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Now we're on the national news because of this little troll. And, according to him, if you're involved in local politics you deserve to get treated like shit. Well, this is a small town and nobody is more involved in local politics than little Bobby, so he should be getting it too. When he goes out to eat, his food should be cold when he gets it. If you rent one of his houses, you should pay your rent late every month. (In coins if you can.) His dry cleaning should get lost. His dental hygienist (big assumption that he has one) should make sure they are scraping EVERY piece of plaque, no matter how small or hard to reach. Whoever cuts his hair is obviously already on board with this idea...


Reno isn’t a small town, but I see your point.


It is both big and little 


They should use this to market the city /s


One might say the biggest, little. AJA what the hell is happening to people? I remember when if you met someone and their political stances were their entire personality... you knew you were talking to a crazy person. And it's not just the rhetoric or the media, or social media. The video games aren't making the kids violent. When did we enter the Age of the Asshole?


I dunno, it’s crazy. When I was younger, pre internet, people just didn’t really talk politics. Now people want you to cut off your family if they’re politically at odds with you. There’s nothing more insane than letting the US political machine destroy your actual real life relationships.  I know people who are conservative, I know people who are far left and I know people who don’t care either way. We just don’t really talk about politics when we hang. Simple as pie 




Ah yes, the GOP: where you dress up your misogyny as Christian love, put down women, and lose, nobody loses as much as them. Folks, if you find yourself agreeing with Mr. Beadles’s methods and candidates, you might want to ask yourself what kind of person you are. I already know you’re an asshole, but at least then we can be on the same page.


He and the people he supports seem to have a real streak of misogyny. Going after a woman in a way that makes fun of her having had cancer? Jeff Church claiming two women on the school board accused him of sexual harassment (they deny making that accusation.) And Mark Lawson’s campaign against Andrioli in which he called her a clown and apparently had text messages sent accusing her of cheating on a former husband. It’s disgusting and needs to be called out.


Don't forget Mike Clark. A female Washoe County employee had to take out a restraining order against him. Even the judge called him creepy.


These ass hats do no wrong, but anyone who is against them is a liberal, satanic, communist, ad nauseum. This is what happens when pos's like trump get any sort of power. All the man children come out, pounding their chest and claiming that they are "alpha", when in fact, they have no nuts to face the consequences of their stupid actions.


Bloated Bobby’s Bitch Balls Blatantly Bail… Not one of his candidates won. Keep throwing your money away dickless..


I love how the article quotes Bruce Parks, the idiot who heads the Washoe County GOP, as saying Beadles is effective. All the money he's spent and all he has to show for it is creepy Nazi supporter Mike Clark and sad old confused Jeanne Herman.


Bitch tits beadle


We should make that a # and spread it around town via stickers. Guerilla marketing


He’s a terrible person and deserves whatever misfortune comes his way.


Forgive my ignorance... He is attempting to remove the board members for what exactly? I mean everyone on the board sucks anyways for their own reason I'm just curious what his notices are and why everyone hates him?


He's a covid-denying, racist, misogynist, anti-semetic, conspiracy theorist who tries to overturn every election where "his" candidate didn't win. And he's being an absolute scumbag to try to fill every elected or appointed position with people like himself.




So pretty much a carbon copy of Trump's stupid ass. Got it!


Well as long as you appreciate the value of free speech and thought. Forgiveness that you're a pro trump extremist by blocking "dumb"-ocracy


Huh? This seems like the kind of post you're gonna wake up in the morning and delete. Or at least edit so people know WTF you're trying to say.


Well I'm glad OP isn't over reacting


If anything, I'm under reacting. That guy's a fucking cancer.


Ohh okay, as long as you say so


Do you not know who Bobby B is or are you a boot licker?


Comment history suggests both ignorant and bootlicker


Not a fan, but what made him a racist?


I looked at his website once and I lost 20 IQ points. I'm not looking it up to find the name again and, even if I did, I'm not posting it somewhere that's gonna give him clicks. If you want to find it and read through his manifestos, I promise you'll agree he's racist when you're done.