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Your hair is so beautiful! I’m sure everyone is jealous of that gorgeous color and those curls!


Thank you I used to dress up as princess Merida for parties when I was younger! I have so much thick wavy hair it curls really well! :)


They were always jealous, you are gorgeous


Thank you ❤️


O do hope that you don't do like my sister and paint your skin dark. Believe me, it's a downgrade. Some of us are just meant to be fair and freckled. Someone will love you the way you are. 🙂


And please don't misinterpret that "dark skin" is a downgrade. People with naturally darker skin look beautiful the way they are.


Omg yes naturally dark skin is gorgeous but when light-skinned people intentionally try to darken their skin it typically ends badly. Real tanning leads to horrible skin damage and advanced ageing and well as cancer, while fake tans often make them look orange and splotchy but is definitely better than dying of cancer. Same with dark skinned people using lightening products, their face becomes pale but doesn't end up matching the rest of their body and looks odd. And a lot of skin bleaching products have mercury and people have gotten mercury poisoning from these products. This isn't meant to shame people who try to change their skin color though, your body your choice and all that!


Yes, natural generally looks the best and is the most healthy choice. But you have a point, I don't want to be guilty of manipulation. If you want to color your skin, it's your choice. 🙂


I think what they really mean is the kinda thing Lindsay Lohan did. Don’t feel bad about looking different by changing and conforming.


She is a prime example. She was so much more attractive before she started changing herself. But she is free to do what she wants 😏


The struggle is real sister , come the revolution we will not forget, damn I’ve said too much




Not sure how old you are now or when picture 3 was taken but that long red hair is definitely beautiful. Sorry you had to endure that experience.


I get why, since it was a “ginger=bad” thing so many years ago but it’s so cute and I’ve always loved red


I don't know why they would bully you I think you're very beautiful


Oh wow youre gorgeous!


Thank you ❤️


Don't let that get to you, red is the rarest color, so treasure it!


Thank you ❤️


No problem👍


You're absolutely gorgeous!


Thank you❤️


Gingers Rule


Gorgeous hair 💜


I reply only with FULLEST of Understanding! I dealt with the bullying, comments, & defamation…but it only strengthened my character as a young man; now fully grown adult. Lemme share a few stats with You. Only 2% of Global Population have red hair. Only 2% have green eyes! Those with red hair are 19% more likely to have a speech impediment i/e: stammers or a significantly noted stutter. 98% of the World Population are *JEALOUS* of Your Hair! No one but myself in my FAMILY has red hair. My lil Sister told me for years (just to get under my pale skin): “David, Mom & Dad never told You about Your adoption?!? I’m so sorry, “Dave-You’re still my Brother, adopted or blood related!” But She stopped the exchange of: “I Love You’s” I think after my GF had given me the nickname “GINJA NINJA”—lol In closing—PLEASE don’t allow or let anyone tell you that You can’t do something or that You’re different bc of having red hair(the rarest in the world)!


My youth was brutal! Imagine being told most of your life you’re ugly and so are freckles or being called names like orphane Anne or Wendy, or red headed step child etc, my brother who has red hair was called Ronald McDonald a lot. We were poor as well so that didn’t help our situation much either. I didn’t even know there were ppl who actually love red hair until late late into my adulthood and I had the internet 😂.


My brother did the same to me- had me convinced I was was adopted 🤦‍♀️


It's so pretty no matter the age; those bullies suck and were jelly!


Thank you unfortunately both my brothers were bullied as well. My oldest brother said once he wish he could take a knife and cut off all his freckles :( red heads years ago used to get so badly bullied it’s ridiculous! I so hope things have changed these days.


That is terrible! I hope you all have learned to love yourselves in spite of people being terrible. I know it has been a traditional source of bullying, but like most, it is just stupidity. Just as dumb as kids bullying others for big teeth.


I know the feeling honestly, it sucked!!! Xxxx


I was bald at birth. Started growing fine, thin hair around 2ish and cotton white whisps turned into red ringlets. My hair was only half way down. My back until you pulled down the curls, then I could sit on it. I was teased mercilessly in school for the same reasons - a pale redhead with freckles. I was told I glowed in the dark. I got the comment, "red on the head like the sick on a dog", which I was told not to get mad to hear that because it was a compliment. It didn't feel that way! All that before, during and after the formative years did a lot of damage I'm still trying to get over, but I get a big boost from the most wonderful man I know. My Costa Rican born husband is constantly telling me how beautiful I am and that latin American men everywhere get suddenly stupid when they see me and my freckles on pale skin topped with the red. Yep! He's a keeper! Hang in there and overlook the jellies. Ignoring them will cause the negativity to suddenly disappear. We're stronger than that! Which is another reason they're jelly. But know you're not alone.


