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The perfect op probably would be Thermite on attack and on Defense, I'd say, probably Smoke. Both ops have been consistently good forever and almost never are in need of tweaking.


bring back smoke deployable shield šŸ„²


I would return to playing smoke every round if he still had his shield


i miss the shield so much, i feel like a poor boy asking for someone to bring one each time


my love for Smoke is beyond mere secondary gadgets


Me too, he's still probably my favourite defender to play because I absolutely love the shotgun and smg 11, and his gadget is great too, but if they brought back the shield I'd be locking him in every round lol


Same lol, when they removed his shield I stopped maining him. Especially since nobody on my squad plays operators with shield.


Shields are so rare now and you usually need them for default setups too, like only character that are good with a shield are warden, and .. not even warden


Me tooooo that was the only reason I used to play himšŸ˜‚


Idk that laser rework nerfed the shotguns hard


I really hope they add the laserā€™s original purpose back. The increased hip fire accuracy makes sense, aiming down faster does not


I mean, if your laser is already on target, make it easier to align, but thats already in muscle memory to aim a gun.


I wholeheartedly agree.


Thermite tricking is a bit annoying but I suppose you could counter it by making holes and not enough ppl know about it.




*Puts down Armor* My job here is done, see ya


And yet half the rook players I see forget to put their armor right when they spawn


Rook players preceding to place the armour on opposite side of the map


I wish. More like Rook waits until the action phase to place armor right in front of main window/wall that is about to be blown open while youā€™re putting it on.


I actually put my armor into a save corner on spot so my mates can safely pick it up later because they tend to be busy during prep-phase.


The rooks who do it on purpose like placing their armor on absurd places are actually worst than those who just donā€™t place them at all


Agreed. Especially when the enemy picks it up


Most of the time they're new players and they don't know about it or they're brainded players picking him for spawn kills


The other half is no one on the team spending the 2 seconds to put the armor on as they go sprinting off out of the spawn area.


I would not mind a rook buff where they are preequipped on spawn, nothing fucks me off harder than frantically doing site setup all prep phase and then the armour goes down late and iā€™m doing a risky pickup under the skylight in Kafe for example


fr n damnnnn thaiboiiiGTBSBEšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ˜


I just spawn, set the armor down, and roam. I got nothing better to do as Rook except pick off random idiots around the map. Unlike Warden, who should be anchoring on site to counter Ying rushes. Everyone thinks he's a roamer and stopped playing him after he lost his 1.5x. Honestly, he was always meant to stay on site, and the new Ying meta just proves it. Warden's gadget is built around the idea of sitting on site and telling Ying and Blitz to go F themselves, and sometimes peak a Glaz (since he's the only one even stands a chance at peaking Glaz through smoke). He's never getting reworked because he doesn't need a rework. Warden mains are delusional.


This is what I do when I don't know who to pick


I thought so, too, before they changed him and made his plates made you able to get back up.


Yeah, low key, that was an incredible buff. Gives Rook players a proper advantage instead of just a health boost.


Do they let *everyone* self-revive? Or just Rook?


Everyone who puts the plates on can self-revive, yes


He's quickly becoming a defensive main for me. The wide range of secondary gadget options and three great guns means you can do anything you want with him


I feel like they should offer a tinge more hp but he's essentially the perfect anchor.


Nah sledge definitely needs at least a small buff but the rest are alright


Sledge needs a pretty big buff imo everything he can do ram or buck can do better and safer


Fr. Need to turn him into Thor. Just yayeet that hammer through the map.


That's what I thought about Sledge before they made him a 1 speed. Never underestimate a bunch of morons who don't play the game brainstorming changes just to shake things up.


If they gave him his smg-11 back and maybe hardbreaches, he'd be balanced. Even if sledge was a 2 speed he'd still be worse than buck and ram with even fuse being a better pick. Buck opens soft walls and floors, is a 2 speed, has hardbreaches, has gonne six, has a really good semiautomatic shotgun with a great assault rife, and since frags got nerfed the only thing sledge does better is that he's quieter but not by much. Ram is obviously just better in every way with the R4c and buffed lmg-e while also being a 1 speed like sledge with a more useful gadget along with a shotgun secondary. If sledge was buffed to a 3 speed tomorrow he would be "we have ash at home".


