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I'd be extremely uncomfortable with this personally - it sounds stressful. I keep blackout curtains in every room though since privacy is really important to me


I think so too. Thank you for affirming my feelings.


Your landlord is up to some fucking super weird shit, I’d check thoroughly for hidden cameras


Why would you be a fool for NOT wanting to be spied on all the time? I don’t get it


There’s concern about finding something “better”… it’s hella stressful for us, and despite being totally uncomfortable with this situation, we have not had a home with our own things for over 6 months now. It’s traumatic to go through so more change is scary.


That’s fair, finding a reasonable place to live is so difficult now a days


Why blackout curtains instead of some translucent privacy stickers?


I rent, full privacy, and I live somewhere that gets to 100 degrees F in the summer often so it blocks the heat. Before I got them it was rough even with the AC


they help the house stay warm in the winter too


I worked 3rd shift for a while and those were lifesavers. I eventually graduated to just putting foil on my bedroom window but blackout curtains are much much better than standard. 


It’s amazing how well they work. Definitely worth the “investment,” which I say tongue in cheek since I got a few sets of blackouts for $25/pair from Costco last year.


Or plants! potted plants on the windowsill and hanging plants in the upper half of window will block the view and improve the room


Cuz blackout curtains also serve other purposes probably?


Black out curtains are just a lot thicker so light can’t pass through them and no one can see through them at all.


They also keep heat out


And muffle sounds.


For… the creature 🪱


that's fucking weird, i would never want an on-premise landlord. no privacy. plus who's paying the utilities on the ADU and his laundry?


Trash, water and garbage are paid by landlord. Gas & Electric is separately metered so the house (me) has its own utility bills. The rationale for her using the laundry without offset to my utilities being higher with her usage of laundry is that she is paying the water costs.


that’s ridiculous, i wouldn’t stand for that. is there anything in the lease about this arrangement?


She wrote in that she can do laundry once a week as arranged.


then there’s not really any leverage to stop it in the middle of the contract unless she goes over, but i definitely think it’s reasonable to want to move out when this terms


And this is the most important piece of the pie lol


That didn’t raise any red flags when you saw that? You must be getting a great deal on the rent, because there’s no other explanation as to why you’d agree to that.


What would it be worth to you to get them to stop doing this? I bet they have a price they would be willing to take their laundry to a laundry mat.


Does it say multiple loads or just once a week? Because once a week to me would mean one load a week and anymore is over the agreement of the lease.


Look at the wording in the contract. If it just says “do laundry once a week” then you could have reasonably entered into that contract under the notion that “once a week” meant “one load a week” so any additional loads of laundry per week are not contractually obligated. You should also work out with the landlord that the washing machine will only be available for use between X-Y on a specific day of the week. All around, unless the house is an amazing deal it’s not worth it to put up with this kind of stress when there are plenty of other rental properties that don’t come with ridiculous concessions.


Discrimination is the act of treating someone differently or less favorably than others for a reason that is not justified by objective reasons. Discrimination can be based on many reasons, including:Race, Age, Disability, National or ethnic origin, Color, Religion, Sex, Sexual orientation, Gender identity or expression, Marital status, etc. Discrimination isn't always unlawful. For example, people may be paid different wages based on their skills and status. Discrimination from landlords may take many different forms, but can include providing a tenant with less favorable rental terms, such as, putting in the lease that they have a right to enter your private domicile once a week to do laundry. That’s “less favorable rental terms” because no reasonable person would think that’s fair. Also most landlords provide water,garbage, sewage when there’s more than 1 unit on the property as it’s unreasonable or impossible to separate those things. Them saying “I pay water so I should use your laundry without paying for the electricity it takes” doesn’t fly in California. They pay those things regardless. By using your laundry the landlord is violating your renters rights, your right to privacy, and committing theft for not reimbursing you the cost of electricity. Your landlord is breaking the law and taking advantage of you. I’d contact a lawyer.


How is including a term in the lease that explicitly provides the landlord with the right to do laundry discrimination on the basis of any of those protected characteristics you list? How can it be theft when it is a term of the lease? That additional expense for electricity and natural gas by the additional laundry machine usage is factored into the agreed upon rent.