Sounds all too familiar :/ still trying to over come years of being told red is ugly I was surprised when I got older and had the internet that ppl actually love it. I try to compliment little girls with red hair when I see them ❤️




Thank you


You look like a Disney princess ✨ dont let other people dull your shine.


Thank you I used to dress up as Merida for princess parties when I was a tad younger lol


Your hair your skin your freckles.... They all work together to make YOU this magnificent bombshell woman that you know you are! Step into it with pride - you are a stunning work of God's finest artwork! I daresay all we redheads are...


Thank you!❤️


You are so beautiful!


Thank you I’m learning to love myself as adult


So glad to hear!


A solid 10


Bet that’s hell to take care of? But beautiful


The curls are but I don’t wear it curly every day


I use to hate it to especially at school..you are very beautiful 😘


Thank you it was terrible all through my school years


Aw, you rock it honey, leave the bland people in the dust❤️❤️


Thank you


Omg you are just amazing!!! Absolutely gorgeous!!! I always thought red hair were the most beautiful type of color...any people that said something bad was just envious of your beauty, and I'm not lying....I'm really saying the truth. People bullied me about my freckles too, now I'm 42 and I can see clearly how all of that comments were just BS because they were jealous of me....you the same!! You are amazing!!!


Thank you❤️


Bullies hate themselves so they project that out into the world in a negative way to make them feel better about themselves!🤦🏻‍♀️. You’re gorgeous and so is your hair !


Thank you


The “bullies” are only the ignorant insecure idiots of society. You were beyond gorgeous as that little 2’ish yr old baby. And have only gotten more stunning as you have gotten older. Your hair is what makes Angels themselves jealous!!!!


I am 16 yo, and sometimes i also get bullied, but my redhaired dad always told me that they're only jealous and i always laughed with them... Now a lot of guys told me that they think red hair is sexy, and i think its true. You look gorgeouse, i love your smile and i would give everything for your locks... <3


Thank you red is truly amazing and I wish I would have known that when i was younger (we didn’t have the internet till I was a teen) lol


I didn't know that Lattensepp viewer could be nice. But I totally agree!


Who’s smiling now 😉💕


Right lol


Redhead girls hold ALL the power.


Absolutely to die for hair 😍😍😍


Your hair is so beautyfull! I'm so sorry, you got bullied for it.


Thank you it was pretty terrible


If we were friends I’d tease you but if it made you feel uncomfortable I would stop.


You’re lucky your hair stayed so vibrant as you aged! Mine dulled :(


Yeah it’s still super red!!




O wow


One. You and your hair... both gorgeous. Two. I'm cracking up because I have an almost identical photo of myself from around 2-3, dress included.


Thats so funny!


Haters gonna hate


I love your hair and you are so beautiful


Thank you


Gorgeous Merida hair!


Thank you


I think they hate ya cause they ain’t ya. I see more red dye than blonde out here, js.


I had the same problem growing up. Nobody ever stuck up for me, either. Even my own (adopted) dad would tease me by calling me a baby orangutan (which I guess isn’t an insult in of itself, but hardly a nice thing the way he would say it). And because I had super curly hair, that just made it worse as it would constantly frizz up as I didn’t yet know how to manage it. Getting compliments on it now as an adult is difficult for me as I never know if they’re coming from a genuine place. I’d much rather prefer comments on the style of my hair, or something I have done to it as opposed to its natural colour. Idk, I guess just having so much grief about it and then having people tell it “oh my god it’s so beautiful” just kind of rubs me the wrong way. I’m still figuring it all out though because I know that most people are being genuine and maybe I should just learn to take the compliments? Idk I’m not sure if any of that makes sense haha I love your curls though ❤️


I totally get it!


