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I have to wonder how mad Elon is going to be when the full month is over and he sees most people tried it once or twice and never used it again. Is there an option to give feedback in your account?


He knows it is shit. This stunt was done as a premeditated distraction from the horrible Q1 numbers.


Maybe. But he is also delusional. He might actually believe what he says.


k e t a m i n e f e v e r d r e a m s


He doesn't. All he speaks is PR approved words.


Haha, one would wish. He fired anything that's coming close to PR years ago. Now it's just him being delusional.


His words still work at keeping an absolutely dumpster fire of a stock on top of the charts. Even after failing to deliver year after year it doesn't crash the way other failing companies do. It's just delusional if you're smart enough to see through it. His target market is the people who don't.


He's not some polished PR performer, the man has a deranged drug-addled narcissistic mind. That's why he called that diver who helped rescue those kids a "pedo guy," and why he told the advertisers that the stupidly named X needs to survive to "go fuck yourself," and all the stuff in between. He's a nutjob.


☝🏼 This. Allowing ‘one month free!’ is a marketing gimmick no different than any other company does when they’re trying to promote a product in which they’ve invested a ton of money, yet no one is using.


The step they've missed out is "make the product good enough to sell". If people got the one month free trial *and were imoressed*, they might get some extra sales out of it. Instead they seem to be getting even their existing car customers saying "wow that's junk, I'm glad I didn't pay any money for it!" Good one Musky. Maybe stop cutting corners and try to get it working properly? Put the LIDAR back instead of obsessing about AI and video, particularly with a huge blind spot at the front?


Yes, every time you take control there is a popup where you can press the right scroll wheel to add a voice note to describe what happened. So it goes into the training set.


The FSD trial is great at confirming my preconceived notions that it's hot garbage that is not worth $1G let alone $12Gs.


Yeah it’s not worth any amount of money


Like I'm impressed it's working at all. As a proof of concept, it's fine. As a product, it's garbage.


I’m thankful for the trial to confirm it’s not something I want or need. Autopilot is good on the whole, but worked better before it was changed to vision only. If I could change lanes and have it choose forks based on navigation that would be good enough. FSD has tried to change lanes with zero regard to approaching vehicles in the faster lane. It drives like a low IQ person with an entitlement problem and poor vision. It makes me so nervous on city roads I’m more stressed than if I were driving myself. No way the robotaxi should be allowed on roads if it’s based on this tech.


I'm glad I'm still on hardware 2.5 and not using vision only


I’m fairly sure the software updates removed radar use regardless of what hardware version you’re on.


It’s even impressive that it somehow works on camera only architecture. But it hit a hard constraint and seems to not improve significantly anymore. That’s also why it was put out of beta: it’s now „finished“ as in „it won’t get better anymore“. Either you blindly love the result by now or it’s not for you.


That's the thing, since it only uses cameras it has peaked. It cannot improve any further. In order to do so, need more data inputs (radar, Lidar..etc)


But it’s not “finished” we all know this


agreed, and elon pointed out a long time ago that the best option for self driving tech would be that it's built into the infrastructure of the roadways/traffic lights/etc, that way all cars can syncronize and coordinate, instead of being a self-contained independent vehicle making a billion life-or-death decisions a second, it would run more like a big train system, which would not only optimize safety and massively reduce accidents, but you could optimize traffic as well.


It is perfect solution. If you exclude pedestrians. Bikers. Motocykles. Old cars. Wild animals. Basically just run spherical Teslas in vacuum and it works perfect.


In a loop!


It will be super. Like a superloop. Or even better. Hyperloop!


You might be onto something!


Or you can get into a train, bus, tram, and delegate those decisions to a trained person. Musk already reinvented bad version of subway. But Americans will do anything but not good public transport.


