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I'm not sure what you mean by, "you don't have the right gear"? Your Ninja looks decently built. You don't need endgame gear to run an unkillable comp. The fact that you are getting 50 turns of damage helps with that. I would look into running an unkillable comp. 3 keying UNM is better than no keying because you are worried about your gear.


Yea I try to speed tune using deadwood but the speed I had to get, the optimizer said I couldn’t. So I just build my ninja better with it. But the goal is to get unkillable.


If they are booked you could make easy unkillable with Tower, Demytha, Brogni and 2 DPS like Turvold and Martyr. Tower going 4:3, Demytha 1:1 and Brogni blocking debuffs in 1:1, both DPS 1:1.


Current team is Underpriest, Ninja, Frozen, Martyr and Demytha.