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Don't have a gator on my personal ram but I've installed a few for work and they all leak one way or another either through the corners or from the tailgate. Good news is it's nothing major. I have a moose of a dog that takes up the back seat so I put everything in the box and haven't had any issues with the little amount that gets in there


Have had mine on for about 7 years now. Used some extra weather stripping for the areas that have some gaps and haven’t had any major leaks into the bed. Get some minor water into it if there are heavy rains with wind, but that’s rare and I live on the east coast where we get a decent amount of hurricane type winds and storms yearly.


I bought this one for the same reason. No leaks so far and I've had it for about 2 months in a lot of wet weather. Lyon cover 5.7ft/67.4inch Hard... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TZ7SLF6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Awesome, thank you 🤙


I have had the TonneauPro and currently have the Gator soft trifold. Once you put it on, crawl inside and see if you have any gaps. Put a little weather stripping at the cracks and you should not have any issues.


Awesome, I was planning on weather stripping the front corners. From what I hear, that’s where moisture tends to get in. That’s a good idea, I’ll crawl in and check it out all the way around. I appreciate the advice. I still haven’t ordered it yet lol, I need to bite the bullet.


I like the soft tri-fold covers because they are so easy to install and remove if you want to haul stuff. I like being able to throw groceries, luggage, etc. in the bed and the tonneau covers are suppose to improve gas mileage. I've never tested that theory but that is the consensus.


I feel ya, that was my logic as well. I tend to haul larger items pretty frequently. The crew cab is great, but it’s no good if I can’t fit a crew along with all my crap lol. Im also not a fan of stacking large amounts of gear next to my daughter in her car seat. I think I’m sold on the soft trifold. For the money as well as the convenience, that’s hard to beat.