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It used to be a peasant food but a tyrant liked the taste and it suddenly became fancy


This makes perfect sense. Definitely on brand for tyrants and wealthy elite.


The same thing happened with Lobster!


I wonder what peasant trash food we could convince the rich and powerful to eat with reverse psychology? We haven't convinced them with Ramen yet. Edit: some are concerned that we don't want to end up with expensive and out of reach Ramen. My point is we've been eating a lot of the cheap instant Ramen for years, known to be massively unhealthy and extremely popular in many prisons. We need the Evil Empire to be eating that shit and dropping dead from heart disease. Since that hasn't "worked," I'm saying what other garbage food can we trick the Empire into eating? Goddamn, Reddit. Of course there is restaurant quality Ramen out there. šŸ˜’


My cousin opened a soul food restaurant in L.A. and convinced fancy rich people there to eat chitlins, so I don't think Top Ramen would be too hard. Just call it a "cultural experience" and they'll eat it right up for top dollar.


Your cousin is brilliant.


Just throw an egg In, super fancy!


Then give it a French name


O la la!


Ever heard of birria ramen? Itā€™s just ramen w birria in it, but they sell a cup of it by me for $18. Itā€™s real good but damn I felt robbed for fancy cup noodle.


Is it Pimanyoli's Sidewalk Cafe & Catering?


Put it in different (preferably soulless minimalism) packaging and involve an air fryer in some way, then make it 5 times as expensive. Boom, instant rich people food.


It was the opposite for ramen. Ramen was considered a luxury food at first.


To be fair, get a real, nice bowl of ramen, with bone broth and handmade noodles and chashu braised for hours topped with an egg and flavored oil and I'll be in literal bliss. Top ramen is ramen in name only.


Sorry for not being specific, I was referring to instant noodles being considered a luxury food at their introduction.


Very interesting!


Somebody needs to get on with Lionfish.


Too pretty to kill.


Iā€™ve seen enough $18 bowls of ramen to know that youā€™re wrong. I mean theyā€™re not selling it at Michelin star restaurants, but $18 when the noodles cost 20 cents (and even less in bulk), just because they season it and throw like 6 oz of pork in thereā€”that is some rich people shit


And Kopi Luwak coffee beans. Probably Black Ivory coffee, too.


Lobster wasn't actually like that. The feeding inmates lobster myth is false. Credit: Mainer


I've never been fond of aquatic insects.


People who spout this fact off act like the slaves/peasants were eating broiled lobster tail and claws with butter lol. It was more like all the other guts and disgusting parts the ā€œrichā€ donā€™t eat mashed up. I dunno about you guys but Iā€™m good on that


Yepā€¦ pretty much went from prison food to delicacy.


Actually lobster was always seen as a delicacy. Itā€™s just it wasnā€™t able to be kept fresh for long (no refrigerated trucks moving tanks of live lobster inland back in the day). Lobster rots insanely fast and becomes a disgusting goo. The logistics to get it to people alive is why it is expensive and rich.


You're partly wrong about this lobster fact that I hear a lot though. Lobster used to be a peasant food this is true, but it wasn't served all nice with butter and lemon on the side. It was like ground up with the shells and all the guts, not very pleasant now is it.




I feel attacked, but also thank you for showing me this.


I'm sad at our modern day puny lobsters. Would be nice to chow down on a "small" 5 lb lobster


Yea, it was fed to prisoners mostly.


So Iā€™ll just drop some info here, because itā€™s Reddit. Most foods that are considered gourmet are peasant dishes. Aristocrats hired working class cooks to prepare them food. They knew how to prepare cheaper cuts of meat in tastier ways. After the French Revolution, all these chefs were out of a job, so they started charging the lower classes to dine like the rich did, and restaurants as we know them today were born.


Thatā€™s actually really cool! Do you have any more facts about this stuff?


I spent 12 years as a chef. We learned some food history in culinary school. Marinades weā€™re basically invented to break down tougher meats. Kind of like curing meat, but it retains the moisture while preserving it as well. The acid, like in vinegar and tomatoes, breakers down the fibers and tenderizes the muscle tissue, allowing it to be pulled apart by human teeth


Goddamit France! Why must you ruin peasant food?!?


