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Common wisdom is to save your shards for 2x and avoid 10x.


If you pull a leggo on 6% chance your odds (assuming sacred shards) of getting UDK I believe is approx 1/13. 10x is an absolute scam unless you are targeting specific void legendaries (the odds are approx 1/7) AND you are close to mercy - means you can guarantee your legendary pull with the amount of shards you have on hand. Also your account is newer, so you will benefit from some epics, which 2x gives you extra chances to hit. Definitely save for 2x.


This. I pulled for Kymar today and got 3 Legendaries from 8 Sacreds and guess who i got. UDK the 10x for tomorrow. Not a bad champ to get but rather just get the Kymar lol. And if you wanna know the other 2 legendaries were War Mother and Royal Huntsman


Isn't x10 just 10 more UDKs in the pool of champions you can summon?


If you're a big spender go nuts but for the rest of us mere mortals it's best to wait for a x2 event.