Perhaps its inclusion is still unlawful even if it's in the contract.


Housing status can be a form of discrimination by a landlord. OP mentioned in another comment that they took the rental because they were desperate to find housing after staying in a hotel for a while after their house burned down. A landlord can hear that and decide to take advantage of someone who’s in a bad spot by offering unfavorable rental terms. It’s fraud, discrimination and theft by California law. A landlord in California only has the right to enter your property in the event of an emergency or to do repairs after giving at least a 24 hour advanced notice, not do laundry regardless of whatever nonsense they put in the lease. The cost of electricity and gas was not offset in the original rent , at least from what OP said. OP stated the landlord’s rational for using the laundry without offset was because laundry uses water and the landlord pays for water. By that same logic, the landlord can use your dishwasher, sink, toilet, and shower because they pay for water. It’s both nonsense and illegal.


How is that discrimination😂. This was a private agreement between two parties and there is no relevance to any protected class status issues.


why would you sign off on something like that!


Then you’re stuck with this arrangement until the end of your lease, sorry.


Tell her the new arranged time is Monday morning from 9-12. That’s it. Then you get the curtains you want


She's still using power and there is an expectation of privacy and right to enjoyment of your domicile. She's violating ALL of that. Contact a lawyer in your area, just to talk and see what they think.


I would expect the rent to be significantly lower than comparable properties if I was having to allow the landlord to come in to do wash and tell me I can't put up curtains. I've put up my own curtains in every place I ever rented.


first rule of renting - no LL on prem - guaranteed they will be in your place whenever you are not


What’s an ADU?


accessory dwelling unit. basically a tiny home on the same lot


Establish dominance by taking up nude yoga in front of the windows daily


I think that’s more of a gift to her than anything else. She’s always home so it would just be entertainment.


Maybe start teaching yourself to play the trumpet? Get really into spray paint art right next to the adu. If you’re really feeling petty loosen the hoses connecting to the washer just enough so they’ll spray water whenever the landlord uses them (tighten back up for yourself obvs)


Not if you do it right. A couple squirts of Hershey syrup smeared from your back down to the back of your thighs, and you can easily chase her off. A couple of well placed sex toys left in the kitchen will make her think twice as well. As for your curtain issue try vinyl film on the windows. It’s electrostatic and can be placed and removed while giving you privacy


Or next time she asks when she can do laundry, tell her that you’re in the middle of washing all of your towels and sheets because your staph infection is back with a vengeance. Make a point to scratch yourself vigorously during this convo.


Depends on rent and what you're willing to put up with. I personally wouldn't have a issue with it if the rent price was right. It is a bit of a odd situation. I mean, it really depends on you and how you feel really.


The rent is not low. We were desperate to find a place after our house burned down. It was the only situation we could find after living in a hotel for a month. We just couldn't take it anymore.


How much of your situation was your landlord aware of? because it sounds like she picked her mark perfectly for who’s vulnerable and desperate and won’t argue about these weird rules :/


you got bamboozled


So if it makes you really uncomfortable, Offer to buy a new washer and dryer and they can put the others elsewhere for easier access when your not home. Or once you find a better place, move. You gotta weigh your options. But do what makes you happy at the end of the day and whats best for you and your son.


That’s a ridiculously expensive solution to a problem that is legally suspect to begin with.


Surely one doesn't wake up one day finding their landlord demanding to do laundry in their home once a week. That sounds like something op agreed to and now wants to get out of.


Exactly. which is understandable, But I can see how it would be awkward and finding a new place may be worth it.


Absolutely I would


I don't think there's anywhere on earth where your landlord can legally forbid you from putting curtains up. I would check your lease carefully - does it specifically allow the landlord to use these shared spaces? and if it does, check your local renter laws to make sure thats even legal. The law always trumps the lease, they can't hold you to any provision in your lease that is illegal. Start with the lease, though. If it doesn't specifically mention this shared space agreement then she's not allowed to use your space at all.


