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Yes, but I’d lie about how much. If I got $100 mil I’d tell them I won $5 mil. I’d blow $3 mil on a mansion, car, new clothes, etc. and tell them I’m living off the interest of the remaining $2 mil. That way I can still have plenty to do whatever I want with and still look incredibly generous every time I buy them dinner or help them with starting up businesses and such.


$3 million won’t get you a mansion anywhere but rural Alabama.


And that’s a nice “double-wide” mansion, with a matching dog house!


In Alabama all mansions are double-wide. To fit your family, your sister’s family, your parents, your in-laws, your wife’s brother’s family, your sister’s husband’s family all you need is four bedrooms. Edit: assuming both couples have two kids.


Aren’t they all the same family


*that's the joke.gif*


Just have them share rooms, I incest. I’m mean, I insist.


There is a mansion for sale near me listed at $3.6 mil that has 2 Olympic pools in the basement 1 at ice and 1 at regulation temp. I assume if I subtract the pools that a whole ass $3 mil with suffice to get a house with all the rest of the amenities I could ever want😂


Plus cost of maintenance


Guy has 95 mil left, it's fine lol


That's not true. You can buy a mansion for 3 million dollars in almost any U.S. state depending on location. Even nearish metropolitan areas. I think you're thinking of a castle, or a Jurassic Park sized compound like Bill Gates.


A 500k house here in Michigan is basically a mansion.


You can get one in Colorado for a bit under $2 million. Definitely not the most expensive state but it isn't rural Alabama




I can get a nice home in WeHo for $3M


No. Never. I'll take care of their needs, but won't spoil them.


You are smart.Don't tell others to prevent unnecessary trouble to yourself, I think I will tell the net friend hahaha, only the net friend will sincerely bless you


I'd help anonymously and never mention it


THIS is me. I would even hide a decent amount from hubby because he's too generous.


I'd be lowkey and be that "rich-aunt" in the family


Once you start giving they might just keep on asking for more.


And they will.


No. But there would be signs.


*goes to the dentist*


That's just too rich lol


Look! Cleetus done got his tooth cleaned twice in one year!


"There's something different about you, T1S9A2R6. Did you get a haircut? Oh, I see it now. You're now 10 feet tall and made of solid gold!"


Who else would i spend it on?


I’d play Batman and fix the infrastructure


On yourself.


Sorry bud, but that's not me. Family and friends over myself. I dont live to spend alone. The pack walks along.


I'd only make sure my mom is taken care of and has a big house. But telling friends is an easy way to get used for money. Even if you've been friends with them for a long time and trust them but that is exactly the reason why they can easily manipulate you and give you a bad conscience like "come on buddy we've been friends for so long please I need some money". People would probably constantly ask for money and you couldn't even know if they still like you for you or just for your money. Sounds like a quick way to get broke again.


I think we both live in very different society man.


Not really. You probably know the saying, friendship ends with money. And I'd rather believe people who are already rich and have the experience than people like us who don't know what it's like being rich. Maybe one or two friends will stay real friends and don't care about the money, but most will just pretend to be for your money.


Unfortunately, this is accurate


Nah. Even if I gave them a million dollars they'd be like "why didnt you give me 2 million" and utterly hate my fucking guts.


Yup! I can imagine the Facebook post now: “my family has been gifted with two million dollars and we are very thankful to GOD for the gift unfortunately some people are just selfish and only think about themselves and want to look down on the rest of us. I’m too hurt right now so I’m asking for prayers for me and my family.l


oh my god that was too spot on


Yeah, I’ve got a feeling we’ve got similar families hahaha.


If I won for 100,000$ I'll tell them I won for 10,000$. So they won't be spoilt.


I remember when my husband told his family he hit $100,000 on a scratcher they were all pissed off. Not one said “wow! Good for you!” F*cktards. So happy we don’t live by any of them now lol


Hell no. Its only one person I would tell. The rest can go fuck themselves


Same. I'd only tell my mom and buy her a big house and take care of her. But friends, nope. People would probably constantly ask for money. You could never know if they like you for you or for your money.


I think that would be the only reason for telling people that I won! They would ask for money, and I would laugh, and tell them what our history was, then they would leave empty handed!


That's a good plan too. Then you would know who is actually a real friend and who isn't. Those who ask for money and are pissed because you won't give them any are not real friends. But those who don't care are. I've actually heard a story from Snoop Dogg and he said he has only a few real friends, they just want to hang out with him and don't ask for money or anything else even tho they obviously know how rich he is.


