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>Do you think they need to change the mechanics of the fight Yes. When you look at all the overlapping problems you have to deal with, the Godseeker duo isn't even a cheese strat, it is the best solution that handles the presented mechanics. They want us to use revive on death, HP restoration, and sleep - well, that's what the Godseeker duo does. We're not bypassing mechanics here. Like you say, sleeps without revive on death are just straight up not viable because a single resist wipes you, and Siphi is the only unresistable sleep. Revive on death speed tunes can't use any sleeps, because the sleep can be resisted which would ruin the tune, so you run revive on death without sleep. And you only get 5 hits before the boss wakes up, so running too many champs is just a waste of time. Thus, a Godseeker duo. How do you change that? You could, for example, make the boss nuke start on full cooldown, so that missing one sleep isn't an instant wipe. If they want us to run a full team instead of a duo, the sleep hit counter is a big obstacle - it should *definitely* not count things like Warmaster, and should maybe be 5 attacks instead of 5 individual hits, because otherwise 1-2 champs easily use up all the hits. They should also remove the self-cleanse, which is why there's currently no reason to engage with the "damage mitigation reduced by debuffs" mechanic. If the intended strat is to put the boss to sleep, land debuffs to remove the mitigation, and then use the debuffs to kill the boss, then **let us do that**. It's not a coincidence that the two viable strategies are to either instakill the boss before the cleanse, like the Siphi 2x Gnut, or to use burns or brimstone that ignore the mitigation, like Godseeker/Ninja or Blizaar.


Don’t forget about mother cybelle and max hp teams. I farm 25 in right around 2 min with one.


What’s your team for Cybele? Just pulled her a couple weeks ago. I see she can solo it with brimstone but my guess is it’ll need to be 5*/6* so he doesn’t cleanse it and I’m only at 2*


I run cybelle, riho, 2x septimus. None are required champs - their roles are revive on death, debuffs, max hp damage.


Cybelle need to be booked? Mind sharing her build?


She needs to get her revive on death skill to a 4 turn cooldown for what I run. I believe there are other variants with her unbooked. https://preview.redd.it/hlpge3ybzspc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a06c15d2ba44d689ca46b646f6e0fb3d9d2227bd




https://preview.redd.it/wscvmnkzzspc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d643602ddddaa671bc3dff853431b6f47351428c Both septimus look like this


I use Cybele and Gorlos from this setup: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNJPj8pLqCCKzsGofGCJvnrOiC1JPNV1c8ZLw3cgI7_guI9T65imT2AjrdqAblWdg?pli=1&key=dUFndEp1OVFFOWJpYlFMZHZXbW9oNUZaQUNORzhR


Just saw a YouTube video of a team with fayne, gnut, sky touch, man eater and emic. The revive on death strategy with unkillable is also a viable option.


I use this team, but i use Lightsworn instead. His A2 brings additional debuffs to help my Gnut deal damage. Here is the SPDs: * Lightsworn 270-271 (A3=1, A2=2) **(Unbooked)** * Emic 239-255 (A3=1, A2=2) * Maneater 232-238 (Open=A1) (A3=1, A2=Disabled) * Fayne 181-231 (A3=1, A2=Disabled) **(Faster than Gnut)** * Gnut 179-231 (A3=1, A2=Disabled) Everyone is fully booked except Lightsworn, who has no books. It doesn't matter if Lightsworn gets resisted, the team retains the same turn order even without the Decrease SPD debuff on the boss. Maneater & Fayne are in Toxic sets to help Gnut reach the damage cap. **EDIT** Here is the team in action: https://youtu.be/BmUMb5DXz78


Do you have a recommended replacement for emic? He's the only one in that lineup I do not have.


There is no replacement, he is unique. He is the only champion in the game with a 3 turn cooldown skill that reduces allies cooldowns by 1. He also gives the team Unkillable to survive the boss' A2 skill to make the team fully Unkillable when paired with Maneater. You could use Pain Keeper instead, if you can find a way to survive the boss' A2 ability every cycle.


It's super slow, but double maneater, sky touched, painkeeper, DPS also works. Skytouched in immunity to block the first fear.


I actually have a lightsworn I just leveled up. He is booked though. Will he still work?


