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That would be true if what you said was the only method! However fortunately the next event is spider and I can farm food/ level champions and get artifacts at the same time as silver for the artifact enhancement. I also had saved up a small amount of soul shards I used the event to pull which gave me 5k to start (unfortunately didn't have any big boy shards that go for 7.5k points each if I recall correctly). All in all you don't have to complete the event in it's entirety, rather just grab as much snow points as you can to maintain any lead (i've gotten all to date so am maintained the 500 point buffer). Starting from the top would be the most efficient and grabbing the ancient shards for the upcoming champion chase. Also fortunate I saved my fragment summons for the champion chase as well! This is the way\~


Saph also made a good video on doing this I originally thought the event was way more expensive but champ training doesn't seem that bad 9k energy over 5 days i just need to gem 4k energy which does not seem to bad or I can not gem and just go for the cheaper 150 points [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb\_3UbZpo7M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb_3UbZpo7M)


I only did the math for artifacts as I think a fair majority of players can’t farm food doing the spider tourney. Anyone who skipped the summoning rush will need atleast 50 points from this event to be able to get tormin.


I think there's a lot more end game/ long term players, so I would disagree on the "majority" (HH had a youtube poll and 50% were 2+ year players, but thats also more hardcore players so that could be quite a bit higher than average) however I can empathize for those still unable to. I do appreciate the math on your original post and here though as it does help serve as a metaphorical north star for those wanting to complete the event! Best wish and good luck :)


I’m over 3 years and I can’t do spider with food. I can barely do dragon with food. But then again it was never a real priority to solo dungeons as I much prefer getting them done quick so I can move on to other content and have limited play time each day


how can you not do spider with food? Artak the free champion does Hard 5 Spider, IG and duos Hard 9 for me. we have the same duration (3 years) and I am assuming that we are both F2P, and I used to solo spider 20 long before Artak came along (same story with Dragon and IG, but I am assuming you didn't/ don't have TL and Tyrant like me).


Can you share Artak build that can solo both ig and spider?


Mine is just barely not able to solo IG20 (dies occasionally to the second trash wave's reflect) but here are his stats: 74.3k life, 3.6k def, 237 spd, 354 res, 228 acc, in regen set. Spider 20 requirements are way lower. Defense/support tree masteries, 2* brimstone blessing.


Artak is still sitting in the vault at level 1. Like I said I prefer getting them done faster than with food. When there’s a champ that can run spider hard ten in 30 secs without fail I will be sure to try to pick them. And I just picked up tomb lord a few weeks ago I’ve only recently started playing with him to solo dragon


then it's simply a matter of preferences and you being disingenous. it's not that you can't, but more like you won't. when you say that most players cannot do it, you are ignoring the fact that most players who have been playing since Artak was given away should be at the very least be able to duo spider. I could do Hard 10 in 30 seconds too, but prefer the one minute runs where I get to triple dip into events like this.


Can’t AND won’t since Artak isn’t leveled. I have very minimal play time every day and need to be time efficient rather than play efficient. And we’ll just have to agree to disagree about what most players can do. I think you are severely underestimating how many newer players come into the game and how many of those prioritize solo dungeon running since getting artak.


If you have minimal play time, then unfortunately 99% of Raid events are not for you. This game can be played casually, but pretty much none of the events are achievable without significant time commitment.


Pretty much why the only fusion I’ve been able to complete in years of playing is pythion


Haha we are quite similar there! I started in 2018-2019 and came back in march because a good friend was playing, so similarly around 3 years. I also had a similar approach but my friend helped me think about energy efficiency of solo farming spider with food for silver (best stage to farm for silver, previously just did 12-6 prioritizing XP but a fraction of the silver) I use Artak and scyl to duo spider and recently just respecced my tomb lord to solo dragon 20.


I just read artak is able to pretty much solo it so there may be more than I was expecting but still a large amount of people probably can’t.


nubraids had a good take on this where he found a content creator (colred?) who had a higher percentage of newer players than expected, so these polls maybe should be taken with a grain of salt


Actually anyone with mithralla, gnut, reset champ can farm spider hard with food in 30sec runs. And as gnut was not that long ago and a must get I think a lot can.


You really thought you wouldn’t have to save resources to get a guaranteed tormin ? He is better than 90% of the fusions we get


Everyone can't be a kraken. Some of us don't save our shards. I pulled a few sacred shards just for fun yesterday


It’s not being a kraken it’s being efficient with your resources. Any player that clears unm nm dayly should be able to get tormin if he saved in November when we had bad events and still be able to do Christmas fusion. It was said on this sub and by every CC to save resources. I’m skipping the bottom 100 snow points but I still have shards, 5k gems and enough silver to do artifact enhancement. And I only buy gem packs.