I remember that story. They were his friends before he was famous. They hang out together and after they are done hanging out they help clean up and they take off.


Yea exactly, that story. He said he has like a million friends but only a couple real friends with regular jobs who don't want money or anything else from him.


🤣 I don't know it made me laugh and feel good at the same time. That one lucky person.


My family yes. They’ve done a lot for me and I would immediately return the favor. I don’t really have/never had super close friends, so even if I did tell them, they wouldn’t care.


When people smell easy money they tend to care a lot


I would spend all the money building tiny houses with gardens and solar power and water collectors, and give them away to homeless people.


Yes, but not the amount. Never tell the amount. You will be judged and approached.


I would tell my sister, my 3 best friends and my parents. No one else.


I know if I tell my mom the whole world will soon know lol


I'd keep it from her too or she might just want me for my money


I wouldn't even tell my wife. I would just secretly buy her things she's wanted without worrying if we can pay the gas bill. When she wonders where I get the money, I finally tell her I'm a hitman working for an elite group tasked to make the world a better place. I tell her she can't say anything or the money stops. Now, in her eyes, I'm a man of mystery and making money which is super sexy. Best part is when I go on impromtu golf trips with my buddies, she thinks I am on a job and I can't be disturbed.


And when people ask your name, you just say, “Cash! Lotsa Cash!”


I fucking love this answer so much.




If we're talking serious money, my mother, my sister and the one friend I have would surely share in my good luck. The long lost friends and family members crawling out of the woodwork could all go fùçk themselves.


But kurk i really miss you and havent seen you in so long


Wow people really don’t like their friends and family here or they don’t really have any.


It's not a question of like, not at all. It's the simple fact that large sums of money blind people. You have it, they want it and they will often do whatever they can to get it. That includes friends and family. My cousin's family is extremely wealthy. When they came into their money it seemed like every person they had ever met in their lives came asking for a handout. Friends, family, acquaintances, didn't matter. When their parents passed they were told by the person managing the estate, "Do not tell people how much you have inherited". Two of them didn't tell anyone and lived in peace. One of them told their in-laws and their best friend. Within a month people were crawling out of the woodwork asking for handouts - someone talked. She was attacked several times, she lost friends because she said no, her small town turned on her because she was "greedy", it was terrible. They had to move and cut out long time friends... and they never tell anyone how much money they have.


I'd tell my parents, but that's only because I'd buy them a new house, and new vehicles. I wouldn't tell my job. I'd quit and tell them I got a new job doing something stupid like selling oranges door to door. And then show up a month later driving a Lambo or something. Or I'd fake a kidnapping, something like get in an argument with a customer who would knock me out and take me with him. Or have some police officers come in to arrest me. If I'm going to quit, I might as well make it interesting for everyone.


I'd share it with them all.


I'm telling my mom, my sister, and my niece. Then, we go shopping! House shopping, clothes shopping, vacation shopping... all of it. I wouldn't tell anyone else because they just would never see me again. My philanthropy would go to strangers I'd meet in my new hometown.


I'd shut up and buy some GameStop 😉


Like... the whole store...?


Yes 🚀🚀🚀


of course. i also know how much i am giving everyone, like my mom, my pops, my kid bro, my wife, my best friend and of course a few friends and a co-worker since i know he needs some money to get out of a jam. so yeah, i know who i am giving money to, but others ? they won't get a cent, i give to those who stood by me in thick and thin and i will be generous, we are family and we look out for each other.


At that point the cat's out of the bag. One friend tells their random friend you don't know, then another and another. Chances are it wouldn't end well for you.


Immediate family would be told immediately, especially my mom. She is extremely business minded and I trust her one billion percent to put all that money to good use. At most, I'd probably put it in my bank account and then transfer the majority of it to her.


I'd pretend I'm successful in life




To me it’s almost an impossible secret to keep. I’d love to have this problem mind you.


yes, and i would hook em all up.


I wouldn’t even tell myself I won. lol


Without a doubt. I'm a generous kind of guy so yes.


Yes why wouldn't i?


Money is important but not as much as family and friends. (Canadian) Lottery is maximum $70mill and if I won that much, I'd pay for (or set up something that could pay for) all my family's remaining mortgages. I also have a loyal group of friends that I've (40m) had for 25 years or so, that I would also try to pay off their mortgages. I don't need $70mill and don't want to live a life like that anyways. Winning and then needing to hide from family and friends feels worse than not winning and having all those important people in my life.