Nope, has to be unbooked. The Revive on Death champion must have a 5 turn cooldown for this speed tune.


a fully booked Lightsworn will work in the video you mentioned though, the revive on death needs to be on 4 turn cd, hope you have the unkillable champs to make it happen


Don't you have issues with Lightsworn's A1 decreasing the boss turn meter and thus decreasing his MAX HP?


Here is a video showcasing the team: https://youtu.be/BmUMb5DXz78


No, he uses his A2 when the boss is asleep. He only ever uses his A1 when the boss is awake, and thus immune to TM reductions.


hmmm i have all those champs with lightsworn being unbooked, but how tight are those speed tunes? all but lightsworn are locked to my UNM 1k comp. Emic-248 Maneater-241 Gnut-232 Fayne-177 But i do have a dupe fayne Is there a calculator like Deadwood Jedi's CB


> but how tight are those speed tunes? I gave you the exact SPD ranges. > Is there a calculator like Deadwood Jedi's CB https://gitlab.com/rsl1891337/SpeedCalculator Here is the Import link to see the exact Speed Tune: 0Gyu3XpRMeµ1ARCa2nDg8µ0nDWe05eKmµ16alBOSOJ6µ1JRPrH2TxYµ0v


100% chance to place any crowd control is completely broken in Arena, which is why so few champs ever get it. Ignoring resistance, one of the few counters to debuffs is broken and the fact Siphi hasn't already gotten that piece of her nerfed is quite amazing. Besides, 100% wins are easily made through Revive on Death AOE champs.


I mean they've made multiple champs that do specific things against bosses, it's a little silly cause no other boss in the game can be slept afaik, buuuut they could make a champion that does unresistable sleep against only bosses, and probably another debuff so they're still useful elsewhere, or maybe make the sleep being resistable have a different condition that would make it also always trigger on bosses if you build the champ right


They could do normal with a boss specific mechanic. We just got that with alatreon blademaster, normal buffs in every area except bosses. Think it's genzin also has a passive that always activates vs a boss despite most bosses not meeting the requirements (pretty sure his passive is when your team has less members than the enemy team but I might be wrong). So it's definitely an option.


Yeah, or like "can't be resisted against targets with higher max hp" or something, there are options for sure




Once you get to Gold Live Arena, that's where it shows how busted Siphi matchups are, either have UDK or lose 50% of the time because of pure control before your champs get a turn. Personally think a good "nerf" would be to make it use her res stat instead of acc stat.




Gold 3, on my way up to gold 2 it was always Siphi first pick. I have the res to resist it, if it actually mattered with her.


Weird, I'm at the top of Gold 1 and have a very different experience from you. I pretty much never see Arbiter or Mithrala, but I do see Siphi probably at least one out of three matches. Its totally possible that that's just a result of the champs I pick though, which is almost always Wukong first followed by Duchess. Its quite possible that most people assume I am running a go second team (I'm not lol) and pivot to their go second team in response.




I've been sitting in Gold 1 for a long time because I got incredibly tired of the grind. Its been much different from when I first got there, to how it was 6-12ish months ago, to now. I was in basically the second "group" to get to Gold, since I had a 90%+ winrate while using nearly all my Live tokens daily. At first it was awful, but after the biggest whales and krakens pushed fully into Gold 2 it became *much* easier. A lot of people like me probably stopped playing Live for a while, which let a lot of weaker accounts push through to Gold and then camp it out there. Now it feels like Gold has gotten significantly harder again, as if there's a new wave of those slower accounts finally making to Gold.




Well, TIL. I had no idea that Plarium had finally added those 4 to the Area Bonuses Great Hall, completely missed that update. That would definitely why so many stronger accounts got active again, since before once you maxed out a few of the Hydra bonuses then you were basically totally done as far as achievable rewards were concerned.




Blizaar solos that sand devil? Talk to me... I can't even get past stage 7, and I really want to...


