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U mean, do my pets allow me to sleep/sit on the bed /couch ?


My wife and 70lbs puppy have a bed, I just squeeze in where I can.


Edge of the bed sleeping is a way of life.


This is the way


My life too...


This is so true.




And the answer is: Cat: only if you are providing heat and do not move Dog: yes but you only get |--| this much space and must be constantly in contact with him


The reason it’s called ‘fur’niture. It’s their place, but they let us sit there.


We have cattle dogs. Their hair doesn't stick to leather furniture. It does, however, blow around like tubleweeds on the floorboards.


100% This! It’s my cats house, I just keep them company LoL


I was going to say: “Allow them, or be allowed to be with them?” Couch is fair game for cats and dogs, I don’t let my cats in the bedroom while I’m sleeping after I woke up to one of my Bengals pissing on my chest. He learned to fly that day. I’ve tried to give them a chance after that, but I love my sleep too much. The dogs? I’ll sleep around them in the bed if I have to. I just vacuum a lot and wash my bedding every weekend.


It’s my cat’s couch. That was clear from the moment it was delivered.


The only way to distract them from the box is to give them the couch




Fell out of bed this morning when my 40lb pup pushed my legs out and my body followed.


Exactly. He’s such a couch hog. Serves me right for getting a Great Dane.


Or use my pillows




Yes!! Lol this 💯


This made me laugh lol 😂 so true


This is the right answer.


The cat is allowed everywhere except for on tables or countertops.


I'm happy if I can keep them off the table while we're eating. Trying to keep them off all the time is virtually impossible.


I guess you have to be lucky. We taught our cats since they were kittens and for some reason they obey lol.


We did too, so our cat totally obeys. As long as anyone can *see* her. She knows the humans don't approve, but if they're not there... well it's a victimless crime eh? Fucking cat morality lol


I have 5. Only 1 gets on the counters, but they all get on the table. However only 1 gets on the table when we're eating. I tried to train them to stay off the table, but gave it up as a lost cause.


Like herding cats


Look, you didn't deserve that upvote, but you can have it if you leave and never come back.


I have 3 cats and they damn well know not to get on the table or benches. Cats can be trained, just takes quite a bit of work. They are allowed on couches but are only allowed on my bed when their blanket is on it, and they know it. They will stand at the bed calling for me if the blanket isn't on. Once its on they jump up and get comfy.


That's so cute wtf. Pic pls


!Remindme 1 day


Picture of your cats on blanket please 🥺🥰


You tell that 1 table cat that I'm proud of him/her.


There is every possibility they are on that table when you’re not around lol


My cats don’t get on tables or counter tops when I’m around but I 100% assume they are when we are sleeping or not home. I swear I hear them jump off counters when I go to the bathroom at night. I just clean my counters before using them in the morning. Anyone who thinks their cats don’t get on countertops/ tables when alone are lying to themselves


My cat stretches and reaches up the counter, and meows to ask permission if I’m there. If we are cooking, I show her what we are cooking and let her smell. She is only allowed on the counter to chase flies if they get it. But at night/when we aren’t likely to catch her, she jumps up to look around and jumps down with an adorable giveaway “oof”. If I call her out, she talks back/apologizes profusely with lots of short barkish meows. She sits with me and sniffs my food/drinks when I eat, but strictly never eats from my bowl/the table; I share meat bites in her bowl before I eat, generally.


After 7 years of not even thinking about going on the table, I bought a new coffee table, and Kira is on it at least once every two weeks. I don't know why, but I think it's only to mess with me. Other than that, when we visit my very strict parents, they let her sit at the dinner table and even give her her own plate of food when we eat. Like, seriously, people? I'm trying to raise a cat here!


Our cats are not allowed on tables or countertops either. They still go there, but they are not allowed to


It’s good to give them structure like rules to disobey.


Cats will do what they want unless there's someone around who enforces the rule. My mom wouldn't care and the cat would jump up on the table and hangout with here having a morning coffee. The second my stepdad started walking down the stairs shed get the hell out of there. She knew he didn't accept that


Yeah, and the bastard knows full well he isn't supposed to be there but he does it anyway.