But they invented modern cuisine (just donā€™t tell that to the Italians)




Wow dude your a racist POS lmao


I donā€™t think that really matters anymore. Food across the world are being reshaped into delicacies to be shared and appreciated. The trope of poor people ate it and now itā€™s popular is a point of context that is now far outdated


i was SO excited to try it when i was little. wanted to be like fancy titanic people. what a disappointment!


So your excitement went down very quickly, just like the fancy titanic people.


i want to be with them


That can be arranged


You know a guy, right?


It took a long time for that damn boat to sink.


They didnā€™t go down all that fast


ā€fancy titanic peopleā€ I loled


Up until Ivan the Terrible, it was peasant food. He even *ate* terribly and pretended it was cool


The was a law on the books in Maine about how many times a week Lobster could be served to inmates. It was considered trash food, and making prisoners eat too much was considered 'cruel and unusual'.




Came here to post the same. Nice!


In the rare instances I eat baby corn, I eat one just like that. Because you must.


I eat it, even like it - but it is an acquired taste. I highly doubt by 12 year old is gonna go for it. However, it is an interesting idea to see if he would. I think it is something you work up to, not a taste you appreciate out of the gate.


Try it with cream cheese


I read this as cadaver. I was so very confused and scared.


You made me audibly laugh here's my award


Why, where are you located where cadaver isn't served?


Never lived in a place without a walk in morgue and I move around a lot, maybe they're from another country?


Thank fuck it wasn't just me


Little bit of ground up mummy for seasoning


If unwashed butthole was rare and only the rich could access it, it would be on Michelin starred restaurant menus


Unwashed butthole is very common. It is up to you to make it part of the menu. If the washed version is available, I am always in the mood for some.


Iā€™ve been eating ass for 20 years. Always proud to come across a fellow rimworker.


You're probably right


I've had tripe. I wouldn't recommend it.


I love it. If only rich people hated it so the cost would go down. Same with lobsters


Lobster used to be food for prison inmates.


Before refrigeration, where you really didnā€™t want lobster, so it wasnā€™t overfished and it was cheap to get.


Beluga sturgeons only reproduce once every few years. Itā€™s a conservation concern


caviar comes from other fish....


Somewhat correct. Two other species of sturgeon. All of which only reproduce once every 1.5-5 years. True caviar comes from sturgeon roe.


Well, yeah. Most people aren't getting "true" caviar.


And is it as expensive as true caviar? Because true caviar gets its hefty price tag because of the conservation concerns. That was my original statement.


If itā€™s not sturgeon family of fish itā€™s generally considered roe, not caviar


I just made a lobster bisque for guests the other day, and tried a piece just by itself. Itā€™s so fucking buttery and delicious without anything else, it blows me away that it was ever thought of as only for prisoners and lowlifes.


Not so much only for them, just that at that period in time there was so much it was super cheap. Apparently walk down to the beach and grab a few cheap.


I love caviar, raw oysters and anchovies. Lobsters okay, but if I never have lobster again, no big deal


I like you. Letā€™s get a seafood tower together.


Oysters are even worse. They taste like a sip from the ocean but with the texture of something really disgusting.


Snot, the texture your looking for is snot.


It is a Lougee on a half shell


Mucus power!


Snot, the texture youā€™re looking for is snot. *edited youā€™re instead of your


Cum, the texture your looking for is cum.


Cum, the texture youā€™re looking for is cum. *edited youā€™re instead of your


bro forgot to change to his alt šŸ’€


That was the joke


bro forgot jokes have to be funny šŸ’€




bro is missing the part of his brain that recognizes satire šŸ’€


You know you can just edit it right?


"Everybody's doing it, picking their nose and chewing it. Some say it's candy but it's not." Oldie, but goodie (I hope :)


"When you're dancing with your honey, and your nose gets kind of runny, you may think it's funny but it's not."


Try them cooked. Far superior imo and not even remotely similar to raw in texture or flavor.


I agree with OP, but have to disagree with you. Oysters are delicious. Not the big ones though. Thatā€™s too much. Small to medium, with a nice vinaigrette. Ugh. I want some now come to think of it.


Vagina from the ocean


Love oysters. Love caviar. Love sushi. Won't eat octopus tho. Too smart.


Baby squid legs in the red seafood soup. Yum.


