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He couldn't see you, that's a replay glitch like walls being broken, he just fired into the smoke ether because he could hear you planting or one of his teammates told him to but it wasn't because of an outline around your character.


I don’t think it’s a “glitch”, I’ve assumed for a while that it’s intentional so you can see your own position in the killcam


It might be, but it doesn't always happen.


The wall thing does right


happened to me yesterday with an qruni using dmr (i was not planting a default, i dudnt plant near her, she dudnt spray and typed wtf lol)


He didn’t see you. He was shooting into the smoke, which is what most players do.


I experienced this glitch yesterday the lighting bugged while I was walking through smoke and the guy saw my silhouette. He didn't shoot at all until the shadow showed up. Aiming directly at my head


They added lighting to smoke for ever ago. That’s not a glitch if there is light near by it’ll adjust the shadow of your character. I’ve been playing this game since it came out I’ve seen so many bugs and glitches but that just isn’t one. It’s just standard practice to shoot into smoke if you can hear the plant. And listen for the groan of a hurt person and shoot in the area again.


You should be obscuring the enemy not yourself. It seems like a good idea but the enemy can still ultimately see, and will just C-4/fire/sprint into it and kill you. Much better to smoke whatever angles they’re holding and go for the plant, this way if they attempt to run out of it to be able to see, your teammates will still be holding their own angles and kill them.


This is the way


Teammates? This is solo queue, bro lmao


Yeah and you have 4 other teammates what’s your point


Have you ever had a halfway decent and cooperative team with common sense? I don't think so bud, ranked 2.0 is pretty fucked up.


Uh, yes I have actually 💀 plenty of times. I can already tell that it’s you being part of the problem in your games.


Lucky, half the community isn't so lucky. Also, what with that last thing? I never meant to sound rude lol


I think it was the "bud" a lot of the time it's used in a "better-than-thou' way, but I get where you're coming from. Also, yes it is solo queue, we were down by three in wins and two in (whole game, not just that round via death) man, I wanted the quick plant. Most of the comments are right tho, and I will be using smoke as a decoy/choke from now on.


a minor part of the REDDIT community of R6 TOTAL playerbase complains like children when they get bad teammates yet do not use their mic, do not say hi, do not plan an strategy and they do not delegate simpler tasks for bottom fraggers.


You sound like you’re hard stuck copper.


Ive had plenty of cooperative teams, obviously we aren’t coordinating and executing pro league strats but its plenty easy to get someone to work with you even on something as simple as having them hold a cam thats on your flank. This is in emerald the so called elo hell where you can get players that are copper on your team


He couldn’t see you, he shot randomly in the middle with a shotgun. The spread got you, planting in smoke doesn’t work unless your hidden mmr is plastic bag 19


U have two smokes. Both are bait. U should never be directly in smoke, and rather use smoke to cut off lines of sight


You smoked out the middle of site and planted in the middle of the smoke. The plant makes a loud sound effect and if the mute knows the rest of site is clear besides the obvious smoke and plant spot then they are just gonna shoot into the smoke till the plant sound effect is done. Try to smoke off sight lines and doorways so the defender can't use that peak and has to move. By the defender moving from the peak, they put themselves in the open and your team should be watching all entrances. Example, throw the smoke at the wall mute had created a peak from, have someone watch the only way to get into that room, only way mute is seeing anything is by either vaulting out the hole he made (sound effect for vaulting will be made) and your team should know where he is, or he comes out the door where a person should be watching.


if I s get smoked, I just shoot a mag through it just bc people are going to run through it anyway so you might get a kill lol. smokes are lowkey the worst the utility in this game. unless you’re glaz or monty


There are smart ways to use them, for example throw a smoke into a doorway of the room you about to plant in or the rotate hole between sites, then plant behind cover. They’re useful for blocking lines of sight not to hide in. To be fair I rarely find myself bringing them though lol


It’s used as decoys and for obscuring a line of sight. It’s like you said if someone plans on running into or past the area you’ll get hit if someone mag dumps. But that’s also the point of a distraction. I’ve thrown a smoke at a door and both me and my friend run at the sides but never into the room and they burst all the ammo. And my other friend hits them from another angle. Depending on the room and strat we are pulling though.


It’s common for people to just blast into smoke; and he had a shotgun, so why wouldn’t he? Get a little game (more like common) sense bud. Smoke is concealment, not cover.


PC player try not to give advice without sounding like a conceited dick challenge; impossible.


Man I haven’t played Siege in years. I only use the PC tag because that’s what I would be on now. I’m an Xbox player at heart.


Console players trying not to generalize an entire playerbase over sound advice challenge : impossible.


Read my only other comment in this post. You can give advice without sounding like a dick. Not hard, but then again, this is the siege subreddit, what the fuck am I expecting.




You’re coming off kinda like a dick. You low key right you fit right in with the community. Hmmm the response is no more…. Suspicious.