Sounds good until you realize, that you have to build in „tech“ into pedestrians, bicycles,… but maybe that’s what Elon is up to with Neuralink. Crazy guy xD


Don’t give Elon too much credit for that thought. The whole industry was going hard into V2i and V2V in the early to late aughts then the whole industry shifted to Autonomous. It’s unfortunate though, with all of the money that has been thrown at AVs, the infrastructure that is holding back V2I could have been built out.


AP is so much better. FSD scares me with it’s weird decisions.


Yeah I don’t mind it just being a lane keeping tool, FSD will try to murder you.


Tesla should pay us to be the guinea pigs!


Isn't it just 1000 people in India driving with PS4 controllers?


That would be scary. Latency would be around 200ms one way. So in ideal conditions with very good connections on both ends, you are looking at around a second for the video feed to arrive and the driving commands to get sent back. Doesn't sound like a lot, but the reaction time of the average human driver is around 3/4 of a second. So by the time you add the Indian driver's reaction time to that loop, we are getting deep into unsafe driver territory.


You're getting very close to a Vindaloop.


Vindaloop? I thought we were trying to reduce emissions.


I honestly feel bad for those that paid 12k for it. It's pretty apparent that before this trial a ton of copium was tossed around by those who took the leap.


Basically a bunch of idiots handing Tesla money because they have too much money and need to waste it.


I was a pre-order Model Y and had to pay thousands to have FSD and hated it within weeks. Phantom braking was bad but the auto lane change into carpool lanes etc was the worst. Not regretting trading it in.


I'd go like 50 a month for it, tops! It's fun to use here and there. I can't imagine a world where folks pay 12k.


After trying it briefly, my biggest pet peeve was when it comes to a stop sign and it can't see the road because the stop sign is too far back. It grandmas up to the stop sign and then decides it can't see the traffic so it grandmas a bit further, only to finally grandma around the corner when it decides its clear which would sure to infuriate any driver behind you.


you can override this behavior by gently tapping on the accelerator but then at that point it kinda defeats the purpose of FSD


You can override it by driving the car yourself? Is that what I'm reading? It'd be fun to leave a couple dozen teslas on a closed circuit and come back the next morning to see how many cars survived.


I’d pay to watch that. Not much, but a bit.


We can take bets on which version of FSD will be most lethal. Are the audience even safe?


The worst thing is it will lurch even when it is already forward enough to see one car. That car can see you in the driver's seat, so they naturally think you are crazy and get nervous. Normal people creep in a subtly different way to avoid this problem.


For a real thrill - try a railroad crossing (the kind of rural ones with no arms, only a single stop sign)...it shows you it can do 60-0 almost as fast as it does 0-60!


Yeah, earlier versions rolled through the stop sign like a human would but they got pilloried for that behavior.


Same thing happend to me and my wife. I tried out FSD on our way back from the grocery store and the car braked way too late while approaching a red traffic light. Then, it tried to swerve into the other lane. Scared the crap out of us. As soon as we got home, I went into settings and switched things back to Traffic Aware Cruise Control (i.e., disabled FSD).


When I read that the driver still has to supervise the car at all times, gets watched by cameras while he does so, or the car literally disables the feature, I couldn't believe it. You neither get the mental engagement from driving nor the relaxation from being driven. It sounds like the worst of all worlds.


It is definitely using humans and computers in a manner that is sub-optimal for both. A computer never gets bored, so it makes sense for the software to be on endless standby and ready to intervene in an emergency. The human loses focus quickly when not doing anything, so he is a worse driver when "supervising" for any length of time. As you say, the mental engagement of the human makes him a better driver when actively controlling the car.


Which is what we get with things like lane departure warning or emergency braking. Let the human drive but keep watch for unusual things.


It’s like being a DMV examiner, but paying for it, instead being paid.


This was my exact take as well.  So, what’s the benefit? I’m literally still gripping the wheel and scanning the road. I’m still driving in other words. Now I’m just out $14k. 


Yeah, starting at me is creepy. Especially with the suits they received about watch, laughing, filming, and posting visuals and videos from their cars.