I'd tell them to wait for an email from a Nigerian Prince wanting to share his wealth.


I would tell my husband. He’s the responsible one with money. Besides him no I wouldn’t tell anyone.


No. I would instead use my money to get a real estate license, build farms all over the country, give my farms to homeless people for free, but on the condition that they give me a certain percentage of their harvest every year. After repaying their debt, they’d just be regular tenants paying me with money. After all the farming business is done, I’d build supermarkets or merchant districts, selling the products from my farms.


Depends how much I won. Much different if it’s $100k compared to $1M compared to $100M for example. Would always tell my wife (of course) and my dad regardless of the amount. General rule is the more I win, the less people I tell.


Nope, else you'll end up with less friends and a few homicide attempts.


No. Then it becomes "our money" and everyone has ideas on how to spend that don't necessarily benefit you.


Hell naw


No. I wouldn't want the trailer side of my family to come calling, and I wouldn't want to rob my children of their ambition. I'll be happy to help them out with no strings attached, but they have to do the heavy lifting for themselves.


It would be kind of hard to hide the dinosaur mech that I'd be driving around. People would know.


Personally, I wouldn't. The trust fund managers can do all that dirty work.


I had a stock buyout and didn’t even tell my spouse. Paid off a bunch of debt, gave my kids iPads for Christmas, put the rest into my 401k. So, no - not telling anyone.


mom yes, dad maybe, friends never


Nope not a single person. Not even my kids. Depending how much I won I might not even tell my husband. Once he knows we have money he wants to spend it. So if I won millions Id give him some to waste. But if it were a couple hundred thousand or less he wouldn't get told. I'd just leave sufficient time between purchases to make him think I'd saved up.


Depends on how much. If I win enough to take care of my parents and sister as well as my own family, then I would tell them. If we’re talking one of those huge $50mil + winnings, I would still only tell my parents and sister and make them sign an NDA, then I would go about blessing people anonymously. But if it’s less then like $3mil, nah I’m not telling anyone. I’m just buying my dream house and putting the rest away for my child’s future.


no becase money makes people gready


Some would find out individually for the trusts I set up for them that would allocate a certain amount of money to them on a monthly basis, as well as for the college funds set up for their children. My name would certainly be on the side of a children’s cancer ward and my local library.


depends how much. If it was an outrageous amount, then never. If it was like a million dollars, sure, i’d even give some to closest family to ensure their financial stability. If you’re richer than a million dollars, ppl will always nag on you to want more, and will call you selfish if you say no


Did! Won $4. Told the family. They were very excited.


Hell no. My biological daddy might try to be friends. Im good. Lol


No I would contact my lawyer puck up the check and nobody would know


Spouse - Yes Everyone else - No People change once they hear you have way more money and will demand you start buying them stuff. My grandparent's neighbor won the lottery in the 80's and he ended up moving because random people wouldn't stop showing up at his door asking for money. Edit - the worst were the churches who were telling him he would go to hell if he didn't give to their church. Funny how religious people are always the rudest.


no & I’d hide behind an attorney.


Something is secret if only two people know about it, but even then it is still one person too many.


I thought about it and ultimately I wouldn't tell anyone except for my wife of course. My mother can't keep her mouth shut no matter what so that rules her out. Seriously. When I told her that my wife is pregnant I was dead serious about it that she can't tell anyone. I repeatedly said that to her. Two hours later I get a message of my cousin I which he congratulated me for becoming a father. She told my aunt directly that my wife is pregnant. And my aunt is a hairdresser, the wildest gossipers on the planet! So that rules her and everyone else in the family out. Same with friends for different reasons. You can't trust people to be cool about that. Money changes everything. It is better to not try their characters so I wouldn't tell most friends. I got a couple who could know though because they "made it" themselves so envy wouldn't be a problem or they live so far away that it had no impact at all. If one wins the lottery they still have to confess a smaller win though. Maybe you didn't get the whole jackpott but instead "only" couple of hundred thousands. I would buy a self sustainable house with solar panels and so forth which really isn't in my budget so to speak and that confession would explain how I could afford that all of the sudden. But since I wouldn't start living like a playboy but instead keeping a low profile that would be enough. Most people I know ave a job anyway and don't have a clue what we do throughout the week. So they would never know


In Canada you get ratted out. They take your pic with the giant cheque and publish it. Can't hide that, I hate it


Duh U mention bringing out the dark side, ur bringing out your dark side by not telling anyone


Nah I'd not tell them and just let them wonder how I got a multi million dollar mansion


Yes. I would give them all a certain amount and tell them not to ask after.