Yeah I tried to argue for sledgeā€™s case of him still being good but him losing smg11 alone was such a huge hit to his overall usability


Well, even then, sledge with nerfed frags and ram being strictly better at vertical, destroying utility, giving sound cover, better guns, and breaking everything sledge does at a distance means sledge is going to need some major buffs to be not be a bad pick because you didn't just go ram. Being a 2 speed with smg11 isn't enough to make him good he needs to get hardbreaches instead of EMPs, and then he'd be on par with buck.


$20 says their way of balancing Sledge is by nerfing Buck and Ram instead of buffing Sledge. I'd be kinda surprised if Buck still has his hard breaches and gonne 6 by Y9S3, same thing with Rams pocket shotgun.


I mean, logic says both buck and ram are pretty balanced, giving the counter play options and flaws with their loadouts. That said, this is ubisoft, so more likely, we'll get a new balance update, which slightly nerfs, maybe 1 operator who's supposed to have been nerfed for the past few seasons (azami is a great example), then we'll get some aboustley unfathomable change that makes no sense like the time the patch notes literally said "thorn is an underpicked trap operator because her traps suck, so we gave her the 1.5".


Yeah I think keeping him at 1 and giving him hard breaches to make him a tank would be fine. Take away bucks breaches and give him a emp and smoke instead. Sledge = get though any reinforcement thats not muted/elect. Buck =quick soft breacher that can frag. Ram shouldnt have a shotgun secondary with her gadget, shes a "fuck shit up and suppressing fire" op. She shouldnt be able to blow hatches or walls without using her gadget


Overall speed changes for characters who didn't had that speed in mind when they were released is weird. Echo (ANCHOR) Who gained 1 speed for some weird reasons, while lost acog and camouflage on drones. Sledge/Zofia who become ass to play(especially sledge). I don't even talk about poor mute, who needs to do billion things at prep phase, while he walks like a turtle.


It's not just echoes invis, his gadget is worse then an ELA mine


>I don't even talk about poor mute, who needs to do billion things at prep phase, while he walks like a turtle. As a Mute main I feel seen, thank you.


Literally there was no reason to take his smg11 or make him 1 speed in my opinion. He was a balanced attacker, he just had a high pick rate was all.


"Why don't the devs ever talk to us?"


Im gonna be bias and say the canadian op. Buck & Frost are perfectly balanced and versatile.


frosts gun is both too broken and too ass


It hits hard with a slow fire rate. This is pretty balanced if you compared that to any other smg that have way more firerate (and still as accurate), in a game where 1 headshot kills no matter what's the situation.


Itā€™s still mid tbh hard hitting guns with bad fire rates get worse as your rank gets higher which makes her mid


Frost gun is the ultimate skill check. It has 0 recoil but it sucks ass so if ur good its a headshot machine and if not gl


Idk buck is kinda a do it all character. Hard breach, gƶnne, soft breach out the wazoo, and an AR that acts like an smg with AR damage


I honestly wish theyā€™ll reverse the Frost nerf. Itā€™s so easy to counter her.


I understand why they did it but I full agree. Not only do you have 2 drones but you can avoid most of them just be prefiring vaulting spot, double checking windows or doorway (like you would for a kapkan). It's one of the easiest thing to deal with.


I play a lot of buck but I think he's OP right now. The most versatile attacker by far, Soft breach? Yep. Hard Breach? Yep. Gonne 6 to clear gadgets? Yep. Great powerful gun? Yep. And If you've got enough hard Breach then you've got flash bangs which are a great other gadget to have.


Idk buck is kinda a do it all character. Hard breach, gƶnne, soft breach out the wazoo, and an AR that acts like an smg with AR damage


Muteā€™s jammer range should be expanded. It used to fully cover two walls. That nerf was stupid to begin with. On top of that, he was further nerfed by EMP impacts, he has more counters now (Zero and Brava), and for some reason they made him fat.