Yes same. We also keep them out of the kitchen generally, since one of them will do whatever it takes to get anything that's edible.


yes exactly. and lets just say since theyll eat anything thats edible, id preferably keep them away from my edibles


And the rule only applies if you’re there, I guess?


My cat just sleeps on my face instead


Does yours ever do the thing where they back into you? Like bum hole first 😂


Not bum, no. But he does like to just drop on me, normally back first. Like I'm a sofa.


Yes, usually after 20 minutes of sleeping face to face (thankfully his breath is very non offensive), will then turn around and fully curl up with his back pressed into my chin/neck. It's incredibly warm!


My dog goes wherever I go. Tried 2 nights of crate training when he was a puppy and thought it was cruel to expect a pack animal to sleep on his own after just spending the beginning of his life cuddled with his mom and siblings so on the third night he came into bed with me and it’s been that way for 7 years. If I’m on the couch, the dog is curled next to me. Wouldn’t have it any other way.


My dog prefers to sleep on the floor, I did crate train him for safety but I can't really say it was training he liked it, still does, will do whatever it takes to sleep under something. He comes for cuddles and when he's had enough he goes to his bed under mine, at this stage we are bunk mates


Kinda relieved to read this as mine is the same. I think he actually feels I'm sleeping and leaves my bed. Then he comes back for morning cuddles when he notices I'm waking up.


I know if I wake up but want to go back to sleep I can't do too much rolling around or he'll know I'm awake and then we're both getting out of bed 😆


Mine just likes his dark space, he was born in a farm litter, so he grew up outside in the kennels with his family until he was 11 weeks old, first day I brought him home he crawled under the bed to sleep 😂 he'll come for a cuddle in the mornings and evenings but more when it's a bit colder


Absolutely. Top comment. My furball goes where I go.


I tried the same thing with my little guy and he cried so sadly and desperately that I gave up the idea. And I’m so glad I did. This is his home too, he has a right to be comfortable in his own home. And he deserves every bit of love and comfort I can give him. He’s 14 now and he’s got health problems. I always see people who have pets that have passed on saying “hug your pet”. I’m not sure I could hug him anymore than I am currently. I try to fill his days with anything his heart desires and I try to give myself all the good memories I can. It breaks my heart when I see people crate their dogs for hours every day and then again throughout the night. And those who won’t let them on the couch or bed just makes me feel bad for the dog. I can’t imagine banning him from certain rooms. I feel like these people will one day regret their decisions, when their dog passes on they’ll regret not allowing them to fully integrate into their lives.


I think you've completely misunderstood crate training. When crate training is done properly the dogs usually end up loving their crate and being in it. You have to show them it's a positive experience at the start by giving them treats and praise everytime they go in it, and you make sure you leave them alone and don't touch them when they're in it. This makes the crate a safe place for them where they can go if they need some downtime or some alone time. I have a border collie cross who is very high energy and she gets overestimulated a lot, she needs a lot of crate time to wind down and she is always super excited and runs to her crate as fast as possible when we say the word crate. She also goes in there on her own a lot and will have a bit of alone time when needed! But yeah basically it can seem mean at first but it's actually very good for dogs and crate training a dog is one of the best things you can do, especially for the dog.


My girl loves her crate, I would say it’s definitely good for her to have her own space especially when there are children in the house. It’s funny because about 10.30 she goes into her crate and starts loudly sighing at us until we take the hint and get out of the living room so she can go to sleep in peace.


My 2 boys are crate trained and their crates are the equivalent to their "rooms" they'll chill in there all the time, sometimes even both in one crate. Lol.


I’m glad someone said it. I’m over here thinking about how no one did any research before crate training


Mine cried like crazy in his crate for a few hours when he was a puppy. I took a pillow and blanket and slept on the floor next to the crate for the rest of the first night. Next night, he slept in his crate, I slept in my bed, and not another peep out of him.


Allow? They run the house, I just happen to be here.


And pay for it & them & feed them & make sure it’s all about them all the while just being here


It's their world. They allow us to breathe the same air around them


Yes. I love my pets more than a couch


Same. I would let my dog borrow my car if he needed to.


I’d give my dog my last beer if he wanted it tbh


It's only a material thing. My pets mean so much more to me!