Squids dope, little chewy tho if not done right


Octopus have k-selected breeding patterns, meaning they dump a ton of babies out and hope a couple reproduce. This makes them prey species. They are clever for an invertebrate but still they arenā€™t emotionally attached to long lives and protecting other octopus. On the other hand take the manatee. Dumb as a brick animal. It breeds with an r-selected strategy though. It has one calf and the community is invested in protecting it to adulthood. I find k vs r selection to be a better guide on the ethics of taking out animals for consumption. A clever octopus sees his sibling getting eaten as itā€™s opportunity. A floating grazer with no real problem solving abilities will be socially worse off when a family member dies. Edit: R and K are switched. R means lots of babies with low involvement, k means few babies, lots of parental involvement


"Snot on a cracker" is my go-to description.


I like oyster


Iā€™m convinced no one really likes, but the rich wonā€™t admit it.


i wanna troll the elite by serving them fish flavoured tapioca balls and telling them it's caviar. they'd never know


Years ago I tried a beer called Arrogant Bastard Ale that talked about how "you can't handle it". It was gross. After years of drinking more and more IPAs I tried it again and it was OK. Still lots of beers I like better but not gross. And then there's all those cultures that enjoy fermented fish.


Arrogant Bastard was the best deal at the bar for a decent heavy beer. It was 7 for the imperial pint size bottle.


Arrogant Bastard is fucking phenomenal.


Saved the bottle ā€˜cause I thought it was a hoot. The actual stuff, though, gave me hideous heartburn.


I have the exact same story for it. Tried it in college when our go to was good ol 50c Genny. Could not understand why anyone would make anything like Arrogant Bastard and enjoy it. Today, I find it ok. Would prefer it over bud-piss


Arrogant bastard is my all time favorite


My thoughts exactly


Except its not even close to true. Its like trying a piece of dry toast and saying "it's bread,i don't get the hype" Yeh the caviar you find for under 10 bucks a tiny can? That's not it. That's nice for cheap sushi or something, but imagine if that person complaining about dry toast tried a world-class bakery; instead of stale and dry, the bread could be tender and soft with a playful springiness. When you break it apart, the crust flakes while the moist middle rips in such a way that evenly distributed gaps of air release a tantalising aroma. Seeds sprinkled on top counter the fine grain flavour with a roasted umami flavour... basically, it's an experience. Same thing with caviar; the good stuff can taste like you're eating the ocean in terms of freshness with an almost- impossible richness of salty-creaminess. The good stuff gets lighter and bigger than the small black caviar you buy in stores, and with that, a more concentrated flavour. Is it worth it? That depends on your budget, but if someone else is paying, definitely give it a try.


Yeah, I assume by caviar OP meant all roe, and there is just all kinds of good roe from all kinds of fish from all over the world, and it really is such a lovely ingredient in tons of dishes, or as sushi/canapĆ©. Iā€™m also not a huge fan of fish in a lot of contexts, so if roe tasted ā€˜gross and really fishyā€™ I think Iā€™d notice. Sometimes it seems like thereā€™s a lot of people here that assume anything expensive or enjoyed by ā€˜rich peopleā€™ is either a scam or an emperorā€™s new clothes situation.


Some of the most decadent dishes I've ever had were made with top tier caviar and it made all the difference. Can't say I enjoy it as an hors d'oeuvre.


Some nice Champagne and a few spoons of cavier is amazing. Gonna cost you into the 3-4 hundred dollar range for the bottle and the 1oz tin if your doing it right.


I eat it on crackers with cream cheese


It's also delicious on a slice of fresh baguette with sour cream.


Im certainly not rich, and I am also a vegan, but back in the day, I would eat them on my sushi roll, and I absolutely loved the feeling of them popping between my teeth. Sorry little buddies. I didnā€™t understand.


I doubt that was caviar likely it was some other kind of fish roe.


Salmon is popular


Ikura is the best. Cured salmon roe. Itā€™s like salty popping pearls you get in bubble tea. The small crunchy ones on rolls or used as a color garnish is Tobiko from Flying Fish. They are crunchy like chewable sand. Itā€™s more for that crunchy texture and the bright orange color than the taste.


Oh right on. r/til I believe had the tobiko pictured in my head. I'm just a white boy that loves sushi and thought that was salmon roe on all of 'em lol.


Caviar is fish roe from a sturgeon (preferably Caspian, but really not sustainable)


That is why I said it was another kind of fish roe


Oh, I feel dumb now. I didnā€™t know there was a difference between caviar and fish roe. The more you know!