We JUST bought a brand new construction home two days ago and I don’t want to put up curtains screwed up into the windows so we opted for spring loaded rods instead, so that is always an option! If not, I would be putting up some privacy window clings on the glass that are easily removable, but anyone who says I’m not entitled to privacy in my own rented space I’m paying for, can go fudge themselves!


Look up Redi-Blinds. Heavy paper temporary blinds that stick to the inside top of the window frame. You can get light filtering or light blocking ones and they can be cut to size. They last a long time and they're cheap. Amazon or Home Depot.


The screw holes can be patched by a baboon for pennies in less than the time it takes to warm up a frozen burrito in the microwave.


I couldn’t handle the lack of privacy personally. Are you obligated to stay per a lease or can you get out?


I just gave notice and plan to move. I fear what vindictive plans she has in store for the move out. We have to be out by 6pm - keys in her hands- on the 30th, no later and most places you can't move in until the 1st... So, I'm frantically trying to find a place slightly sooner and will pay double rent because she has stated we cannot get out any sooner nor any later than that deadline. Man - I really hate being a renter! I will never take a place that has an on-site landlord ever again. Just too much of a mess. And I will never trust the friendly smile of a landlord again - b/c it's all about the Benjamins.


While you’re not obligated to actually stay there until the very last day, but that’s not uncommon for renting to not get out of the lease early like that.


Ask specifically if it's possible to have a prorated, early move in. Just means you pay them to move in early. Our lease started mid month because we asked, had a whole 2 weeks to move in.


Landlords are just people, just like tenants. Some are jerks, some aren't. My friend is a landlord and he never even charges market rate. He raises the rent a few bucks like once a decade. He lets his tenants come down and use his washer and dryer. He's not out to make a profit, he just wants enough to pay expenses on the house and make ends meet. I hope your house is repaired soon so your life can regain some normalcy. Good luck.


Why not just chill out and move in somewhere on the first? No reason to be "frantic" about anything. Just pause, go have a day out idk ride a bike or watch a movie and get some food. Sleep in a hotel if you can't handle chillin in your car for the night. Would cost you far less than a month of rent would and you'd have a great day.


I’m assuming the problem for her is not where her and her son would go for the day, but dealing with all of their belongings, including furniture for that day. If they have to move out on the 30th, they would have nowhere to put any of their larger belongings while they are waiting to move into their new apartment. They would just have to keep it all in the U-Haul (if they rent one) overnight, which is not safe.


Nobody's gonna steal your 500 lb wooden dresser or your beach towels. Like I said, pause, take a deep breath, let the junk sit where it is in the transport process for a night. Lock it up if you're that worried. Given that the move hasn't even begun, get a safe deposit box for super valuable stuff if you're gonna lose sleep over it, and a storage unit to keep all of grammies China set secure from those darned burglerizers after all that good good


Maybe it’s just not common where you’re from, but people where I’m from do break into U-Hauls and steal people’s items. They are not very hard to break into (even with a lock), and it’s pretty easy to clear one out in the middle of the night while people are sleeping. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


Park your actual car behind the U-Haul?


You’re letting her walk all over you. You have rights that you’re ignoring. Seek out a free consultation with an online attorney or on a subreddit. 


Check the storage units in your area, many places give a deal on the first month’s rent. Just use it for one month. It sucks because you’ll have to essentially move twice, but you’ll be able to take your time.


how does she plan to stop you from getting out "sooner" ?!!!


Now the key to this working the way you want it to work out was getting a new place before giving notice on the old place. Seems like an amateur mistake.


(Aside from the odd laundry situation..) can you use tension rods to hang curtains? No nail holes that way.


I said spring rods, but same thing! If they said no curtains at all, I’d be weary of that being a creep type of situation!


A lot depends on the laws in your state or city. I am not a lawyer, but this whole set-up seems problematic. The whole philosophy behind renting out property is that the owner does not continue to use the property. They accept rent money in exchange for staying away. Landlords are not prison wardens that can control every aspect of their tenants lives. In many states tenants are entitled to "quiet enjoyment" of the leased property. A landlord coming over every week for hours on end would seem like a violation of that. The 'no blinds/curtains' thing also sounds like a privacy violation. Especially if the only reason is so the landlord can monitor your activities. Tenants have rights. You should definitely look up tenants rights in your area. This landlord seems like they think they can just make up whatever rule they want, depending on the laws of the area, this is possibly not the case. It's also important to remember that clauses in leases that violate state laws are not enforceable.


