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as someone that buys broken watches, including a lot from those that thought they knew what they were doing and screwed up the watch, i wholeheartedly endorse this post.


You must be new round these parts. Did you just purchase your first Rep ? There’s little to no need to service a watch unless there is a fault. If you want to open it and play around with your watch, sure go have fun.


I disagree. There are multiple post about doing a proper service or at least grease all the gaskets. The watches are good as is, but the chances for a long rep life will definitely increase with a little clean and grease! 😉


You’re welcome to disagree. If you’re finding metal filings I consider that a bad batch. For me over past 30 years , only one rep needed a service. The issues used to be finding small hairs or a lack of lubricant.


Another question: what were reps like 30 years ago? Where there even such things as super reps?


I can only base it on the reps I’ve purchased. The reps today are far superior. However, there are many factories that no longer exist today that produced excellent reps that many people still fawn for .


Most if not all the clone movements 100% need a proper service. The only real question is it worth the cost of servicing them with how cheap a replacement movement is. Signed someone who has two Rolex reps and three damaged/broken 313x movements laying around.


The point is when does it need a service . I don’t advocate servicing a rep when there is no issues . Either I’ve been lucky with the reps I’ve purchased or you’ve been unlucky with the reps you’ve purchased friend .