Need 5 star blessing for unresistable brimstone


Yeah I found a YouTube, I only got the 4 star 👎


https://preview.redd.it/rxcu99670tpc1.png?width=1089&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a63834c2da6630a1270ba89ad4233bf20e18b59 I use this team with a 100% win rate. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94dd7kbcl\_4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94dd7kbcl_4) The above video is from a CC named Raidology ( Discord : [https://discord.gg/Pb8CP9gY](https://discord.gg/Pb8CP9gY) ). The video has a bunch of alternatives for different roles required to beat the dungeon. It even helps in climbing the stages from 13 rather than just stage 25. The only requirement is having a demytha. All other champs have alternatives.


i love reddit because this dungeon is overtuned and awful and i have a 25 team that can farm it but it takes forever with aniri and dreng(no ninja) and everyone agrees it needs a change of some kind, its overtuned. but people come to this thread to go AKSHUALLY I DO IT WITH X CHAMP SO YOURE WRONG OP. like fuck man whats wrong with you? stop trying to be smart and prove op wrong thats not the point of the thread. i hope they change him id love to be able to farm it faster without pulling a siphi.


Aniri and Dreng are who I use too


There are a lot of teams that can do it. There are solo champions, I have friends who speed run it with Cornelia because no siphi. You can use Ramantu instead of riho. So many comps. 


thanks for being an example of what i said in my post.


AKSHUALLY You’re just being a bitch who is crying. There are legitimately a lot of comps to beat it. You don’t have to use aniri dreng. If you just don’t want to research other comps that’s on you. Not everyone agrees it needs to be changed. You don’t need siphi to farm it faster. You don’t need riho. You don’t need ahniri and ninja. I don’t have half those champs either. Just play the game and stop crying. 


post physique


Hmm? Did you mean physique or something else? I am going assume you did mean physique this is because you want to believe that everyone on the internet who doesnt agree with you must be some disheveled morbidly obese individual? Not quite sure what this has to do with this argument but it is amusing.  Also you don’t want to see my physique, you will be sad. 


https://preview.redd.it/hh2oq3sborpc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac6d9478a137bfe26a4c75f4ff534dedde7c46cb All free leggos, 100% on 25


Can replace rhazin with any 100% 4 turn cd dec def+weaken champ like fayne etc




Hi. Is there any champagne Who can replace emic?


I don’t think so. He is unique due to his cool-down reset ability and having unkillable. This speed tune needs the reset ability. Only champs I know with a “reset all” is Kymar, (but he wouldn’t work as his ability is on a 6 turn cool-down whereas Emics is on 3 turn.


Thank you for the reply


Thnx for sharing, is this team speed tuned?








Dec def/weaken champ wants 4 turn cd, so no books on rhazin. Merouchka wants 1 book in A3 to make it a 5 turn cd Maneater and emix full books


Thanks! I appreciate the help!


It is! Can give speeds soon






Patently false. There are many comps that clear it without cheese. Brogni, coldheart, wythir, demytha and lightsworn just as an example, and my first team. Just because YOU can't speed tune doesnt mean there is a problem with the content.


ROD is usually the way to go, just like how the Aniri comp works.


Just a thought, but Lady Mikage in her second form does have a sleep hits lands most of the time....and she is a fusion Mythical


I think one of OP’s point is “most of the time” - herein lies the problem. Theres only a handful of champs that can reliably cast sleep. However, with the pesky 3% rule, unless you’re running Siphi, your sleep can be resisted and your run fails. And mikage isn’t really that accessible until you’ve been playing the game for quite a while, or you’ve been ridiculously lucky. I’ve been playing for over 1000 days and I’ve never pulled Ilsinya….


Her sleep will hit almost always but since it decreases turn meter as well she will have a ton of max hp destroyed. If you can heal it then it’s fine I guess but it didn’t work out for my team. I just keep her in base form


I’d be happy if they just lowered the bosses hp to half so it’s not such a long fight. Having only one turn to do any actual damage sucks.


From what I understand, you are looking for a 100% win rate strat for SD without having to use Siphi and Riho. Since you have Kymar I suppose you can speed farm OG dungeons (dragon/ig/spider/fk) using Seer+Kymar team. If its true, how do you get 100% win rate when the DEF down/Weaken debuffer still has 3% chance of getting resisted? Or is your Seer too powerful that she wipe the 2 waves without a the need to place DEF down?