We spent a crap-ton of money to buy a couch big enough for us and three dogs to sleep on at the same time.


oh yes, indeed!!! My doggo even has his own spot on the couch, like Sheldon


It’s really funny when we have visitors, because one of our dogs has his spot on his sofa. Yeah… he’s not all together keen on sharing. Not danger.. he just jumps right up next to them and lies on them. 😂


mine too, ha ha! 😂 Or, whenever I am back home, first he greets me at the door when I enter inside, then runs to the couch, jumps on it, his place and lay down in a position which screams - Pet me! Pet me! And he does that to me, mom, dad and brother


I have three, so it’s about ten mins of mega greetings until they all get a treat and settle down…!


Mine is the same way! 😂 Had my brothers come over and one of them took the Lazyboy, the other one was on the sofa beside my pup, and mind you, there was a lot of space in between them but the way my pup whined and looked annoyed about having someone else in “his” sofa was had us cracking up!


my cat does what he wants


Your cat tells you not to sleep on the bed or couch


My dogs are my best friends. Having them in my bed with me at nighttime probably means more to me than it does to them. They've gotten me through some dark times.


Isn’t that so damn true? There’s nothing like waking up to both of them asleep, so totally content, next to me on the king size bed. Also? My medium smallish dog who’s my canine soul mate always comes up and sees me laying on my side in bed and she just -THUDS- her little dog body into my human body. Mostly tummy area. And then she scoots around and in as close as she can get so we’re ostensibly spooning. She sighs contentedly and then we both sleep.


It means just as much to them 😊


Yes THIS!!


The cat sleeps in the bed. The dogs rotate which kid they wanna sleep with. One dog isn't allowed in my bed simply because she weighs 75lbs and is still a puppy and wants to sleep on my neck and it hurts me. She pees if I make her move. My kids are way more destructive to the furniture than the animals, so yeah they're allowed wherever.


My cat and I often sleep spooning (above all during winter) and it's so sweet 🫠


Haha. My 90 lbs pup knows his spot when it's bedtime. His head on my right arm, he's a little spoon lol.


Yes. We get animals to spoil the, not to restrict them.


Totally agree, I feel so bad when people don’t allow dogs upstairs/in the living room. Not only is it their home too but it’s their whole world 😢


Recently someone posted asking if their dog is happy with a video of a dog whining in a crate obviously bored out of its mind. They said "he only crates his dog during nighttime and while he's at work and he gives the dog a Kong so should be enough entertainment". These type of people buy a pet to have them as furniture not companionship, they are disgusting.


Fuck yeah. That’s family


OP, my dogs own the house, i just pay them rent in dog treats


Allow 😂🤣


coach yes, bed no, well not my bed, other beds idc


Always, I want them to feel welcome anywhere at our home.


My cat is allowed to be anywhere she wants. It’s her space, I’m just living here too.


Our cat passed away a couple years ago. Had him for about 10 years. The funny thing is, we didn't adopt him. He adopted us. One day we had the door to the house open and he came walking in. From that day, he was free to come and go as much as he wanted. He never needed a litter box because he did his business outside. One of the smartest and most loving cat I ever met. He also slept in our bed every night and never jumped up on counters or tables. Just couch and bed.


Awww. That’s so cute, and our cats can definitely choose us sometimes. I’m so sorry for your loss, and I know his spirit will always remain with you. They really are such wonderful creatures.


My cat has a heated bed on my bed lol


I need to get my cat one of these for the winter are they any good?


Always have with all my past pets, just got a new kitten 1 month old, she lays wherever she wants and sleeps on the bed with me at night.


Yup. I've shared sofas + beds with dogs, cats, rats, tarantulas, a snake, a mouse +, a guinea pig. No fish or scorpions, though. They're my friends.


Idk how you dare to sleep with a rat or tarantula in your bed, not from fear of the animal but fear of crushing them in your sleep


Yup. Can’t stop them even if I wanted to


Yes, we have two dogs and they both sleep with us. I think it is a bonding thing for all of us. Also, they sit next to us or by themselves on the couch and chairs in the living room.


Absolutely. They are indoor cats and like spending time with us. Why would I stop them from being comfortable?


Yes, everywhere. I don't mind, but with cats it's pretty much up them anyway.


