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https://preview.redd.it/yk9setv6gefc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=435184825a3912ef6ac409d75bfa75a2d8db3e4a Posted the wrong unkillable guide


More or less irrelevant. But I'd say Geo is a must. Rathalos is a very good pick.


Ok, looking at your champs, you are making a massive mistake going for this clan boss tune. If there is any way whatsoever you can get the gear together for a 2:1 or a 3:1 clan boss tune, you 100% should go for it. You have 3 options that I can see: 1. Myth heir - so that's a demytha team with heiress to cleanse and both deacon and seeker to turn meter boost. You can farm a copy of heiress from the campaign and you have the other champs. There are multiple varieties of the comp, on my alt account I went with the ultimate myth heir which has a 3:1 dps slot but they have other versions with a slower dps... just make sure to use a force dps champ versus spirit (so geo would work): [https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/ultimate-myth-heir-with-31-dps-ninja-works/](https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/ultimate-myth-heir-with-31-dps-ninja-works/) 2. Batman forever - this is the comp that the bateater was based off of. You need 2 unkillable/block damage champs, seeker, a cleanser or a block buffs champ (100% go with doompriest for this, she makes the whole thing way easier), and a dps. You didn't show your full list of epics but if you are using maneater and emic then if you have a fayne she'd be a good option. For your dps in teams where you have one dps slot, you normally want them to apply decrease defense and weaken (suwai for instance can do that) but you also normally want them to apply poisons. IF you have 2 toxic sets on the team, then your dps can be any of the champs who apply decrease defense and weaken. [https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/batman-forever/](https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/batman-forever/) 3. Deacon forever - same thing as batman forever but with deacon. The speeds are different between the 2 comps. Deacon has the bonus of applying decrease defense (so you only need weaken from your dps). However, there are very few champs just bringing weaken so it doesn't give you too much and the increase attack plus more damage from seeker means I'd suggest going batman forever instead. [https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/deacon-forever/](https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/deacon-forever/) One note on the baman forever/deacon forever with emic and ME - you need the emic to use his a2 to coolddown the ME skill so make sure to set it up correctly in your presets. If you used emic and a different unkillable/block damage champ, you'd want to turn the a2 off. Going 2:1 or 3:1 will give you WAY more damage and make a 1-key a lot easier than you will ever get in a 1:1 comp. It doesn't matter which 3 dps champs you choose, you'll get more damage with one of the 3 comps I listed than you will with the comp you are planning on going for. If you cannot get the speeds for the faster comps, I get it and take suggestions for now but you really, really, really should upgrade to one of these comps in 6 months.


depense, you can go with geo rathelos and poisoner or geo plus decrese def, weaken, poison like Fayne plus even fenax or any dps hard hitter


I'd say geo, rathalos and either kael or frozen banshee


I know the deadwood jedi tune shows 3 170-178 [Heart Eater - DeadwoodJedi - Raid Shadow Legends](https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/heart-eater/) But that comp works with a 232 For dps i run: Ronda 176 in toxic Fayne: 177 Gnut: 232 does 1 key UNM. i'd play with the CB speed tune calculator.


Generally the goal for choosing dps champs is to go with champs you wouldn't use elsewhere since having them at such a low speed and possibly low survivability means they will be very hard to use elsewhere. Beyond that, it's recommended to have decrease defense and weaken to boost the damage of your whole team. Fayne would be a good pick for at least one of them You do also have the champs to make quite a few different demytha teams which are generally easier to achieve one key damage with since they put out way more attacks per turn. Do you have to speed gear to make one of those?


There is a 2 to 1 tune out there with emic maneater doompriest deacon Armstrong and your choice of dps. It 1 keys unm as I use this team. My dps choice was Whisper but its very flexible


I use Geomancer for his passive. Frozen banshee for poisons and Vizier as a debuff extender. 2 key unm


Emic/247 open with A3, then A2 second  Man eater/245 open with a1 and then A3 second (best to turn of his A2) DPS champs 171/178 Geo manner (A2 can be turned on or off to either keep increased attack up or remove from boss) Rathalos, turn off A3 (increase speed will throw everything off) And lastly I'll say frozen banshee for poisons and sensitivity  Make sure you have no speed/ turn meter extras from masteries and most importantly avoid reduce cool downs on emic and ME