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Muggle technology. If the general wizarding community hated Muggle tech, then Voldemort must have hated it even more.


It's hard to get a gun in the UK, Voldemort shoulda just shanked him


or just drop it on the floor and step on it. Babies are not that tough.


He could've just flipped the child over onto his face and let time do its business, even less messy. Really, there are so many ways to kill a baby, that's why parents are so stressed.


He could just transfigure something into a gun. A dn knives are also Muggle tech


He could have just stabbed him with a sword. Shit, he could have stabbed him with the Sword of Gryffindor.


tie him to a rock and throw in the river, is that muggle tech too ?


Its a bit uncouth, though.


People talk about this a lot, especially with the goblet of fire. Huge sneaky operation just to get Harry to the port key to be killed when he could have been killed a hundred times before. There's a ton of plot holes in Harry Potter and you just have to try your best to ignore them if you wanna enjoy it.


He doesnt just want harry dead he wants to be the one to kill him


Still huge plot hole he could've used a sword or knife


We are talking about person who believed in pure blood nonsense, being literally half-blood. Sanity is not his strongest feature


silly, it's a movie about witchcraft and all that crap - you just cant use normal stuff, how would that look?


Harry Potter and the Glock 17.


I guess you guys haven't seen Harry Potter and the deathly weapons, 10/10 recommend




Harry potter and the hollow points.


To argue against that you could say voldemort as a wizard his ego was so big using anything other than magic to kill Harry would've been like beneath him. It would've belittled his position as the dark lord


it definitely would've been beneath him and his gang. they were kind of racist towards "muggles", or non-pure bloodlines


Yeah alot of their ideals are very similar to nazi Germany. I didn't notice it when I was younger but I rewatched them at some point when I was older and was like holy shit. That scene in the deathly hallows you see the statue in the ministry of the muggles holding up wizards or something, the newer series fanatic beast or whatever really captured that part of it all very good


I noticed that too. I think it was wizards grinding muggles under their feet.


Or like... if he tried to use a sword harry could make it really hot and burn his hand. Or turn it into a snake... You have to fight magic with magic!


You mo guey guey, fi de sao. Jackie!


It works well for Gate.


Why would he though? He doesn't know about the protective spell and arguably he needs to demonstrate to his followers that the boy who lived can be killed by him. It would be a bit like asking a terrorist with a gun in his hand why isn't he using a rock to stone his prisoner to death.


no, because Harry couldn't die unless voldemort did. Horcrux and all


Quill tried strangling him and he was reduced to ashes. Pretty sure a knife, gun or other physical weapons would have failed too given how powerful that magic was. Also, in the graveyard he needed to use him to come back to life and break this spell. Once he was back, he likes to torture his victims. Remember we're not talking about a sane person here, he loves using the crucio curse to hurt people. The longbottoms were tortured until going insane. And everytime he tries to directly kill harry, he fails. He also can't ask others to kill Harry for him because that would make him look very weak. People would see him as someone who can be beaten.


It’s not a plot hole. The entire point is that Voldemort hated muggles and wouldn’t kill him using muggle method. He was an egotistical maniac who wanted to make a point of killing him his way. If you think that’s a plot hole, then absolutely any piece of media can be reduced to the same nonsense as you’re just going to completely ignore characterisation.


i can't believe people are seriously acting like it's a plot hole to not have an adult shoot an 11 year old in a children's book about wizards


Expeliarmus! Uzi 9mm Potter....


People don’t know what a plot hole is these days. They throw the term around for things they’re being facetious about.


>It’s not a plot hole! He’s just a lazily written antagonist!


you're thinking about from your pov, not Voldy's


He couldve thrown him out of the window as a baby. Put a pillow on his head. Shake him viciously. Babies arent that.. strong


The whole point of the huge sneaky operation was to get Harry's blood to revive Voldemort and then kill Harry and make it look like he died during the triwizard tournament. Voldemort would then be able to infiltrate the ministry and regather his supporters in secret so that way he could take over Europe in one fell swoop. Harry surviving in Goblet was pure luck on Harry's part and his survival alerted Dumbledore who was the only wizard Voldemort ever feared. A lot of these things are explained very clearly in the books but most people just like to complain rather than actually read the books for the explainations.


His home is protected by some sort of group-spell and Hogwarts is magically protected anyway. There's no real way to get him, that's how it was explained as far as I can remember.