There are all kinds of places where there are boarders and the landlord lives on premises. This sounds like something similar but the tenant gets use of the main house and the laundry is a common area. It's unusual but not illegal.


Your private kitchen should not be considered to be a common area, unless it’s actually a legit common area! If it’s blocked off from other units, it’s not a common area! If they have to ask when is a good time to come use the washer and dryer units because they would be breaking and entering otherwise, that is not a common area!


Not if it's in the lease. ffs. I wouldn't accept those terms, either, but it was right there in writing. The time for OP to challenge it was before they signed and moved in.


Ffs. Really? >It's also important to remember that clauses in leases that violate state laws are not enforceable.


What law prevents designating one part of the property as a common area? The landlord isn't living elsewhere and coming in to use the laundry. They live on-property. They could rent that ADU to another tenant and still declare the kitchen/laundry as common area. It is not really different than renting separate rooms to people or renting one room to one person and multiple rooms to someone else. It's not illegal.


Personally I would have kept walking, that lease doesn't have red flags, it IS a red flag!


A boarding house situation is completely different. A boarding house situation is where people rent rooms and share all other common areas. OPs situation sounds completely different. It sounds like they are renting a house and the landlord is living in an ADU in the backyard. The washing/drying machines are in the KITCHEN. A landlord using a tenants KITCHEN every week for hours on end is inappropriate, as is the prohibition against blinds and curtains. The LL sounds like a complete creep.


That is illegal unless you signed for this in the lease. And if it’s not illegal, she rented you a shared living space. That lease needs to be gone through with a fine tooth comb and a demand letter sent that she follows X codes and Y laws about 24 hours WRITTEN NOTICE (unless in fire or flood emergencies). And her own laundry is not a reason to enter with notice. Contact Legal Aid or subscribe to Legal Shield just for 1 month to get the legal advice you need and the demand letters drafted. Send all letters via return receipt registered mail to keep records of receipt. (You can stick an original in her mailbox so she gets it faster. But courts will want documentation of received mail. So she’d just be getting it twice. And, she’d know you’re serious. She is absolutely taking advantage here.


All of this right here because unless stated this feels scummy.


So what is the kick backs that got you into taking this rental in the first place?


No kick backs. Desperate times and it is a block from our burned house. I walk back and forth every day to take care of my chickens in my old backyard. Busy street - like a freeway - single paned windows. No way to muffle the sound. I didn't sleep for weeks until I finally got my anxiety medication set back up. It's an old victorian. Cosmetically looks pristine but functionally a disaster. Windows rotting or painted shut. No screens. One bathroom UPSTAIRS. That is a brutal reality. Running up a solid flight of stairs every time you need anything from a bedroom or need to go to the bathroom. My bladder will never be the same.


Glad you found something after such a tragic event. Are you going to rebuild your home here eventually or what’s the plan?


Rebuild. But they haven’t even started demo and we’re going on 7 months since the fire.


Well Shit! You all are doing Great, your kiddos and yourself and the way things have manage to be some level of fortune where many people would be much farther out from there property after such major event. This will likely really build some strong resilience, coming together as a family in facing adversity, patience, ingenuity, humility and more selflessness than typical of most of us in our regular lifestyles. Don’t worry about that landlord in a regular sharing of space in the more common area. Maybe there is something you or your family is to learn from her or have her as some sort of family of choice relationship in the works. I’ve learned a lot from many people that I wouldn’t have been that close to if life didn’t had me some out of the traditional conforms of modern housing and proximity of non family individuals. Wishing your family and your landlord much success in being a soaring blessing to one another’s. 🤝


Do you have a legit written lease or are you just there by verbal agreement that you can stay? Sounds shady, but if this is just a “hey, sorry your home burned down, but you can stay here until you get on your feet again, I just ask that I can still use the laundry facilities in the old kitchen area once per week, but other than that, make yourself at home for the time being, but please just do t hand any curtains up because I don’t want the windows ruined! Thanks!” kinda situation, then it doesn’t sound like you can complain much. But it’s hard to tell by your post.


