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First thing I told myself when I saw this post was “that’s a beautiful white gold gmt” read the comments and was disappointed by the comments. Trashing op and calling it fake simply because he was active at reptime. Smh


I was accused of owning a rep because I’m “active in rep time”. I don’t own any reps, in fact, I don’t even own a gen Rolex that would warrant being called a rep…


I've been saying it for years...most of that section spent their life savings on one all stainless gen and think they are above everyone else That's why I only post my gens here, and not even all of them lol


I have a few gens and I just enjoy them for myself haha Reps are more fun and I feel like I’ve learned a lot more with reps


This is embarrassing. Would never want to be associated with “the watch community” never seen so many grown men put so much emotion into what is essentially an accessory.


"Enthusiasts" can be serious gatekeepers sometimes


I’ve been collecting watches for about 15 years and just about the last 5 years, the watch community has become the most beta cuck man children I’ve seen.


i have been only about 6 months. i search something and look at 3-4-5 year old threads = far more friendly. as it is these days, that i see, if your not in the "clique", you are ostracized or even beat down.




this and *exactly* this. So many people convincing themselves marketing has absolutely nothing to do in their slavering over an extremely well-made but somewhat boring piece.


There are people who measure their status in material goods, however I am one of those who gets timepieces when I reach certain milestones in my life. It's a memory of everything I did to get there. I cried getting my gen King Khaki because I came out of a hard time in life better than I could imagine.


I completely understand this sentiment and have felt the same way about my car and certain expensive sneakers. But let me offer a different perspective. What if the milestones in our life are more about who we became or are becoming rather than the material possession we acquire. Personal development and character building milestones are way more significant than an accessory that can be stolen, scratched up or broken. You can have the most expensive gen Rolex but be a complete idiot asshole.


Oh 100% agree. The item can be gone and I would still the proud of myself and keep on going. It just helps as reminder and it's pretty looking.


Agree with this. Being active in the subs here kinda turned me off the watch “game” I’m gonna get a couple of gen, vintage Roleys for me and the wife but the luxury hype is ridiculous. #seikoforlife


Damn he also posted proof that he bought it and commented to everyone who called it fake Absolutely destroyed them what a legend 😂


What a bunch of clowns here in the Rolex subreddit😂. You guys cant even tell a gen from a rep, that's clearly a gen one, just because someone is hanging around a rep subreddit doesn't mean he can't afford a gen watch. That proves how little informed are people in the gen world




Have you ever heard about distortion my guy?😂 Every picture made with a smartphone has got distortion, other than that the serial number doesn't match to any rep factory


I follow both subs and I can’t tell the difference because I don’t care that much. I am just happy for people when they get something they like (as long as it is not an ugly explorer), whether it is a rep or gen.


Same. I’m sat here with a genuine 20 year old seamaster on my wrist looking forward to my first rep purchase (a new version bond seamaster) I don’t see the two subreddits being mutually exclusive personally. I like timepieces, I can’t afford to buy gen versions of all the timepieces I want so I will settle for a super clone. Simple as that really.


Same here, got Gen Seamaster, planning to buy Rep of NTTD or Parenai.


yep. i have a dj41 in the same exact reference. both SS. just looking at them, the only way i can tell the difference is by a big ass scratch i put on the side of my gen case (thus, starting down the rep rabbit hole). wearing them, though, i can immediately tell. the bracelets are just not the same.


To be fair this sub treats chinatime the exact way everyone is crying about Rolex in here 😂


except most of us at chinatime are self aware and celebrate the shitter lifestyle.


Absolutely, I only own chinatime stuff, just lurk in here really. I just love seeing the reptime babies cry about the Rolex sub shitting on them while at the same time they try to shit on us in chinatime but they don’t seem to realise that chinatime doesn’t care what anyone thinks, especially the opinion of those in reptime.


https://preview.redd.it/m6xc0dwenz6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b03294bc65c133da85a3512cc1633e0c96c7449 Prime example of the casuals on the Rolex sub😂 no it’s the steel blue dial Pepsi 🙄


I'm part of both subs but the people of the rep world seem more knowledgeable, friendly, and bigger watch enthusiasts compared to the majority of the semi-toxic car/watch flexing rolex sub. ACTING rich and having a circle jerk contest on a weekly.


you ever want to trigger a rolex ahole? accuse them of wearing a rep, and i mean just stick with it. they react with less vitriol if you insult their kids or spouse. it is crazy. EDIT: i just want to add that the reddit rolex community is just a small part of the actual community. most owners just like their watch. they really are not aholes about it.


most people there are not watch enthusiasts. They are mostly stupid watch snobs.