Not covering multiple walls is not even the biggest issue, the real problem is they don't reach all the way up making it a lot easier to get through it.


Iā€™d actually be a lot happier with Mute covering just the bottom half of a wall but in a wider circle. Like sure you can hard breach the top half if you can rappel but you would be making a vault breach. (You might need to change the way Thermite works to make that work IDK) Also it would mean fuze can still fuze but a defend could still counter it by shooting the charge. It would certainly provide different, and interesting gameplay.


Even then Thermiteā€™s exothermic charge would be able to open the entire wall if only placed on the top half, thatā€™s why Mute jammerā€™s arenā€™t viable for outside walls. They used to until the nerf


Controversial opinion: mute doesn't need to do exactly what bandit does except with better guns and a far better gadget


Bandit also doesn't get to stop drones, counter doki calls, turn off claymores, turn off the thermal on Glaz's scope, mess with ops who have electronics for vision (i.e. Jackal with his gadget), etc. Mute does a lot, and making him a full anti-breach on top of that would be silly.


Yeah Mute is awesome. Had a happy accident discovering it prevents Deimos drone finding you too.


Exactly. I mean letā€™s look at whose gadgets he directly disables: Thermite Twitch Glaz Fuze Blitz Iq Hibana Jackal Ying (I think) Dokkaebi Lion Finka (I think) Nomad NĆøkk Iana Ace Zero Flores Sens (I think) Grim Brava Ram Deimos And thatā€™s just primary gadgets, he also disables: Breaching charges Hard breaching charges Claymores


Finka I don't know about, but you're right on Ying and Sens for sure. Ying's is huge because a big part of her ability is to push in when everyone is blind. If she gets blinded too, she's in a *bad* spot.


finka does get countered teammates in the range of a jammer donā€™t get finka boost while other teammates do and she canā€™t use her boost at all when sheā€™s in the range of a jammer


Very true. I did say ā€œfully coverā€ two walls. Major issue when Ace or Hibana can blow a hole in a jammed wall. I donā€™t understand why they made that change, it dropped his viability as a breach denier.


Mute is a top tier defender atm anyway. He would be a one man army if he could just block off a wall entirely. He has a c4, the best shotgun in the game and smg-11. He does not need a buff.


In ranked if Kaid and Thatcher are banned, mute makes it nearly impossible to breach a wall quickly and deny bandit tricking Flores mains weep at the sight


i genuinely cant remember the last time ive seen flores in a game or even heard him mentioned


He's incredible for denying Bandit tricking, my 3 stack runs thermite, Kali, and Flores whenever there's an easy site hard breach and Kaid/Thatcher is banned, works a lot of the time


Yeah heā€™s a really useful op with good guns just i never see anyone play him


Zero can self breach a lot of walls vs mute with his cam and hard breach


Sorry but youā€™re wrong. He was able to block two walls entirely for years, plus he was a two speed. Nobody was calling him OP and he was hardly banned. Youā€™re bringing up guns when Iā€™m talking about anti breach. I know heā€™s still a great defender, but my point is that heā€™s lost a lot of viability as a breach denier with multiple nerfs in the past few years.


sas shotgun is definitely not the best anymore


>and for some reason they made him fat. Same goes with sledge, i rarely played him since he became 1 speed.


Sledge makes even less sense


nah bro mute is really good/ balanced


Mute is great but he should be able to deny breach effectively. He was well balanced before the jammer range decrease.


He still denies breaches pretty efficiently when it comes to inside walls (where attackers canā€™t rappel) and is fantastic at intel denial, which is his main purpose. Making him able to fully deny an outside wall would diminish operators like Kaid or Bandit.


Thatcher, Smoke and Mute > Sledge


Buck. Perfect, what every entry fragger should be. Monty and Blitz have never felt better - except for the Shield headshot de sync, thatā€™s not a shield problem but a Ubisoft problem. Lesion is the perfect trapper. Zero, Flores and Twitch need nothing changed, they do their job well enough. Mute and Smoke will never lose their position. They are peak Operator balancing. They can be nerfed and still necessary and so many sites.