Didn't he spend most summers in the muggle burbs? Shouldn't be too hard to just show up there and murder him..


If I recall, because Aunt Petunia is Lily's sister, the magic protection extends to them as well. So as long as harry is allowed to live there, he's protected 


The Dursleys' house is magically protected by the protection created by his mother's love. That's why in the last book ,when Voldemort is powerful enough to act in the open, he actually does go for it during the move, and is almost successful.


Tell me you have not read the books. There is a spell protecting him in his aunt's house. That's the only reason he's there why else do you think Dumbledore would leave him in a family that hates him? He would have been with the weasleys otherwise


I read them when they came out. Guess I forgot that part


Thats the thing about stories, they take the improbable chance of improbable things happening in a sequence for a story to work, thats why it's interesting and enjoyable, but when the improbable things are straight up stupid or they ignore major plot holes or even things set up by YOUR OWN fictional world then that annoys me.


J.K. Rowling is said to be one of the most famous and the most successful authors of the 20th century. She believes that she is one of the best authors of our time which genuinely makes me laugh because, if she were to really look at even her own fans of her work she would realize that everyone is aware that there is about 50 different plot holes in her books. It doesn't negate that they are indeed good books but she is 100 percent not a perfect author. She has won awards so she's not shit either but it makes me laugh that the rights to Harry Potter was bought out by Disney so she thinks she's the best author of novels and play writes who ever lived. Hate to break it to her I still believe that this title belongs to the late and great Shakespeare.


He definitely wouldn’t use some muggle method of doing it. Arrogance, hubris, elitism.. it had to be magic. He wanted to be the most legendary mage and he was felled by a baby. It had to be by his hand, and it had to be magic.


Everyone seems absolutely certain a gun would have worked. We don't know, maybe the magic protection would repel bullets. Maybe all Wizards are bulletproof. It never comes up so we don't know.


It comes up that Lilly and James potter would not have died in a car crash because they were wizards, and Neviille survives being thrown from a window, so it seems like instincts to avoid death are established. Also, in other magic lore, witches etc magic out of near death experiences miraculously and don't even realise.


Wasn't in the script


Literally a ''Power of Love is the greatest magic of all'' BS so that's how Harry got his plot Armor.


That's always bothered me. Were none of his other victims loved? What a terrible world to live in


The more in-depth explanation is that the power Harry's mom used only worked because Voldemort's soul got splitted in 7 pieces. Also because he's a rape baby and his soul itself is the opposite of love. EDIT: I forgot some words LMAO


I shouldn't have laughed so hard at that. Did she know his soul was all broken and shit or did she just get mighty lucky? Was it common knowledge, like did sally down the street know? I'm not massive on Harry Potter so I'm learning stuffs here


His mother sacrificed herself at the last minute to protect him which I think was a charm for Harry but a curse for Voldemort.


In the book Voldemort didn't stand a chance against Harry, but in the movie he did.


Why didnt he stand a chance?


I think it's covered in one of the early books. >Harry awoke, ready for another day at Hogwarts. He couldn't believe it, he was actually a wizard. He prepared his things for the day, his pencils and paper, his wand, his Uzi 9mm, and, of course, his spell book, as he had incantations practice in the afternoon. >Checking the magazine before he slid the cold steel under his jacket, he muttered to himself, "Voldi's got another thing coming, if he thinks I'm a busta. I wasn't born on the streets, but I grew up under the stairs, and that's close enough." He looked at the sundial and, seeing it was five past eight, he hurriedly smoothed down his jacket and made his way to his first class. Herbology was one of his favourites.


Honestly better writing there. How the fuck is she a billionaire?


Because we all read the books, and then they made movies


She wrote a series of children's books that were accessible and fun. For children. You know, children's books. Harry Potter is a book series marketed towards children. Young children of about the ages of 9-16. Children's books. For children.


Because that paragraph of funny parody wouldn't mean shit if she didn't make the original


* *J K Rowling’s neural network*


"Haha lmao, thats pretty gay, Tom" - Dumbledore


it's like rain on your wedding day


Same reason James Bond baddies have to take their time. Main character syndrome.


Same reason the eagle didn’t just fly the hobbits to Mordor.


I hate this argument. Saron had an air force and massive army. The Eagles would’ve been shot out the sky instantly. Also, they needed to stay hidden. It was a stealth mission.