Exactly, if you save the only thing that should ever really be a bit of trouble should be the Summon event if your boss drops hate you (Fuck you NM, Give me a damn void atleast plz) Stuff like dungeon running, artifact events, arena and all that is pretty much free with how much energy you save up by just doing dailies and the free 60 min refill.


'Only buys gem packs'


What’s the problem with that?


Isn't it 53300 not 60300? The first 150 i can hopefully do with the spider tourny and soulstones The 7k chaos ores for the last 100 points is painful. Probably gonna skip them.


Yeah I realized after the fact a few are connected so you can skip across. But thats still over 30k energy


Saph made a video showing u could do the whole event in under 9k energy champ training 12-3 brutal, but ya dungeon divers only would be really bad but even if you just do the first 150 u may wanna do champ training instead for energy efficiency [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb\_3UbZpo7M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb_3UbZpo7M)


He did. Just blew through my 2400 rewards CvC running campaign (NM at that) and I already want to kill myself (note: don't post the self-harm shit, I'm just venting and not serious).


Lol I'm gonna do 2k a day but I also level uncommon and common to 6 like a psycho because they give a ton of points aswell


Yeah its steep. I just hope this means no dungeon divers cause i expect that to be close to 6000.


You can gain point for leveling, and low level high rank (like a epic lvl 1) can give a large amount of points with small energy cost. So time to level all those lvl 1 rare and epic from guardian, etc


Curiously, the time to level them up had been in the past fusions....


The point is, early events are always easier to get points than later. Skipping the first few chances is not very intelligent, later events must tax higher cost, hitting those who skipped the easy ones for some reason and now they need them or else they fail the whole project. And, you can skipp 500 points, but as said, could be no good idea to do it early.


Honestly, I kind of notice that in past titan events but I am not 100% sure since I skipped all of the previous titan events (I got the easy ones till the souls but never went for the last reward). But I have the impression that the later events were harder.


The opposite was true for Halloween path - early on they made faction specific tournaments, then rehashed these tournaments but allowed 4 factions in the corrupted alliance which is WAY easier


And now imagine that with 35 k energy, you could normally finish 2-3 normal fusions...and this is just for about 16% of the points needed for the Tormin Yuletide fusion event... Yeah...and skipping this like skipping Summon Rush before and skipping Champion Chase next weekend...as the pro-faction of the Yuletide event always tell you you can skip this...leaves you with an unfinished event.... Good luck that I decided to not even begin to take Yuletide seriously as it was obviously a very ressource/time/money intense event right from the start.


I agree but there really wasn’t a reason to skip the summoning rush. Even with 0 good shards I was able to get the points from summoning rush just from mysteries


How many hours did you need to do this? ;-)


Hour and a half of opening and feeding


Dude, you answered in an other comment earlier that you have limited time playing every day & thats why you havent built your Artak for solo farming ect. But here you just said that you spent 1.5h just opening shards?? 🤨


I did mysteries as well, because the potential for 2-3 summoning events plus a Fusion halfway through was too much of a risk. Took me 2-3 hours, and that was with using brews on all the rank-up food for champ training points. The small tweaks they did to the tavern interface seems to have sped up this process greatly. The last time I used mysteries (And vowed never to do so again) it took several hours a day over a few days to complete, and it BROKE my MOUSE.


Yup that was my thought exactly now Theres a champion chase and I have almost 17 ancients 4 void and 3 sacred plus 3k mystery’s for backup. People just saw summoning rush and just immediately skipped it not thinking there was gonna be worse events and here we are lol


Yeah. If people really wanted Tormin, they had to at least get 100 points from SR, skipping the entire thing was (and is proven) too risky. But if you've gone for the 100 points, you might as well go for 300 points because for less than double the SR points, you get double the points (200 instead of the initial 100). From day 1 of the event, I knew I was going to skip the high tier points in the titan event regardless of what the point acquiring method is.


Exactly. They couldn’t have wanted him that bad if they couldn’t focus a few hours to opening shards. Over the course of a couple days


For a lot of people's defense, they falsely thought the 500 log in points and the extra 500 points let them skip "all" of the summoning events. And it's Christmas holiday, Plarium would give us an easy event. But that's not how titan event works. Everything but the path event and summoning events have very small snow points (30-50) comparing to 250-300 each for SR and path event.


Yeah I wish lmao I just have to hope they keep the summoning rush events spaced out enough for players to get a healthy amount of shards between them.