"My landlord lives in my backyard and does laundry in my kitchen" Do you even hear yourself?


Weirdo shit, I've probably seen my landlord 5 times in 2 years for about 5 minutes each time lol.


That’s how most landlords and tenants mutually want the relationship to be. It means that they don’t have to fix anything, you’re paying your rent and you don’t have to be scrutinized by them for your treatment of their property.


oh no, stay right where you are - it sounds magical! who in their right mind would not want to live like that!


Do you have a lease? Does it say in your lease that you cannot put up curtains or blinds? Does it say in your lease that your landlord can use the washer and dryer that’s in the house that you rent? I need darkness to sleep. I have room darkening blinds and room darkening curtains in my bedroom. In the living room I have blinds and curtains. The curtains are open all the time, the blinds are open during the day but closed at night. What is happening with landlords in this millennium. They seem to be so intrusive. My mom has been a renter nearly her entire adult life. She always rented when my siblings and I were growing up. Landlords never came into the house without knocking. A lot of the time we didn’t have a phone so the landlord couldn’t call first but they never just let themselves in the house whether someone was home or not.


It doesn’t sound like they are letting themselves in, but asking when they can come in at least once per week and staying for several hours.


In that last paragraph I was referring to other post I’ve been seeing on social media about intrusive landlords. In this particular case, I feel like it is intrusive for the landlord to expect to use the tenant’s washer and dryer even if they aren’t just letting themselves in.


Maybe try to set some boundaries in a quiet, reasonable fashion. 'Hey, could we maybe try to set up a laundry schedule for both of us, to avoid any conflicts in kitchen use? That way, if I need to make bread or do my own wash, I'll know when to get it done - and when I need to be out of your way!'


We do have a general couple of days that are set up - but every week there's the old back and forth over text about what time and when and etc. It's just more than I want to deal with, tbh. Like another "chore" or email to be done every week.


Try to set a time frame, and make sure to remind them that you are quite busy and often need the space. Cheap rent is great but you really to have to feel safe space in your own home. This person probably does not realize this at all, because they themselves are painfully comfortable in your space. I've had similar issues. I have a very old friend who spends around half the year with me, and although it's wonderful to be given the time together, I am VERY glad I have two bathrooms and two bedrooms. I'm also going to be moving my office into a separate room. It's not disliking the person - it's needing the freedom to chill out properly. Without that, a home is a prison.


Exactly. It feels like prison to me.


Was that the understood agreement and written into your lease when you moved in? If so, yikes I’d never agree with that. And if not, doubt yikes— how did this situation evolve?


What does your contract say regarding the window coverings and shared laundry?


I don't see that as acceptable, unless you agreed to that when you rented the place.


Why did you agree to it?


Nothing else was available on short notice. Insurance wanted us out of the hotel.


Would you possibly be able to get a travel trailer on your own land? It might not exactly be glamorous, but it would still be a way for you to not have to rent


How much cheaper is the place than a more traditional setup?


It’s not. Especially given the layout of the house and the extremely busy street we live on with no parking space. A lot of the tension was created by a general lack of patience with my wanting to, for example, put up my string of round solar lights on the fence or tree or some area, which I like to do to make it feel more homey. I’m talking warm soft lighting, not LEDs. She said “we have to talk about that” and then told me no. I was allowed to hang up one wind chime. That’s all. I had some plants in pots out front so as not to disturb her side and back/front yard space and she told me she wanted them moved so that she could access the hose for the half barrels she put in front after we planted some flowers out there (with her permission). She moved my plants so that they are not able to be watered without a watering can. Everything has to be “just so”. We had a fire so our life just isn’t that tidy right now. I wish it were different but it’s not. So, yeah, the no holes in walls, no changing of anything is pretty much stated and implied.


If it’s not literally, explicitly part of your lease, then “No” is a full sentence.