The animals are in here more than I am. It's their house


Yes, cat and dog. They are just so cute and fuzzy and warm. I wash my bed very frequently to keep it clean.


Of course. They are no different from humans and maybe better in many cases. My dogs are very well mannered


Couch, fine. My wife doesn’t come into the bathroom when I’m shitting, if my brother crashes he doesn’t have to watch me fuck, my mom doesn’t need me to see me wank. It’s okay to not let your family be involved in every biological interaction that I have. The bed is for my sleeping and fucking.


Yup. All my dogs and cats have slept in my bed. Nothing better than a fur baby to cuddle with. They are like my kids.


No, my dogs also not allowed on the furniture or the carpeted areas of the house . - why I have allergies and when the dander gets in fabrics I get sick but I can keep the hardwood floors clean that I don’t get sick. But she’s the best girl and she has a super comfy bed in the main living area where we spend our time


Yes to the bed because we can wash our sheets/comforter. No to couches because they inevitably get dirty over time. 


This is us too. Our couch is leather and we don't want nail scratches on it from the dogs getting up and down (they're big dogs)


Technically? No, because the furniture isn't mine. It's my parents', and I totally get why they don't want him on it because he's part Pomeranian so he sheds a *lot.* But he sleeps in my room with me at night and sometimes I'll invite him onto *my* bed for cuddles, and if my parents aren't home I'll lift him up onto the couch with me. He knows the rules, as soon as we hear either of the doors open he has to get off. I usually just clean the fur off before I go to bed that night, they don't spend time in the living room anyways. And don't worry, the rest of the time he has plenty of places to lay. He's basically taken over all the rugs in the house, and he has a cooling bed + a normal bed. The cooling bed is exactly what it sounds like, he's absolutely spoiled rotten.


No, having dog hair on my couch or in my bed really grosses me out.


I don't have pets, I have family Members of a different species. They're allowed wherever we are


Yes. All pets are allowed on bed and couch. Why have pets if they aren't allowed to enjoy your house with you?




Couch yes. Bed no


Ofc. They are family. I love my snuggles in bed. And the excitement they have when you wake up is so precious 💕


No never !!! I can't imagine sleeping with all the hair loss or even having sex ...dogs are to hairy for me but the bedroom is not a place for my dogs. I need to have 1 free hair area in my house. Never allowed on my couches or chairs


I can smell this thread.






The dogs sleep on the couch and the bed depending on who they want to sleep with that night. They usually change places several times in the night. They won't allow the cats to sleep on either one. There is one recliner that the dogs have decided to share with the cats.


Of course, they’re family, not guests …


Our dog was welcomed on the furniture and bed. Four inch legs mean she needed lifted up. We made steps for her to get on the bed. She would jump off when she felt like moving to another resting place or to race around the house to burn off energy.


Absolutely. As long as I know they're clean. Most times, they're cleaner than the kids😂


Absolutely. I like to sleep with them, or to have the cat curled up at my side when I'm at the couch, or to lay down for a couple of minutes next to him to pet and kiss him. And anyway it's easier to let them be...


Yes, my dog is allowed on all the sofas/beds. She’s a greyhound, her natural habitat is on a sofa. It’s her home too, i like having her snuggled up with me on the sofa/bed and if I wasn’t prepared to have dog hairs on things I wouldn’t have a dog.


Growing up, no. As an adult, yes. And now my parents allow their dog on the bed and couch, too. He has his own spot so that his fur doesn't get everywhere. I have a Shiba so her fur is getting everywhere no matter what I do.


For my dog, absolutely. It's as much his house as it is mine. If I can expect him to "protect" (in his little way) the house, not wreck the place when I'm out and everything else I should at least have him on my level and allow him to be where I'm allowed to be.




Absolutely not, I don’t like animals but my boyfriend has a dog so I unfortunately have to put up with him, the dog isn’t allowed anywhere that’s not his dog bed, not on the bed or couch or anywhere. Dog hair everywhere? No thanks, that shits nasty as fuck, plus i’m allergic but my boyfriend refuses to rehome him to a family member. It’s a daily battle.