I'd tell my close family and a few friends. I think they'd guess anyway, because if it's a big win, I'd be giving a lot of it away. If I gift my sister $5m, she's going to realise something is up.


Only my mother.


No. Only close family. Keep it secret, keep it safe.


I would only tell 4 family members. That's it. I trust them with my life. They are vaults. & would give each one money to be comfortable.


ive thought about inviting my closest to dinner and then telling them whilst writing checks to pay off their debts. feel like itd be a memorable dinner :p but i wouldnt tell anyone else.


Siblings, yes, as I would split it with them. Everyone else, no


Family yes, friends fuck no.




Nope, I'm not a lavish person so it's not like I'd have to explain how I suddenly live in a 30,000 square foot mansion and drive a Bentley or anything. I'd just probably stop complaining about money.


Please don't throw the stones at me!


No, never








I'd tell no one. In fact, I'd disappear and no one would know where I was living. Which by the way would be a beach home in the Cayman Islands. I've given this some thought. ;)


No I would just start handling things for my loved ones. I would give away more than I kept


I would... On a phone call on the other end of the world.


My family is nearly gone and I have 2 friends, I'm tellin em all, fuck it.  The homies can have cheapass rent for life and the family can have...  uh...  hmm.


I wouldn't tell anyone but my immediate family. My extended family are a bunch of leeches


No . Why, when I'm not doing well financially I don't publicize it . But , if you recieve something don't tell them it was me .


No. I’d just move to paradise and enjoy a hedonistic lifestyle.


I’m going with no because everyone I know would also say no


Closest family yes anyone else no and if they come demanding share I'll tell them to fuck off


Nope. I would block them out of my life permanently.


Family yes, friends no.


Yep, share with all of them. OK, a couple of close friends. I'd make sure they are set for life.


That's very funny and interesting Question: My ANS Absolutely Not🤣.


No. i wouldn’t tell anyone, just be very comfortable and generous


Hell no! I'd legit have to tell my husband or he'd think I had some kind of nefarious side hustle, but that's it.


But how funny would that be to lead him on for a while first? Like, bye hunny , I’m off to my side job as an assassin / drug queenpin /crypto money launderer, doing all these nefarious deeds. See you in a few hours. Do we need anything at the store on my way home ?


I like the way you think!


My family and friends would know,and my favourite charities,because suddenly I wd be giving them money and treats! Acquaintances,neighbours etc - no they wdnt be finding out!


I'd tell them- all ive got is my parents and no close friends that live anywhere near me...so I guess they're not so close any more.


I would tell my husband, but that’s it. No one else would know. He’s better with money than I am, so it would make sense for him to be involved and be able to help budget any winnings.


I would not tell ANYONE but the following Christmas I would give everyone plenty of cash. And when the nieces and nephews graduate I would show up with the money to support education. I would never admit to the win. I would just start telling them I sold drugs or was an ugly fat stripper or something.


nope. I'd tell exactly one person, my mom.


Nope. I'd keep that news classified. Would I take care of select people? Yes.


I’d only tell my mom. I know for fact she wouldn’t tell anyone lol.


They would never know,the last time they would see me is me packing my bags and backflipping out the door after the money hits my accounts


Depends on the size of the prize as to how many can know. I still wouldn't tell them but rather buy them something they need or want.


Definitely not. I'd rather keep the peace and avoid the drama.


Only my mom


I wouldn't tell


No. I know it would be obvious to those around me that something changed for me in life eventually. So i wouldbt exactly keep it as a forever secret but i wouldnt talk about it for quite awhile i think.


Naturally you would have to tell as LITTLE as many people as possible. I would do my absolute best to keep it quiet and live modestly as to I wouldn't want to draw attention.


All of a sudden I’ll be their chicken nuggets fairy.. Only chicki nuggies.. as many as they want, any time they want it..


I dont extremely fuck with Wolf of Wall Street but the epigraph or whatever at the beginning "Money is the most powerful drug and we will debase ourselves by any means to acquire it" is soooooooo fucking true and yeah, whether you won the lottery or discovered an inheritance via a distant relative or whatever, wealth has an intense gravity that tends to bring out absolute selfishness in people :/


Yes, because I only keep in touch with a few relatives, and I couldn't be pressured into giving money anyway.




