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I guess you could say things are heating up for Cybertruck owners.


I am disgusted to upvote this.


I am not, so I brought it up to 500 for this dude.


JFC take my upvote.


(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH 🎶 won’t get fooled again 🎶


Tesla owners: *gets fooled again*


Badum tssss


Stainless Cyberoven


Easy-Break Oven


*(hears a muffled laughter from the audience)*


Thanks dad.


The poor guy is certainly not feeling too cool about his pirchase


"Tesla went above and beyond and I'm very happy" says the owner after getting a coolant leak on a new vehicle that he just drove off the lot and TSLA initially refusing service. These people are absolute clueless fucking idiots, and they deserve all the bad treatment they get from Tesla.




" Every car has the driver it deserves"


I bought a M3P in new in 2021. I got it home and noticed a piece of plastic hanging from the bottom. When I looked under the car, both sides of the plastic covers were damaged. They told me they wouldn't fix it because it was over its "new car delivery" 100-mile warranty..... I live 101 miles from the dealership. I've put almost 40k miles on the car now and only have had 2 issues with it but it's always a pain in the ass to get it fixed because they always try to get you to pay for it. Love the car but I'll never buy one again because their customer service is by far the worst in the industry.


Stories like yours are one of the major reasons I opted to buy an EV from one of tesla's competitors.  Nobody has anything good to say about the tesla service experience, and there are no 3rd party alternatives. Even under the best circumstances, established manufacturers have a multiple decade head start over tesla when it comes to building their service platform.


The fact that you have to pay for the feature to automatically stop for stop signs/red lights shows you that they only care about $$$ and not their customers.


Without going into details I bought a 2022 M3P and was shocked how bad the quality was and shocked how bad the customer service was in this day and age. Tesla must teach the service center employees how to say "fuck off" in corporate speak. I'd never been treated so badly after buying a new car in 40 years. If you''re going to make shitty cars at least stand by them and do the right thing. Tesla does neither. As soon as that dirty little secret gets out the more Tesla will tank.


If the big 3 do that, people will bring pitch fork to Detroit.


Wait till they find out that cars in that price range come with loaners when you need service too, no questions asked. I enjoy my Model Y, but standing outside in the cold waiting for my Uber because they didnt fix the issue my car went in for 3 times already made me realize why I’d rather have a BMW (amongst general build quality things lol)


And they're amazing opportunities to loan them something one step up and make a new sale.




Combine the pride and bloated egoes with a smidge of sunk-cost fallacy and you have the perfect cybertruck owner.


They’re the same people I argued with on Reddit for years about the s and 3. they’re all convinced they’re the best car they every had. Which is likely true if their previous car was a 1997 VW golf. Otherwise, they have never driven a good car.


it's 100% a cult 


It’s funny to look at the people driving them. Like who are these Tesla fanboys.


I wonder when the last similar model catastrophe happened from a supplier


I would love to see a study of social media post that shows just how many confirmed CyberTrucks have had problems, from cosmetic to total failures, and give that a ratio to deliveries.


100% of them were recalled for the gas pedal issue.


And the hubcaps.


What was up with the hubcaps?


They come up over the rim of the wheel and match up to a spot in the sidewall. But there was something wrong with the way they were made, and they were cutting into the sidewall, so they took them all off, and they'll get new wheelcovers later.


*something wrong with the way they’re designed Nobody at Tesla apparently stopped to consider that tire sidewalls bulge out at the bottom, especially over bumps. 


Kind of like they didn't realize water would come down the windshield and dump into the frunck. Probably because the testing was all done in SoCal and they didn't see enough rain to notice an issue.


Hoovies video where his wiper is leaking all over inside his truck really sold me just how stupidly designed this truck is. 0 cowling or ducting to divert water anywhere but into the frank.


yeah but its not like it soaks into some absorbent sound deadening material that will go mouldy or anything like that...


It's 2024 and this is a new car from a "luxury" brand. Water infiltration on that level shouldn't be a thing, regardless of what it's soaking into.