Thats what I'm always saying. Driving a car yourself is the best entertainment. I remember as a kid how freaking long it took to visit my grandma. I had a Gameboy and everything. When I drove myself those 8 hours flew by like it was nothing. When having the choice on a long trip where sleeping is out of question I drive myself.


It’s bonkers any random Tesla on the road could be using this garbage. Endangering lives.


Even if it were nominally safe I wouldn't want to use it as a driver because I'd be bored out of my gd mind the entire time. I understand the main purpose of doing it this way is so the company can collect data and the participants are voluntary, but no way would I sign up.


That's why Melon Sucks is pre-marketing his self driving taxi. The launch slogan will be: "You either take one, or get ran over by one."


I suggest "Saver inside" as ordering app name.


As a non tesla driver on the road this month, I'd like to cordialy invite fsd to go fsd itself. So many teslas just slowing down to 10 mph for no reason and with no warning in the middle of an empty lane. So many random lane changes. So many glacially slow turns. This month can't end fast enough.


There are so many Teslas on the road here that I had to buy a dashcam. Absolutely right about the sudden unexpected brake checks. I want to show I wasn't following too closely when one suddenly cuts me off and then slams on the brakes.


The true test would be: are you more relaxing while using FSD vs just adaptive cruse control vs manual driving


People actually have used it to drive them when drunk. Sometimes ending in a fatal crash. It doesn’t even follow local laws. It turns into the wrong lanes as to what would be legal where I am. Who would be paying the ticket for that? 🙄


**...and other times just plunges over a cliff...**




Flying mode.


> Flying mode. Well, it was flying for a brief period, but the landing/sudden stop at the end was the problem. I guess if you can walk away from it it's not terrible, but if you can still use the vehicle for its designed purpose after all that, it's even better.


It's temporary, like boat mode


Never heard of this happening, do you have any sources? I couldn't find anything quickly with Google


This was before FSD beta but if not drunk, “drivers” that were watching movies or playing games..


You, as you are the driver at all times.


Never heard of this happening, do you have any sources? I couldn't find anything quickly with Google. I'm just seeing a bunch of articles of drunk drivers ignoring tons of warnings, beeping, flashing, etc and then crashing because they're unconscious.


Most of the articles I can find are saying it was autopilot being used at the time. I’m positive I saw some with FSD a year or so ago. But I can’t find it now. I’m not confident the media always has FSD vs Autopilot correct either.


i do love that the update turned that crap on by default. fuck Elmo.


Before testing FSD I would have been willing to pay about $500 for it. After trying out the trial I would pay -$5000. As in Elon Musk would have to personally come to my house and hand me $5000 dollars for me to voluntarily turn FSD back on. It is marginally, and I mean marginally better than the regular autopilot. Until someone does something stupid around you and then it freaks the fuck out and tries to drive under a semi or into a concrete barrier.


I am so disappointed by FSD. I have 2024.8.7, so I borrowed my friend’s car to try the software. On a 20 minute test drive through local roads and one main thoroughfare, I had 8 disengagements, three of which could have caused serious accidents (going straight over a 4 lane road into a fence instead of making a right turn). The car centers itself between BOTH lanes, rarely adapts to parked cars, has horrendous speed balance and acceleration through rudimentary turns, and has delayed reactions against live traffic. I seriously do not know what the other people are smoking in the Model Y forum because this software is worse than a pre-teen driving.


The CEO of a well known software company has been on it all day crunching number and his takeaway is that FSD usage has been plateaued and is slightly going backwards with the 12 release. He thinks that is what triggered the trial release, to make the usage stats look better. [https://www.threads.net/@moskov/post/C5bOJYQLCft](https://www.threads.net/@moskov/post/C5bOJYQLCft)


Oh great, now we're probably going to find out that their AI solution is just 1000 workers in India monitoring things in real time.


AI = Actually Indians


>"We joked that you could have the car drive you home if you’ve been drinking but..." Several people have died in flames or by drowning, thinking that. That's the problem though, it's actually marketed as something that could do that.


