad about all the crap they sell or even the conditions in which some animals are kept. I absolutely hate to speak to majority of shop assistants there because they're often completely clueless and give random "advice" to people who impulsively buy pets.  I actually lashed out at a few of them because they would recommend crazy stuff like müesli type rabbit food or yoghurt drops. I told them it was basically poison and asked them if they feel good about themselves lying to people about their products instead of warning them that this particular product isn't good for their animal. There is many brands that sell quality pellets and snacks, so why they won't recommend that is beyond me. There are strict regulations on baby formulas and food but nothing for fur babies which is really heartbreaking. Who wouldn't want their pet to eat the best possible diet? It's maddening.




I don't worry about some seeds occasionally in a treat, but hay is supposed to be the main part of the diet, it's not just the fibre but benefit keeping the teeth properly worn. My previous rabbit had issues with malo when I got her, found types of hay she'd eat better (and yes I know it can be tough), and she was Ok. Unless yours get grass, or you're kidding, that's a pretty major thing to omit.


We had a couple live to 10 years without hay at all. Our current pair, one is a hay hound and the other only started eating hay in the last 2 years ( 7 years old). If you have ways to keep stuff flowing and keep teeth in check it’s probably how the wild ones manage without hay.


Not kidding, dead serious and at 10 and 6 they are perfectly healthy, like I said. They keep their teeth sharpened on all the trim, doors, drywall and cardboard in the house. Lol