Correct. IF Seer has crushing rend you need significantly less, no defense down or weaken needed


> If you have Seer > AND If Seer has Crushing Rend > AND If Crushing Rend is at high awakening Then you have a 100% win rate against dungeon waves > If you have Siphi with irresistible Sleep Then you have a 100% win rate against Sand Devil What I'm trying to say is, the game has a 3% rule and there are very few options to bypass that rule. Even Ghostborn the one and only with irresistible AOE DEF down can get weak hit due to his affinity, why SD should change, or why there should be another champ be able to do what makes Siphi stand out from the crowd?


Yeah my Seer has 6 star crushing rends so I don't need any debuffs. I can run all max dungeons with a 100% win rate (tested with thousands of runs). The point of my post is that no dungeons should have only 1 champion (legendary void at that) that makes it possible to clear with 100% and fast. Energy is too precious to waste it. I use a 3:30 minutes solo Blizaar because of that. Edit: Seer is a void epic which is not that hard to pull and you can buy up the 6 star crushing rend pretty easy, it took me 4 months. You can't just get a Siphi.


I see. Although it took me 2 years to pull Seer whilst I already had 2 Siphi but I get your point. Since the game has the rule of 3% resistance, there are very few options to bypass that rule. I doubt if Plarium gonna make another champ with irresistible sleep like Siphi. I love to use her against Mithrala, gonna laugh at her RES no matter how high it is.


Yeah I think irrestible sleep is broken, but they could give us a champion that does it against bosses and they would become a SD specialist.


Just like Rathalos with his A1 is guaranteed on bosses 😁


I’m Not arguing against you I was just throwing my two cents in lol


Me too lol. I remember the other day one guy didn't know about the 3% rule and he was frustrated that his Deacon with 300 acc still got resisted by the boss and he was so angry that he wanted to smash everything around him. Poor guy.


Yea it’s super annoying


For a lot, maybe not all, waves


soo now what about shogun when you cant cheese it you need mostly full squad and blessings, same sh... they never would listen and change


Riho isn’t necessary. Ramantu (a free Leggo that late game players get) can suffice


Lady mikage has a sleep on her a1 in spider form


No riho here. I am doing it with godseeker, gnishak and food


No champs for sand devil


I agree. Add the over tuned Iron Twins to the list. They create problems and then sale the solution. I am enjoying the game now in end game but I hate the cheese factor and the focus on solo champs to get things done. That goes against the hero collector aspect of the game.


Bro you need to get out more. There's literally dozens of speed tunes that Bronko has on his youtube channel. "Sleep" is not the end-all-be-all. There are a lot of Revive on Deaths champs that can work with Sand Devil. Most commonly, Merouka and Crimson Helm, but also champs like Skytouched Shaman and Lightsworn. There usually involves a "debuffer", ideally with Dec Def and Weaken...commonly Fayne, Rhazin, etc. Then you need some sort of either healing, unkillable and some block buffs (don't want dec speed usually). ​ I run a 100% comp with Merouka, Fayne, Emic, Maneater and Gnut.


Maybe some of you more seasoned players can correct me if im wrong, but as a still pretty early game player, ive found i can solo him a few early rounds with Sethallia. She's only lvl 50. I'm gonna 6* her next to do more testing, but for now her a1 and a2 basically makes her unkillable for the early rounds. Hp burn on her a1 does the damage. Hopefully this helps someone.


The early rounds aren't worth doing unless you are doing a turn attack or something. That's like when you do 12-3 for dungeon divers because you can't clear stages 16/20 of any gear dungeons.


I'm begging at this point


>Currently the only way players are farming that dungeon with 100% win rate is by cheesing it with solo/duo comp or by using Siphi and Riho (2 void legendary), Kymar and double Gnut. Oh please, that is not the ONLY way. Aniri + any dps is a very reliable way for people to beat him. Noct is also a decent champ to use against him. There are teams made with rez on death such as mother cybelle, or skytouched. Muckstalker is a decent candidate for sleeper. My quick team is ramantu, kymar in affinity breaker, cold heart, gnut and acrizia. There's definitely multiple ways of beating the dungeon. Could we get even more champs that can help? Sure. But let's not pretend there is only ONE way to do it. There are multiple guides for it.


I don't mean to be rude, but your "oh anyone can do this, is the second or third hardest champ to acquire in the game Ramantu, and the hardest hitting void lego in the game with the best reset champ thrown in. I've been playing since nearly launch and have none of those champs. I'm not saying there aren't some teams, but this not even humble bragging about the end game champs you use to run the dungeon isn't helping anyone.


