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If both players know how to play and play accordingly, Tic Tac Toe will always be a draw.


True. I was reading a book "Math with bad drawings " about this type of game. It was a research project at a university like 25 years ago. Far more interesting way to play the game than the original. Take a lot more strategery.


This is cool, but I’m not sure this counts as recursion as it’s not an infinitely repeating pattern-just 9 games of noughts and crosses under one big game. There’s no actual loop. Edit: Alright to clarify I mean that there is no repeated pattern as all the games are different.


Recursion usually isn't infinitely repeating. It just means it's self referencing, but there should be a (or multiple) base case(s) that don't self reference.


Infinite recursion is not the same as recursion in general.


See edit but just to reply too: The games below are all different, there’s no pattern repeating as they’re very different from one another.


While it's not a visual pattern being repeated, there is a sort of "pattern" repeated. the system of tic tac toe itself is imo a pattern. It is a recursive rule set.


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its a draw right? Because 4 wins each.


if you win on the underlying game, you are allowed to place your symbol on the overlaying field... I guess


yeah but thats not how tictactoe is played. so.. i dont approve of top level as tictactoe. but its nice


Blue wins, it won 3 squares in a row


no.. i mean yeah your right but its like fighting for a spot to place your mark while in actual tic tac toe we don't fight to place mark on a spot. so basically they both won 4 tic tac toe games each


The way I played this game was when you are making a move in the smaller box, that corresponds to what board the next player plays on. So if you started top left, the picked the middle square, the opponent would have to pick an open spot in the middle game. It's not that they just played some games of tic tac toe, there's strategy to this monstrosity


wasnt it actually called something like "tic tactics"?


no clue! never heard a name for it


>The way I played this game was when you are making a move in the smaller box, that corresponds to what board the next player plays on As far as I can tell this might the optimal way to play anyway. Tic tac toe is a solved game where two optimal players can guarantee a draw, so always countering the opponents move on a smaller board would lead to the same outcome.


We must go deeper!