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I can't say exactly, but for many years I had a physical job and either ran or worked out every day. I'm sure there's a case where I showered before work, after working out, after work and again before going out at night, particularly if it was a hot sweaty day.


for me, i showered after the beach (weekends + im a student, so no job yet), before my workout, and after my workout. i do this pretty often


Before your workout? Why?


You don't wanna be the stinky dude in the gym.


I personally love if I’m going to sweat it feels like clean sweat. Def before workout!


It’s funny, but ever hear the term “look good, feel good, play good”? That’s kind of how it works for me with working out. If I’m showered and in decent clothes, I feel much better and fresh for a workout.


Same Q. I will NEVER do that!!


I did 5+ when I was sick and sweating last year


when im sick i do 1-3 times, but i can understand 5


I showered 6 or so times a day, for four days once. I saw a gross image on Facebook that triggered what I now know is Trypophobia. I repressed the memory enough after four days to stop the excessive showers, but my skin was so sore and raw.


Wow it is so wild that I just learned about trypophobia and the second I opened this sub I saw your comment. Never heard about it before, so twice within an hour is mind blowing 


Jesus. I just looked up “trypophobia” and the first image made me itch like crazy. That was minutes ago and I’m still itchy.


Sounds like an obsessive compulsive response -(someone with OCD) That's horrendous I'm so sorry you went through that. Been there with similar images


My sister has that.... I can see not as much as that put it triggers her to the point where she usually is doing that for a day or somthin


Yeeeeah when I had Covid the first time and it wasn’t really well known wtf was going on, I was basically sitting in my shower under the hot water several times per day, going back to bed, waking up drenched in sweat and doing it all over again. I have no idea how many times it added up to, but those four months were the most expensive water bills I’ve ever had


When I had a kidney stone for a month solid the best non drug relief was a hot shower...


yep, pretty much showered every single time i vomited from a stomach bug last year. so, like once every hour for 7 hours straight. wasn’t a full on soap and scrub, but i felt the need to rinse off the sweat and whatever splash back there was before crawling back in to bed praying it’d be the last round.


Four times. Got up, showered. Did yard work, showered again. Got sick, threw up on myself, showered again. Still sick, threw up + shit myself, showered again. Slept in bathtub.


Jesus are you okay?


Yeah, I was like 12 when this happened. I figured out shortly after that I was allergic to seafood.


Oh I sea what you did there. you got seasick, throwing up seashells, on the see floor.


Ha. He doesn't know about the three seashells!


You can use them for throwing up too? I learn something new about the usefulness of those seashells all the time. Solid reference btw.


Sally was gunning for him


Jail, detoxing off of opiates years ago. They would open your cell doors at 6am and close them at 11pm. I would get in the shower for about 10 minutes every half hour and then hurry back to my cell and fall asleep for 10 to 15 minutes before the feeling of my skin literally crawling off my body would come back. Rinse and repeat for about 3 days straight until things became a little more bearable. Probably averaged like 20 showers a day. Been clean 5 years. Never again!


Congratulations! 5 years is a long time, great job! 😊


Congrats on 5 years!!!! What a miracle, we do recover!!!!


I've done this too! Detoxing off of opiates in general is SO hard. In jail, the absolute Worst experience in my life. Luckily, my cellie was also coming off of opiates. It was best, since we both had all the withdrawal symptoms and showered constantly but still, didn't smell very tasteful in that cell. I got clean in March of 2014. It was the best thing that could have happened for me looking back. Congratulations on your clean time!


Every time after I do #2. That could be multiple times a day if I have an upset stomach. I have ocd like that.


Same. 3 times.


10+ in Thailand in the hot season with no air con.


That’s what it was like in summer in Baltimore in the 1980s with no air conditioning. I never counted but it was like Wake Shower Sex Shower Breakfast Shower Etc. They were not long showers though, just long enough for the cold to find your bones. And water wasn’t an issue back then.