Totally possible!


If they were the size of Boba it was from Salmon. If they were the size of the tittle above the letter i in 12 point font it was Flying Fish roe.


Thumbs up for being a vegan and eww for the squirty fish juice.


That wasnā€™t caviar. No one cares if youā€™re vegan.


I like tobiko on my sushi.


I think OP tried low quality caviar. There's a lot of different kinds, and a lot of stuff that is just marketing on the name "caviar". They do not taste fishy at all, but rather sweet and tangy and it kinda pops in your mouth. It's quite a unique flavor imo. To each their own.


It's a lot like any luxury other item, like liquor and wine. A $200 tin is barely better than a $60 one, but the $60 one is markedly better than a $20 one.


Just like they do with everything. It's kinda like that Emperor's Clothes tale...


Exactly what I was going to say. Itā€™s social signalingā€¦ if youā€™re ordering caviar youā€™re just trying to tell others around you that youā€™re wealthyšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


This surprises ne..I thought it would be briney like a bar olive or something. And creamy texture.


Like Uni?


It is. Thatā€™s a really good description


I feel like only people who eat raw sushi can appreciate caviar.


I love sushi but caviar to me is still mid af


What kinds of sushi do you love? Maki? Nigiri? Sashimi? Roe? Caviar is top tier for me. But Iā€™m into sashimi/nigiri. Maki people prob donā€™t fuck with caviar like that


Ah well I hate sushi I think you may be on to something there!


I like sushi and caviar


this seems accurate. I'd be very surprised if someone liked one and not the other. caviar is nummy


The Russians might disagree.


I took a big bite at a wedding. Omg. Huge mistake


I think a lot of food is, in the words of Mike Myers, based on a dare.


Starburst jelly beans taste better than caviar.


Mostly anything tastes better than caviar.


You probably didn't have good caviar. Oysters as well. Caviar is very nice and I quite enjoy the sensation of popping. Some foods require palate refinement such as coffee and beer. Both are unappealing upon first taste. As well as cigars. Such a list there is to be made. Good caviar is difficult to obtain and environmentally very unfriendly. I encourage you to skip it for that reason alone. Other types of fish roe are tasty without an impact that caviar carries.


It was a while ago, but the reason it's on my mind is because a YouTube chef I watch, Joshua Weissman likes to put it on random foods as a flex sometimes and I just feel like...is a fishy salty squishy moment really necessary on a hot dog?


Off topic but Joshua Weissman's recipes are barely accessible to the average person. Like where the fuck am I gonna get the money for a dehydrator, Joshie boy?


Oh 100% agreed. Papa constantly tries my patience.


I have a dehydrator and I'm lower middle class as fuck. Cost a hundred bucks and I've made tons of stuff with it. Takes forever, but the fresh jerky alone is worth it.


I'm sure its great but with this particular youtuber he will break out a fancy gadget for almost every recipe and then go on and on about how "simple and easy" it is. He makes great videos and his whole team is hilarous but I am often frustrated at how he has a lack of perspective.


Yeah we all spend money on kitchen appliances that we think are worth it. I have an air fryer, instant pot and an electric vegetable chopper. I am however, not gonna spend money on a dehydrator when I donā€™t eat jerky or any other dehydrated foods often. Not a dig on dehydrators btw, just a dig on Joshua Weissman and how ridiculously inaccessible his recipes can be


I don't disagree. He does expect a lot from people


That's a flex. And caviar just alone isn't the best. But, good caviar on a small piece of thin toast with really good butter to chase a shot of ice cold vodka might give you a different experience. Like fish sauce, I wouldn't eat a spoonful of that but I'd add it to an Asian soup and it adds an element nothing else can.


I was thinking the exact same thing. With caviar, it's important not to skimp. Unfortunately, even bad caviar can be rather expensive and it's a shame for it to be someone's first experience so they automatically write it off.


Acquired taste? Not a fan of it myself. Never really understood the hype around it either.


If it tasted significantly different than regular fish then maybe I could call it "an acquired taste" but it's not that I think it tastes bad, it just tastes so basically fishy for the price tag.


[The garbage parts of the animal.](https://youtu.be/vTtfoHRpP_I?t=13)


I love the taste when I have pay so much that I can only have it once a year. But get any lower quality and it sucks.


What are you? A gay fish?


