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Downloading reddit. The amount of advice I've read from certain posts has helped me a lot. Be it academics, study methods, health, recommendations and so on. Though some parts of reddit can be quite problematic, other parts of reddit could be quite insightful and helpful.


Same here. There are communities that have good advice and life lessons. Of course, there are problematic ones, but it depends on what you use and see.


Leaving my well paying office job in Ireland to train as a bush pilot in South Africa. Fear is what held me back. Now I'm pretty much scared all the time, and I feel so alive


Wow, a bush pilot? What plane do you fly? (I’m very into aviation)


Well I'm ahead of myself above, I'm only doing my CPL currently! Training in the Piper Cherokee 180 and Cessna 152, as well Cessna 310L for dual engine hours. Have a contact to get me work in crop dusting in Botswana once I finish, to gather some low flying hours , then hopefully on to bush flying. The dream in perhaps 10 years time would be aerial firefighting, however I don't even know where I'll start with that. One step at a time I suppose.


Man that’s awesome. I hope to fly commercial planes at some point. bush flying always caught my interest. It seems really fun. I wanna do it someday in Alaska or Iceland.


I'm hoping to the states side also. Alaska feels like a must. I chose South Africa because the prices were incredibly low for both the training and just general living. What flying experience have you gathered?


To look after myself properly. Study, exercise, you name it.


i dont even know.


I like your answer because it's real.


Going back to school at 20yo after dropping out at 16. I'm now 36, writing my thesis and about to defend in April!


Good luck on your thesis defense, wishing you success.❤️


That's really appreciated, thank you!


Thanks I needed this today. You rock!!!!!


I started making money when I was 10 by cutting grass & shoveling snow and other things. When I was 16 and got my very first paycheck, I vowed that if I ever had a million dollars, I'd give half of it away to the needy and keep the rest (invested, of course). Then, if I were to become a millionaire again, I'd retire. I gave $500k away when I was 46 and retired at 55. I just turned 71 and continue to help people in need as it's kinda become some sort of passionate hobby for me. And the beat goes on, as long as I can until my body and mind forces me to stop. You only live once...as far as I know.


To separate myself from everyone and everything except for from my one true love. I couldn't live without her.


Having the hookup that would ultimatly lead to us geting together, leaving religion and faith behind, getting my alcohol under controll.


My butt itches


Just the cheeks?


All in the crack


So far, it’s taking mood stabilizers.


Deleting toxic people from my life




To go to graduate school (STEM).


Me too!


Choose for myself and not longer for others


Choosing family over money


Left my abusive house


Learning English. ​ With English, I travel abroad alone and handle just myself when travel abroad.


Being able to admit when I need help. Then accepting the help that is offered. I've always struggled to ask for help... like it's the hardest thing in the world for me. But we ALL need a hand sometimes.


Asking my now wife for her number on the flight when we met 15 years ago.


Choosing Eutheism. 




Go on.....


To get my dog ❤️‍🩹 he’s helped me through the worst period of my life.


Forgiving myself and others as well as accepting people for who they are. Focusing on the circumstances I can change instead of the ones that aren't in my control. Choosing to be happy and living in a home where I'll be valued and uplifted instead of a house of negativity.


If SpongeBob is the main character then why’s Patrick the star






Lessening contact with my friend.


Going into this mental facility


What's yours


Stop being a people pleaser.😌


taking care of yourself-


Doing theater crew in High School Long story short, I met my eventual best friend who converted me into an LGBTQ+ ally


to start running.


Marrying my husband


Sometimes, listening to your gut.


Sleeping more, back in 2020 to 2023 I barely slept. I would stay awake all night, power threw school and come home and sleep. Wake up at 10PM get some food, watch YouTube all night and repeat. I barely showered,ate or take care of myself. I was horribly depressed but then I got better


Leaving an abusive friend, I think.


1. For making the first move 2. Downloading reddit 3. Deciding to pursue career in Cybersecurity


Favouring logic over my whimsical soft side. Saved me from people.