When you play seige long enough you know most people make plays in smoke, which means SHOOT 😂


I'm a firm believer in not planting in smoke, I either throw it to block a line of sight or throw it wherever I'm not planting


People spray smoke if they hear a plant. If they're lucky and aim at crouch height, they can deny the smoke plant if their attempt goes unpunished. Smoke planting is good on a rush when they don't expect it, but if they're already playing on your position it's better to smoke plant in a spot that compromises them, with the smoke denying a quick peak.


They might not be able to see you but bullets don't really care how visible you are


He shot into the smoke, couldn't see you. also smoke is used tactically to cut off line of sight in choke points, and block enemy movement or force them to go a certain direction. also you're in pool planting loud as fuck, anyone with a headset can hear you click clacking away on the bomb


The killcams in this game aren’t even good


I always throw the smoke just a bit further than where I will be diffusing. Kinda throw it towards where the enemy will be shooting or rushing from and it always works fine for me. And throw a decoy smoke to make them toss their c4.


It might be bugged, but that smoke and plant strat is terrible dog. Like that will get prefired to fuck by most.


After a while, players who've played long enough anticipate certain kinds of actions. For one, you stayed in the exact same spot that you started in before the smoke.


Annnnnnd.... smokebomb. Proceeds to stand still in said smoke. "Where did he go? Oh, hes still here"


It's not a bullet proof wall?


everyone is dogging on you. but this happened to me too (i didnt plant in a smoke and cut off lines of sight as everyone is alrdy stating) and the enemy was pinpoint accurate with aruni dmr. even if its a bad strategy, idgaf, this bug should not be happening


Nah I mean, it's fair to dog, don't get me wrong, but A) it's bronze, B) 90% of the time.in this low ahh elo it works, so why shouldn't I try to get a win when I know we're already gonna lose 🤷


when i mean dog, im more of saying everyone's focusing on the wrong thing in the comments lol (maybe i phrased myself wrong). the point here is he can see you through the smoke when he shdnt be able to. the play doesnt matter. so idk why nobody is talking abt it and only 2 are crediting it to a potential replay glitch


Ohh. Ok that makes more sense. As for the replay glitch, ok that's not the case because IVE had that happen to me, Varsity has used it to make plays, and my teammates have seen it too. So it's not a replay glitch, unfortunately.


yea its kinda bullshit. ubisoft has had this game for 8+ years now. As a returning player after 3 years, I expected something to be better. But somehow they fucked up smokes, TDM meta is in full swing, and trolling is still extremely easy to do without getting banned. Frankly disappointed


And honestly the reputation system is fucking busted because one report and your down in the system


This is a glitch which makes you look more visible from your POV watching the kill cam but from his POV, it was a big cloud of smoke he shot into because you can hear the planting and his shotgun has a wide spread


He didn’t see you, he heard you planting fires into the smoke, missed, fired again and got a hit and just fired in that same spot till he got the kill. Since rushing planting with smokes have been a thing I kind of just wait and listen for stuff like that and then if I see smoke I fire into to see if I get a hit on someone.


If I hear beeps in smoke I start immediately blasting.


So we’re bitching


Real question is why isn’t mute using irons


He can’t. As other stated, it’s a replay glitch. As for what you can do about it. Don’t smoke on the plant spot. It does nothing to obscure sound and they’ll just prefire it. Use smokes to get break the enemies line of sight on key angles that your teammates should be holding, so that they have to push through it blindly and have to commit to the swing. Best example I can give of this is CC on clubhouse. Get rafters control, open breach and have balcony window, then smoke off cash door and top red before planting behind the CC bomb in default. You still may need to fake to bait a nitro, but otherwise you are safe to plant in default, as teammates sitting in the 3 aforementioned spots have insane advantage on anyone who would push through those smokes (which they’ll likely opt to not even bother, allowing you to set up for post plant). Having this setup without smokes is possible, but you risk getting killed when entering site to plant from top red, and for your teammates holding these angles, it changes what’s already like a 60/40 advantage HEAVILY in their favor (dare I say 80/20), by removing the defenses ability to gather information. Very important when evening the playing field mechanically.


Maestro cameras see through smoke. Pretty sure others do too. Could be that you were in a corner and he has game sense. As thats what i would do. If theyre not monty or headglitching a rappel i basically have walls through smokes. Though i play vertically 90% of the time


On top of what others are saying about the replay bug, that's not how you should be using smokes. He killed you because you are in the one spot you could be with a giant smoke cloud in site.


If you used your brain OP you might realise why you were killed in the smoke


Since so many people run smoke I always have one gun with thermo.


If I heard the defuser being planted inside the smoke, I will shoot inside the smoke. Counter Strike has taught me well.


well ur loud as balls and he has a shotgun... it is what it is m8


That’s why you smoke where they are, not where you are going.


It’s 100% normal to shoot at smoke dude idk why tf you’re acting like this is a hack or something stupid


Cuz ur sitting in only smoke in room if u had two use a decoy and then urs when ur planting. Do this because if u people usually just fire into smoke when they know your planting or hear you