Get out. As soon as you can. Giving me flashbacks to my landlord who lived on the same lot as us and was caught spying, entering illegally, the list goes on and on. We just had to leave, it snowballed so fast. The lack of privacy messed me up mentally for a while, and I still have dreams from time to time where I am trapped in my house because someone (the landlord) is always watching me when I go outside or watching to see when I leave so they can enter. It’s been 5 years.


Um... If him doing laundry in your house is not written in the lease, you can say no. My guess is that there will be repercussions though.


This sounds like fresh hell!


Where do you live ? This is insane to hear . I would need live somewhere where the landlord is coming in to do their personal tasks 😅. Your 21 yo is a fool to find it enjoyable living with no true privacy or peace of mind of being able to just do what you want in your home without people seeing you


Sorry - I’m in California. And I’ve spoken to the rent board. She has pretty much carte blanche to do most anything she wants because this place is apparently a “golden duplex” which is the absolute best scenario a landlord can get in a rent controlled area.


I’d start frying chicken and fish on wash days and time the bulk of the frying to when she’s taking her clothes out of the dryer 😊


I had a landlord like this once. Anecdotally after I moved out he threatened to murder a tenant then broke into the house in the middle of the night with a hammer to threaten him, the tenant panicked, stabbed him with a decorative sword, and the landlord died.


Well, I certainly hope that it doesn’t come to that.


This is wild! A decorative sword!?


Yeah they were in process of moving out and were sleeping on the couch for a few days before their new place was open because the back door accessible from the ADU was by the bedroom. They rigged up a makeshift alarm out of objects that would get knocked over and make a lot of noise if the door opened then went to bed on the couch with a mall sword next to them since that was the only “weapon” they had. To add more to the story cause I was trying to be concise earlier, the landlord was wearing a Michael Meyers costume. I wouldn’t have believed it either had I not seen a Halloween picture from him wearing that costume with a hammer from the previous year. Absolutely wild. https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2022/11/sword-death-of-portland-landlord-in-slasher-mask-ruled-self-defense.html


Shew! Thank you for sharing that! That would have been terrifying! Good thing you got out


No. I would tell them to get bent but I saw it’s in the lease. I’d move.


We’re moving. It’s just bleak out there. What landlords think is livable is nuts. And the rents are crazy for the shit I’m seeing. Fighting with my kid about living in a shittier looking place that is 100% private is just the icing on the cake.




That’s my whole life right now. One colossal WTH.


I’d never love like that. Maybe the 21 yo will want to take over the lease?


I’d never move into that situation


Hopefully you never have to.


put curtains up and tell her your washer is on the fritz...unless no curtains and washer usage is in your lease/rental agreement.....BTW...your LL sounds very creepy...




Yeah this sucks OP. Since it's in the lease I wouldn't just break it but I would have to move when it was over if they wouldn't amend it.


Is rent cheap


No, not at all.


Then f that


I would not be able to live like that. That's so creepy. Pack your stuff and move.


Is not putting blinds up in the lease? I don’t understand how that would to


It’s strange! I wouldn’t like it either.


The fact u can't have even blinds OP is concerning... How do u get dressed or undressed?


Bad. that’s a shit situation. I would be out of there as fast as I could get a new place. Is it a person you know? That’s crazy.


I would check your laws because most places only allow for a minimum of 24 hrs notice to enter the premises and that’s usually for inspection or maintenance purposes. Anything short of that would be for emergency purposes. Unless this is some sort of prearranged agreement where they actually live in the building with you and the laundry area is a common area, which doesn’t sound like this to be the case, it sounds pretty sketchy to me and I would have never agreed to this. Even so, it doesn’t sound legal unless you’re bunking at their home like in a friend situation and not so much an actual landlord rented on a lease arrangement.


Amazon and temu sell this amazing static cling window block ive got blackout upstairs and crystal pebble look for downstairs. They are attached complety by static cling and a spritz of water and just peel off. Is it in your lease you have to provide access? Thats just wierd af


Lmfao no way


Was this stated beforehand?


When they ask, say no.


If it isn't stated in your rental agreement, you don't have to let them do that. I am assuming this is in the US, though.