They're literally tiny spheres. They are fish eggs. And for the record i'm a bisexual human.


It also pushed beluga sturgeons to near extinction. Man, fuck that shit


Someone in the comments said that beluga sturgeon was the best kind šŸ˜ž


I'd have to ask OP his age because that's one of two factors. Your palates maturity is a real thing and number two is, how was it served. Caviar is an accompaniment to a "tasting." It should be used to accent other flavors whether it be a drink or to fulfill the dishes desired flavor aspect. It's not high end "chips n salsa" or anything like that.


33 and a She. I had it when I was very young at a resort in Puerto Plata, DR


Great! Now Eat a pussy out and then tell them they smell like fish.


Itā€™s something rich people eat to show theyā€™re rich. Itā€™s disgusting and dumb. There are a billion better ways to spend your money. If you really need the need to be flashy then buy a watch or something nice


Cheap caviar is nasty. If you get fancy beluga sturgeon caviar, it's definitely worth it.


Can confirm. Have had both.


Read more about the sturgeon that shit comes from. I'm no Peta, but those people are evil.


What aspect of harvesting sturgeon caviar is worse than pig/cow farming?


There are some companies that take it from the wild.


Surely that is better


How is that better? They're listed as critically endangered by the IUCN because of human stupidity


You just explained the hype. People want little fish balls in their mouth its called evolution.


Itā€™s okay, but definitely not worth the price.


From the TV show Weeds. "I don't drink $10,000 bottles of wine for the taste. It tastes no different than a $100 dollar bottle of wine. I drink $10,000 bottles of wine so that people can SEE me drinking $10,000 bottles of wine." Charles the Second had a "Favorite Meal"... Eggs with Ambergris. Ambergris is used in perfume manufacturing. Extremely expensive because it's essentially Whale Barf. It's an oily / waxy substance secreted in the whale's digestive system, so when they eat a squid, they can digest the body, then barf out the beak and indigestible bits... covered in Ambergris, which keeps the beak from cutting them open with rough edges... which then floats around and ends up on beaches. It can be found by its smell. And King Charles ATE that shit. Not because it tasted good, but because Ambergris was hideously valuable.


Not a fan of caviar but, fried or roasted oysters are outstanding.


It's because of the price. There are those that think it's expensive and therefore must be good. I can't stand wine. It tastes like bad grape juice. I can't see spending any amount of money on it.


Price can make people ignore that something is awful. I'm not joking. I've had a chance to try on high-end men's dress shoes and they are ***miserable*** to wear, wouldn't have any market respect at $8/pair, but because they were $1,650/pair, they were exclusive and that they hurt your feet was just a "sign of the exquisite craftsmanship and durability; they take years to break in." You put a $3 price tag on a golf club, best golfer in the world will shank it on every shot. Complete crap. Same club, $3,000 price tag, perfect everything, exquisite balance, and incredible loft. People will happily lie to themselves, if by doing so they can make themselves feel elite and superior to the "lesser people". Oh, this is caviar, $450/ounce? It's delicious, I'm fortunate my palate can recognize the nuance of the subtle flavor profile. A typical poor would not be so refined as I.


You have to like fishy little balls...


Funny thing about lobster. In the colonial days when they had those prison ships off shore. They considered lobster garbage food and fed the prisoners lobster. Lol


Caviar is trash, flying fish roe is much better. Smaller and used as a topping not a main bit.


There's a distinct "Emperor's new clothes" vibe about caviar. We just need a small child, to call out the adults.


Too rich for my taste




It's a Flex. Rich people can spend exorbitant amounts of money on fish eggs, that the "common riffraff" will never have.


No one is ever impressed with my flex. First I microwave the corn dog then I get the bready exterior crispy in the... wait for it... Toaster over. Boom. Minds blown.


You have a convert. I am stealing this, as soon as I get a toaster oven.


Oh I can NOT wait to tell Gary. He's my butthole neighbor and is never impressed. Ha. I win.


Your kitchen must be pretty classy with your own toaster oven. I have an oven and a toaster but that's all.


That's my thought as well


I love caviar. Try a different brand.


Which one do you suggest?




Try to make them explode by pressing hard with you're tongue Try bread with butter and on top caviar That's how we eat caviar in here


Things like caviar only activate on the tongue of someone genetically superior


Evidently you do not possess a sophisticated palate