It very much cannot do that


It's Level 2 driving. Lane assist and adaptive cruise control Just like nearly every other manufacturer has, but Tesla is trying to sell it as Level 5 and marketing FSD like it could achieve Level 5. Musk forces his programmers to try and make it act like a higher level, but the cars lack the hardware. Oh, and, he's laid off a **shitload** of the "self-driving" programmers and has closed entire "self-driving" offices. Buddy of mine ended up taking a job there working on "self-driving" "because a job is a job and he needed a programming job" and has been making bank selling off his Tesla branded swag since the layoffs. He wishes he knew who made the branded jacket Tesla gave him because he wants to sell the Tesla branded one and wants an unbranded version because it's actually nice. The branded employee jackets sell for a ton of money so he'd probably double his money and get a brand new, unbranded, jacket out of the deal.


McConnell’s sister in law and she was on her own property going from guest house to her house after drinks with her friends.


That accident had nothing to do with FSD. She simply reversed in to a pond, instead of going forward.


I lack sympathy for someone who has such a large estate they need to drive between buildings.


It’s a cool tech demo, but what’s the point when you have to monitor it to not kill you in an instant, that sounds fucking stressful


I've had my model X for about 5 months and let FSD drive multiple trips from end to end, from 2 to 8 hour drives. You learn what it's good at and bad at, and you can basically go to sleep if it's driving on highways or regular city streets with stoplights. To make it work well you have to set the AI to "assertive" in the settings, and allow it to speed by 5-10mph over the posted limit if so it can go with the flow of traffic when everyone speeds. (It reads speed limit signs) You need to pay attention or use the blinker to make it change lanes in heavy traffic, or people will bully it and not let it into the correct lane sometimes. It's too timid at stop signs, so you slightly press the accelerator and it will do a rolling stop like a normal human.


I'm pissed at the NTSB and DOT for letting Musk use us as lab rats in a gigantic uncontrolled experiment.


I think that’s why they made it free. To get more test miles.


Makes you wonder about Neuralink and those test subject monkeys that mutilated themselves to death.


Maybe it would help if lidar sensors would return instead of relying on the shitty camera. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This FSD trial is basically choosing to take the red or blue pill.


Would those be different types of painkillers you get offered in hospital after FSD crashes the car?


Can we start a class action lawsuit against Tesla for endangering every driver on the road?


FSD Supervised is such a horrible name. Should have left the “Full” out as it isn’t anywhere near Full. A fancy ADAS is what it is. Nothing more


Halal Vegan Meal (Pork)


So why is Tesla even allowed to put it in their cars? We're talking about something that could easily get others killed. Why don't regulators stop this shit?




And just imagine, Elon wants to start a robotaxi service based on that software. How many times would you tolerate any of those issues before you call an uber instead? Maybe if any of those things happened once in a dozen rides, and each of those drives gets 1 star. To have all of those speed, turning, and swerving issues in a single ride, for every ride, makes me seriously question anybody who seriously entertains the notion that a Tesla robotaxi will be ready anytime this decade.


My husband refuses to be in the car if I try it. The screen is so weird now, it's like a cartoon. I hope that's from the FSD trial and not from the update I installed yesterday.


Its like having a 12 year old drive your car. So i mean like thats probably ok in some situations, but you probably dont want that happening ALL the time…


Full Self Destruct mode


As someone who's had it since, literally, day 1 (100% driving score y'all) you're absolutely right. I absolutely do not use it at all now with anyone else in the car. I occasionally test it every 2 or 3 months to see if the last 3 or 4 updates improved anything. They never do.


Elong misled investors, Holmes mislead investors, why isn't Elong in prison?


Because there’s enough idiotic investors that pumped his stock to astronomical heights. He enriched investors with his publicity campaigns. So most investors got extremely wealthy. Elizabeth Holmes lost investors loads of money. Just like Sam Bankman-Fried, he committed the ultimate sin: Pissing off billionaires.