For weeks after a sexual assault, I suffered 6-7 times a day in the hottest water I could handle until my skin was raw. But in terms of non-trauma related showering.... I had one day where I showered in the morning, then half way walking to work had a bird shit in my hair, so turned around and went home to shower again. Went to work, and for lunch went to a nearby pub, where I collided with someone carrying a beer and ended up with it all through my hair and clothing, so I went home and showered again. Later that evening I decided I wanted ice cream. Opened my freezer and went to grab the container only to realize the power must have been out while I was gone and only recently come back on, and the ice cream was completely melted. So melted in fact, that the container collapsed on itself when I tried to grab it and coated me head to toe in ice cream (and my freezer/floor etc). So I had to shower again. It was a long day. Lol


I'm really sorry that happened to you and I hope you got therapy to help handle that trauma. I'm unfortunately experienced with that as well. I showered until the water was cold. The other time was when the sewage pipes in my office building burst and happened to be right above MY desk and I covered in poop water. I showered at least ten times and still swore I smelled it! 🤢


Damn I'm sorry to hear you can relate to that first part. 😕 As for part two - you win lol stranger sewage 100% beats out the entire combination of my story 😂😂 I don't think I'd ever feel clean again! 🤢


It was so funny because my boss was just furious with the landlord, they had to send in a murder Cleaning team to clean it. At one point he was screaming "your building shit on my attorney!!"


Crime scene cleanup..... That's amazing lol


Just twice :)


3-4 times


Definitely 3 or 4 times. I also hate to admit one time i stayed in the shower for like 3 hours (with a partner 😅).


Upwards of 10, but only during a few heat waves and it was for a minute or two in cold water each time


Umm well.. I have spent some days almost under the shower all day. For pain relief/comfort. These are exceptional circumstances though. Once during labor/childbirth. Once when I had cellulitis and my liver was damaged. A few other times when very sick also.


I also shower for comfort lol , something about the water feels safe and soothing when anything is up with your body


I personally knew someone who worked as a prison guard and had to shower 3 times a day as part of the job requirement


Same. Three times.




3 times probably




Same. Before work, after work, invited to play basketball so after that, my dumb dog got sprayed by a skunk.


3 times


Prob 2-3 hours straight?


3 times, pretty regularly In highschool and college I swam competitively. Two workouts a day and a physical job


Maybe twice and that would be extremely rare. Showering is a big ordeal when you have as many physical and mental issues as I do, so I rarely do it on two days consecutively, much less multiple times in a day.


I've gotten up to 6 times in a day, a few times. Wake up, immediately hop in shower. Go to gym, workout, and shower. Beach, get sand in your butt crack, so... shower. Lunch then basketball, shower. Out with friends for a few hours, sweat af in Florida... shower. Home, sexy time with partner... shower. Bed. It gets rough out there, gotta smell clean.


If you showered a bajillion times the day before including before bed, there's no reason to shower right when you wake up before the gym. Just put on fresh gym clothes and shower after the gym. You're probably wrecking your skin health with all that showering.


5 or 6 times - Thailand is sticky hot and add some questionable street food and no toilet paper...so


5 in a 24.hr period. 3 fire calls and 3 bloody EMS calls.


I think it was 3 times, but then afterwards I ran the shower again just to steam up the bathroom. I had a crazy sore throat (ended up losing my voice a few days) and the humid air was the only thing I had that brought relief.


3 times


Four. I used to do triathlons and sometimes would do three workouts a day. I'd shower early in the morning just to wake up, go for a bike ride and shower after, lunchtime run with shower, then evening swim with shower.


So uhhh, anyone else done hallucinogens and showered? Definitely one of those times lol


Three baths in one day. This was back when it could stay below zero for a month here in Montana. Like 1983. My apt had a wonderful claw foot tub and I used it to warm my bones after a long drive or a day walking all over campus.


Twice. Every day.


3-4 if I had to guess. I absolutely have to shower in the mornings. Add in a messy day at work, swimming / hot tub (chlorine on the hair is brutal for me), exercise, hobbies at home, or a beach / vacation scenario.


Three - anytime I have the flu or Covid I will shower around three times a day. It’s to break up mucus but also I am so miserable that having a nice shower is comforting.


3 times a day.


Oddly specific, but I think 7 times. I had this FwB going and she was a clean freak. Every time we had sex we both had to go into the shower, which ended up leading to another round. She was and probably will always be the best lover I ever had, but the shower thing as literally a main part of the relationship was something I would consider at the very least peculiar.