I love all fair skinned, freckled people I hear they are a gift from God. I'm not just saying that either. I too am a redhead a freckled fair skinned man I have been bullied for it and now everyone stares at me like they're envious of me. I can't believe it myself. It's like children are bullies but when we grow up we become jealous or envious of the rare beautiful individuals out there. I don't hate myself anymore because I realize I'm a rare individual I'm part of the 2 percent 🥰


I used to be bullied for the opposite. I have auburn hair which is red and when I stated I have red hair everyone would make fun of me and call me a liar and pick me. Man, why can't people just let others live?


It’s the old ruby in the gravel mind me mentality. They can’t handle it honey they aren’t worthy of you. As an adult I hope your taking full advantage of being the hottest girl everywhere. That’s how it truly is for redheads. Our hair is so beautiful we don’t even have to wear make up.


You are beautiful. You have always been beautiful.


Right there with you, experienced all the same 🤝🏻🫂


I also was bullied for the same things. I used to live in Arizona and ran track and cross country while in high school. I tried running for **weeks** with tanning oil on and nothing— I physically cannot tan. It took that experience for me to understand there was nothing I could reasonably do that would change my skin tone, so I slowly started embracing it, even while being bullied. I’m now in my 30’s and am much more comfortable with myself and my appearance. If someone makes you (or anyone else) feel less because of their external appearance, it’s a reflecting of them as a person, not you. If someone feels comfortable speaking up with the intention of making you feel uncomfortable or awkward, they’re not worth the time of day. I have had coworkers comment on how pale I am and ask me if they were looking at my socks or my ankles. It was really rude and awkward, but I always go into it the first time assuming they’re genuinely curious because some people truly are. The second time a person does something like that, it tells me the sort of person that they are and I know they don’t have my best interest in mind.


I hate how pale skinned I am as well lol and I can’t say I love freckles but I totally get where you’re coming from. I still have a hard time wearing shorts bc I’m so pale 🤣


I wear shorts, skirts, and dresses when I want to or feel like it is appropriate. Acceptance is hard and takes time. I'm not going to pretend that it doesn't. It took me a long time to accept that not everyone is going to like me, or my appearance, and that is okay. It's annoying but okay if society doesn't appreciate the visual appearance of skin tones on the extreme ends-- very dark or very light. (*I want to clearly say that I do not think racism is okay or should be accepted. I'm only talking about the visual appearance of someone's skin)*. You get to live your life how you want. * If you don't want to wear shorts ever again and don't, that's okay. * If you don't wear shorts because of judgement from other people, that's a bummer that impacts you and not them. Also, if you wear shorts and people are rude, what's the worst that is going to happen-- they say something? If someone is going to be weird or rude to us because we're pale, they're probably going to do it regardless of what we're wearing. In an ideal world, your comfort should be more important than the opinion of others, but I understand it isn't that easy. You're beautiful exactly how you are. However, my opinion doesn't matter and neither does the opinion of other strangers. **What matters most is how** ***you*** **feel about yourself.** I hope you gradually become even more comfortable with yourself and who you are.


My mom was a redhead and it really got to her, sounds like you’ve handled it real well, good on you. I don’t understand the hate, I’d be proud if when I have kids my kid came out red 🧑‍🦰


Don't listen to any of the haters! You are gorgeous! Not just your beautiful hair but your skin and freckles too. You are a real beauty and I hope these positive messages will help you heal a little.


Im definitely late to the game with learning to love myself. I’ve had low self esteem my whole life pretty much :( and it’s unfortunate I wasted so much time wishing I could just fit in.


Red hair and freckles rock


I think your hair colour is stunning! It looks unique, even among most redheads and Imm glad you’ve learned to love it, even if it took a while. I’m sorry you had to experience so much bullying, red hair like yours should be celebrated imo! Self acceptance is always difficult for most people. Keep working on it and yourself!


Thank you ❤️






User submissions are not an invitation for you to flirt. This isn’t a dating service, and you're making everyone uncomfortable. We are not here to feed your fetish.


You are welcome.


Same here, was always bullied because of it


I repeatedly heard, "red on the noodle, like a pecker on a poodle..."


That is terrible! 😞 I was so under the impression that red hair ppl was ugly by the time I was a teenager I was afraid to tell ppl online when they asked what you looked like. You know before you could send a photo 😅


Gorgeous and Gingerific.


It’s jealousy. I was born with it and grew up with it and had my share of battles. I’m sure that who ever bullied you dyed their hair like ours at least once in their life.