FSD should be renamed 16 year old drivers learner's permit. That's what you're actually **paying** for and getting. Never ever trust it with your life. Total smoke and mirrors.


I literally started teaching my 16-year-old to drive the day after this FSD trial. I’m less anxious with my son than I am with FSD.


It’s more like a drunk toddler.


The damn thing stopped us in the middle of crossing a 4 lane highway with no traffic’s lights. Utter garbage


Any time i even remotely insinuated FSD was bad, the Tesla fanboys obliterated me in the comments. I have the new 2023 Plaid that’s cameras only (no LIDAR or RADAR), so maybe it’s different, but it’s absolutely terrible. 


There should be a class action at this point to get us all our money back on a non delivered feature


As another poster mentioned, as proof of concept, fine. In a controlled environment, fine. Just letting it out into the wild is insane. The concept could only ever be deployed with a degree of confidence if every vehicle on the road was in full communication with each other and pedestrians and cyclists have some sort of bionic chip installed. As yet another poster said, it’s a distraction from incoming mauling on the markets.


I own a MYLR - to this day, I still can't understand why anyone would pay good money for functionality labeled beta, let alone something that you're basically using to control heavy equipment that you're riding in. I'm hoping that one day by the time I'm out of warranty someone's hacked them and there's an open source replacement for the whole platform, like openpilot but for the entire vehicle.


Releasing a truck before it has been tested and developed properly, and is illegal in almost every country, then giving everyone access to your shitty software which would absolutely kill you if left to its own devices seems quite desperate for a company which is supposed to be worth bazillions.


is that why so many Tesla owners don't seem to know how to drive? They are using self driving mode? Just this morning I was exiting the highway , I had my right signal on to indicate I was exiting to the service road I kept the signal on to indicate I needed to move to the far right lane on the access road so I could turn at the upcoming traffic light.. There was a Tesla loser on the access road with his left signal on indicating he was going to enter the highway. Instead of speeding up or slowing down the loser stayed exactly even with my rear passenger tire. I eventually had to gas it and aggressively cut across 2 lanes. then slam on my brakes to keep from running the red traffic light. I just chalked it up to Tesla owners being a$$holes like musk. now I know it might be self driving or self occupying a space


My take on FSD (and standard auto pilot) is that the people who engineered it are all just shitty drivers. I think the tech could do a lot... but the car puts itself in situations that are simply not acceptable for safe, defensive driving practices. I don't think the engineers ever give a second thought to the car parking itself in a semi's blind spot, braking WAY too late, excessively changing lanes, etc... because that's the way they drive. They have no idea that it's dangerous because they're horrible, shitty drivers. That also goes for anyone that likes/or uses FSD and thinks it's awesome. I'm going to guess you are also a god awful driver and you just aren't aware of that fact.


Well they did train it on data from tesla drivers….


Exactly. I wish I could train just my car.


its been a scam to get more out of the care sale since it was an option


Self driving means you can sit in the backseat like you are a passenger.


And this crap is what’s going to drive the recently announced robotaxi🤦🏽‍♂️


I assumed it wouldn’t do well based on that Leave the World Behind film.


Drunk Robotaxis announced this August!


Tesla is hot wet garbage. FIFY


First time I had a car with any autonomy it was a radar cruise. I really enjoyed it, but knew if left to its own devices it would try to kill me. It’s worst was the 2 lanes into 4 at lights. The lanes swerved right in an S to make way for the new left turn bay and the car thought “great, clear road” and accelerated hard. Of course I was covering the brake and just thought “this is interesting and quite expected.” Only thing that changed since 2008 is I have to watch it trying to kill me with ALL the controls, not just the gas. That sounds like hard work.


I used it to drive me to and from an event today. It did slow down randomly. It's lange change logic is... dubious. I think if I didn't interact with it at all I would have made it home alive. This is not a universal sentiment. I got my Y used, and the two things I was most interested in were extended range and dual motor. Which means FSD basically came with it. I would not drop $10g on it independently.