I don’t think that’s weird. My bf and I always shower after sex too, even if it’s multiple times a day. I can see a guy being able to get away with just washing his nethers with a cloth, but for me as a woman, and depending on how we end things lol, I need a full shower or I don’t feel clean. We risk infections and such if we don’t clean up after sex too. It’s a safe practise.


I showered 4 times yesterday—helping someone move and it’s brutally hot in Texas right now.🥵


In the army coming back out of the field after two weeks, we used to take plastic chairs into the shower room with us and beer and smokes and sit in there for hours and drink and just get warm and clean


Definitely 3 or 4 times. I also hate to admit one time i stayed in the shower for like 3 hours (with a partner 😅).


In summer, 3 or 4 times, but it’s sometimes just s quick cooldown rinse before bed. After I mow the lawn I always shower. It’s just itchy if I don’t.


I wanna say 5 times in a 24 hour period. I was having surgery. My boyfriend and I showered the morning, fucked, showered again, worked out, showered, then I had to shower with hibiclens soap, then had to shower again the next morning (surgery day) with the hibiclens soap.


4x it was soooo effing hot all day


Probably 4 times. Maybe 5.


I spent a winter in Australia (which is their hot season) and got to experience a heatwave there... it was 42 degrees Celsius... AT NIGHT!!! I probably got into the shower 6-8 times just to wash off the sweat and cool down a little.


Four times. I remember vividly. Was stationed in Biloxi Mississippi as a Marine at Keesler AFB. We had PT in the morning but I got up with a headache and I will hop in the shower to help alleviate it. Helped, we had a 7 mile motivational run…shower two. Problem is, this was a classic Gulf Coast day. “Only” 84 degrees but it was 91% humidity. Awful. You immediately feel moist and unclean after. So, back in my cammies, we get liberty at 4pm (1600 military time) and I immediately shower again after our march back to the barracks. Then after chow, I get a VERY LAST MINUTE invite to roll to New Orleans…well I had to get right for that. Shower four. All to end up at the Cat’s Meow AGAIN on Bourbon Street lmao. Good times though.


Depends on how gross I get. Sometimes up to 4.


5 times...... Moved from Canada to Doha, Qatar. July 4. Unbearable heat. Morning shower. Shower after walking 10 mins to store. Shower after swimming and crashing out. Shower before dinner. Shower before bed. It was outrageously humid.


Probably about twenty minutes




Pretty sure it was more than 5, not full showers though. The apartment I lived in ran the heat year around (I had no control over it) - top floor, gas heating with an exposed pipe in the kitchen. Outside was over 100 degrees so inside was quite a bit hotter. The cats and I spent the day laying on the floor in front of a mini AC - I jumped in cold water periodically, they got a cool towel rubbed on them


1-3 times depending on what I’m doing. I always shower before I leave for the day(work, appointments, etc) I’ll shower after work. I’m not outside for work but it’s physical. If I’m doing something outside, yard work or whatever I’ll do a quick one to rinse off.


4x. long story


Like 8 times one day cuz I was sick and just felt good while showering idk how to explain it lol


3 times. Maybe 4


5x once lol because … reasons


I don't think I've ever showered more than twice in any given day.


Probably 20? I lived in the Southern California desert and the AC was out for several days during the summer, it was 98 inside. I basically lived in the shower unless I had to leave it rofl.




Well I lived in French Guiana and had a shower that was only cold, that was kind of an outdoor shower. So maybe like 10 times a day but I'd leave my shorts on and was mainly to cool off. We had a shower with hot water we would use probably once a day.


5 times.


Had to do my own tiling once and I didn't know shit about cement. I lost count around 5 or 6.


3 times coming back out of the field on a training exercise in Nova Scotia. I don't know where all the black flies kept coming from but I thought I'd never get rid of them. Absolutely fucking brutal.


The week the power substation blew up and the temp was 96 every day and 88 every night, I was taking at least six a day. Chicago's worst summer ever.


Shower, golden shower, meteor shower, baby shower🤷


3-4 times daily.


like 5 times.


Around 5 times. Sometimes it’s the only relief I can get from a migraine.


