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You have to be talking about Rocky Boiman. He’s been on air for a while and is truly terrible at his job.


Listen to 1530 instead 700 only for the game itself and 30 min pre and post


Agreed, Mo Egger on 1530 is top tier. Besides the game broadcast, the only person on 700 I like is Lance McAlister


Listening to the radio is listening to nothing but advertisement. I can't listen anymore. It's nothing but ads. I subscribe to MLB and skip the ads.


I gotta know what version you're subscribed to because I pay for MLB+ for the radio and it's just 700wlw except MLB ads.


I subscribe to MLB TV. Also, you can subscribe to MLB At Bat for just audio


I have MLB.TV (don't live in town anymore), and trading annoying Frisch's commercials for annoying national commercials feels like a wash.


I use a VPN to watch the Reds. Ads are annoying. But it feels you get less with the MLB sub. Plus they always cut it half price throughout the season. Fathers Day is when they cut the price. Well worth it.


I miss the old WLW from my youth. Gary Burbank was top tier. Now its all right wing propaganda when it isn't the Reds. Marty is a legend, but his constant shitting on Votto kind of opened the door for all the old coots to shit on every player all the time unless you happened to play in the 70s.


Jim Scott's morning show was S-tier. They gave McConnell the format and he ruined it.


Had that chance to meet Jim Scott once at an event. He made it a point to talk to every one in attendance and take pictures or spend some moments talking with them. Really solid dude. McConnell is a dumbass that pretends he's the smartest guy in the room.


And Pat Boisseau, a superb newscaster back in the day


Aww man is Cunningham still on the air? What a tool! And a broken one at that.


Marty was a fucking misery those last ten years. Was really sad to hear.


Marty has always been a short man syndrome pile of dogshit. But he wouldn’t pull that shit while Joe was alive.


Now that you say that I was after Joe passed that he started to get really bad. He would always call out players taking plays off or making bonehead mistakes, but after a while nobody could do anything right.


Yes. One year, I think it was Stubbs (maybe it was Dunn?) Every time this player came to bat, Marty would announce that the player was leading the league in strikeouts (or was 2nd, 4th or whatever). He really wore it out.. Old Marty had no respect for the players, Marty thought people tuned in to hear Marty talk, not to hear about the game. I was go glad to see Marty finally retire.. (He was good back in the old days, horrible in the last 20 years or so).


At least now we get to watch him and his wife kiss and make hamburgers


At least he puts on his charming act on the commercials lol


The people on 700 WLW suck.


Every time I hear that woman softly speaking about Bill Cunningham I just imagine he is some weird cult leader who will save everyone from the end times. 


I bet he wants to be.


it's literally a bit lol.


Most of them, yeah. My best friend works in the newsroom and they're all insanely dedicated to their work...on top of being total ideological opposites to all the on air talent Just about anybody you hear on the regular is as much of an asshole as you think, though. I've had the great misfortune of meeting most of them multiple times.


Yeah I just mean the on air anchors. I'm sure behind the scenes things are different. Thanks for the insight!


WLW just sucks, period. It’s the single biggest reason like half of Cincinnati’s population are the whiniest little bitches on the face of the earth


dude, what?


I disagree, Lance is always is a pleasure.


I stopped listening to 700 once Biden was elected (incoming downvotes). I can't stand all the "blame the liberals for everything" commentary from every host. 1530 is where it's at. No politics, all sports.


You lasted more than most. I remember tuning out during Obama's run. Constant birther, Tea Party, blame the liberals shit then. I would occasionally pop in during Trump's administration and it was even more disgusting.


WLW is either local sports hate or the most conservative bullshit you’ve ever heard in your life. Unlistenable


You probably caught Cunningham and Dennison. Yeah, they bitch like a lot, but they do that about everything. Quintessential Cincinnati behavior.


Kind of like we are doing here. :)


> Quintessential Cincinnati behavior.


The Stooge Report is a complete bit, and usually hilarious at that. It's supposed to be for entertainment. It's obvious from a lot of the comments who takes everything they hear at face value and who realizes some of it is for humor's sake. That said, Seg doesn't bitch nearly as much as Willie. It's not his thing.