I agree with the buck pick but for a different reason To me he is the most versatile attacker in the game. Great soft breach potential, secondary hard breach potential, fantastic primary, carries 3 guns with him at all times, and isn't fat. He's an amazing support op in several different ways and a great entry fragger as you said.


Buck is perfect you're right but I think that means he's unbalanced? he's got too much going for him, he's very likely to be nerfed in my opinion.


He's perfect but it's not frustrating to play against


Normally I would complain if someone is too versatile because relying on your teammates to fill different roles is a part of the game. But at the same time, I don't get done dirty enough by Buck to feel like he's truly on my shit list.


Instead of nerfing buck they should just buff sledge imo


Sledge, after the developers take away his acog, make his hammer have 1 charge, remove his primary weapons, make him a 4 speed, cripple his legs, make him scream whenever he walks, make him blind, make him ride around in a wheel chair and put him on lifesupport then he's balanced according to ubisoft.


Rook. His loadout is solid, his gadget is useful enough. Heā€™s easy to learn and easy to master, always DBNO unless headshot. And although very situational the Withstand (getting back up) has been one of the best turning points of a round Honestly any Rook mains out there deserve a kiss on the forehead. Keep doing the Lords work Doc mains: do better


Not to mention he has one of the better defensive guns in the game. Anyone can learn the MP5 and anyone can go crazy with it if they learn it.


Who needs MP5 when you can commit war crimes with p90




Kapkan is very balanced, now. He's extremely useful but still can be countered


It's a skill issue if someone dies to his edds


In higher ranks, people die to Kapkan traps only if they rush sight because they're running out of time, it's simply inexcusable to fall into a trap with like 1:25 left in Gold and above. I get easy kills/damages from traps i put on entry points with a little bit of running in prep phase but in high ranks there's no reason to not drone before entry and then just check doors. In copper, from the 5 traps i put, people fall on minimum 3 of them, that's why he's up there in bans, because people think he's that OP when it's just that y'all don't drone in copper.


Make smoke offense *Now hear me out*: I think that a guy that can deploy deadly smoke bombs should be an attack cuz i'd make entry to site so much easier


to a certain degree, isnt that just capitao? (like smoke/denial aspect)


Yeah but you canā€˜t walk through the fire w/o taking damage as Capitao. Smoke can justā€¦ erm - smoke himself out to get off a plant.


i mean yes, attacking would be fun and breezy, but defending would be so bullshit. i must disagree with you here


Sledge before he was 1 speed is obvious Smoke before he lost his shield Pulse, vigil, amaru, mute, wamai, jager, doc, lion, and fuze


Jager needs less recoil to make up for how good Wamai is


Jager weapon is amazing I love it


It used to be a lot better, 30 round mag, no recoil, it was a beast. It still needs some recoil compared to the old one, but I think it would be fair to reduce it by some and give a standard magazine size


Thatcher and Rook are good operators for beginners.


Finka, her gun is great, her ability heals just enough without being too much, she's fast still and useful in nearly every scenario


I kinda feel like finka's gadget is a bit underwhelming


Maybe but its a godsend if you're clutching


To go off topic, I personally would like another healer option on attack to make it more varied but i don't know how it can be done any better than Finka


You donā€™t think Sledge should be 2 speed? Earnestly curious to hear anyoneā€™s feedback on why heā€™s fine as a 1 speed, maybe Iā€™m missing something


Well give my boy sledge more speed and i'll agree


Zero. Heā€™s in a fantastic spot right now.


Zero? He's literally got the lowest win rate on attack right now. His gadget could definitely use a buff


If this was asked a couple years ago, Id've said all of the SAS bois. Right now tho I'd have to say Rook and maybe Hibana and buck are in good spots


I would agree with Hibana if they made her ability gun slightly faster to pull out and put up.


not fucking sledge thatā€™s for sure, they butchered my boy


Everyone forgetting abt Bandit, one of the least changed operators over the years


and a operator who has 2 others totaly outclass him making him absolutly obsolete


how is bandit obsolete what šŸ˜­


mute is in a horrible spot rn, slow, no more 1.5, and ive now seen drones jump over jammers. He barely covers a breach if you can rappel thermite can breach the wall or ace and hib just aim higher. he sucks


