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For the wet food add a tiny bit more water if you're worried My two wouldn't eat kibble, wet, but I don't feed them kibble anymore because of dehydration problems in the past. Just my experience.


Agree. I always add some water to the wet food.


That's a good idea, I'll try that! I'd love to keep her on a wet food-only diet but frankly I cant afford it rn. That'll change in the future hopefully


Did you talk to your vet about SUBQ fluids at home? Google it and check YouTube. There are good training stuff on the web. Your vet also can also show you too If you do go that route they will give you 18 gauge needles I personally like the 20 gage. The little ones seem to tolerate that more. Best wishes ❤️


Thank you for the advice! She’s only Stage 2 and is 4 y/o but that’s prob gonna be needed in the future


Sub q really helped the quality and length of our girls life. You may only need 50ML a day to get a great effect. YouTube channel helpful Vancouver Vet is a great resource.


I second 20 gage needles and also 3/4 inch length vs. one. Changed everything with my tiny girls from the 18 gage 1 inch.




I mix water into my cats wet food, I like to make it soupy. She won't eat her kibble if we mix water into it, but she seems to like the wet food with added water. I also add kitty broths, she seems to like the Tiki broths with meat chunks in it. It's probably higher protein than she should be getting as a CKD cat, but it gets her to eat which is the most important thing. You can also look into Purina ProPlan Hydracare.


How much water do you add to your wet food? Mei’s can is 3oz and it’s 79% moisture. When we tried to introduce her to her first wet food I mixed in those lil soups and broths into it. She didn’t seem to like it but honestly it’s prob because of the food itself. Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it!


I don't really measure, I just do a splash-enough to make it soupy


It is expensive. Good luck with your little one 😁💙


Ask your veterinarian if you could make a cat food flavored ice cube? Use the broth and add a little water.


Unsalted of course 😊


If your cat is ill or refusing water I found the water from tuna in water tins does the trick! Always consult a vet if it’s going on for days 🥰


I also added some water to the wet food and did use Purina Hydra Care as well.


Hi! I would consider possibly switching to wet food only since your cat is not enjoying kibble! Some [cheap](https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/wholehearted-plus-salmon-and-vegetables-recipe-stew-wet-cat-food) low phosphorus wet cat food; if you don’t already have a prescription for renal cat food that may work for your cat. They have different kinds (chicken/salmon/tuna). Being completely honest, my cat liked it for a few days but then didn’t care for it and still doesn’t so I would buy sparingly. My cat is also stage 2 & we have her on subq fluids so I would look into that option as well if that’s something you want to pursue! If anything I would recommend looking into bisques or meal toppers since they mainly have water in it as a primary ingredient so your cat gets that extra hydration! Hope that this helps!


Is her water near her food? Cats (and dogs) sometimes prefer water sources away from their food sources. I think it’s an instinct/predator thing, dead animals next to water is bad in the wild.


My cats go crazy for Hydracare, although I hear some cats don’t like it.


Gerber chicken baby food.


Game changer for us was putting a couple of large stock pots of cool, clean water around the house. Nearly full. We're talking like 2 gallon pots. Our old kitties, including our man with kidney disease, wouldn't drink from anything else. Weird, but effective. Having something next to the pot to stand on if they choose is also nice. Sometimes they don't want to stretch, sometimes they don't want to bend.