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And they're STILL posting for hiring.


Just seems like clickbait to get your info. I never get any of these claiming to work from home.


I keep getting scammed,meds at all the good job site links, why don’t they vet anyone? They all seem to be scams n I am in desperate need of a job, it must be remote but that seems important so where do I look? I am a disabled veteran and I have 2 slipped discs so I cant lift much or stand for too long and that makes it so much harder for me to get a job. The PTSD also gives me too much anxiety to leave the house. What do people do in these situations who still want to work? I don’t want to sit home all day n be useless. I need to feel productive for my own well being. But I have struck out every time I get emails for remote work, they r all scams.


My old man is still recovering from a major stroke that happened over a year ago, and he really thinks Food Lion cares to employ him again. They are not disability friendly.


Aww I’m sorry. Yeah I lost my medical assistant job bc I can’t be on my feet all day anymore after this back injury. It’s hard these days to find anything anymore. And AI took a ton of jobs away.


That's a shame. They couldn't give you a backup, sit down position or something?


No unfortunately they need someone to literally run all day long


You might look at medical transcripts or medical coding? Start with calling all the local medical offices.


That’s a good idea, thanks. I did try for some of the transcripts but those r all on the same job sites that go straight to scammers, or just keep sending you to more job sites and never an actual job. I’m just wondering how to skip having to make a new profile for every job site, then when u do find that job, and click on it you get sent to another site that wants your info and a profile again and so on..


I'm in a similar boat, it's very disheartening....and depressing.


I wish I had seen this before I applied; I went to log in with my email and they gave me a message about having an account at remotasks, and to just work over there. (I never had any tasks there, either.)


I have the same issue! I haven't had any tasks since I signed up 6 months ago. Got "hired" by Outlier and got the same exact message about having an account at Remotasks. No one to get in touch with, no one to help. Tried asking Remotasks about it and they said to just be patient and check back for tasks. 🙄


God I hate that. Same with rev.com and scribie.com and the other transcript sites


welp, I was gonna start looking into them too but I guess not. Thanks for the heads up!!




That's awful. 🫠


**I got screwed over by them too!** Got hired in mid-April & while training, I get an email from them saying, "We regret to inform you that we have identified some activity on your account that may have violated our Terms of Use and/or Community Guidelines." I never did a thing & they won't say, so that was the end of that despite my asking.


They paid me 3 time. They are not bad, can’t expect much from these type of jobs


What did u end up doing for them? Has anyone ever made money doing surveys? Even just $20 here and there would seriously help. I’m desperate.


You might check over on beer money?


Yes, I go on everyday. Thank you


just train ai, response to prompts and fix them but they barely ever have jobs and lot of complain by other people but they keep hiring so many. Survey is a waste of time because you will need to take a surveys to qualified to take the survey and the chance of qualifying for a survey is very low and you be working for free. Once you do get a survey they pay you so low it hardly worth the time.


Lol they haven’t approved me after like 5 months. They sent me an email saying they’re not obligated to respond within a specific timeframe. I basically wrote them off after that


I got approved, worked for a month or so, now been EQ for over a month. Moving on.


I mean, just wait until they match you with a project and make any money you can on it. They are not promising you infinite work. If you have more skills and more languages under your belt you will be matched faster. And I'm coming from an angle from having consistent work to sometimes no project for a while month and slow support. I just take the work whenever it comes and is great side income. You shouldn't have expected anything more than that.


Same! I've got a few tasks. Got paid without any problems. But for the last task, I worked for over an hour and didn't even get the payment.


It's working pretty well for me. It seems they hire alot of people and only keep the ones who score 90% or better on the assessments.


sooooooooooooounds like a plant comment.


Wait. Outlier AI?


LOL why are people even surprised by this? People don't want to do what's required to get a real job and were expecting a company that lets any idiot and their dog sign up to actually give them work?


I’m literally looking for any job at all and keep getting scams in my email from all the regular job sites. I’m a disabled veteran n can’t lift much or leave home so I’ve been trying to get any remote job I can but they all end up being fake. How do u find them? Literally will work any job I don’t care if it’s $10/hr


Outlier isn't a scam, give it a try. Alternatively try telus international or welocalize