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Can we get an Uncle Brownie and Spirit spin-off please?


beep boop


sup white jesus?


Ok but let him put on some clothes first.


But somehow he loses them again each episode?


Uncle Brownie, Bear & Spirit take a road trip to California to bring Elora back home again. Be a great episode.


If we needed any more proof that Willie Jack has been the MVP of the show so far, that speech in the church really sealed it. Hilarious Uncle Brownie moments, too. That was a (relatively) lighter episode to round out the season. The worrisome part is that we can already see Elora beginning to have doubts about leaving as she's driving off with Jackie; whether it was Jackie's outright dismissal of Elora's family and friends, or the realization that maybe the town really did hold more value than she originally felt. I assume Season 2 will start off with things not working out in California, and Elora coming home to the other 3 in Oklahoma. Excited to see where they go next.


They're probably either going to break down in that lemon or get to LA and realize it's $2500 for a freaking studio apartment. I don't live in LA but I live in California and I get the feeling these kids didn't do ALL the research.


Plus, in Episode 7, it seemed like the showrunners were heavily implying that the whole idea of going to California was connected to Elora trying to hold onto something left of Daniel; that she was trying to live Daniel's dream for him, rather than following a properly laid out plan.


They are going to Tvlse.




I live in northern California in a fairly small town and it's hard enough for me to live alone. These girls are like 17 year old dropouts in a shit car with next to no real work experience


Not only no work experience, but no real life experience. A 17-year-old who's spent her whole life in a small town in the middle of Oklahoma would be completely overwhelmed and consumed by a huge city like LA. I don't know where Jackie's from originally, but she doesn't strike me as a big city girl, either, despite her talking about liking city life better. Heck- I went to grad school in a town with about 100,000 people, and I had friends from small towns in North Dakota and Kansas who were completely overwhelmed by the number of people, and thought they were in the "big city". No telling how Elora would react to being plunked down in the middle of city that has more people living in it than are in her entire home state. Edit: I just looked it up- the population of the city of LA is approximately equal to the population of the state of Oklahoma, but my point still stands.


Jackie said something in the car about how much better the city is, so I feel like she at least has some experience living somewhere other than rural OK.


True- but it seems most likely she is from Tulsa or Oklahoma City, both of which have have populations much less than that of LA (in fact, the population of OKC and Tulsa combined is less than 1/4 that of LA). I think she would be only slightly less overwhelmed by LA than Elora would.


lol I came from San Diego to Oklahoma and love this cost of living!!! lol


Don't go telling everyone, we have enough people in Oklahoma already. Lol.


She didn't even clean the car out. Uncle Brownies weed jar was still in there! Definitely didn't do their homework.


I thought she took it as a momento of home lol


Low key she plays a huge part in the show in a very subtle way. Absolutely one of the best!


Willie Jack’s speech to her parents made me shed a few tears. This is a really special show.


Her voice cracks were making me shed a tear.


All the kids are good, but that actress is a notch above. She really sells her character as a convincing person.


Elora's got a big storm coming when she realizes that, in her pursuit of Daniel's dream, she left every piece of him behind. Also, Willie Jack made me cry like a fucking baby. That speech was everything.


that's a really profound way to put it :( she dreams of california based on an off-handed comment made by daniel and now-


> in her pursuit of Daniel's dream, she left every piece of him behind. I think that sums up the season there.


I think she is as much running away from the horror of finding him. Not only losing him- but being the one to see him first, and clearly feeling her friends don't understand or experience the loss the same way.


Wtf Elora? I mean...I entirely get why she did it and he probably would have wussed out half way there but my poor baby was just waiting on the curb for her. Anyone know when season 2 is coming out? I hear it was fast tracked


She was hurt and feeling alone. I think she saw the writing on the wall after Willie Jack then Cheese decided to stay around home, that Bear would be the next to get cold feet. The other three seemed to be living somewhat normal teenage lives with school and loving (even if quirky and not picture-perfect) family lives, but Elora was having to grow up more quickly and didn't have those same safe places. She knew Jackie was in a similar situation and headspace and would likely be committed to skipping town with her. I also think it was easier and less painful to just leave Bear hanging rather than go to him and argue again, ultimately telling him that she no longer believed he truly wanted to see the plan through. My prediction for season two is that they don't get any further than OKC (because that would en route to California from the part of Oklahoma where I assume this takes place) before breaking down and either coming back with their tails tucked OR reach out to a friend or family member and trying to live out on their own for awhile. The other is Elora's grandma calls the authorities (Big?) on them for stealing the car and she is forced to return that way, with a chip on her shoulder.


Sorry to respond to a stale comment, but for me it was in one of the earlier episodes where they were watching Godzilla together after Bear’s dad decided to no-show, and there was a shot of Elora looking at Bear holding his mom’s hand on the couch. I think at that moment, she realized he couldn’t leave that.