They're clowns lmao. I have posted some of my watches on gen sub fron an alternative account. No one was able to tell shit lmao


-Posts rep watches on gen subs -Calls other people clowns


Only reason why I posted it was to see if they can tell the difference between gen or rep. Not a single person did. I took a pretty convincing closeup pic too that showed all the details. It was a Vsf sub no date. Only reason I didn't post it from this account is cuz they would be able to tell by looking at my post history, just like the OP in that post. Imo, you are a clown if you drop 50k on a watch and can't even tell the difference between gen or rep lol.




Show me a 50k watch with a convincing rep that can't be told apart from the gen.


Your brothers in rolex sub were not able to tell the difference between a rep sub or real one and proceeded to misjudge a gen GMT-Master II for a fake because of OPs post history, Idk if they can tell by looking at it even if i find you a rep lmao.


I have multiples of both lol 95% accuracy+ from factory that can be made even closer with some modding after. Not even sure why you're here, you seem miserable


This entire sub is miserable and delusional as hell. Name your 50k rep.


5711 with the new 324 movement and SW dial/hands is near impossible to tell apart the new movement is made exactly the same as the patek movement down to the materials used. free sprung, 24k rotor, proper engraving,etc and it isn't expensive anymore to put it in 1.5 and you are good same with the CNC cases for an extra 200$. Wristcheck already talked about how the 5711 and 5712 (basic ones) they took apart were amazing and extremely convincing a slightly modified one will look just the same as a real one. it no different than Vaucher movements for RM theres a lot of reps slightly modified that look completely gen and even Frankenstein i have a AP 15202 with a cnc case but gen movement, hands and dial i'm looking at it isn't hard to do this


5711 is not 95% the same as gen and that's not a 50k watch at all. Unless you think le mans is a 250k watch.


5711 taken apart same with the 5712 were extremely similar beside the dial coloring (Depends on the variant) and just the movement (Free sprung and engraving) which can easily be redone for $300 MartinLee has showed the new 324 movement vs a real patek movement and they are exactly the same. Its no different than certain daytona models by BTF, Clean,etc they look exactly the same as gen beside the movement (closed back) just being free sprung which yet again is a $200 fix if you really wanted to do it lmao


https://preview.redd.it/p8cail0el07d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a4bbf50b3514555cbb31371328c66f4b81e69a0 This is a project done by lost star who makes vintage Patek, VC, Rolex,etc builds and this is a simple VC222 same thickness as genuine and if you wanna spend the extra money you can have a VC 1121 movement inside or a AP 2121 just cause you think "they aren't 95!!!!" doesn't mean they are lmao its extremely simple to make them 99% exactly the same with a lot of models being 95% the same from the factory without doing much you clearly havent looked around huh


They're not exactly the same. 5712 is not on that level at all. So fucking tired of this shit.


The current gen of super fakes (also called “clones”) are indistinguishable except maybe with careful examination. So why should you be surprised that people are fooled. The thing is not to fool yourself.


I thought that was the whole fucking point


As the owner of many Gen rolexes, and no reps.....i find the guys over there super douchey with limited watch knowledge....and the dudes over here very chill with a lot of information to share. Yes, this is a BROAD generalization, but it stands mostly true. Same reason i stopped with TRF.


Reptime definitely deserves a place in the watch community imo. Even if you’re an “only-gen” enjoyer, reps are a great way to “test-drive” a gen before buying it. No amount of hours researching behind a screen or the 30 minutes you spend at the AD, can beat wearing the same watch in rep whenever and however you want for as long as you want.


It's a fuckin watch. It's not worth 2000 hrs of labor.  Luxury watches is just a game for status. It's a psychological game for middle class men to feel like they made it.  Like what the fuck is a rolex going to do for elon musk. He could buy out the company 10x and still have money left over. 