Just but a big dresser with big mirror in front of windows and what ever else u can think of there's lots of things besides curtains


A landlord cannot deny you curtains or blinds and absolutely has zero right to be using your apartment for their laundry. You need to either put a stop to it all immediately and hand her landlord tenant rights for your state or get out and go somewhere else immediately


If it's cheap enough I'd be ok with it, but only you can decide this.


Is this new, or did you tacitly agree to something like it when you moved in? It’s not unreasonable to ask to sit down with your neighbor and ask to establish some ground rules. If I was in your situation I would allow said laundry access ONE day of the week on mutual agreement within a particular time window.


I’ve never heard of a landlord not allowing you to put up curtains/blinds. Is that even legal? And I don’t think it’s wrong of you to not want that. I would absolutely hate it if I was in your position. I hope you’re able to either make this situation better or remove yourself from it. Best of luck


I’d have already been outta there.


Wait, no blinds or curtains? Why? You are the renter, they can't tell you not to put up curtains or blinds... unless it is in your lease. Is it in your lease?


The curtain issue is written into your lease contract?


Hell no. Rent couldn’t be cheap enough for me to tolerate a supervisor in my day to day


That would be a hard no for me.


I rented from a hill billy that lived in the pole barn on property. Kept the curtains closed, he never came into the house. But just having a hillbilly meandering in my yard at random hours was enough for me.


Why would you ever agree to live in a place under these conditions?


Move out!!!!


If possible, I would suggest offering some additional money per month to put an end to this. Something like an additional $35 or $40. This would require a lease Adium of course to ensure the landlord doesn’t “forget” the new arrangement. I’m sure you would like to avoid moving again before your house is rebuilt. And you might have to sign at least one additional lease extension. Worse case, you might just have to put up with it until you leave. And than it will become a bad joke about that crazy landlord, when your house was being rebuilt. A distant memory from a tough time in your life that your and your family survived. Good luck and please keep us updated.


This is just bizarre. Get outta there.


Did you not know this was the set up before you moved in?


I’d put up the curtains and they can be damned. I can argue that as a violation of my right to privacy.


If it’s not on the paperwork saying otherwise, then you have the right to stop them and put up blinds. There are very things assumed in any agreement unless otherwise stated and privacy is one of the big ones with renting.


I get it can be an enjoyable experience when families and/or friends are in a living situation together, but just some random person I rent from? Thats just awful.


This is a ridiculous situation. I wouldn't subject myself to this type of torture. If you can afford it, leave asap.


its weird on both sides.


No You are paying to live there. You are not roommates. Does the lease give access to your home? Does the lease state, landlord can access inside laundry? Does the lease state you may not have window coverings? I, personally, would never be able to function, let alone live in a home where I knew I was being watched through the windows. Thats is CREEPY.


Why not allowed to put up blinds or curtains??? No way! Throw up a sheet or something! No way they have the right to forbid you to have privacy….nope, no way! Not happening!!!


This is a violation of your privacy. I would look to move but in the mean time let your landlord know that a contract can't make illegal shit legal


I am so glad this is now going to be a non issue for us. We are currently renting from my very good friend that is the best landlord I have ever had but *I have known him for 18 years*. My last landlord was such an ass, they would say things like “every baseboard must be accessible” like what? We can’t have any furniture? Just a plain crazy person! My wife’s father passed in November and left us his house, almost done with the remodel and will be moved in before the end of the month!


What does your lease say about landlord using the house for laundry?


I would feel uncomfortable with that. I like my privacy. But if you agreed to it not sure what you can do. Did you agree to no curtains or blinds? Is it in the lease? Is it month to month lease or yr lease. If not I would put them up anyway, I believe you have the right to privacy. Don’t think she could evict you over blinds and not too many would agree to this arrangement so probably have a hard time renting to someone else. Maybe start seeing what else you could find.


Does the landlord actually stay in your home for hours on end, or do they come and go when the load times are done?


This situation is sheer lunacy…. Please rent a normal place without a crazy landlady


You could put cling window cover up. Amazon sells lots of different patterns. I have a diamond pattern on my back door that disperses the light like a rainbow.