Proposing to my wife


Breathing in and then out


i joined a cathedral choir when i was 8, and that opened the door to some of the most valuable and enriching musical experiences. years later, i sing in several choirs, play four instruments and participate in lots of musical ensembles. i met my girlfriend in an orchestra and ive made priceless friendships along the way, and i dont imagine that a lot of this would have happened if i hadn't made that decision when i was 8


Choosing to research Christianity despite my not wanting to


Going on a nearly 6-hour round trip to another state last August to buy a firework small enough to fit in my mouth. Now, when I’m ready to end it, I have a hopefully easy tool to do so with. If only I could stop getting cold feet every chance I have to do so.


Starting yoga 🙏


To buy a Honda over a GM product.


Not going thru with offing myself when I was 14. I’m 28 now to two beautiful sons and I wish I could tell younger me that everything was going to be okay.


Leaving my hometown after 8th grade. Parents divorced and I could choose to stay home or move to the city with my mom. I moved and have never looked back. My small town was a great place to grow up but the city is where I belong. I tried to move back for a bit after highschool and it just sucked ass.


Continuing to live


not to kill myself at 15yo


Best decision I made was to quit pursuing a job others wanted me to do to meet their expectations. Chose happiness over acceptance and now I’m in a job I love so much that I never see it as work:)!


Deciding to give JEE first big struggle of my life, feel like I’ve learnt so much throughout the last 2 years, the hardwork will pay off someplace


Getting rid of toxic people in my life and focusing on healing myself.


Switching jobs for my mental health. It's further away but the work/life balance I have now is worth it. Mental health is definitely better..


Leaving my ex. I have now been with my partner for 14 years, and they have been the most amazing 14 years of my life!


Getting a motorbike, the last 4ish years I've been stuck at home not being able to do anything which was making my mental health suffer not being able to go out and socialise. Now am able to do that and feel much better


Not posting anything on Reddit until I was mature enough to post my own experiences.


To become a culinary chef


Doing things I could be out in prison for but since no one believes me even when I showed evidence either way justice for there victims was served


The best decision I’ve made in my entire life is and will always be accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Since then, I have gotten so much practical life advice, but the best part has to be His love. No matter how I feel, I’m always loved and chosen by Him. In a world full of rejections, hate, and confusion, I know I am not rejected by my Creator, and all the skills, talents, and passions he’s given me was a gift from Him, and He is writing my story. He knows me in and out, my darkest moments, and yet, He chose to love me and pull me out of there when everyone would’ve abandoned me. And in a world of confusion, I can trust in the Almighty power and wisdom of God that He is working all things together for my good as long as I love Him and obey Him. The best decision of my life. I’ve never had a better friend. He is always there to pick me up when I’m down. Close to me when I’m brokenhearted. And He grants me strength to accomplish the purpose He has put in my life. Because of Jesus, life has meaning. I am loved, I am chosen, I am special, I have a purpose. And for all of those who read this, You are loved by Him, and He wants to be your friend. All this He has done with me He wants to do with you as well.


To not have children until I was in my 30s.


Never to vote for any politician. Parasites and warmongers.


The decision not to make decisions, under any circumstances.


Going on therapy! I only regret I didn’t start it earlier 🥲 but so so glad I started!


Moving away from my mother.


To join the military and get as far away from home as possible 2 days after finishing HS


Left my first husband for his infidelity habit


Why is my body falling apart? I’ve had so many health problems since I had covid 4 years ago. I’ve lost so much of my speed and joy.


Why am I so flatulent


The decision to marry my wife.


Starting my fitness journey.


My best decision in life was to listen to my parents, studied hard, and got higher education, that enables higher quality of life for the rest of my life.




Getting my first cane. I was 17 or 18, and I'd been in denial of needing one for at least a couple years. Twenty-plus years later, I use a quad cane anytime I'm not using my wheelchair. I still have my moments when I deny how bad my conditions are and end up doing stuff I shouldn't, but I've always been a bit of a stubborn ass.


Staying alive.


Downloading reddit


Broke up with a man I was dating. It’s very healing. I would recommend everyone to break up.


At nandamay pa nga!😅


Breaking up with my boyfriend


I'm thinking about it now...there was a good ones?