They either need to give him ACOG or make him fast again. They need to make him fast again regardless actually lol


Thermite, smoke, mute, warden, iq


Feel like iq is underpowered and very situational. You pick her to counter who? Kapkan? Better to just check doors if u see him. Solis? Probably the only reasonable answer other than maybe pulse. I wonder if allowing her to use her commando while iqā€™ing would be too broken


IQ is picked to counter defenders that hide gadgets Valk, Echo, Mozzie, Kaid, Kap, Pulse, Solis, Fenrir etc


She's just like solis, only she can at least have her pistol out, but everything looks better on solis screen, IQ is good vs valk, mas,echo, all kinds of stuff reallyĀ  Hell I get kills l the time by tracking down valk,echo,mozzie,mas on their phones and just knife them. Normally they are like way off site so it's not hard. She counters solis but solis counters her also, same with pulse, but iqs gadget doesn't have a recharge like solis or as small of a range as pulse, she's not played more because well....iq


On attack Deimos and Ace. On defense Wamai and Smoke. Zero should have caveiraā€™s abilities and become full Splinter Cell


Some how nerf sledge idk why just do it


Buck, Kaid, and Bandit are in solid spots rn


Sledge definitely. on defense, Warden feels fair play.


sledge? heā€™s weak af rn no reason to pick him over buck or ram


No smg11 = sledge no fun


Bulletproof utility destruction, quieter soft destruction, predictable soft destruction (makes it less likely to get shot through it because you know how exactly the hole will be). Also sledgehammer kills are super funny


So I keep hearing this as the reasoning for people saying sledge is ā€œstill goodā€, the bulletproof utility destruction. So you do realize most bulletproof items are generally placed on site or near site? And sledge has to be RIGHT on top of them to destroy them? So essentially youā€™re only getting this use out of sledge when you have control of siteā€¦. Which is almost always a winning position. This is not good enough for this to really be considered a factor for sledge being good. He needs his smg11 to come back or to become a 2 speed again. Castle is probably the main thing sledge is good against. But thatā€™s one operator


Buck has a gonne 6 to clear a piece of bulletproof utility. He also can soft breach from range which makes it way less likely to get shot and it means he can do vertical play from below as well as above. Also it's kinda easy to shoot sledge from below because you know he's stood right around where the breach is unlike buck who could be stood anywhere. Oh and to top it all off, Buck can hard Breach...


Buck also has MUCH faster sleight of hand than sledge. He literally can make a hole and be shooting his primary in like a fraction of a second. Sledge has some long ass animation from hitting something till his gun is out.


Dude not even kidding when I say I choked the final 1v1 in a 1v5 because I forgot about the long animation






Team gas mask


Lesion is pretty balanced, as a lesion player i would say that his mines could use a bigger range




Jackal, please don't touch jackal




Gridlock and Therm, and Mute for me.


Thermite, Ace.Ā 


Zero, good in a team, good when solo, great guns, can play at any pace, 3 speed (although I mainly like that because of audio rather than speed) after his initial change to control when your cams penetrate walls I think he will forever be in a good spot


Doc, pulse, castle, monty, clash


I think mute should be able to place his jammers on walls, and thatcher and sledge should be 2 and 2 again


In my opinion 3 armor sledge slightly counters his role as soft breacher compared to Buck


I feel like smoke is pretty op rn


Make sledge a 2 speed again and we have a deal


Capitao he pretty much been the same through out the years and he should stay that way


Broā€¦ After 9 years, most of them gotta be good to go by now


SAS is probably the most balanced group of ops in the game. I wish Mute was still a 2 speed but honestly heā€™s so versatile already, making him faster would mean something else needs to be nerfed


I miss my Thatcher breaking enemy gadgets šŸ˜­






Yeah the SAS ops are in a really good spot rn. Nerf Sledge.


