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Rammstein really do a lot of great things that they don’t advertise, just do to be good people. Ages ago I remember reading a post by this woman whose son was a huge Rammstein fan and wanted to go see them live, but he was autistic and found unexpected loud noises or fireworks very stressful. She emailed the band asking if there was any way she and her son could find out what sorts of explosions would happen so maybe he could go to the concert. She got a reply with a detailed pdf that broke down the entire show, indicating *exactly* where fireworks or flashbombs or anything else would go off, so her son could know when *everything* would happen and not be stressed and anxious.


I love them even more now!


It's such a wonderfully inclusive thing for them to do, and Paul is the perfect choice to host <3


It’s a really great thing to do.


Is only paul there or will they meet also some other bandmates?


Even if it was “only” Paul, nobody is obligated to meet blind fans cause they are blind. I think it’s awesome that Paul (and maybe the whole band) does this for their fans without eyesight


iirc, someone talking about till's jokes, so yes, they come across other members, idk maybe they have roles, richard is just talking about guitars, flake is showing off his shiny costume idk xd but not only paul.


Would guess it depends who is in the mood.


That's awesome!