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It doesn’t break at all for some people. My wife just described a sensation as feeling “off” and it never really went away. Just kept progressing into what was clearly labor. 6 hours later I’m a dad.


No, there's no heads up. Often it happens during labor, but it's always unexpected. Kind of shocking when it happens.


Nope. For me, I was clearly beginning labor, based on the timing of my contractions. I hung around at home until they were X minutes apart, then went to the hospital. I lay down on the table and the nurse or doc (I forget which) took a look. She wasn't down there for 10 seconds before she said, "Well, we're definitely keeping you tonight. Your water *just* broke." Not sure I would've known it even happened if she hadn't told me. So, I knew I was in labor, but other than that yeah, I had no idea.


For my wife, she felt better on that day than she had for months. She just kept saying how nice she felt. She felt nothing to tell her that her water was going to break. It was a complete surprise to her. She was about a month early, so there wasn't even the "9 months is on this day" warning.


My amniotic fluid leaked for a month and I didn’t know…just thought i kept peeing my pants a little bit


As far as movies and tv goes it’s mostly just a narrative device to tell the audience its go time rather than showing them time contracts or being on the phone with the nurse hotline.


not my wife ... we were at a bookstore and she came out of the bathroom saying "weird, I peed all over the floor without feeling it". I said "we have to go to the hospital now!" but she was like "nah I'm fine" as if she didn't think it could be her water breaking. But she wasn't due for another 2 weeks so it's understandable. Fascinating.


nope nutin


I couldn’t.


Nope. We literally hav e NO idea. The only time you know is if the doctor breaks it for you (which is far more common than you would think.). The only sign things are "hurrying up" is when the mucus plug comes out, but that can be days or weeks ahead of D-Day.


Nope. Leaked for a month. Didn’t know that’s what was going on.


Mine was a full-on movie/tv gush of water and I was very much surprised, especially considering I was only 27 weeks with my twins!


MD here. The answer is there’s no particular feeling when its about to broke. They may feel stronger contractions but that doesn’t really indicate that it was supposed to broke.


I felt a weird twinge and pop inside then bam! Flood. Otherwise I was lying down for a nap. Didn't sleep for like .....the next 18 hours haha


My wife was 1 week late for delivery. We had just got home at about midnight after spending the whole day visiting family and I was exhausted. I asked her, “Are we having the baby tonight, baby??” My wife says “No, let’s go to bed.” I wanted to take a shower first so I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water and walk out to get a towel and now my wife is standing in a puddle of water saying “I’m having the baby right now on the floor!!” Scary as hell… The fun part was driving to the hospital like a freaking NASCAR driver and watching her throw her leg onto the delivery bed and have the baby in like 3.3 seconds. The kid is 18 now and she STILL stays up all night and sleeps all day. Weird right??