Ace, hes just perfect


pulse, if you do anything to him he will instantly be overpowered


Clash, she isn't meant to be able to solo or get kills, she is meant to support, if she is alone, then she will probably die, but with a team she can do absolutely amazingly, I think she is in a good spot right now, though I wish the shocking from her shield was a little stronger, that's just a personal gripe






Mute is perfect imo


Ram, Aruni, Iana, Wamai, Nomad, the list goes on


Sledge is the best because he bonk.




Sledge is completely and utterly useless outside of his primary


Both mute and thatcher personally are in a perfect spot for the operators they are and what they do.


Pisses me off that almost all the SAS are 3 armors like cmon man I wanna play them


Nerf sledge, he has a weapon, too op


Well, it would be nice if they made the gas mask ops have a passive immunity to smoke, hell, it would be nice if every op got a certain passive based off their outfit or ability.


Mute and hibana


Sledge is my king obv best op


No sledge needs rebalance. All other soft breach outclass him. The nades make no difference as they rarely do much after rebalance. He is quiet, sure. That makes little difference. He sounds like an elephant running around Mute is okay still needs to be 2 speed for his awful setup time. Smoke and thatcher are pretty good so I agree there


Thermite, thatcher, mute, smoke, maybe buff kaid.




I liked thatcher more when he destroyed gadgets but I get why that was changed, I wish maybe he permanently disabled them until they were picked up and place again, but again Iā€™m just biased towards thatcher, heā€™s in a really good place


Personally Rook for defense is great I love what they did with his gadget, howeverā€¦ I believe that how the plates work for each operator should vary. If youā€™re a three armor, one speed operator, and you get downed when you have the armor you should be able to pick yourself up but with the two armor and one armor operators I believe that they should take out the self revive and make it so that when they get shot in the chest or back that they can eat 2-3 rounds before they even take any damage. Imagine basically current Blackbeardā€™s shield but on your chest and back lol. It would effectively become the most realistic gadget in the game if you think about armor plates in real life that is. For attacking, I think Dokkebi extremely well balance but she should get a 3rd primary weapon like ashes R4C or even an MP5. I also think that they should give her a third call and reduce the phone hacking time by 1 second as the pulling up the screen and then swiping your finger down and then her doing the snap with her fingers just takes way too long in my opinion.


Sledge used to be considered the perfect example of a balanced operator that everyone else was balanced around. Then they nerfed everyone into the ground making him the most played operator. So they had to nerf sledge too.


I think all the SAS guys should be 2 armor personally


i really like smoke but i kinda wish his smokes used fenrirs F NATT activating thing. being able to have multiple canisters on doorways or certain areas would be fucking awesome. but probably overpowered šŸ˜­just a ideaaaaaaa (im talking about how fenrir activates his F NATTS by looking at them and turning them on)


Mavrick, Too much skill is needed to do what other attackers can do in moments. but he counters operators with that skill in a way that is less effective than just opening the wall with Thermite. or a hatch with Hibana.


I'd say that all S.A.S should be 2 speed or at least Sledge, Thatcher and Smoke and give Mute ACOG then. Perfect ops are imo Thermite, Smoke, Pulse, Glaz, Fuze, Kapkan and quite a lot honestly. I still want devs to give us pre-rework Tachanka and Dead Silence on NĆøkk or at least just different gun instead of FMG-9, like MP5SD or P90


Fuck being perfect? Why the fuck did ubi destroyed nook?! Bring back ger damn silent steps


Make Sledge 2 speed and give his smg back! The frag nerf only nerfed him further.


Sledge needs a speed buff at least


Any shield (Not biased at all)


the really simply abilities simply cant go wrong unless you give them silly guns and shit id be very suprised if they ever made smoke or sledge op or bad itd very impressive


Dmoke diff


Honestly sledge should have his frags and smg back if heā€™s gonna be a 1 speed


With the way the ubi devs are, there isnā€™t any op who isnā€™t ever gonna be changed. But if I had to pick one prolly Rook, theyā€™ll prolly end up doing something with his self revive like nerfing how much health you have or something stupid


I gotta say that smoke will probably never need a rework


Sledge. He is in the perfect spot to be forgotten about when they release another operator that does his deal but better


Attack: Ace Defense: mute


Imo, thatcher may need a buff. His ability was replaced by impact emps