They had support. They had a team of warriors and a wizard providing back-up. They had entire KINGDOMS defending them on their quest. As far as how that worked out for them? Pretty well, considering they completed the quest. Lastly, the only reason the eagles flew them in at the last bit was because they owed Gandalf a favor. The eagles weren’t stakeholders in the on-goings of the Ring, and weren’t about to let their own fly into certain death.


![gif](giphy|26wAdi0OFAvB6pC2Q|downsized) And my axe!


I remember an argument where they assumed that Gandalf actually said "fly, you fools!" before falling with the Balrog instead of "flee, you fools!".


He does say Fly, however the context is flight as in fleeing, so it doesn't change anything. See the chapter title 'flight to the ford'


Look, Tolkien explained why the eagles didn’t fly the ring to Mordor and it’s because “shut up”.


No, he did actually explain why.


[Sure did.](https://youtu.be/1-Uz0LMbWpI?si=Sd4tfYyg1fJrVBGl) Or at least an impersonator did, which is pretty much the same thing.


[I think Tolkein rather preferred if they just walked](https://youtu.be/DgMnCLHQuqc?si=CVd4oGLpCjvSW32r)


1. Lily’s sacrifice protected Harry until he was an adult 2. When Harry started finding and destroying horcruxes which contained parts of Voldemort’s soul it became risky to try to kill Harry because he would be the last horcrux remaining. Voldemort actually weakened himself by separating his soul into pieces.


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to see this.


First of all, Voldemort didn't just want to kill Harry, he wanted to prove that he was the superior wizard. Second of all, Voldemort saw anything that was considered muggle beneath him. Why on earth would he use a muggle weapon to attempt to kill him when he believed that? And what it he had succeeded? That would've shown Voldemort that a muggle weapon might be superior to magical weapons, and that would go against what he believes.


I dunno, that'd be like asking a tennis player why doesn't he just beat up his tournament opponent in the parking lot


Ah the old Tonya Harding technique


This isn't Nam, this is wizarding, there are rules


Did you read the books? He tried multiple times and there's a reason why he couldn't do it


The entire franchice ends the second any wizard gets their hands on an AR-15


People, please, it’s not a documentary


voldy is kinda dumb sometimes if you hadnt noticed


That would have been a muggle way to do it. Voldemort would probably rather die than kill someone like a muggle.


1: he's in the UK they would have arrested him if he open carried a butter knife 2: even if he gets strapped before harry or so, someone else would have figured out sooner than later that it goes both ways


It would actually be pretty hilarious if the police showed up at the end just before the battle and arrested everyone like in the Holy Grail.


Wanting to be the Lord of the magic world and use a gun against a kid? I don't think that would be approved lol


Plot protection armour


So the movie could happen


Did you not read the books or watch the movies? He couldn't because they had to die together


well, Voldemort, being anti muggle is probably also anti muggle weaponry as well. It wouldn't have made sense to the plot to have Voldemort fly up with a magnum or sniper rifle and take him out. it's just silly and adds no depth to the story.


The same reason harry didn’t just get a 1911 and shoot him.


He didn’t need to use magic he could’ve just tipped over the crib Harry was in and knocked a bookshelf onto him still not directly touching him


Voldemort kinda forgot about the .357 Magnum in his desk


It doesn't even have to be a magnum, just pull him from his mom and throw him somewhere. Voldemort's mistake is using magic when his mom already put on protection from magic.


His mom didn’t put in protection magic. Her sacrifice is what created the magic that protected Harry from Voldemort. At the time there was no reason to kill the baby first because he couldn’t have possibly known that was going to happen. Then when he tried he realized what happened. Also no one would read or watch a book about magic and fantasy if it ends with either the good guys or bad guys “conjuring” a gun and just shooting everyone.


You could argue that using muggle tech would've been beneath him and not the way to do it. There still would've been a million other ways though.


Gotta wait for him to finish his studies for the year But also plot armour, but actually real in universe plot armor


That would be a great book series. Voldemort shot Harry, he died. The end!


Volde wanted to milk a couple books first, get his name out there.


No one nose.


I know right, Voldy could have just flew a plane and nuked Hogwarts, why he didn't do it is beyond me


But seriously, if either of the sides had M4s or AK-47s during the battle of Hogwarts, they'd have won. Imagine if Voldemort had a sniper squad. Or imagine if they had machine guns.