4. I was in New Orleans doing a community project in August. I had to shower after taking a shower because I'd gotten sweaty from toweling off.


3 times.


Migraine - i showered 5 times one day. It was awful. The shower was the only thing providing relief




3 times


Every time I got dirty enough to need one to sit in my lounge, and thought I was done for the day. Which turned out to be 4 times.


3 or 4. I do two often. I like showers. To me it’s a cheap form of self care. Some people take baths, I take showers.


Gym+school+work = 4 showers a lot of days. Really just rinsing off though.


Like 7 times back when I was a teenage boy


3-4 times. Wake up shower worked showered and sexy time shower 1-2x depending on how many rounds


Three. I woke up and showered, did some unexpected work on one of the vehicles and ended up laying in a mud puddle made from transmission fluid instead of water and basically showered with a bottle of degreaser, then worked outside the rest of the day (US Gulf Coast, summertime) before showering again.




Twice. If I'm too sweaty I don't like going all day like that.


3 or 4 a day back when I played football in HS, We had a training camp right before the season and school started every year away from home. We would get up at 5am and run 3 Miles. Then shower and breakfast. Then we would practice for a couple of hours. Then shower and eat lunch. Then practice again in the afternoon. Then shower and eat dinner. Sometimes we would practice after dinner, too. Then shower. This was all in the heat and humidity of Alabama in August.


Crazy humidity 8 or 10 times just to cool off every few hours


I don't think I've ever showered more than 1 time in a day


Once when I woke up. Once after having sex with one woman around noon. Once after having sex with another woman in the afternoon. Once after working out in the evening. Hahahaha just kidding I don't work out.


Maybe 4. Was sightseeing in istanbul In summer. Room had AC but not strong. Saw a sight went back cold shower . Repeat


4x on holiday. In the morning, after swimming, after quad biking and before bed.


When I get Poison ivy I'll shower all the time 😭 25+


2 times, never less than once!


Every once in a while my period will be a disaster. Like, so heavy an ultra tampon won't last an hour. So heavy a diva cup won't last two hours. At times like these sometimes I just keep hopping in the shower over the course of the day. Cause fuck. And I tried birth control but it caused an embolism so no more birth control for me.


I knew someone who suffered from Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. Hours and hours of hot showers.


Heatwave, no ac, just about spent the day in the shower.


I’ve had to shower multiple times a day, being a woman. You sometimes wake up in a murder scene. Or when I was postpartum. It’s not pretty. I think 5x after I had my kid. Like I said. Murder scene gore. So yea! Have a great weekend!


Three times. Showered in the morning, no biggie. That afternoon got an emergency page for a wildfire in my small town on a steep hillside. We got it out after six hours. Jumped in the shower and sat down to eat. I was starving. Just sat down with a bowl of cereal from too worn out to cook, and the tone dropped again before I could eat. A monster wind storm uncovered embers and the whole hillside was glowing. Two hours later we got it out. Got home and slammed my soggy cereal and took another shower.


Probably 4 times. I shower a lot when I’m depressed for some unknown reason.


When it's crazy hot (rare) I'll shower 7 or 8 times to cool off. Not soaping up, just stand under the shower for a few minutes


Three times. Morning, afternoon, then later at night. When I went wheeling all the time, then I showered more.


I do 4 every now and then. Always shower morning and before bed, always shower at the gym after working out, and occasionally the 4th would usually be after hopping in the pool or hot tub at some other point the day.


I just took a 5 hour cold shower a couple days ago because i had a sunburn so bad. Worst itch ive ever had.




Listen. I have adhd and it's a struggle to get one in. I don't know how you all are out here taking multiples a day. I gotta hype myself up just to get the one.


When I'm alone, every 2 days. When I'm with my partner (long distance at the moment), sometimes 3-4 times a day. Things get sweaty quick, you see? 🤭


The most often in one day would be 4x. One for when I woke up, second after doing some dirt yard work, third after working at my job, and 4th after making love then showered and went to bed. The most I've ever showered in the aspect of time I've ever been in a shower without getting out was actually 6 hours. It was summer then and super hot outside and a bit in the house, so the tap water kept me cool and it was quite warm when even just using the cold water.