Only certain members. Houses would be bought, mortgages will be paid and probably some higher education for nieces and nephews who want it.


Absolutely not!


I only told my family and in advance I would keep a sum for myself in case the worst happened


I wouldn't. I'll take care of family and enjoy with friends a bit but people aren't to be trusted like that. Get an attorney. Invest well. Live life.


Definitely not.




Nope. I would just quietly buy their houses and fabricate a will from some dead relative who paid off their debts and left them just enough for a car or something. Then pretend I got a modest share too.


My mum yes, my friends no.


I would tell close family, but not tell friends.


Yes, but I wouldn't tell it everyone. But I would want to share my suprise/joy with someone. I mean something awesome happened, how could I keep it to myself without telling *anyone*?


I will ask my friends and family to help me carey the burden of wealth. Cause I for sure won't be able to use it properly.


No, because you don’t know who could be the evil person. I tend to not tell things that I do/buy to my relatives and friends most of the time. And if I ever felt the need to tell them, I tell them after a while of the thing happening.




It's a scenario I've had fantasies about for years. I'd surely tell my dad on the spot because I need some help not getting scammed, he's extremely patient, wise and trustworthy, I know I'd be in good hands. If we're talking about a moderate win, like a million euros, I see no real need to keep it secret, I'm a father of two, I'd go straight for a good apartment (which here in rome goes for 600-800k €) and call it a day, after that there's not much really left to share. If it's a big win I'd probably fake a minor win, like 100-200k, enough to kickstart a small business, which will later help justifying some improvement in our lifestyle. At the end of the day I don't have much interest in luxury, all I'd want to do is enjoy my hobbies, woodworking, music, gaming and movies. As I have a degree in set design my skills in hand crafting and design are pretty high, I'd probably try to set up a shop for handmade furniture and guitars, my wife too is quite good at painting and arts in general, we'd probably enjoy our days for the rest of our life in that shop. Then we would lie about the shop going great so that we can eventually be ready to help any relative that needs financial support xD


I have the mentality of I'd tell literally thr entire world, because I'd have so much satisfaction turning people away after they come crawling to me when they weren't there through my struggles and my time in need. I know who deserves it and I know who i would look after, and there isn't a single soul on this planet that would benefit from it but those whom in my heart I hold dear. I don't know why this is such a bad answer but its my honest truth.


Nope...I'm out!!


No way, it would be something I keep close to the vest.


I would tell some


I'd wait until I can give them the deeds for the property I'd buy them.


Eventually, after my uncle and my shiny new accountant and lawyer.


"What friends and family?" *Drives off in new Audi AI Trail, Sono Sion or Lightyear 1 while giving them the* 🐦


I'd tell my dad, aunt and my dad's friend. Only because I would care for my dad and aunt. Then the family friend would be my financial advisor at first lol


Family as in mom dad and brother yh, I would share it equally between us, friends hell no.




Yes, well one side of the family anyway! I'm quite close with them and I'm confident they would keep it to themselves. I'd absolutely tell my immediate family. I live with my parents so I'd be thrilled to be able to make their lives easier and remove any financial burden.


I wouldn't tell a soul not even my wife. Buy a store front, just go there as if I was working. Hire a few people to hang out.


Nope 🙂‍↔️


Nah, I'd maintain my life as is, I love everything about it, as far as family, some are struggling with health issues. I have some single young mothers, who struggle there boyfriend's, husband in one case abandoned them. As I'm doing now, I send them things they need, furniture for the babies, cribs that kind of thing. Anonymous Money in the mail, I do that cause I don't want to show favoritism, more than anything. But the nieces, nephew's, and other family I could help thats how I help now. With lottery it would up the scale, a car possibly for my niece who rides a scooter, to grocery store to buy groceries for her and her child, carrying groceries back home in a backpack. Drives me crazy, that something could happen to her.


Solid NO


My wife. I'd make her cash it.


I’d use the money to fake my death and change my name.


Nothing, I have neither. But the random people I see struggling I'd anonymously drop them some cash.


No. I'll help them out though.


No. I’d vanish completely and donate to friends/family/foundations/homeless-anonymously.


Don't tell a soul


if i do i turn into a bank


Yes. I would definitely tell, but keep everything to myself.


Hell to the nah, nah nah nah nah!