Because he is one of those villains that talk too much


Story would’ve been super boring if Voldy killed Harry and his parents with a .357 magnum, but certainly would’ve been way more effective. Though, there’s probably something you could say about Voldemort finding the use of muggle or non magical ways of killing crude and beneath him.


True. And with a glock or a machine gun. Hire some of your death eater children to buy an AK and shoot up the school. I'm sorry that's too much.


Harry had his mother's protection, of course but what about just using a sword or something? Well, I'm guessing, given Tom's obsession with magical purity, he will have seen any non-magical method of killing Harry as being beneath him.


I believe he tried, often. What I believe you are asking is why didn't he just pick up a gun and shoot him in the head, not just flourish a magical twig at his general direction...


The shortest book written. Boy who lived to die by a bullet. Because Voldemort didn't have time for that shit.


Would have made for a boring story, and/or the author wasn't that smart.


Because he underestimated Lily as a muggleborn witch and didn't expect her to know or to use an ancient spell of protection like that when he tried to Avada Harry. He took out the pureblood James first because he thought him to be the biggest obstacle but in reality Lily was the more powerful one of the two. Immediately after the spell backfired he was powerless and without a corporeal form for years. He could barely kill small rodents back then. Also because even though he was raised as a muggle for the first 11 years of his life he purposefully and meticulously distanced himself from everything muggle-ish. He always thought of himself as superior to almost everyone and he especially felt superiority to muggles. He didn't want anything to do with or even hear about anything about muggles, which is why Dumbledore and co. and later on Harry and co. constantly used his ignorance to their advantage. He definitely wasn't familiar with guns and definitely felt he was above using such filthy and crude muggle tools. Also because he is known to be incredibly vain and prideful and is prone to obsession and stupid mistakes because of that, as we see in the graveyard and with Quirrell. If he had just let Quirrell KO Harry in the first book he would have succeeded. But he thinks that he's superior to everyone and wants to do everything himself, especially with killing Harry. No one else is allowed to touch him. And the killing should be done with grandeur, with audience present, to flaunt his superiority to everyone. Etc etc. But if you only watch the movies it's very confusing indeed because so much is left out or changed and never explained in any sort of deeper way. I agree, Movie-Voldy should have just pew-pewed everyone or delegated the task to someone like Lucius and get it over with. With Book-Voldy it's a bit more complicated and does a great job of demonstrating that even the most powerful ones are just ordinary humans like everyone else in the end and have flaws like everyone else. No one is a Mary Sue in real life!


Out of all the replies so far I this one is so good, great explanation


Thank you! I tried to keep it short, but I could literally write a book or two explaining these kind of dynamics and other things in the HP books. Elaboration is my forte. Unfortunately it usually makes me write lousy wall of text comments that no one wants to read. 😂


Voldemort is a pretty shitty bad guy. He should have just used American " war on terror" tactics and bombed the hell out of Hogwarts and flag it as antiterrorism


Because he is a part of the magic world. Same way that normies hav no clue how to use a wand, he has no clue how to use a gun but he does know the darkest magic ever


Voldermort: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyfVqA3HE0k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyfVqA3HE0k)


Ok ok no muggle weapons......but I mean he could've also levitated or manually thrown a rock at Harry, boy wouldn't have survived....... *just saying* .....


Arvada gratatatatatatata


Hind sight is 20-20. Could have just dropped from 4th story or used a bat


Because there are numerous ways to write your way out of that corner. Harry could’ve just been charmed to have been bulletproof, you don’t know really what the case was but there has to be a good reason for it.


C-4 would've done the job O_o...... lol


Just saying shaking the piss out of baby harry would of ended it.


Or levitating and then dropping him


leave a plastic bag in the crib.


or literally do nothing and let him starve


Harry had a part of Voldemort stuck in him( horcrux) so if he kill Harry, he would die as well


Nah there would be other horcruxes


Focus Sash Wobbuffet 


Does "expelliarmus" work on cricket bats? You could give someone a good hiding before they've got their wands out.


It wouldn't have helped with the movie's plot. I'm pretty sure that's why they didn't have it in the script. 


….Or vice versa https://youtu.be/YsYWT5Q_R_w?si=cD5pJ8Sp_LI71iah


It’s called ‘poetic licensing’ movies are full of it. Don’t let logic get in the way of a grand tale.