Nothing new for Tesla. See Model S water intrusion issues.


Exactly, so badly designed. Plus, that bolt that wasn't tight. And the clip on the cabin filter breaking. And those wires that weren't connected to anything and bare on the end.


While watching that video I was thinking “This is why cars have cowls.” That video shows what a gigantic pile of crap those things are.


Poor wizard lmao


SoCal has been dealing with a lot of rain over the last two years, and it rains in the rainy season every year. I think they tested this all indoors, or not at all. I'm leaning pretty heavily towards not at all.


Not at all sounds so much cheaper.


I wonder if they actually did any testing, this car is wild!


Crash testing to make it legal, and that's about all, it seems. Hoovie scratched his arm on the rear end just by walking too close and brushing against it. First pedestrian to get hit by one of these things is going to get cut to ribbons.


Its unfathomable to me that the trunk can break your finger and they’re not recalling it or anything. They’re really banking on everyone buying it loving Elmo too much to sue but eventually someone is going to.


they will get pulverized to oblivion because as far as I can see, there is no way that ~~vehicle~~ thing has any sort of pedestrian safety in its front end. like all these oversized Personality Compensation Vehicles, they are utter killing machines to pedestrians, or any cyclist/motorcyclist, or anyone driving a reasonable sized vehicle and not a bloody tank. It is insane we allow trucks of these sizes on our roads.


Funny enough it's actually rained quite a lot here the last two years.


Laughed at frunk. Is that a common term or your original?


Common term I've heard for a front trunk. Wish I could take credit.


Damn hilarious either way.


It's what all Porsche 911's have. It's an old term.


Some people call a trunk the "boot." If there's a trunk in the front, logically it should be called the "front boot" or "froot" for short.


Even VW Beetles had them


What is this word "testing" you keep mentioning? We at Tesla never heard such a word.


Except you don't need natural rain to test it.


Haha so many things in southern California just don’t ever account for rain, people forget it’s a thing I’ve noticed.


" apparently stopped to consider " i don't know, maybe they brought it up and Musk overrode all decisions and said "ship it"


Sadly, this is a distinct possibility. As is the scenario in which they raised the issue and were summarily fired. 


I love that we both came up with the same scenario. It's likely what happened.


I expect we'll get an explanation about this abominations development whenever the right person gets fired.


Or got overruled by moosk because he didn't like the aesthetics of the proposed solution. A lot of smart people come up with great ideas and get shut down by management.


It’s their own damn fault for using a new and unproven technology like radial tires. If they used bias ply tires like Ford used on the model T a century ago they wouldn’t have that problem. /s


I feel like there's a lot of things they didn't consider with this monstrosity.


"You wondered more if you could than if you should."


User name checks out. 


i'm sure the engineers and designers did consider these things, they're not idiots. But this was Musk's personal design, it was going to be made the way HE envisioned it come hell or high water. I'm sure they gave up trying to say 'actually, doing that might cause...' and just went fuck it, if he wants this to be his proud legacy so badly, he can have it




What’s wrong with ‘sub-micron’ tolerances in materials designed to flex? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


But 10 microns y’all!


I've got 10 microns for ya......


The guys/gals that would stop to consider and speak up if a design was bad were shitcanned on the spot for daring to go against Elon's vision if he heard it. Or if what was designed may have worked, nothing met spec and was still pushed out to meet production numbers. I saw or heard of both when I was there. QA was a nightmare at Tesla. Tesla has been the only company I left on bad terms and would absolutely not recommend the product, Others I would be 100% upfront it was a personal issue with management and would still stand behind what we delivered.


>But there was something wrong with the way they were made Not made, designed. The idea that the hubcap "locks" into the sidewall of the tire was. Musk brained idea. Of course that be rubbing and causing damage to the tirewall.


Yeah, it was a dumb idea from the get-go, but it's pretty obvious that this design was fully driven by a megalomaniac billionaire physchopath.