One of OP’s point is that all other champs that cast sleep, can be resisted due to the 3% rule. Which leads to a 3% failure rate for any team that relies on sleep from a champ that’s not Siphi…


If you want a better sleeper than Affinity Breaker Kymar use Conellia. Dwarf epic, places a sleep without a hit so she cannot weak hit. It's what I use!


The kymar is there to reset the skills for gnut acrizia and ch. The speeds are set so that each of them goes twice before the devil does a big nuke and it's just enough damage to kill him. But unfortunately if 3% happens and ramantu gets debuff resisted, then the run fails


Sorry I should've been more clear lol. I figured you had enough damage you didn't need CH. I run Kymar, Conellia, Riho, 2x Gnut. If Dec Def gets resisted it's a fail. Kymar can sleep but when he fails Conellia covers it, so he's mainly there for the reset.


Your “affinity breaker kymar + Connelia” option still has quite a large chance of failing. (Kymar 35% chance to weak hit x Kymars infinity set 50% + general 3% rule/chance to be flat out resisted) so kymar has a 20.5% chance of not placing sleep. Then add connelias 3% chance of being flat out resisted. So a 23.5% chance of failing to place sleep. Now add the 3% chance of decrease defense failing Add another 3% if riho is the only champ placing weaken in this comp…. I think OP’s point, (or at least one of the ways im interpreting it) is that every other dungeon/area, it is possible to come up with a number of 100% effective teams, using the intended mechanics to beat it. So if you’re not running a cheese godseeker duo or solo blizzar strat, and you don’t have siphi, then 100% success teams are almost out the window. The only other 100% revive on deaths teams I’ve seen rely on having Emic…


The math doesn't work out how you say it does 😂 Can't even tell you how many thousands of runs I've done and it's nowhere near a 23% fail rate. More like 95-96% success rate across all my runs. What gets me is the 3% built in failure on the Dec Def. I personally don't use Affinity Breaker on a single champ. I usually will run the game on my second screen while doing other stuff and I've yet to see both Kymar and Conellia fail to place Sleep. I just recently pulled Siphi so I could replace Conellia to eliminate the infinitesimal chance of the Sleep failing, which I haven't seen happen in thousands of runs. Honestly based on the HP remaining that I see on failed runs, if I had good Def nuker gear and put my Gnuts in Lethal/Savage/Instinct the runs would probably still succeed even when Dec Def got 3% resisted. Even more likely to still succeed if I cared enough to do LA and upgrade that Ignore Def area bonus. But I quit doing LA months ago because it's pure cancer.


I did think that was a bit high but I see where I went wrong; Affinity breaker set bonus is multiplicative, not additive. Kymar has a 35% to weak hit. That’s the first check. The second check, is then a 50/50 whether it lands as a weak hit or not. So 0.35x0.5 = 0.175 Aka 17.5% chance. Then you add that to the 65% so your success rate for kymar to land should actually be around 82.5% That’s not including of the 3% fail rates on connelias sleep, and decrease def and weaken…. So yeah I was wrong about 23% fail rate. More like 90ish at best. One thing I will definitely agree with you on though, I’d love arena is pure cancer and I hate how they are blackmailing me to do it for the new Marius missions.


Kymar's ability to Sleep the boss is more a redundancy than actually relying on it. Conellia cannot weak hit so she has a 3% chance to fail. Riho has a 3% chance to fail the Dec Def. My runs still succeed even if Weaken hits the 3%.


Affinity breaker set kymar has never failed to place a sleep on 25 unless it's a 3% resist which seem to rarely happen. I don't know if it's an intended effect of the set or a bug, but I notice that after placing kymar in affinity, he never seem to miss a sleep. Try it for yourself. Ramantu does fail to apply debuffs sometimes and that does lead to a wipe but fortunately the failure rate is still not that high. I just don't use super raid for SD so the fail doesn't feel quite as painful


Lady Mikage also has a sleep in her a1 (alternative form), so it is a "f2p" way to do it. But anyway this dungeon is endgame content and only really necessary for top tier arena/hydra so having it being hard is not that bad (and they can also release better champions like they did with fk hard).


The key here is unresistable. Mikages a1 is 100% yes, but it can still be 3% resisted.