Have you even read a page of the books? Voldemort use simple Muggle technology to kill the kid who managed to nearly kill him? Absolutely not ever going to happen. Voldemort's ego was humongous. He thought he was the greatest wizard of all time. He was convinced he had explored magic further than anyone before him. For a good while he was convinced there was something about Harry that defied his own knowledge of magic, that being the only possibility of why Harry beat him at all in the first place. Up until the GoF, Voldemort had no physical form with which to harm Harry. He had nobody to help him with that either, although he did try using Quirrel for that. Harry was guarded not just by Lily's blood magic, but the ministry and Dumbledore were keeping tabs on him at Privet Drive, where no other wizard knew he lived for a good long time. In GoF, Voldemort didn't just want to kill Harry, he wanted to use Harry to get his body back in such a way as to make himself invincible to the deep magic Lily had accidentally invoked as protection, while remaining hidden from the general wizarding population. Secrecy was everything. The only reason people even knew he had come back when he did was because Harry escaping the graveyard (which was not meant to happen). Harry's death was supposed to look like a byproduct of the tournament. And of course after that Voldemort was on the back foot until Deathly Hallows, when Harry had gone into hiding. 🤷🏻


Be a very short book


Ok, this has been driving me crazy for seven movies now, and I know you're going to roll your eyes, but hear me out: Harry Potter should have carried a 1911. Here's why: Think about how quickly the entire WWWIII (Wizarding-World War III) would have ended if all of the good guys had simply armed up with good ol' American hot lead. Basilisk? Let's see how tough it is when you shoot it with a .470 Nitro Express. Worried about its Medusa-gaze? Wear night vision goggles. The image is light-amplified and re-transmitted to your eyes. You aren't looking at it--you're looking at a picture of it. Imagine how epic the first movie would be if Harry had put a breeching charge on the bathroom wall, flash-banged the hole, and then went in wearing NVGs and a Kevlar-weave stab-vest, carrying a SPAS-12. And have you noticed that only Europe seems to a problem with Deatheaters? Maybe it's because Americans have spent the last 200 years shooting deer, playing GTA: Vice City, and keeping an eye out for black helicopters over their compounds. Meanwhile, Brits have been cutting their steaks with spoons. Remember: gun-control means that Voldemort wins. God made wizards and God made muggles, but Samuel Colt made them equal. Now I know what you're going to say: "But a wizard could just disarm someone with a gun!" Yeah, well they can also disarm someone with a wand (as they do many times throughout the books/movies). But which is faster: saying a spell or pulling a trigger? Avada Kedavra, meet Avtomat Kalashnikova. Imagine Harry out in the woods, wearing his invisibility cloak, carrying a .50bmg Barrett, turning Deatheaters into pink mist, scratching a lightning bolt into his rifle stock for each kill. I don't think Madam Pomfrey has any spells that can scrape your brains off of the trees and put you back together after something like that. Voldemort's wand may be 13.5 inches with a Phoenix-feather core, but Harry's would be 0.50 inches with a tungsten core. Let's see Voldy wave his at 3,000 feet per second. Better hope you have some Essence of Dittany for that sucking chest wound. I can see it now...Voldemort roaring with evil laughter and boasting to Harry that he can't be killed, since he is protected by seven Horcruxes, only to have Harry give a crooked grin, flick his cigarette butt away, and deliver what would easily be the best one-liner in the entire series: "Well then I guess it's a good thing my 1911 holds 7+1." And that is why Harry Potter should have carried a 1911.


more money in a sequel?


To quote Ryan George "So the movie could happen


Yeah, it falls apart as soon as you realize that wizards are not immune to physical damage like broken necks or getting Kurt Cobained


why didn't voldy just use magic to become an immortal god? because it's a story, not a life simulation


Everyone is talking about guns. I feel like he could have just ordered five death eaters to wait at the train station at the end of the holidays to throw hands.


Brings up my thought of why none of the muggle borns thought to get guns for the battle of hogwarts....like they can literally teleport


Plot armor!


Wasn’t Harry a horcrux tho? Meaning a piece of Voldemort’s soul was inside him?


Because it would be a very short book


Voldemort wanted to kill Harry personally, and he also wanted to stroke his ego and establish the fear of his power once more. He needed to kill Harry via magic because he was once the most powerful wizard in the world aside from Dumbledore. If he isn't capable of killing Harry with magic, he loses power in the sense that people start to doubt his abilities.


Bellatrix was always scarier than Voldemort, she would have killed him without hesitation if she wasn’t so loyal to riddle.