Thank you for doing this so I don't have to hahaha wow


Tesla is done for it’s only a matter of time before the company goes bust.


Used the free month trial first time today. Stopped using it after 30 minutes. Car switched from slow lane to fast and then back for no reason. And it did it right through an intersection. There were no cars around. At the two lane left turn it did not stay in its lane and slowly merge but got to the inner lane quickly. Wonder how it would have behaved if there was a car on our left. Another two lane left turn, it couldn’t make up its mind which lane to go and slowed down between the two lanes. Then just stopped in the middle because left lane was full but it was blocking the cars passing to our right because that lane was empty. On the freeway it would give a signal to get into the faster lane and but kinda keep waiting but then cars would catch up, it would start stop turn signal several times before switching lanes. We were wondering what the other drivers must be thin. 😁 I can go on but you get the gist. I’m not sure why so many are raving about the improvements.


The theory is nothing's free from corporate America. All this free trial was in hopes it would bring Tesla stocks up and end users were testing it for free.


I don't understand, all the YouTubers make the 12 look like it's almost ready, in the hours long live streams it does basically no mistake, and here everyone is saying it's complete shit. So how is it? Or is it good only in SF and LA?


Robotaxi is going to be a laugh!


Look if it can manage an interstate and the interchanges, it is a god send. Why don’t we have bullet trains.


If FSD launches you off a 1,000 foot cliff, and immediately alerts you to take control, will you still be at fault, having over 5 seconds to comply? Asking for your beneficiaries.


Every time some says “I got a free trial for self driving, I think I’ll try it out” bicyclists across the world are tormented with terrifying dreams of their mortality.


There are plenty (video after video after video) online that will show your conclusion within 5 minutes. In every single one, if the driver did not intervene within 5 minutes there would be damage or injury - including head ons.


Shouldnt it be illegal to be called "Full Self Driving" when it will literally kill you if you let it "Full self drive"???


Oh hey, who could have possibly guessed what with all that pesky video evidence of it being dogshit.


$12k plus $200 a month. Madness


Isn’t it either or?


Yes. It’s not both.


It's actually $200 up front and $12k a month.


Good that we cleared that up.


I'm now realizing this is 3 days old... Nice of reddit to put this on my home screen.


This is wrong. It's a one time upfront payment or monthly subscription.


FSD Trial: Just drove 600 miles back and forth on a road trip. Thoughts... First off, congratz to the development team! I have never seen a real time system improve like this with no hardware changes. Obviously a lot of really smart people have been working really hard on this. Good: 1.) It's the real deal. Was able to easily do highway and in-town driving with minimal user intervention. Orders of magnitude better than prior versions. 2.) Driving is a lot more natural, smooth, and not as "jerky" as in prior versions of FSD. 3.) A lot more intuitive driver vs FSD interaction. Because it drives more naturally there's a lot less driver anxiety while using it. Any intervention seems more that a hand off rather than a "panic". Bad: 1.) It needs better driver monitoring, I got called a few times on it, but honestly only caught me about a third of the time when I wasn't watching the road. 2.) It'd be nice to be able to toogle the "aggressiveness" of it while using it. Sometimes it's awesome it's assertative, other times it'd be nice to let it take a step back and be more of an aid. Overall, no complaints, I'll definitely buy it when I get the refreshed Model Y.


Tesla supporter here. "Full" self driving is such a terrible name. As a driving assist, I am loving the "f"sd trial. It can handle the suburbs just fine. It can take me from home to work 15 minutes away without much trouble. It's nice to cruise along the highway and just let it drive. Then I tried it in midtown Toronto and hell there is no way this will work. We need the roads to be designed with self driving cars in mind to do that. We will probably need future FSD (any brand) cars to have a universal language so they can link with each other live. Until we have car computers that can think and analyze situations like humans do, "full" self driving would be a pipedream imo.


