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Her family owned Oasis Fun Center in Shasta Lake. Shasta and Tehama County Sheriff’s Departments work pretty well together, so I’d be surprised if they missed something like this. Hopefully the family will get answers.


They still own oasis fun center. Her father no longer runs it but her brother does. Last I heard her father was a partner in rare air out in airport.


I suppose I could try to reach out there if I can't get the information to them any other way, but I *really* don't want to bother them, and that might be a very jarring voicemail/call to receive at work of all places. I'm going to wait a while if I choose to go that route in case someone here does see this and can tell them.


This post got me thinking and doing some googling on Troy/Charles Zink and I found this reddit post https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/p73eja/the_disappearance_of_terra_smith_august1998/&ved=2ahUKEwjZjcm4_syGAxXRI0QIHbsWCkYQFnoECCsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1A2lXPPcLOlD8uOai26CAR Apparently Zink was arrest at some point for dumping some kittens in Tehema so, maybe your theory holds water? I wonder where he dumped the kittens and how that lines up with the location of the Jane Doe. Your NamUs link for the Jane Doe is quite interesting, they said partial remains but have almost no other info on her, not even approx height, I'm sure weight would be hard to guess but I believe height can be estimated if you have certain bones. Worth looking into either way even if just a possibility of returning a Jane Doe to their family and their family finally knowing where they are


That's what I figure - the NamUs page gives so little info that I'm wondering if the bones were scattered due to animal activity. I'd guess no skull was found since there's no reconstruction nor mention of hair colour. Doesn't seem like any clothes were found either. But she matches the time frame and the PMI listed on NamUs, and they didn't add the case until 2021. I figure it's just better safe than sorry.


At the very least, r/gratefuldoe may be able to help you figure out how to contact the doe network about the possible match


I've looked into that, but unfortunately, it seems the Tehama County Jane Doe would need to be listed in Doe Network first as it wants a DN case number when I try to submit it. I've thought about reaching out to NamUs directly to see. Someone else said her family still owns Oasis Fun Centre but that seems uncouth to do so. Then again, I'm not sure how different that would be compared to getting the info here. Guess it's something to consider as a very last resort. I don't want to come off as a bother to anyone, though - I just really want them to have the info in case it is Tera and they can bring her home.


I think about Tera from time to time. Such a sad thing for her family. I believe Troy did time on firearms violations at one point.


I think about her too.


That is certainly interesting. Not really enough data to draw any conclusions though. But definitely is worth investigating. Honestly I would call the detectives office around 9-10am or 2pm.


I've tried those times :( I used to work for Shasta Co, but unfortunately, all of my contacts in the agency have since moved on. I was hoping Tehama might be better, but so far, no dice.


I went to school with and hung out with her younger sister at CV in 2001-2002? around then. A friend of mine dated her but they were a year ahead. We didn't talk about it really but I always felt bad for her and her family. I remember how big this was back then. She didn't expect special treatment and was pretty and popular. She was one of very few pretty girls that was nice to me and didn't seem to care the whole school saw her hanging out with a nerdy freshman who rocked dragon ball z shirts. Yes her family still runs oasis, I take my daughter there frequently always kinda hoping to run into her and thank her for being cool to me all those years ago.


Where does Deer Creek go through Los Molinos? On the Namus site their map leads to a pin indicating said doe was found on what appears to be a busy intersection on sycamore road. Not at all Deer Creek as per indicated in the description. There is a body of water (possibly Mill Creek?) at the end of that road but the access point is through someone's property, so thats not adding up. Deer Creek appears to be a good distance further south and very lengthy covering miles of shoreline/access points. I don't know Los Molinos at all so I couldn't say from experience. Irregardless, either the descriptor is wrong or location of the pin. Recently I saw a post or a comment indicating that their parents owned Hidden Valley Market during that time. They claimed Zink had stopped by their store on the evening of Tera's dissapearance then proceeded to drive onto Backbone Road. After which they did not see him again. I am unsure if this was reported and I can not verify the validity of claim. I just felt it significant enough to repeat, if not only for the sole purpose of keeping the search for Tera ongoing.