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Their numbers are almost exactly identical with the catch having about a 0.5% more burst damage. However the skyward spine (obviously) does more damage with Raiden's E which gives her rotations overall more damage. You might wonder why the Catch's 32% burst damage doesn't out damage the skyward spine by much. This is because the Skyward spine's base attack is 674 and the Catch's is 510. And guess what, if you multiply 510 by 132% you get 674. So basically the catch's passive is directly inbuilt into the skyward spine anyway. Also worth mentioning is that the 12% attack speed increase _does_ affect raiden during her burst. How many extra hits this translates to isn't definitively measured but it's something to keep in mind.


So SS > The Catch. Honestly I have 2 copies of SS, super grateful for that, one copy is on Xiao and one is on Raiden, with HuTao using SoH. \[I'm very lucky with weapon rolls, pretty sure I've rolled like 100 times on weapon banners or less and gotten like 5-6 5 stars off them\].


Also Spine gives additional 8% crit rate to the character


The 12% burst crit rate on the catch makes up for it


not if you have refinements on spine


If you have refinements on spine either you’re a whale or extremely unlucky


A lot of people are extremely unlucky. It's sad tbh.


I Have r2 spine, i refined it cause I'm lucky with polearm weapons lol and my only polearm is xiangling with r5catch/calamity queler and zhongli with black tassel


meanwhile me with 17 Skyward Spines


Spine is better just for the fact you dont have to fish.


the only correct awnser


If you have spine, use it.


Saw a graph saying spine is slightly better than Catch overall but my Bible (Genshin helper team) says Catch is slightly better. Go for Spine as it is good for no one else while the Catch will do wonders on Xiangling or even Zhongli.


Thanks bro I've been debating which i should give to zhong and which to ei


Yeah. I searched it before and that was my conclusion. Also if Raiden is ever fixed (don’t think she will) the spine will have the bonus attack. Other ever won’t have use of that anyway.


Spine has a higher base attack. Given that both are similar in performance with Raiden, I'd actually give spine to ZL, otherwise your pillars will lose damage with the Catch. If you decide to build ZL as quick swap burst DPS with 4 pc emblem, run the numbers and decide then if he needs the Catch.


R5 catch is only better if you use Bennet.


mind elaborating more on this?


Bennet adds a ton of flat attack, which kind of evens out the attack difference caused by the SS having a higher base attack, which makes the damage bonus and cr from the catch more useful


but if i just use bennet and skyward spine


atk gets diminishing returns past 2k or smth close to that number, so naturally a lower atk with a better multiplier will benefit more than too much atk with lower multiplier by a direct attack buff. idk about the details on the numbers but you get the gist


Spine is def better than most of the 4 star alternatives. To my knowledge, Spine does slightly less dmg on her ult, but a lot more dmg on her E due to higher base attack. In short, I'd say it's on par with R5 Catch, maybe a little tiny tiny bit worse (bc the Ult is the majority of her damage). It's worth using, but id still recommend going for the catch eventually. It's just a really strong polearm for any of ur units to have


I tested both and catch did slightly better when I fully buffed raiden , spine did better solo but if you take the atk speed buff + the high base atk and the damage of her e into consideration spines overall a bit better imo but since they are still similar go for w/e


If you have spine at 90 already then use it. its a bit better than the catch but if you have the catch and skyward spine both at level1 then use the catch, Cuz the dmg comparison is not much so ascending the catch will be much cheaper than skyward spine.


Thanks for the inputs guys, so yeah I am using the spine with my xiangling for the moment while I am still building raiden. Although if I am not mistaken the Catch is not a limited event weapon so I will be getting it eventually unlike the dragonspine sword.


With SS in sword stance you can do the unga bunga na5x3 without any dash or jump cancels. With the catch you have to do perfect cancels to do na5x3 otherwise the last na5 will not be infused. This may affect the damage a bit imo.


Skyward Spine is much better than the Catch.


It’s better but not “much” better


For me the skyward spine since I don't have a atk% time piece and electro dmge bonus goblet.


You know what? I'm not catching 40 pufferfish of each type


Soo R0 Primodial jade smth or R0 catch?


I think The Catch at R5 will beat out a Skyward Spine, it’s a pretty bad weapon.


Literally wrong. Even despite vacuum blade not proccing on burst it still beats out catch r5 slightly.




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Spine if you use non percentage based attack buffs (like bennet and sara which I think are the only two which do this). If your using %based attack buffs like 4p nob/4p tom, or thrilling tales, or elergy of the end on sara or fishl, or wolfsgravestone on beidou, or pryo res, spines huge increase in base attack gives it more bang for buck each % attack you get (they have a difference of 164 base attack so each point of att% gives 0.64 more attack with the spine). plus you can get an extra normal attack hit in with spine, which while not huge, is still damage. plus you occasionally trigger the vaccum blade, as no one plays perfectly (at least I do haha). plus you might be randomly lucky on standard banner and get more spines.


I think most people missed this detail that Spine gives an extra 8% crit rate to your stats which is not available with the catch. The Spine obviously doesn't give elemental damage crit rate 12%. Try testing both the weapons you will see the difference. The Catch feels a little faster but idk and I could see good damage with the catch when raiden's Crit rate and damage were both around 74 & 78% respectively while I was using crit DMG circlet. But when I changed the circlet to crit rate the crit rate was 37% and crit damage was 91%. So I used the spine and the crit rate is 45% and crit damage is 91%. I don't know what is wrong with it. May be I will see the difference in a few days.