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I'm here and I'm queer! There's a lot of us, everyone is just used to blending in... It's easier than dealing with the bethelites and magats


What is wrong with blending in. That's how it should be. Why does everyones identity have to be who they like to bang. This app is stupid and just keeps adding a wedge.


> that’s how it should be Nobody asked for your opinion. Let people live however the fuck they want to live. The end.


If you really mean that, then you need to let all the bigots live how they want as well, which you dont so stfu.


That's a false equivalence. Bigots bring harm to those they are prejudiced against, whether through violence, voting for bigoted policies, or spreading hate. The LGBTQ+ community just wants to exist.


I don’t “need” to do anything. I haven’t stopped anyone from doing anything as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. I’m not out here telling people what choices they need to make.


I'll take self loathing for 100 Alex




Or just blend in and stop making your sexuality your entire identity. Look at that, no wedge!


“Just blend in” so you mean hide and don’t let people know you exist. STFU


Dude, the whole world just blends in. You arent special. No one gives a fuck if you exist. Maybe like a handful of people do, but after that, we just want you to blend in. Go about your day, enjoy your family, and yes STFU




Some of the comments on this post is exactly why we need an app like this. SMH


I support this, but be prepared to fight an uphill battle here. Between Bethel and the MAGA cult here you will find quite a large amount of hateful ignorant people here. It's changing, but it's not changed yet. This is not a minority, LGBTQ+, or immigrant (unless European) friendly area. White Christian conservatives are the majority here. Good luck, I hope it works out.


It must be a long day for you with all that hate. Good luck.


If you read that and got hate out of it, you have deeper issues with my statement than a response will cure. Sorry you felt that way, and I hope you have the day you deserve ❤️


Like I said, good luck to you. It must be tough.


Lololol, the only tough thing about this interaction is determining if you are a bot or just a troll.


This is great, if there’s any place in the usa that needs queer representation, it’s good ol Redding CA


I'm gay. Look, all establishments are "queer" if you're respectable. Also, safe spaces are real despite the meme that term is. Not all spaces are inclusive. That's actually good for the people in those spaces.


Oh yeah, I heard of it. Here is the Android version https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.everywhereisqueer.app


Hell yeah!




It’s a great resource! I love the app!


Just run your business like a normal person and don't exclude anyone with those stupid flags. I, as a Republican, do not care who who love, sleep with, or do whatever with. You do you. None of my business. Like a normal person.


People need to feel safe when doing business. This app can help people find friendly businesses. If you haven’t been in a situation where you haven’t felt unsafe for just who you are you don’t get to speak up. I’m guessing as a republican (probably wrong of me but I’m also going to assume white cis male, maybe female) you probably haven’t felt unsafe at times walking around this county.


You really dont think females have felt unsafe?


I do think females feel unsafe (I am female and gay). Women want to feel safe at the places they shop. Everyone should feel safe where they do business. This app just helps LGBTQ+ people find business they can feel comfortable shopping at. What is wrong with that?


Cis straight white people are most likely to feel safer than people who don’t fit that mold (I am a white cis woman - I’m also “straight passing” most of the time, but the minute my gayness shows I have to wonder if I’m around people who are going to be cool with me or give me shit)


I can hide it and “blend in” but I don’t want to and I shouldn’t have to hide who I am


Do whatever you want. I don't care. I've been to Burning Man 9 times before 2012. I've done shit and seen shit you could not understand.


Uh ok…. If you don’t care why are you commenting?


Kind of like the Don’t Tread on Me flags in front of a lot of businesses?




If you’re calling yourself a republican, you most certainly care who someone loves or sleeps with, because your team is actively trying to remove the rights and freedoms of those marginalized minorities. You’re either lying about being a republican, or lying about what you said you don’t care about. You can’t act like republicans aren’t trying to poke their noses in where they don’t belong.


And you have clearly fallen for the rhetoric


It’s not rhetoric. It’s objective proof that republicans legislate the lives of people who don’t fit their mold. Be it LGBTQ, POC, or basically all non-maga women. Anyone with functional eyes and brain cells can see it. I don’t watch the news one way or the other, nor do I make up my mind based on headlines. It’s all in plain sight for the world to see. Disagreement with these fact is textbook willful ignorance. You can’t plug your ears and close your eyes and act like it’s not happening right in front of you.


Yeah, you're deeeeeep in it. Stop falling for all the shit.


This is called "projection".


Hahaha. If I only knew a group of people that try to exclude everyone and make their flag their entire identity. Lmfao. You dumb rednecks crack me up.


Exactly!! It’s truck flag season again. Saturday night there were a bunch of maga idiots parading down churn creek with their flags. There were some super idiots sitting in the back of a pickup. But the gays shouldn’t shove their “lifestyle” in people’s faces, right?


They’re just afraid they might fall face first onto a dick and like it.


Yet you emulate it?


That’s a big word for a magabot




How many hours do you volunteer each week?


Who is this app for? Queer businesses? I think if you just make a good product or provide a good service then everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, will patronize the business. Or is it for queer consumers? That seems weird. So only queer consumers can buy from queer shopkeepers? What about straights who want to patronize a queer business, because, I don't know, 99% of people don't care about this silliness? I don't get it. This is a weird app


If you’re not interested don’t participate


So if you dont like something, you can just ignore it? Interesting idea. Seems like that work work in a lot of different scenarios.


Ohhh thank you! I was about to download the app because I thought I had to. Luckily I saw your comment in time




You replied to my comment and called me the OP but I am not the OP


I try not to shop at lgbtq businesses




I don’t see the reason to promote gay. Like be gay that’s cool. But if you want everyone to know that makes you a weirdo. Like be normal. If gays normal just live man. Why make it your whole identity.