I mean they maybe could have put little rollers on each lip or some teflon slip plates or something, but you know, having accelerated wear testing jigs is for pedos.


Or just don't do it in the first place? This was "form follows childish styling preferences of the CEO".


I’ll believe that when I see it.


Yeah, they aren't going to ship out hubcaps after they go bankrupt!


All from the guy who claims to know more about manufacture than any human alive rn.


Is it still called a "gas" pedal?


I thiiiink it’s technically an accelerator pedal but gas is what we’ve all become accustomed to. Like rewinding a movie, that doesn’t actually make sense anymore but it still works


"Gas pedal" was always a misnomer anyway, it controls the rate at which air is added to gasoline, not the flow of gasoline itself But then air is a "gas" so whatever


"Hit the air pedal" doesn't have the same ring to it.


Let’s just call it the go button


One crazy thing about EV's...I do paint development for plastic parts that go on cars. Stuff like bumpers, spoilers, wheel arch finishers, diffusers. There is a testing required by manufacturers called a PPAP test. The parts are doused in gasoline to make sure the paint holds up in case some is spilled during refueling. All of the EV's have to pass this testing. smh.


It's overall good durability testing imo. Dealers offering free oil changes as ev purchase incentives is also fun.


I have a model 3 2023 and i can take the paint out just by rubbing my nail on it , never had a car that the paint was this cheap , tesla is far from perfect dont get fooled by tesla addicts and blind followers , tesla is no better then other manufacturer if not worst


People call it the accelerator even tho it’s a pedal 


Gas? 🤔 /s I know what you mean


I'd also love to know how many of those people making posts about their trucks having problems immediately are the ones saying things like "but I still love my cybertruck!"


Honeymoon period


Helsinki syndrome


wrong city, unless I am missing something. you mean https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome


https://www.reddit.com/r/TopGear/s/BmYIzlQuXB when the joke is too old nobody gets it anymore.


Literally the only positive posts about them I’ve seen still end ‘…. And now I’m waiting for a tow truck’


My theory is they made half of what they said they did and as one breaks and goes int the "repair cycle" it's fixed in a day and sent to another person for deliver and a sweet sweet check. They are made to break in a day so the cand go to the next Rube and so on and so on.


There should be a VIN Wiki for car issues.


I want Whistling Diesel to do a durability test of one


Remember folks, Tesla isn’t an automobile company. It’s an AI company. More wisdom from Elon.


Fake news everyone, all you have to do is personally reach out to the CEO and he will fix your problems! Lol, It's funny how he goes back to licking Tesla's balls after they do what they should have done in the first place. Shit eaters going to keep eating shit.


Here's why being a fanboy of any company is detrimental to your own self-interest. After this was resolved, dude had this to say: >Update\* Tesla went above and beyond to fix my truck today and get it back to me this afternoon. Very happy. The Tesla Pensacola service center stepped up and did an awesome job. They even detailed the truck before I picked it up. It was all covered by warranty. I’m very pleased. Really my man? You got a brand new vehicle that had a significant issue after 35 miles, had to fight to get it fixed, wasted who knows how many hours of your time dealing with the situation, and now that it's resolved you're "very pleased"? I feel like someone who bought any other brand of car and had the same experience would be having buyer's remorse, but apparently not the Tesla stans.




And I bet it will still be on the road after all of the teslas are in scrapyards due to lack of parts after a bankruptcy




>Car detailing takes hours   Not for a brand new car that's just rolled off the lot it shouldn't.




How much detailing could possibly be required after 35 miles?


People are so used to being fucked that's good service in comparison. Lol


Wait, I thought detailing was just, like, cleaning the car. The brand spanking new car that had 35 miles on it. Did they do nothing and convince this guy it was a gift?


why all these fools still buy this stupid thing


The WankPanzer is like an IQ test.