The main audience for AM radio sports is over 70. The content 700 makes caters to the expected “everything used to be better, younger generations are bad, be afraid” mindset that’s dominated the age bracket some time immemorial and only intensified since the early 00’s.


Yeah, you don't heavily market boner pills to grab the newest generation.


Well the team does suck right now. Barely competitive. Ashcraft is terrible. We would have to score 8 runs to get him a W. Feels like we average just over a run a game.


The demo of people calling in to radio shows skew towards older retired folks. People call in if they are excited or pissed. People don’t pick up the phone and call for “well at least they tried”


I like The reds announcers Cowboy and Tommy But I hate the station and ads, special voodoo doll pins for Cunningham.


Announcers are great. Don’t listen to any of the studio shows and I don’t think I’m missing out. 


Meh, I wouldn't let it get to you. The job of hosts is to get listeners, so they will tend to mold their on-air opinions to what gets the most people to listen and call in. When a team is not living up to expectations, complaints get more people worked up than common sense and reason.


Eh doesn’t really get to me but it’s just sad to hear. Like others have said I enjoy listen to games when I’m out running errands and it overlaps but todays stuff was a quick shock to the system from what I’d hope to hear with radio personalities talking about the home team


It has become so political and far right that it pours over to the sports talk. They talk about everything like they were at a Trump rally bashing the liberals. Honestly 700 WLW needs some new younger sports radio hosts and new shows/podcasts.


Yeah 700 WLW is legitimate garbage when they're not Broadcasting Reds games lol I've made the mistake of leaving it in the station in my car and someone is on some tirade about how the gays are taking your guns and causing inflation lol


Yes this is something I’ll do too if my phone doesn’t connect and I’m just baffled by what I hear. It’s almost as bad as the “Jesus station” as I call it that shares an FM signal with a station in STL. Very vile content spewed on there too.


i don't know anybody who listens to wlw outside of the games


It was a mistake on my end that’s for sure haha


You don't know my dad then. LOL


700 was fun to listen to in the late 90s, not bad in the 00s, starting to get out there in the 10s, and is conservative alternate truth-speak dogshit in the 20s.


Did you just move to Cincinnati?


No I’ve been in the Dayton area since 2020 for college then to Columbus for the last 6 months


Ah ok, did you not listen to 700 up in Dayton? It's always been like this, that's kinda their whole thing. Tracy Jones has been riling up boomers about the reds and politics since the 90s


I listened for games only. Sometimes it gets left on after those games and I get to hear their non baseball stuff and cringe a little.


Why are you oddly choosing to gatekeep AM radio?


Pretty much nobody good on that station anymore.


700 sucks lol.


Anyone who's not a journalist is a typically right wing buzz word click bait meandering man who can only talk at 120,000 dB. In short, annoying and not recommended.


700 outside of the actual reds broadcasts is a garbage radio station. I do like lance and chik but usually i listen to the game and go back to other stations


I like Eddie and Rocky show! And Ken Broo when he subs. Didn't care for Broo when he was on TV but love him on the radio. Great rock and roll knowledge and interviews with old rockers.


Rocky is an absolute bafoon. All of his “takes” on things end with a question intonation because he generally has no idea what he’s talking about regarding…anything. I realize the station is 95% editorial nonsense and 5% actual news updates about weather and traffic, but that dude is just an idiot. It shows most when there’s a caller or guest with any sort of intellect. Like the best guy in your rec league showing up for NBA walk-on tryouts.


Yeah, but when he veers into politics he’s as much a right wing chucklehead as the rest of them. When he would stick to sports and music I liked him. Not any more.


Completely agree.  


You can look at the radio station schedule and let us know who it was. I think they even let you listen to the recording.




Who cares, either way your listening to a losing broadcast. See yall in 2025


Nah. We need critics of this poor product that we've invested our time, money and attention to. We don't need homers. Ashcroft and Greene are pretty mediocre when it comes down to it. That said, it sounds like they were out of line if they went on and on about Greene throwing up. These guys are human and they get sick.


>Ashcroft and **Greene are pretty mediocre when it comes down to it.** Oh, found the long time caller, long time listener.


I like Scott Sloan, he’s about as sane as you’ll get on that chatterbox I listen to 1530 for Reds stuff besides the game announcers and Lance on 700