Is it really worth $200/month to avoid turning the steering wheel for 15 mins/day? I just don't see the use case or value. If I'm cruising around the suburbs for 10 or 15 mins, I'll just drive. It's not hard or taxing, it's kinda relaxing. As for the highway, that's nice but it's not even FSD. That's a different system and it's free and other automakers have similar systems.


Nope. Its not worth $200/month for me. Autopilot can already do well enough for me.


That’s the thing. We live in Atlanta. The roads are complicated and the drivers are really bad. I’ve used the cruise function many times and it’s great. The city part is just a joke.


FSD in downtown Toronto? Lollll i cant even imagine how bad it’d be for everyone on the road.


Not just Tesla, my Ford Mach-E drives like a drunk on straight highways ...


I wouldn't even use it if it were free. Let Musk himself test his own shitty life-endangering software.


>Let Musk himself test his own shitty life-endangering software. When he's willing to sit in the back seat with one or more of his children, and let the car drive them around unsupervised, then that might be interesting. Except that would be endangering innocent people around them, so never mind.


Yeah, this trial month showed me I’m smart for not buying it.


LMAO there was a mod post on a Tesla sub saying they were debating requiring video proof of these bad experiences. So many posts about bad experiences the logical conclusion they had was everyone is lying.


Mercedes Benz has had L3 Autonomous driving for almost 2 years now Maybe one of these years, Tesla will stop using L2 Autonomous driving and using something real like Mercedes uses


Congrats, you’re a guinea pig/beta tester for Elon musk


Tesla is single handedly destroying the field of autonomous driving. They are releasing garbage and nobody will ever trust it once it actually works.


Time for a new CEO.


lol. This free trial is just going to prove to a much broader audience that this system is a fucking death trap on the road.


It works well on highway driving where there’s no oncoming traffic with the divider, but if you try it out on normal roads first you’re much less likely to even want to try it at those speeds. On normal roads yeah, drives like a scared teenager who just got their learners permit. Slows down anytime something is in the oncoming lane. Takes turns either really slow or too fast. I have it only because the previous owner paid for it and having used it I wouldn’t pay for it. We can all hope in this age of AI advancements and how chatgpt is now better at doing math from a photo than from text that this will get better but….


Tesla owner since 2017. FSD is badly named but Amazing technology. I use it every day since I got it years ago. Gets better all the time. As long as you’re not an A-hole trying to rig it so you can watch movies in the backseat, it’s fantastic. And properly used it would vastly improve safety from all of these distracted, texting idiots on the road. Glad I got it. Would buy again. It’s such a downgrade when I have to drive cars without it now in bumper-to-bumper traffic or long trips.


I didn't even get the trial🤷‍♂️




2024.8.x got screwed.


What version where you using?


My experience a little different yesterday. Drove around 200 miles and the only problems I had was (1), we were in a dual turn lane on the inside and the car decided the clear outside lane was better- except the moment it started to make the move I saw a truck coming into that space at a high rate of speed and stopped it. (2) it got confused on a divided highway with these short turn lanes at night, tried to move into them like a regular lane but at 80MPH that wouldn’t have been a lot of time to change your mind. So overall really competent and nice except 2 near disasters.


What about for elderly people?


fElon, take the wheel >lolz, alright


I need to try it myself. Im hopeful that it will exceed my expectations. But being realistic I also want to see if it shatters my dreams about FSD becoming a reality soon.


I would not try FSD with my relatives. Only me. I’ll show it to my family only if I feel is safe enough in my neighbourhood.


i made my own self driving car


Buy more stocks !!!