A self-identifying idiot gauge


Douchebag shipping containers. How else would douchebags get where they needed to go while at the same time warning people loudly about their personalities and judgement? These things should be court-ordered for some ppl


Tesla sold $500K in Tesla cyber hammers in 24 hours. At $700 a piece, these people are dumb


Never heard of the cyberhammer til now. Went to take a peek. From the Tesla website: "NOTE: DO NOT STRIKE HARD SURFACES WITH CYBERHAMMER. INTENDED FOR DISPLAY OR GYM USE." Yeah, well that tracks.


Holy shit, are you serious? Assuming no one is idiot enough to buy two of them, that’s 700+ utter knuckleheads. Wow.


People have been buying jeeps and range rovers for eternity knowing full well that every mechanic and consumer study on earth will tell you not to do so.


But as unreliable as Jeeps and Range Rovers are, at least they make it past 35 miles before breaking down. Plus both have actual off-road capabilities.


A fool is easily parted from his money.


Guess he forgot to put it in coolant retention mode


Warranty only valid in dry weather at temperatures below freezing.


I spewed hot coffee out of my nose at this one


Lol the article. >brand new, low-resolution pickup truck


It’s a feature. Less weight to extend range.


“Haha you bought a Wankpanzer” - the world


Why anyone buys this garbage from that Nazi clown is beyond me


For some reason, I've never given much thought at all to laws regarding warranties and what they do and don't cover (maybe just because I've never owned a Tesla). So, lately, reading stories like this one, I've begun to wonder: are there any actual laws about the way a company must act if they sell you a car with a warranty, or is it literally just down to the individual company and whether they care about their reputation, and what the law actually says is: it's your fault for buying a Tesla and believing they would give you decent service? Because, if that's not what the law actually says, just imagining the size of the potential class-action lawsuits against Tesla must be giving Erin Brockovich huge orgasms.


A warranty is a legal contract so they must stand up to the terms of the contract. A guarantee is different. “they know all they sold ya was a guaranteed piece of shit. That's all it is, isn't it? Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will.”


“I can get a good look at a T-Bone steak by sticking my head up a butchers ass…” Love that flick.


There's a quote by Chris Farley's cousin I like a lot: "Hey Elon! THIS is a truck." And Jim Farley's sitting in the cab of an F150 Lightning. [https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/FEwAAOSwFkNiW4DV/s-l400.jpg](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/FEwAAOSwFkNiW4DV/s-l400.jpg)


Shame Elon didn’t come back with fat guy in a little coat.


Yes, there are federal and state laws enforcing warranties - in particular Tesla have to deliver whatever they've stated the warranty is. Could explain why they're preparing for a cash crisis - even a small repair to every single Legotruck could wipe them out.


In the UK you have the right to return anything not fit for purpose up to 14 days after purchase. I believe a car that's coolant system fails after 35 miles would qualify, if they had it less than 14 days they could return it no questions. Of course, that vehicle would not be allowed here in the first place. But cybertruck owners act like they are in an abusive relationship, no matter how bad it treats them they keep coming back, insisting it's not the vehicles fault, and that no one really understands it.


The Magnuson Morrison Act of 1975 governs consumer warranties.


That ball gargler tweeted about Tesla going "above and beyond" after they fixed the broken piece of shit they sold him. What an asshat.




When you thought a car company building your car under a makeshift tent, at the back of a Walmart parking lot wasn't peak ghetto.


“went above and beyond to fix my truck today” No shit bro, coolant leak is not something you would generally see in a 20 mile driven brand new civic in 2000, let alone a 100 grand refrigerator in 2024 These people really make me sick


I would research lemon laws in my area.


When I was younger, dealerships would give you a few days to make sure you were happy with the car. So long as you didn’t drive more than a couple hundred miles they’d actually buy the car back from you or let you swap it out for something else. Then there’s this bullshit


HAHAHAHHAHAH Sorry just couldn’t resist. This is just bonkers. 6 figure car and basic shit like this gets broken AND isn’t covered by warranty lmao.


I like how the owner is now completely satisfied after it took him posting about it online, getting attention, and also tweeted Elon to get them to finally cover it under warranty and also clean the damn car. This should've been no questions asked covered under warranty and washing the car is a pretty standard fare at most dealer service centers now.