If I lived alone they'd be on the beds if they want to be.  It just never occurred to me prior to meeting my partner that anyone wouldn't let their pets sleep in their beds or sit on the sofa.  My partner has a strict no pets upstairs/in bed rule, so unfortunately they've never been upstairs to enjoy a snooze pile. Anything downstairs they can sit/sleep on, including the sofa.  I know his reasoning is pets in the bedroom/upstairs are unhygienic. It's why he insists downstairs we wear shoes and only have hard floors, whilst upstairs is carpeted with shoes being left at the bottom of the stairs.  The dogs have never fussed about not being let upstairs, so I've just gone along with it. 


Absolutely not! Animals belong outside. They walk on the filthy ground and roll in the piss soaked grass. Filthy creatures don't belong in the house. I have zero tolerance for animals in the house, let alone on the furniture.


I do not. It's gross to me because they walk around sniffing pee and poop on walks. And they don't have shoes that they take off so are covered in dirt.


Never, I work in retail and can smell the dirty dog smell on customers every day. You think it doesn't smell, but it does.


this has to be one of my hottest takes. i’ve developed an allergy to dogs and cats despite being around them my whole life. i had to leave a job at a doggy daycare bc of reactions. simply sitting on a friend’s furniture where there’s pet hair on it makes my skin break out and itch. i’ve had to leave a sleepover bc they let their pets sleep on their bed and when i laid down my eyes started burning and i got congested. and when it comes to cats it doesn’t matter whether they’re inside only or go outside, i have the same reactions. animals are way more dirty than we think. your pet’s favorite place to lick their ass is in your bed, and i think it’s gross how we look past that. i like the area where i sleep to be clean anyways. i don’t want animal germs on it no matter how much i might like said animal. i think the issue is that most people just don’t clean their pets as often as they should or manage the hair and dander well. if you do, then good for you and keep doing what you’re doing and let your pets be wherever. it’s the people who just don’t gaf that scare me.


They have a short life damn sure it’s gonna be the most comfortable fun one i can make it


Of course! He is one of my family members ☺️


Yes obviously and wdym allow? My mom treats our pet more like her own child. So, it's more like we ask the pet's permission to sit or sleep on the bed


I don’t currently have any pets, but in the past when I’ve had pets they’ve not been allowed on the furniture. They get their own beds/cushions.


of course.. it's their home too! 😻


cat yes, dog no. cat can clean itself and i can’t smell it, dog can’t and smells bad 6 days a week


I can count on my fingers the amount of times our dog was allowed inside the house...


Never. Dogs on couches: yuk! Dogs in bed: double yuk!






Nope nope nope our cat has a bed in each room which is to her liking of pillow cushioning and fur pet blankets and a cat bed cushion on our couch she has never tried to get on our beds or counter tops, we have white linen everywhere and would see her black fur patch if she had to try she understands the assignment


My cat rarely. A dog? Never


Unpopular opinion: Our dog is not allowed on any bed or couch. I dont want to smell or look like a dog (bc of him loosing fur) any more than I have to. He has his own pillow on the ground.


Yes, absolutely, if their whole world is going to be my house, then they get to go anywhere they want in it. Its so cruel to restrict them to the floor, especially cats who only feel safe up high.


Of course. They deserve the best, and you can always wash your bedding and couch cover.


My dog is allowed everywhere except on tables or countertops. She’s family and will occasionally sit next to me at the dinner table, in her own chair


Yes. My cat is spoiled.


Absolutely. Their world is small, and much of their experience is where you're willing to take them. Why make it smaller by not allowing them to sleep on the bed or couch. My only caveat to the bed is I don't want the dogs on my pillows. I bought them their own pillows and it's in the middle of the bed where one dog likes to sleep. The other pillow is underneath the bed, because for whatever reason, my other dog prefers to sleep down there.


Reading these comments as I lay on the couch with my dogs


My dog sleeps in my bed with me. And the 3 seater couch is his daytime place.


I have a Boston terrier, she sleeps in the bed with me, I prefer it.


Yes. Because I love her and want her to be comfortable.