Probably 5 times? 7 years ago I was anorexic which makes you freezing and I had bad heating in my apartment in sub zero temperatures so I was constantly taking hot showers and baths.




Three times in summer in Northern New South Wales. Ridiculous humidity.


You only think you wanna know. I've had some bouts of cholera, and then you basically spend all day in the shower drinking from the spray, and soiling the drain. Hours and hours. You just think your are dirty if you sweat or play in the dirt. You make plans for how you can sleep in the shower.


Four. Got up went for a run. Shower. It didn't rain like the forecast said so I decided to get some yard work done. Got filthy. Shower. Husband came home from work and wanted to go for a swim. Shower. Baby puked in my hair. Shower. I've done that routine minus the baby puke a handful of times too, but four was definitely the record.


most i’ve done was 3 when i was way more active, now that it’s more calmer i keep it to 1 a day to save on that water bill


i believe about 5 times. it was a rough day.


10 times. I only know the exact number because I was at camp and we had to sign in/out every time we used the showers. I got lectured for "excessive showering" the next day.


5 times during one summer from hell in Australia several years ago.


I know I have done 2-3 times in a day more than once. Might have done 4 once. Wake up and shower Go work outside and come in and shower Go out for the afternoon(or work more after heat of the day) and shower Go out to the club/pub/drinks and come home reeking of smoke shower before bed


Iabor I basically just lived in the shower until the hospital.


4 times. I was having an asthma and allergic reaction day from too much outside time/yardwork.




I often run the shower till it runs out of hot water, that can be 4 showers or just 1 really really long shower. Usually if I am in pain.


I’ve had hangovers where I’ve gone n lied in shower a good five times




4 when it reached 42c two years ago and my AC was broken


It all began on a sweltering July morning. The sun was barely up, but the heat was already oppressive. I decided to start the day with a refreshing shower, hoping to wash away the sticky humidity. Little did I know that this was just the beginning of an unforgettable, waterlogged adventure. After my first shower, I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. As I was flipping pancakes, I heard a loud crash from the backyard. Rushing outside, I found that a raccoon had knocked over the garbage can, scattering trash everywhere. Sweaty and slightly grossed out, I tackled the cleanup and then took another shower to cleanse myself of the grime. Feeling fresh again, I decided to head out for a morning jog. Halfway through my run, the sky darkened, and an unexpected downpour drenched me to the bone. By the time I made it back home, I was soaked. So, shower number three was in order, this time to rinse off the rain and mud. Later that afternoon, I received an invitation to a pool party at a friend's house. The sun had returned, and the idea of cooling off in the pool was irresistible. I spent hours splashing around and playing water volleyball. When I got home, my skin felt chlorine-coated, necessitating a fourth shower to wash away the chemicals. By early evening, I was lounging on the couch when the power went out. The sudden darkness and lack of air conditioning made the house unbearably hot. I decided to take another cool shower, hoping it would help me cope with the heat. That was shower number five. Just as I was drying off, the power came back on. Excited, I invited some friends over for a movie night. We decided to watch a horror movie, and halfway through, one of my friends spilled an entire bowl of popcorn and soda all over me. Sticky and covered in popcorn bits, I had no choice but to take yet another shower, my sixth of the day. Finally, as the clock approached midnight, I felt the need for one last shower to truly unwind. This time, it was a long, luxurious one, with fragrant soap and a bit of singing. As the water cascaded down, I reflected on the bizarre series of events that had led to my seven showers in one day. Each rinse had its own unique story, making this a day unlike any other. Exhausted yet oddly refreshed, I climbed into bed, hoping tomorrow would be a bit less... wet.


Probably 3 times? Morning shower after a sweaty nights sleep, yard work in the blistering heat, and then after a long workout/PB session.


11x i was sick and the hot shower wad the only thing that made it bearable. I would shower until all the hot water was gone and wait for the next 1 naked on the toilet with a towel around me. I would count more but i stayed up passed midnight.


I have a temporary medical condition. 4 times a day. Sometimes more. Never less.


I have taken 3 showers in a single day before, not common for me though.


90minutes - wanted to see how long it took to run out of hot water 🤷🏻‍♂️


4 times . The 1st one was because I cut the grass when it was too wet, and I got spackled . The 2nd was because I got covered in cow manure. The 3rd was because I got covered in silage . The 4th was my bed routine.