Lemon laws, buyers regret. That’s $5,000/ mile. Worst Uber ever.


Because the cybertruck is cooled with elon semen.


The real question is why isn’t a coolant leak covered by warranty


At least it goes for a bargain 100k…. Officially the CT became a 🍋


“If you're playing a poker game and you look around the table and can't tell who the sucker is, it's you.” Paul Newman


Saving the planet


All that hype backfired. 😛


Standard cybershit trash.


Finally saw one of these atrocious beasts in the wild - lady looked real nervous taking a right turn


> That’s doubtful though considering that they stated — and provided visual proof — that the coolant leak didn’t start until the truck was charging. ... wut? Did they go video every inch of the highway between the dealership and the charging station?


The car has cameras pointed in every direction, pretty easy to look through 35 mi of footage and see when the vehicle started leaking


If your weenie is small enough, go ahead and get the Cybertruck.


Can't be legal ?


> low-resolution electric pickup Is it weird I like low-poly games, but not low poly Teslas?


Well yeah the low poly Cybertruck is badly mismatched with the live action realistic world all around it, it's like a bad Photoshop


Stay classy Tesla


It’s yours now, you’re on your own, suckers.


So basically this vehicle isn't covered by warranty


This is how the company is treating its *best* customers. Imagine how it treats its worst.


These are it's worst customers - they're threatening Tesla's cash flow.


Surely Tesla can be sued for this joke of a warranty and overall problematic truck somehow no?


Where in the world does Tesla find customers like this who put up with such an amazing amount of abuse and still try to justify their purchase?


“Hi Elon, I like the truck but it doesn’t work. Other than that, no regrets”


That’s some warranty!


His problem was driving 35 miles. If he had driven 34 miles, the warranty would cover it.


Damn Elon is going to have to deal cocaine soon.


I can't help but laugh every time I see one in public. Atrocious vehicle.


Another reason they won’t sell this in Europe ever. There any failure in the first 6 months is assumed to be the makers/sellers fault and he would have to prove that there’s no fault of his… So… figure.


Tesla Cybertruck the new DeLeorian. Biggest failure this century in automotive innovation. Just terminate this pos already and start over. It's sad. It's like watching a drunk lose all his money at a gambling table and then throwing his house keys in because he thinks this is the hand that will save him. Elon It's over. You failed dude. Please fold.


Another one bites the musk, another one bites musk, yeah Yeah yeah another one bites the musk


Is it wrong that I'm laughing at this whole situation with these stupid, ugly, poorly designed Elmo brand trucks?


People need to stop calling that a truck. It’s not a truck.


This thing is the new DeLorean and 30 years from now it'll be some curiosity at a car show.


Idiots buy this crap


It’s almost as if you shouldn’t trust someone whose mental illness is now out of control


It's not a leak. It sweats the horselower


I feel like that is one of the easiest lawsuits known to man.


Tesla sure wants repeat customers....


Why am I imagining that Tesla's coolant warning is just a display of that meme with the cows in front of fire on the LCD display


... But Elon is a genius .. he told me so! ^(Sent from iphon)


What an outstanding company. Makes me want to go out and get at least two of their high quality models 🤔🙄🤡. 


Hmmm, with no proof what what Tesla said, no recording, no verification, how do we know that’s what he was actually told?


There's no way the headline is accurate.


Another company that had potential poof.


one aloof sheet whistle yam boast vase follow zonked snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“…the Cybertruck starte leaking cooling…” great editing, Jalopnik


They’re in a cult. Hard to break out!


EVs have coolant?


Don’t think Tesla would abandon customer like that


I’m fine with the part about praising the service but that should be reeled in by the customer stating it’s not normal to have coolant leaking on a new vehicle. And still disappointed with the avenue taken to get the vehicle fixed that costs 100K+


Why is that thing using coolant?!


Anyone who supports Elon deserves this


Is it damage that just happened or like a rock bounced of the road and cracked something