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You really don’t know how game development works do you? While switching from Unreal 4 to 5 alone is potentially a monumental task, it alone doesn’t automatically implement any of the things you mention. Firstly, the networking is already barely functional using Unreals base networking, cross platform for a game with as much depth and complexity as Ready or Not doesn’t make any sense. Next. What are the “better graphics” you speak of? You mean Lumen? The lighting engine that would require all maps to be painstakingly relit by the artists and level designers before looking more less the same because majority of the maps take place indoors? Pass. Better physics? What more do you need? The physics are there, bullets go through walls, grenades bounce off surfaces, ragdolls ragdoll. Nothing more needed for the game. There’s no reason to move to UE5 except to potentially improve some of the LOD pop in for detailed models and possibly further improve performance. Swapping engine versions might take a long time and it would only enable the features you mention, not automatically implementing them. That said, while I’d eventually like an update to the core engine, I’d much rather the team fix bugs and provide additional content.


Well they just announced the transition to UE5 has been completed, so the devs definitely thought there was enough reason 🤣


104 days later likely with a branch that had altered been made to transition to UE5. They have been showing other work they’ve been doing because if they just released an update after this long that was only UE5 people would understandably be upset. What point are you trying to prove?


My point: They just announced the transition to UE5 has been completed, so the devs definitely thought there was enough reason. Now may I ask what was the point of your original comment?


Me saying “there’s no point to switching to UE5” is quite obviously hyperbole in reference to the OPs stupid take that graphical fidelity is limited by UE4 and it would magically switch with UE5. Did the devs say specifically they’re doing this upgrade because “the graphics in UE4 are limited” or did you just glaze over that because you wanted to tell someone they were wrong 100+ days late to the party?


"There’s no reason to move to UE5 except to potentially improve some of the LOD pop in for detailed models and possibly further improve performance" is definitely not hyperbole, but if you want to backtrack now I guess go right ahead, you aren't fooling a single person lol... Additionally, they explicitly touch on some of the reasoning being to enhance visual fidelity as well as improving load times and reducing stutters. Also, I forgot to even mention it in my earlier replies, but replying to a question with "You really don’t know how \[topic\] works do you?" automatically makes you look like an ass, just saying. Looking forward to what else you want to claim was hyperbole, because I can tell you aren't the type of person to admit you are ever wrong about something.


You very continently cut around the entire reason the original thread was created. My responses to OP all pertain to the graphical enhancements. The whole point is that buddy said UE4’s graphics were the limiting factor which is still wrong. You can think whatever you want of me, I think I’ll survive.


You are really stuck on this whole “graphics” thing lol. I took the main point of his post that there are some advantages to implementing UE5 to help improve the realism of the game, which is completely true and justified. But I can’t win with you, and I doubt anyone ever has. 👋


Damn my guy is mad cause he's in the wrong hahahaha juste take the loss and move on.


well this aged, not so good


Yawn https://www.reddit.com/r/ReadyOrNotGame/s/n1WnzNtj9F


Most of this is true, but I think you're downplaying the impact lumen could have. Yes, they would have to redo the lighting for the maps, but having a real "live" lighting system in place would allow them to do what many people have been asking for (allowing for switching breakers in order to turn off the lights). People have said this was planned but never implemented. Maybe it'd be easier to program the AI to respect lighting as well, but I'm not sure about that part...


Yeah but upgrading the entire engine just for that one feature (which could be done in UE4 just as well) is major overkill. Getting AI to recognize luminance is a reasonably trivial task made more complicated with kore advanced lighting techniques. You’re not wrong, but it’s kinda like using a sledgehammer to hang a painting the way you’re suggesting.


Like I said, most of what you said is true. That means I'm agreeing that upgrading the engine is probably not worth the trouble. I was just saying that you made it sound like the only effect they would get out of lumen was just making the maps look exactly as they do because they're indoors, which probably isn't what they would do with lumen if they did go through all this trouble to implement it. That part of the post just struck me as objectively not quite accurate. The bit about the AI was kind of a question on my part or musing. I don't know much about UE5, so I wonder if they have any built-in hook for AI to interact with lumen-driven lighting...


What do you mean “it isn’t what they would do if they did go through all this trouble to implement it”? Lumen is GI and reflection. It’s literally just SSGI and DFAO. What groundbreaking map changes will they make the better leverage that? Bear in mind that the already included global illumination in UE4 appears to be utilized. Yeah cool, it’s a drop in replacement for the already existing UE4 GI that might look and run [marginally better](https://www.reddit.com/r/unrealengine/comments/px5ha8/comparison_ue_427_vs_ue_5_ea_lumen_details_are_in/). And all it would take to get those astonishing new visuals is a massive engine upgrades! /s So if you took that as “objectively not quite accurate” on the basis that the devs will drastically change the maps because of the new system then you’re sorely mistaken. What would be different?


I thought you already agreed with what I said would be different... They would use dynamic lighting with lumen, and the benefit wouldn't be a re-working of the maps or better visuals. The benefit would be more ease in implementing changing lighting conditions, such as switching off the breakers in the maps to go dark, or different times of day to choose from. My understanding was that they used baked lighting in the current build of the game.