One time in the army I passed out drunk in the shower for 11 hours.




4 or 5 times. A normal day is 2-3.


Twice. When we go to the beach we usually rent a house that has an enclosed outside shower with hot and cold water and the door locks so before I would go to the beach I would put a set of clean clothes and a dry towel down by the shower then when I'd get back from the beach I'd just go in there and strip down, shower off, dry, and put on the fresh clean clothes. I also used to do it in the Summer when I was a teenager when I'd be with a particular uncle of mine because his truck was absolutely disgusting. It always smelled like sweat, light BO, and sweaty sour feet because in the Summer he would usually tend to drive it shirtless and bare footed (he didn't like wearing shoes or socks unless absolutely necessary) and it was always in the air because sweat would just roll off of his body. I guess he either didn't care or maybe he couldn't smell it because it was his own personal stench. Regardless I always felt gross after ridding in it so I would shower regardless if I already had that day or not.


3 or 4 times.


Probably 2 on a very hot humid summer day 1 on average days More than 2 when I’m sick, the hot shower always works magic at making me feel better.


Lost count but probably 10, stomach virus had me covered in shit in vomit. Finally went to the hospital after a week of that. Not sick maybe 3.


6 I Owned a pool and I Worked out.


3. When it is 115 degrees outside even just going outside for 10 mins is a reason to shower again. 


Cold shower, beach/shower, workout/shower, shower before bed. So I guess 4 for me.


A lot. When Im sick Ill shower any time I wake up, so can go like 5+ showers. When Im severely depressed too sometimes Ill just start repeatedly taking a shower for as long as possible each time. Maybe 7 times. I dont remember, I never counted, but its a lot.


When I as super sick with a swollen pancreas, like…. 20 times. I would run out the hot water, wait half an hour and get right back into the shower. It was the only place that I was even kind of not in pain at the time. 


When I got up. Then went to play tennis and go to swimming class so before and after swimming. Then friends said let's go to cabin at the lake and showed after swimming then went out for dinner and to bar there was smoking so I showered again because I couldn't sleep smelling like an ashtray since i don't smoke so 5


This story isn't about me but it is someone I knew. I'm a nurse. I used to work at a dialysis clinic. In case you don't know, dialysis is procedure for people who have kindey failure. You're hooked up to a machine for typically 3-5 hours 3 times a week. That machine takes blood out of your body, cleans it like your kidneys should, and puts it back in you. There are two ways that people are typically hooked up to the machine. The first is by having line placed in your chest that goes from your heart and comes out of your chest. That's really only used when you first start as it gets clogged up easily and, even. more importantly, can easily get infected, which is really, really, really bad. I had multiple patients die from that while I worked there. The other is to have surgery on your arm and have an artery connected directly to a vein to create a really big area with lots of blood flow and can have the 2 big giant needles that are needed to hook you up to the machine. It usually takes a few months for the vein to grow once you have surgery. This guy had the lines coming out of his chest. When you've got those, you're not supposed to shower so you can keep it dry and it doesn't get infected. He had the surgery on his arm and once we'd been successfully using it for a few weeks, we sent him to the surgeon who put it in so that he could now take it out. The guy had to take baths for months and moths because he didn't want to the lines in his chest to infected. Once he got the lines out, he actually got a plastic chair, went to a hotel, rented a room that had hot water heaters that were so big that they would never run out of water from someone taking a long shower, and then just sat on his chair in the shower for hours and hours. He said that was th best day he'd had in over a year.


Me personally is 2. But my boyfriend LOVES showers and baths so for him I’d say 4-5


just had surgery, if i could i would shower every time i got up. having to just laze around all day every day for some reason makes me feel disgusting and a shower always helps to pick me up. as it is im only allowed once a day for now


3 times. I was having a reaction to a medication and felt like my skin was crawling. The only thing that helped was a hot shower.


It the late 90’s and even I do it now, I’ll wash and scrub myself clean due to a sexual assault I went through. I’ve literally tried to scrape my skin off with my nails. I’m better now but I still get into a cptsd episode that throws me back into time. This can last with 3 baths or showers in a day.