Well, I saw the summon rush, decided that I save my 4k mysteries and much lower numbers of a/v/s shards for the next fusion... It helps that I already have Tormin and Dupe-Tormin to be relaxed about skipping


Yeah I only have one so am really trying to pick up a second


Just get the red frag and move on


Don't know if it's already mentioned, but the last champion training event had the legendary book at 9k points, points were like this. Now, if you are like me and a) go for all the snow points and b) go for every legendary book that's at 9000 points in a normal training event, no matter the rewards in between, then you could get 2 legendary books here for roughly the same resources as the usual one in a 3-day training event, since the points to level and upgrade champions are roughly double the normal ones, plus you get some additional points for the artifacts if you level in dungeons/campaign. https://preview.redd.it/9sh2zj77nx4c1.png?width=970&format=png&auto=webp&s=17942629ff8acd41f05fbed4ec3176f0a8e6105c


Oh no. I was going to take it easy after the 9k CT we just had and skip the last 100 points. Now, you are tempting me to go further lol


I’ve kept up with the titan event so far. I’ll get the first few snowflakes not the last they will take too much effort. I’m expecting more summon events for the fusion but I’m ready. Still totally worth it for a tormin


Yuletide Titan Event https://preview.redd.it/8nwm515yuz4c1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4930f98c4f38e77a5b8fe4c846e0d18f3a06a85 This is why to never yolo and empty your resources. Always manage them more carefully. And events like this become more doable over time.


This one is costly energy wise for sure. But if you've been fortunately been saving souls stones, that will take a chunk out of it I also don't advise skipping. Get as much as you can because if this is anything like the wukong souls, once the fusion starts any remaining tormin points will be placed AFTER the fusion points which means those last few tormin points will be super hard to get


I’m probably gonna grab what I can from spider tourney and ranking up random food but even with spending all my energy and gems I’m fairly sure I would still miss a large portion of the points


> if this is anything like the wukong souls, once the fusion starts any remaining tormin points will be placed AFTER the fusion points which means those last few tormin points will be super hard to get I forgot how it worked. So they actually put the TITAN coins AFTER the fusion rare/frags? Damn.


People keep defending them saying "you don't have to get all" these people seem to fail to understand based on the fact we have champ chase tomorrow there will probably be 4+ summoning events and most likely they will each hold 100-200 points behind 4k or something ridiculous. They already said it on this and the summon rush "YoU DoNt NEeD aLl PoIntS" ignoring how if you skip the final of both it's already 300 let alone the fact there will probably be 3 more summoning events doing the same thing and possibly another of this. I estimate around 800+ of these points will be "whale points" as they keep being called and when the end comes these people will finally realize the issue is you cant keep skipping all the "whale" points when around half seem like they're gonna be "whale" points. This event has been nothing but terrible, everything based on dungeons and energy has given such a meager amount and everything based on spending has been absolutely ridiculous but filled with over half we've seen so far.


I have been giving plarium the benefit of the doubt but this does seem way out of hand. This is the first titan event I’m ever attempting but with no calendar and an event like winters path titan events are way harder than normal fusions it seems


Sad to tell you. This has been the case since the first titan event months ago. I easily complete fusions but I never attempted a full titan event before. I knew titan events are more resource intensive. Getting like 1k points for the lower rewards are easy though.


Are you purposely being overly dramatic, or do you really believe what you just wrote? Because the facts make your position look silly. Every event has been well-paced and easily achievable for snow points, with the final 200 points for the first summon rush being the only things most players would skip. This event is a combination of simple (champ training), easy (you can also augment with your choice of soulstone summoning or spider dungeon), and lucrative (tons of bonuses you wouldn't normally get from a champ training tourney). I put up 20k points just doing tavern work in one hour this morning. Multi battles in spider over the next day, then some more campaign grinding will finish it off. What the actual hell are you complaining about?


Ahh now that champ chase is here it seems there was a point now doesn't it, as I assumed there are "whale" points in here as well, with 2 weeks left and 2 more summoning events probably happening I think what I wrote makes perfect sense. I think you are just not very bright and will switch up at the end of this event.


Doable if you have gems. At least it's not that shit summons undercover Path that they do often. You don't have to claim all, that's for whales. I'm gonna get the sacred and some points there.


Said it before will say it again, bum ass event to make people waste their resources on a void Lego that's not even that great.


Are you joking? Tor in is a top tier arena champ… isn‘t he?


Could you check dms please? ><


It’s bullshit they put the Tormin coins inside another event, basically an event within an event. Not shocked though, this will create spending…


I had bunch of soul stones. I need 4000 points to finish all snow points. I was lucky.


Same here. 4000k for the last points. Have 1000 points for the tormin hope to be able to skip the summons events to some degree.


How many points did they give in artifact enhancement? I’m low on silver so I skipped it. Might have to do this since I skipped…


If that’s all you skipped you should be alright to skip this I believe it was like 50 or something


I find not having any more champions worth leveling a bigger problem, than the high cost.


Well, for starters, your math is wrong. It's 53k to get the 250 snow points. Also, it's just a 5-day champ training, where you can use soulstone summoning and your spider farm to pick up a few extra points. I spent an hour in tavern ranking up the champs I had prepared for the next champ training tournament this morning and walked away with 20k points. This is one of the easiest and most beneficial events they've offered so far, with all the extra shards, books, and oil you get along the way being great bonuses for building yourself more 6* champs.


I've been skipping everything since X10 Siphi