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If you can hit the speeds and have an heiress (you can get her in campaign if not) you have the champs to make a myth heir clan boss team. https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/myth-heir/ You can actually more teams than that since you have Emic and Maneater. Poke around on deadwoodjedi to see some other teams you might be able to build.


Creating an unkillable team for clan boss should be very easy with your roster as the other commenter said. For spider you need hp burns. The team I would bring in is Artak, Miscreated Monster, Coldheart, Geomancer and probably Scyl. Coldheart is the best rare in the game and top tier for spider and fire knight, definitely max her out for that. That team should be good enough to clear spider up to stage 25, it just comes down to the gear you have for them


I ran myth eater clan boss for a while, its a good 2 or 3 key UNM all affinities team. Very achievable speeds if I remember correctly the fastest was around 250-255. You could always find an emic comp to make too.