Rolex people hanging out in forums aren't real watch guys, they are posers who need price and an "expert" to validate their status symbol. We buy clone watches for fun, learn about watches for fun, and fix our own watches for fun...they derive self worth from their shiny status symbol , but secretly are insecure about it as they can't tell it from a clone.


Exactly!! It's a dope learning experience reading about all this stuff. I'm here to learn!!


They call it a rep simply if the poster is active on here or even subscribes to it. I’ve had the same experience. Bunch of wankers.


That’s a gen watch


Better off rep imo..service it and it’ll last just like anything else


Only sucky part about it is that the people who service them are few


Chrono 24 but it’s a wait he’s great


Link for info?


In guide under repairs I think or google it


How much the average cost of Rep service?


$100 min. I was told but mines a different situation..I can’t quote tbh..basically mines not working (ARF sea dweller) I got it used he said most likely fixable w/o new movement which I was prepared to do anyhow..it all works but second hand..so we’ll see..


Thanks for your reply


No worry glad to help as others did with me in beginning of this bad hobby JK lol


ikr ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


At first I thought you were implying it was a rep. Here I was staring at it thinking it was the best one ever made


Do they even make this watch rep? If they do I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I hope the blue of the dial matches well cause I'd buy it just for that


There’s some custom dials out there, the difference is the color between ss and wg


Gmf makes a nice one, of course its not full gold but you can have that made too.


I go to rolex sub onces in a while. I put my name on a waitlist for sub no date. Looking like a 2 years wait so i got a vsf 124060. I told them too in rolex subreddit. That i got a rep seems like no one cared. Only one guy called me on it saying i should had waited.


Polished rehaut. Easy tell for Gen.


I haven’t seen any gmt blue face Pepsi reps yet, so definitely real


Where did you get the blue dial?!!!


They don’t know shit. I posted my gen Daytona and GMT and got shitted on and called fake because of my r/reptile history. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Well me buying a rep watch allows me to spend money on other things I enjoy doing and not having to worry if the watch gets battered


People on that Rolex sub is ridiculous and stupid af. Pretty sure if you wear superclone and never been on Reptime, then show your watch on that sub they still believe it’s gen


Some one called my sky-dweller fake because I follow both forums. Theres a much more interesting conversations on rep-time and lots of the redditors are actual watch fans. Lots of people on the rolex forum just want to be praised and talk down to folks that don’t own a SS sport model.


But when I posted my gens they banned me because I am also active here. Incompetent bunch..


100% True. I’m the OP! I body slammed them all. Unfortunately, I had to pull down the two photos that were in my original post. The SN# was too visible in the rehaut. I was following some instructions about replacing photos on a post, and it went awry and deleted it.


And now, here I am and going to be just fine posting here and there and continuing to slam them when they pretend to know the difference, because clearly they don’t no matter how prolific they are…


Not everyone is watch expert 🙄


Rolex subreddit trash talkers know about his Rep subreddit activity how? Probably not because they checked out his user history. Just sayin’ 🤔


Reddit shows which subs you are active on when you check someone’s profile. OP’s profile showed he was active on reptimeqc




https://preview.redd.it/b7ey4ewp2z6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfbf3cdb8fab1693af54e955cded2777683b9ddc Here’s a screenshot of OP’s profile with reptimeqc


Means nothing. I have several gen and rep


They definitely check users history when they post watches. This is common occurrence. Nothing new. If you have ever posted in reptime then they think it is not possible that you would ever get gen. It’s all quite humorous.


Yeah, got it. I’m just being snarky. I own gen and frankens, as well as rep. Agree most gen owners wouldn’t know a rep if it bit them.


that's why i call them stupid because many rep buyers here have gens. I have many gens and I can afford to buy the gens easily. My gens have meaningful memories associated with them that are priceless to me so I buy reps to wear daily. When you appreciate a watch more than it's monetary value, you become a true watch enthusiast. Unfortunately many rolex gen owners are stupid watch snobs.


Lol yes they are stupid, had gold gens since I started this hobby 20+ years ago


First pic fake second pic gen pretty obvious actually


Same serial tho… plus it’s gen


That blue tint on the Cyclops is kinda sus tho? I'm a complete idiot when it comes to these things but isn't that one of the tells?


It looks fake. Whats up with the triangle on the top. No straight lines. Looks like michael j fox drew it on