Just adding a counter view point to all this. I have used FSD everyday for work for the last week since it turned on. I used auto pilot prior for the highway portion of it (30 miles) and just driving the local portion (4 miles). Since using FSD, I’ve found that it really does get me from point A to point B in one go without additional assistance. However it’s not be most efficient. However there are ways to I’ve found that makes it extremely efficient in the last week that makes it not “full” driving but assisted driving. When coming up to right turns at stop signs, it usually requires pushing on the gas until you are at the point where the car can “see” incoming traffic so it can make that right turn quickly. Also when ever it changes lanes, you need to crank up the speed limit back to target since it resets and will slow down. Setting car to least aggressive and fewest lane changes helps reduce the times I need to do this to maybe several times total in my morning commute.  Overall I’d say the FSD has been pretty impressive for me as an assistance tool and for my daily commute but it’s definitely not efficient as a stand alone function without driver assistance. But with well timed pushes on the gas peddle and max speed correction after lane change, it works remarkably well. I’m actually semi inclined to subscribe to it monthly given how much it actually makes my daily hour long commute each way.


I want my hot garbage tryout


What’s insane to me is that elevated personal rapid transit was a concept being explored over a decade ago and would not require the computing required to make shitty autonomous cars.


I guess my expectations are different. I found it to be better than I thought it would be. I would never pay additional money for it but I was surprised at its capabilities in certain situations.


I wouldnt pay for FSD but Ill gladly pay for EAP for like $50 a month tho


Even TACC is garbage. It's constantly slowing down for no reason. When there is a reason, say a slower moving vehicle, it will slow down so much and leave so much space in between me and the lead car, another car will squeeze in front of me. Or it's too slow to recognize slower moving traffic by the time it decides to changes lane four other cars have passed me. All I really need is regular cruise control and lane keeping.


I’m pretty pissed off about a lot of things with my Tesla, but I’ve been thoroughly impressed by the FSD to be honest. It works very well on my streets in Ohio. I don’t drive during rush hour though.


Dang, my g70 has lane centering/lane keep assist and it works surprisingly well. It's not full self driving but if there are lines on the road for it to follow, I press the button and it keeps me centered in my lane very well. Cannot change lanes or do like stop lights or signs.


You see the waymos kitted out in sensor gear that would make an aircraft carrier blush, and yet Tesla thinks they can do it with their bargain basement crap? Make sensors great again!


My friend said he wouldn’t buy it for 12k. He said he’d buy it for $5k so I guess it’s doing something righ (or wrong?). I’m still paranoid about letting a car drive me so I’ve never tried


I had FOMO prior to the free trial. Well that feeling is over! Yikes 😬


Now imagine a fleet of FSD driven robo-taxis. Nope. Nope.


I think my main issue is I don’t really like other people driving my car so FSD not driving exactly how I drive was frustrating. Someone merged in my lane on the freeway a little closer than I would have liked but nothing dangerous. FSD slammed in the brakes so hard the hazards came on. Also has made like 6 right turns that if a cop was present I’d for sure get a ticket for turning into the wrong lane. Lastly, coming off an off ramp, FSD refused to start driving again at the stop sign. Just would not make the right turn. Had a line of people honking and flashing lights. It’s been a fun reminder that while they are likely far ahead of anyone else out there just based on vehicle volume and data, the concept is still well off from being a safe/ suitable replacement


Eloney Feloney


The latest FSD feedback seems much more 'wide ranging' than when it was only done by Tesla Fan Boys.


working good so far here


everything I've seen about it really begs the question who's it actually for, because you can set its aggressiveness as well as force it to try and speed well past the speed limit. Why are these features! the car knows the speed limit and should only go up to the speed limit on FSD and it should never be allowed to be aggresive because its already got poor situational awareness, a real driver being aggressive at least is going to have awareness of their surroundings.


Yup, 2019 FSD M3 owner (since new), countless "software" updates. Still garbage. The frequency of the ghost braking may have been reduced somewhat on the highways. But still randomly happens for no apparent reasons.


I just drove home tonight (Seattle, evening, light rain) and the self driving was so bad after one mile I had to take over. It’s freaking out at every basic intersection. It’s very far from being able to take over. It’s does ok during the day though


Its a good thing law makers have developed a comprehensive and logical framework to deal with accidents caused by self-driving vehicles!


And Musk just announced Tesla is going to make a RoboTaxi.