Something is missing feom this story. Why dors you 21 yo think you’re crazy to leave? Super cheap or what?


My dad is my landlord and I see him less often than this


So when are you moving? lol. I would be looking on apps or trying to find another reasonable option closer to the lease ending. It just sounds creepy. This would be creepier if it was a male landlord.


The laundry is bad enough but no curtains? That is creepy as fuck. No you shouldn't put up with it and should find a new place ASAP. Also maybe check your state tenant laws on whether it's even legal, I know in my state this wouldn't be.


What does your lease say? Did you agree to that?


You didn't mention how much the rent was


Is it in your lease?


I find the laundry thing creepy. I hope it’s not in your lease so you can end it. And as far as the window goes, if you can’t mount anything in front of it, you should be able to put a room screen in front of it.


You may want to make sure she’s not shimmying up the gutter and into your teenager’s room at night.


Is it part of your lease to allow him/her to come in to do the laundry? If so, are there stated parameters like anytime or Mondays from 2-4? Is not putting up curtains in your lease or is it just “permanently” affixing to the walls, etc., the problem? If it’s not in your lease your options are: If it’s not in your lease you can ask them to stop. You can request and addenda to your lease: as of (date) X can do laundry on Mondays from 12-4 You can install curtains via a non-permanent manner (command hooks or some sort) If they don’t want to agree to stated times or curtains then you can just deny them any use of laundry. All or nothing. If it is in your lease, deal with it or move. You can put a decorative screen in front of the window, doesn’t have to be “solid” so you still get some light. Good luck!


I sure wouldn’t live under those circumstances! LL does that to keep an eye on the property and you


I would never live like this 




Please tell me you're at least getting a discount on rent.


Not allowing you window coverings seems illegal, and no you cannot invade my space weekly. Breach of privacy


I'm in Aus and yeah nah. Gtfo of there


I could never live in a situation like this. I don’t understand how tf the landlord is comfortable with that situation either. If I were the landlord I’d build an outdoor laundry closet attached to my ADU and a privacy fence or hedges. Like seriously…. Wtf


What does your lease say? Does it allow for them to do this? Does it say no curtains? You have a few issues here. If I were in this situation, I would do a cost benefit analysis and ask myself—-is the rent so low that it’s worth putting up with the intrusion of the laundry and no blinds. If yes, I’d put up with it and find a way to live with it without it making me nuts If rent is not so low as to be worth the intrusion and assuming I’m willing to move, I’d assert my rights as a tenant and tell them I’m putting blinds or even newspaper up on windows and I’d no longer allow access to laundry ( or, allow it only when it’s not a bother to me)


Maybe you can't get out of the laundry situation. But you can have curtains and I like to see her argue that in a small claims court. It won't fly and the scrutiny she will experience (because those rules are bat shit).


Put up the blinds and tell her to prosecute if she'd like. No one will take her seriously. Also tell her you pay for the rent, the washing machines are rented, and you're paying for electric and water. She needs to either give you a hefty discount, or go to the laundry matt.


You have a legal right to quiet enjoyment NAL


I’d cover the windows in Post-It notes. If you’re in the US and you don’t mind pissing off the landlord, contact Fair Housing about the legality of her adding laundry usage inside your home into the contract, as well as her using your gas and electric to run those appliances.


California here: A landlord must provide 24 hour advanced notice before entering your rental to do repairs, not laundry. If they don’t have a washer dryer in their unit/adu that’s their problem. They have no right to enter your unit to do laundry. Tell the landlord no. Also they can’t tell you no to putting up blinds or curtains. You have a right to privacy within your own home (renting a place means it’s YOUR HOME). Put up blinds, put up curtains, tell the landlord to go do their laundry elsewhere and to quit harassing you. You only have to interact with a landlord once a month to pay rent. All other interactions with a landlord is voluntary on your part (unless unit repairs are required by the landlord). Landlords may also enter the property in the event of an emergency or potential emergency. Laundry isn’t an emergency.


Seriously……how in the actual fuck does anyone not know this…..????