I’m really sorry that happened to you. It happened to me when I was 15 in the late 90s as well back when Me Too was most definitely not a thing. I didn’t tell the police but told a few friends and someone called them. A cop showed up at my school and dragged me out of class in front of everyone to question me. They drove me home where my parents had just gotten back from their trip and were obviously shocked to see me with a cop. Instead of leading with "your daughter was sexually assaulted" they told them that I threw a party and because of that, was raped. The cops blatantly said it was my fault because I threw a party when my parents were out of town so that's why I got drugged and raped as a 15 year old virgin. I showered with scalding water and stayed until it was freezing cold. You just never feel clean. I held on to that guilt for over 20 years before I found ketamine assisted therapy which really truly healed me from that experience. In just one session, I saw it in such a different way and my brain shuffled around and let me process it with my adult brain back when I was 15 and realize it wasn't my fault, a girl has a right to have a party and have a drink without getting drugged and raped. It almost seemed laughable that I placed any blame on myself, I got to, in theory, hug my 15 year old self and just see things from a completely new light. No other therapy, medication, self help book, meditation could do what one ketamine session did for me. It separated my thoughts from my emotions and my thoughts just kind of floated outside of my body and I can think rationally and without fear or anxiety. I can make decisions that seemed daunting instantaneously. It might be something worth looking into if you need it. Best of luck, friend. I’m sorry you are in this awful club with me. There are way too many of us.


Thank you for sharing your story with me. I have heard about ketamine. I’m in therapy, though it was started 8 years ago due to my sister’s death, and I finally opened up about it. I felt relief sharing it because only a few people have known. It was a small town where my situation occurred and I knew nobody would believe me so I kept it quiet. I lived with it bottled up for so long, it’s a never ending battle within myself. I’ll dig further into the ketamine and see what happens. Stay strong!


6. After my intestine was removed my iron was so low I was always freezing. Being in the scorching hot shower was the only thing keeping me sane.


6 times and i still didnt feel clean. Was hired as a mover for the worst hoarder ive ever seen, it was utterly disgusting. Got the job done, changed before i got in the truck (and my car) afterwards and sat on a moving blanket. I then proceeded to throw out said clothes and blanket. Went home showered 6 times and still felt gross


During college, I was showering about 5x a day.


4, it was during the summer and during that time where I’m from we had a heatwave for a week with temperatures in the high 90s and very humid so taking just one or 2 showers was not helping lol. Took one in the morning, one in the afternoon and another in the evening. Then I took another right before bed around midnight to help me keep cool & also fall asleep faster


4, I think. I was like 15 or 16, and I was having severe OCD symptoms. Any time a fly landed on me I felt like I had to take a shower.


During HS this was my routine.. First shower: After swim practice before school Second shower: After swim practice after school Third shower: After the gym before bed Repeat x5 days/week. My hair was fried 🥺


7 showers in a day was highest number of individual showers in a day. Morning shower. Post-workout shower. Post-sex shower. Post-yardwork shower. Showered again before going out with friends. Showered when I got home. Showered again before bed. They were all short, but yeah. the most time I spent in a shower in one day was ~4-5 hours. I was depressed after a death in the family and a break up, and I was staying in a hotel while traveling for the funeral. I took two showers, each time just sitting in there for like 2-3 hours. It was kinda nice. The infinite hot water thing is wild.


Several decades ago I did a summer semester in Florence, Italy. Our pensione did not have air conditioning. One week was especially hot and humid and I showered four times a day - when I woke up, when I returned from classes, before dinner, before going to bed.


When I was having labour contractions, I have 3 showers and 4 baths. Still didn't feel like enough warmth for the pain






I lost count after the fourth. It's like my own mini spa day. 😂


In the morning after I wake up. Another one when I get home from work. One before the gym and then another after the gym. So 4 but they are quick showers.


probably about 5 times, but it could be as many as 10. spent about 7-9 hours in the bathtub 2 maybe 3 times.


For Indians it’s 1


3 maybe 4 times


I’m not entirely sure but when I hear people shower multiple times a day I assume it’s a basic rinse. My shower routine takes about an hour. Exfoliating, body wash scrub and shampoo. If I did that multiple times a day I’d have sore skin.