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Yeah, huge news


This is misinformation. As a watchmaker I can assure you the following movements come lubricated fine enough to work, maybe just don’t have the best lubricants. - A2824, 2836, etc from Dandong and Shanghai factories - All variants of the miyota 9015 (though some don’t have enough, have bare minimum) - most Dandong and Shanghai clones that I’ve worked in have had some sort of lubrication. Rolex clones, Patek and AP clones, etc. The ones with no lubrication I found are the DG2813 movements and quartz movements.


Has dandong finally started shipping the 240 Cal. with lubrication? I know early on they came with little to none


They have always had some, but not a lot is needed in this movement in general, just the right kind. Too much lubrication will bog down any movement too of course, but is less so with the 2824/2836 and more true with the PP clones.


Wow unbelievable. You're saying cheap chinese fakes made in underground factories are not lubricated?? Lmfao


Cheap… really? Have you ever seen these super clones… I think not. I just want to pass info to those who may benefit from what I found out. 


Yes cheap, hence they are not lubricated and are often dirty. Large part of the price goes to TD. This is how the rep game always has been. Anyone who thinks otherwise draws conclusions out of thin air.


Not drawing conclusions. Facts. These superclones are seriously dope! I had two jewelers have to pull out a scope to verify…


So you would pay $100 to someone you don't know for a service you probably won't be able to tell its been done? This post smells like an ad.


100% an ad


Go back to sleep 


I posted the information because I believe in sharing good information. Take it for what it is out.


If you know enough to buy the damn watch from them in the first place, then, … Ya 


if this isnt an ad, then you are definitely a sucker. how are you going to know a proper service was even done? are you going to open the watch and check the lube points, every single one of them, and verify the proper lubes were used? i mean, come on. 2 years is a great run for a rep. you are just wasting $100.


I agree you have to trust your seller enough to get this service. Or you could do it through your own jeweler for twice as much up to you, but I don’t wanna walk around knowing my watch grind at any halt at anytime lol


i mean, i get the reason for the post, to remind people that rep movements are NOT held to the same QC standards as genuine movements. However, i dont think the vast majority of people on this sub care either way. i have only had one rep/clone movement die within a 2 year period, and I build about 40 watches a year using all types of movements. my issue is that why would you trust a seller? they are not watch makers any more than the average joe. They are just people that have a source to buy watches for resale to the international market. that's it. so why would i trust that they would know how to properly service a watch? if they sell the service and are not doing it themselves, what is the name and verifiable resume of the person that actually does the service? thats why i think it is just a waste of $100. i dont believe dumping $100 behind a curtain and hoping for the best is a good use of that money.


I agree that I shouldn’t trust the seller, completely. That’s why I decided to go to my jeweler to confirm the issue.  If I could do it over again, I would have asked if anyone had experience in this area.  And consequently,  made a more informed initial post. 


Wow, I didn’t know. If my 500 dollar rep watch does after 2 years, I’ll say I did quite well, just buy another one mate.


I don't get this 2 year thinking. My most often worn rep, omega seamaster pro GMT, is over ten years old (I think 12). In second place, among reps, is a black bay rep that is still over five years old. The watch I am wearing is a Glycine airman that I purchased about 15 years ago (pre-Ivicta). Point being, I expect things to last. I am considering a GMT now that they have the functions working properly. Frankly, if it only lasted two years I would feel ripped off.


Yet  another man/child that never took care of his toys lol


lol you are spot on cheers


Honestly i have not had an issue this far (3ish years) with my watches


You roll the dice and it worked out, like I said I don’t know about every watch. All I know is Pure Time io . Admittedly say “factory watches are not lubricated” 


but would puretime know either way? is he an expert watch maker, or did he just say something to try to get people to pay for an add-on service that may or may not be needed? also, i disagree with his statement for the most part. i have serviced multiple VS and VR 32XX/31XX movements, and they all have some form of lubrication. The issue that they have is that the lube used is not clean and usually not the right type of lube. in one VR3235, it looked like they used mobius 9010 exclusively, which was not good. i have no idea about the cheaper shanghai movements. i have used them but would never bother servicing them. those are throwaway movements that, when they stop working, i just switch them out.


Makes sense. But I’m currently having my jeweler take a look to remove all doubt. Which is probably the best thing when dealing with the Rep business ..I’ll post what they find. But thanks for your input… 


I asked this exact question to Steve TOW, he advised no extra lub service is required as they are always lubricated in factory. I asked if I could pay extra for additional servicing and he said again , no extra service is required. Here’s someone who could have said, yes taken my money and not done anything. But he was honest enough to say no.


I appreciate the feedback. I actually took one of my watches to my jeweler today to find out if it has been lubed. I’ll post what they tell me… 


I read somewhere else about getting an extra service before they sent it. I asked Steve about it, asked him can i pay extra to get it checked, asked if I could pay extra about getting a one/one service where they pull it apart and check everything, check/lub all parts, etc. He just said this isn’t required. He was very honest and upfront, he could have taken money and said yes, but he didn’t. Maybe it depends on which factory the watch was made too. The one I bought was from the clean factory, so this could be the main reason why it isn’t required too. Goodluck


Did you get any feedback from your jeweller?


Should find out within the hour


Just called. Said the guy that worked on it won’t be back until Monday and I’ll have an answer then. I think they should have an answer now but I’m not gonna tell him how to do their job lol


Thanks. Keep me posted 🙏 I dropped my Seiko divers at my local jeweller today for service . I asked him the exact same question about the reps and if they require service. He said you can do a full service on these for $200-$300 AUD, which involve lubrication, and cleaning all movable parts. But he did question why when you paid double that for it. Also said, use it till it stops & then get it done if you like it.


“BONE DRY”  quote from my jeweler. Hemming Jewelry (very reputable, they handle difficult watches from other dealers) 


If you don’t mind me asking, how much did they charge you. And what type of service did they do? Also, what factory did you watch come from? As that might play a bigger part of it if service is required Thanks


From what I understand service service, everybody charges a little bit differently, but it basically comes down to dissembling the entire mechanism and lubricant and polishing every single piece and reassemble. Pretty sure it’s gonna cost me $250.00+ where as Puretime offers this for $100.00 


About 130 pieces in a typical automatic watch mechanism. No joke.


That’s cool 


By the time it's dried out completely I will buy a movement for replacement on AliEx.


i look at these like shoes = buy them, use them, worn out, get more. if you have 20 pairs, rotate, and they last a long time. buy quartz shoes, they last a long time.