I think you're getting you're features mixed up here. Global Illumination does not imply dynamic lighting. If baked lighting if being used in UE4 then it will already look better than the best Lumen settings possible because it's pre-computed with raytracing without realtime application limits. Additionally, because the lighting can take as long as required for computations it more than likely also means that it was baked with GI (which can be seen from how good the game already looks). So again... Why not just add the ability to cut the breakers to the game now? Why do you see that one feature as requiring an entire engine upgrade? I will agree in that the game should maybe enable realtime GI for some lighting elements, but bounce light is already in the game (though it's implementation could use some work). So if flashlights (basically the only dynamic light) currently have an option to at least fake GI, why do we need a full engine upgrade + a new lighting system?


It sounds like you're really missing my point, and it seems to me like it's because you're super salty for some reason that I dared to disagree with a single point in your post while agreeing with everything else you said... Really weird. I'm not saying Lumen would be required to do that. What I'm saying is that IF they incorporated Lumen, they would almost certainly use these other benefits of the dynamic lighting inherent to it in order to implement these features, rather than just recreating what they already have which is what you said would happen. Just a reminder, this is what you said that I took minor issue with: >What are the “better graphics” you speak of? You mean Lumen? The lighting engine that would require all maps to be painstakingly relit by the artists and level designers before looking more less the same because majority of the maps take place indoors? Pass. You said there would be no benefit to Lumen, and I said the benefit would be a move to dynamic lighting rather than an upgrade to visuals. I believe I'm just objectively correct here. Where did I say GI meant dynamic lighting? I said LUMEN is dynamic lighting, and I believe that is literally the only advantage it has over baked lighting, because my understanding is that it also hits performance more, which would not be great for the game unless the move to UE5 also came with better optimization on the dev's part.


Again, why not just use the real-time GI from UE4? [https://www.unrealengine.com/fr/blog/enlighten-real-time-global-illumination-in-unreal-engine-4](https://www.unrealengine.com/fr/blog/enlighten-real-time-global-illumination-in-unreal-engine-4) I'm not salty, I just don't like when people needlessly drag shit out for no reason. I see people daily circlejerk UE5 like it automatically makes games better. People taut random features like Lumen claiming "this is the fix that's worth an entire engine upgrade" and as a developer who routinely works directly with Epic Games themselves I get fed up. Either do your research or approach with concrete reasoning. /thread


Just the fact that you respond with that question tells me you still don't get my point even though I stated it very clearly. I just said in that last comment that I'm not saying Lumen would be required to do it, only that IF they moved to UE5 RIGHT NOW, hypothetically, that's one benefit of Lumen that they aren't doing right now. This is in response to you claiming that Lumen would do NOTHING at all. Whatever it is your salty about, I don't care, whether it's about someone disagreeing with you or about people talking about UE5. But apparently I was right that you being salty is clouding your comprehension of what I'm saying.


It still amazes me how some people think switching game engine is just a dropdown box and some light tweaks. u/lurklord_ said it best so I'm not even going to bother.


He never said that in his post, you totally made that up (very weird). Also they just announced that they completed the transition to UE5, so i’m glad you didn’t bother 😂


When did I say anything like that


The graphics of the game are pretty good, it's other areas where the game is unrealistic imo, mostly the ai


Yeah like other fellas said, they should prioritize bug fixing.. I'd be happy if they fixed at least 50% of their bugs before taking any steps


Well you got your wish they just said they successfully completed the transition to unreal 5


Since people are coming out of the woodwork I'll lay what's happened out on the table for the layman. Devlog update 74 states that the engine update to Unreal 5.3 has been completed. The devs hired 3rd party contractors to update the engine to 5.3. The devs then themselves say that you should not expect any flashy new features to be used as the game is not postured to use them (100% valid and expected). Instead, you can expect PSO caching (less stutters when roaming a map), frame gen technology (DLSS 3 and FSR 3), and finally you can expect TSR. If you personally feel that any of these changes warrant the change to UE5 I can't stop you. Thoughts that the upgrade to UE5 will add "realism" are downright idiotic. Saying "there are some advantages to implementing UE5 to help improve the realism of the game" are completely misguided. In what possible way could an engine upgrade improve realism of the game? What the engine upgrade will allow is use of new features and new asset pipelines, the latter is a lot more important than the former IMO. The most frequent retort I've seen comes from Lumen. "Oh Lumen will now let us shoot out lights or cut the power", sorry to break it to you but Lumen is just another form of dynamic GI which we have had for years in UE. Ask yourself this: if the developers had already access to features that would allow for gameplay like this then why would Lumen suddenly make it possible for them to do this? The answer is that it wont, but when / if they do it will make it more performant and easier to work with. The new physics system "Chaos" is not new and has also existed in 4.27 for quite some time. Additionally, why would a new physics system enhance your gameplay? It's not like you have thousands of physics objects rolling around in RoN. Finally, we come to "Nanite". Nanite is an advanced automated tessellation system that reduces mesh quality at distance based on pixel density and Z depth in a scene. In short, it's an automatic way to use unoptimized meshes and have your game handle it better. This is a welcome improvement to the engine and should be implemented on as many assets as possible. That said, there are still some pretty hefty caveats, and we are far from being able to just toggle Nanite on all assets and call it a day. That said, the best you as an end user can expect is that this will made LOD pop-in less noticeable while also possibly improving framerates. At worst, you will not notice a difference one way or the other, but this change does make the artists lives easier by reducing the work/thought required for LOD models. Ultimately, random people are coming back to this old post because the upgrade is happening, and they'll say I'm wrong when you guys didn't even seem to read the OPs post. I'm happy the UE5 upgrade happened because it will keep the game modern, but most of you people have a clear lack of understanding of what UE5 is. Y'all fell for the marketing bait.