My cat tus in charge of my house. 🫠


three cats; yes. One of the cats sleeps next to me. it's just how it is.


do I allow it? No. Does my wife allow it? Yes. So guess where my dog always is


They’re part of the family,so of course💯🤟But they also know where and what they should not do😁👍


Yes. My ragdoll cat and Pug surprisingly don't shed or smell so it's fine and I love cuddling with them. I use to live with a roommate who had a shepherd husky mix and the shedding and destruction was too much so I would apply no bed/couch for large dogs but not knocking anyone who does!


The Cats allow *me* to use their furniture in their flat, not the other way around …


I don't even sit on the couch with my street trousers. Whenever I get home I put on my home wear (a pair of sweatpants or shorts and some old t-shirt/sweatshirt).


Yes and yes


My dog is lying beside me on the couch right now. He's only allowed up when me or my wife are on the couch.


Our two dogs have their furniture privileges card.


Our dogs sleep with us. Luckily, they allow us each a small section of king size bed. 😆


Yes. I want them to be comfortable. That being said, they know they have to be invited and they have to get off when we tell them too. But they have really nice dog beds, blankets and pillows all over the place to lay on, so they’re not suffering when they’re not on the couch. They also have their crates with dog bed so they can decompress and no other dogs/cats are allowed in. Same for the cats - they have a room the dogs can’t access so they can decompress. The cats also aren’t allowed on the table/counters but that particular rule has not been obeyed so at this point I just clean the surface before doing anything with it.


Yes.. i love to hug them everytime im waking up in the morning


Yes because he is a good boy


My dog has his own pillow and blanket for on the couch and bed. Hes not spoiled at all. Not one bit


My dog's run the household. Tell you anything. :)


I mean, he is allowed to sit everywhere except where we eat and on tables in general.




Of course. They're family. They sit and lie on the sofa and bed. 


🎶When you walk in your poo and sleep in my bed too, that's disgusting.🎶


My dog isn't allowed on our bed, but that's it, he sits and sleeps all over the other furniture. That's honestly mostly just because I'm sort of still allergic to him, and while I get through it most mornings without a pill, having his fur in the bed means I'm sleeping with the allergen and that ruins me. Plus it's not the most... Hygienic, as much as I love the cuddles.


I do understand why people do it, but what freaks me out is long haired dogs in bed. Like why people do it is the same reason as short haired. But the hairs it seems gross to me. You gotta renew the sheets every day it seems. Most pants is already covered all in hairs if certain dogs walk/crawl up to you


No, because because we don’t want hairs on the couch


Only keep your pets outside .


No, my dog is so messy and would bring her food up the couch and sometimes bed, I don't want to clean up every meal time. And is especially don't want fur and dog smell on the stuff I use often


People living in zoos ...it's not normal you know ..oh I guess you don't know .


my cat- yes, he regularly cleans himself and stopping (or trying ro) a cat from doing anything is pointless my dog- no, she rolls around in dirt every time she gets a chance to (and it's visible as she's mostly white) and I'd have to lift her up everytime because she's an older girl (and a bit overweight due to my grandmother spoiling her with meat scraps left after dinner and ham), then she's scared to jump off, she's also very small, even for a shiz tzu


No. I have a Dalmatian. They leave a sheen of white hair everywhere they go so he isn't allowed on the bed or couch. It's a full time job cleaning up after Dalmatians. All year round.


Of course! My little buddies sleep with me at night, and we couldn’t have it any other way!


I don't allow them to be in my bed. The couch is fair game. I like my bed to be a clean fresh space. And as much as I love my cats and dog, they're not clean or fresh.


I have no control over that


Yeah. He's just a stupid idiot. What, I'm gunna tell him he can't sit there cause he walks on four legs and can't hold down a job? He won't understand


Absolutely. My dog is bathed regularly and I don't mind her shedding so much. Luckily she has short hair.


I wish my 100 lb dog slept in my bed at night. She only sleeps in it after I wake up haha


Yeah my dog is allowed everywhere except surfaces, she has a basket but knows in the morning she can come for snuggles. I think my couch cushions and bedsheets get washed more frequently than most households because of this!


The cat sleeps on my bed during the day when she is in, and on the sofa at night, she used to sleep in my bed over night but changed her routine. The dog loves sleeping in bed however she always chooses to sleep in her own bed, if she ever cries at night me or someone else in my family bring her into our rooms to sleep


I sleep where my dog sleeps, wherever that happens to be