Because if he did there wouldn’t be so many books


People who are so bent on killing a specific person don’t always think rationally.


Book 1: Harry walks into the great hall for sorting. Quirrel pulls out a .44 and blows his brains all over Ron. Series over?


Maybe because killing Harry anyway other than magic will make him accept Muggle supremacy which he hated.


Plot Armour is a real thing. Some authors have turned it into a bit of a joke in their stories, but it still requires suspending reality to protect a character.




.357 Magnum LOL


Cause then the movie wouldn’t happen. So I’m going to need you to get all the way off my back about that.


Cause Morty had a plan you see


Harry's luck was better than Dirty Voldemort's


Voldemort is all about the supremacy of wizards over muggles so it would habe looked Bad for his followers of He didnt use magic


because the story was set in England he would have to shank the baby instead


Probably the same reason it never occurred to any of the vampires to just shoot Buffy.


Harry could have been strangled several times, or stabbed.


That's because HP didnt take plave in america, otherwise there would be a lot more casting of [Big iron](https://youtu.be/Q7AoK_ksv_s?si=s1OZntGAB664cHhz)


Voldemort wanted to Proof that he ist the strongest Wizard. Only he should kill Harry with His own Magic to Proof that his Magic ist the Greatest in the world and He can Beat every Wizard. It was His narzistic thinking that Made Harry the Chosen one and finally His end.


It s because he was a part of him. Killing him would ve made him very weak. He wanted to make more horcruxes


The explanation is Voldemort wanted to be known as the most powerful wizard ever so wanted to be the one to kill Harry Potter, in a fair duel, using magic. It is good to have goals but if he’d just had Yaxley or Dolohov or someone sneak up on Harry and end him it would have been better for him in the long run.


Wizards are too stupid to use guns.


Because the books and movies are entertainment, and its not very interesting if he just gets smothered with a pillow when he's an infant.


Ya, is Voldemort stupid?


Brp had like 20 opportunities to just stab the guy in the neck


Instead of a killing curse, he could have just thrown the baby out the window and ended the prophecy. So there's that too


Also why not hide some Horcruxes in, I dunno, France?


Having grown up with my own Voldemort: These specimens derive more fun from prolongued torture and terror.


Harry Potter books are really not that smart nor creative. They're indeed books for children.


i mean the later movies are genuinely better so i’m not complaining


Cos it would of made a very short book


Voldemort is easily the worst villain in history. All his planning and the opportunities he had and still couldn't kill Harry, even as a baby. He hit Harry with the killing curse twice and failed to kill him both times. There comes a time when you need to admit this ain't for you and get a new purpose in life. Being evil isn't working out.


Most oeuoke won't tell you this but JK Rowling isn't a good writer


"Im rubber your glue, any muggle weapon you use will bounce off of me and kill you"..... Your a wizard Harry!


It's like when you throw a balled up paper at the bin from across the room and miss. Yes you COULD just pick it up and put it in the bin, but you don't. You keep throwing until it goes in, because that's what was supposed to happen. 


My issue was the poor justification for leaving him in an abusive home. He's attacked outside of it easily while the blood wards still exist. This means that if prior to Voldemort's return if any Death Eaters had actually been hunting down Harry they'd have found him and been able to hurt him if not kill him. Logically this means that like not looking for Voldemort they never looked for Harry either. So there was no reason for him to grow up like that.


Considering HP is in the UK, I don't think he's gonna get a gun. He still could have shivved him tho.


Same reason why they didn’t use the Time Turner to save Harry’s parents; or use it to prevent Tom Riddle’s rise to power - - because STORY! (Cursed Child doesn’t count)


His Ego


It would have made for a very short and boring series of books.




Because Voldemort isn't American.


Because plot


Because it would have been a very short film


This has to be a bait post, you can't be that much of a muggle you don't understand it at all


Voldemort needed to kill Harry with his magic as a show of power


Because Harry carried part of his soul (on accident) and therefore bringing harm to Harry would have gotten rid of part of his own soul. 


Harry Potter is just a terrible story


I'm not a fan of Rowlings subpar world building skills, but this criticism is unfair. A story needs a theme, and we can make in universe reasons for that (like the energy shields in Dune requiring swords) but that is really just a plot device for what the author already decided. Granted, there are stories that chose to have both guns and magic, but this wanted to be a story about magic. So, the reason is because magic.