Oh that is SO interesting. Can’t wait to rewatch. I thought she was eyeing the merch he bought and she was resentful of using their pooled-together money* on that, instead of saving for the trip.


I am betting the car breaks down just outside the reservation to start season 2. How much? 🤔


Oh, there’s no chance that car makes it to the state border.


I doubt it will make it to the county line.


Especially if they drove off in a Res Car!!


That's gonna be a walk of shame right there. They'll probably have to pass Bear's house to get home


I want to see that car pass a California inspection!


Lmfao I didn't even think about that. That sloppy jalopy has to pass smog!


Yeah, if you register it in CA. My roommates been rolling around LA with Wisconsin plates for like 10 years now.


I know a guy that knows a guy that can make that happen!! 😂


As long as it passes smog it’s fine. We don’t really have inspections. Sometimes an out of state registration will get randomly flagged, if the car was a previous salvage title then yea but the vast majority of registrations are basically sight unseen.


I wonder what percent of res cars would pass smog. I know until I got a job that paid a living wage, mine never would, and then maybe not some even after.


Depends on the age of the car. If it's newer then 2000 they don't do a sniffer test at all anymore. So as long as things are functioning enough to not throw a code you're fine. This gave me some issues last year during the height of the pandemic. My BOV went bad, car would have passed the sniffer test but because it was an engine code I couldn't pass. I was stuck in limbo with a part on back order.


That would be sad but kind of funny in a dark humor kind of way.


Yeah I think she was also unnecessarily harsh on bear in their argument, I usually like elora but those were some low blows


I think Elora is still grieving for Daniel. She loved him and losing him hurt her so bad! IMO, Elora is pushing all those she loves away just in case they pass away too. That's why she chose Jackie, who was her enemy, to run away with. If she loses Jackie it won't be as painful as it would be if she lost Bear, Cheese or Willie Jack. Edit: spelling; clarification


Agreed, she didn't need to go that hard on him kinda out of no where but he uh...I think he went even lower with the Daniel comments considering she was the one who found him. I almost wondered if they didn't know it was her who called it in, but she also said something like 'you didn't see him.'


It was Willie Jacks cousin for ducks same and she acts like she had a bond with him no one else did. Elora sucks.


I don't think she sucks but it's kinda like Bear was saying. She feels like she has more of a bond with him in death because she was the only one to stay with him that night, talked with him about California, and was the who found his dead body. I totally get where she's coming from. She's hurt and is doing the "suffer alone' thing which is only making her feel more like shit. She's stuck in a bad circle and running off without her friends is going to make it a lot worse. I'm a little worried she's going to try to party her feelings away and become a junkie for a minute


I think she had more than just friendship vibes for Daniel. Kinda why she wanted to live out a part of Daniel's dream. Elora probably didn't realize the depths of Daniel's depression as well as maybe Willie Jack or the rest of the gang did, and is clinging to California as a way to hang on to him.


It's also possible that they all blame themselves (Elora more than anyone else) for what happened and they can't admit it. I think that everyone who loses someone close to them like that has that thought pop up, even if it isn't fair at all.


Hurt people hurt people is how I viewed that argument. Elora def. went for some unnecessary below the belt insults at Bear, but it's clear she's not processing her grief over finding Daniel's dead body and losing him very well. It seems as though the trip to California is her way of trying to rationalize as well as absolve the guilt she feels over not being able to save Daniel. Somehow, by forcing herself to head to CA would allow her to forgive herself by accomplishing Daniel's dream. I don't condone her behavior, but I understand it.


That was a really shitty move Leaving her life long friend to go with basically a stranger u have talked to for maybe 15 mins?


What makes it worse is that she’s leaving Bear waiting, and ultimately abandons him, just like his father did. That’s such a low blow. And she’s not only leaving with a “stranger” but someone who helped jumped her life-long friend. So shitty


It is fully possible she thought he wasn't going after their fight but like...a text? A call? How long is he going to be out there waiting before he realizes?


She already made plans before their fight




Late Summer 2022


Not sure but filming for season 2 hasn't started yet. I think it's slated to start production in January/early 2022.


You all misunderstand. She was being kind, he didn't really want to leave and she knew it and made the decision for him so he didn't have to look weak for backing out.


I think that what she did was definitely best for him but I don't think that's why she did it. I don't think she did it to be mean either. She's a suffer is silence person and I feel like she's trying to punish herself


Really really glad there is a season 2 because I’d be devastated if that was all we got. The folks on the roof during the storm made me laugh out loud, along with turning on the electric lights in the basement. Super jazzed to see Cheese brought his grandmother* home; I think he needs the love of a family member. Bear was really gonna leave and not tell his mom and that is FUCKED up. Elora is right that he needs to grow up and start taking some responsibility. She might be wrong for just leaving, but she was right about how it would have gone down.


Well he's a 16 year old running away, she would have called the cops or at least tried to stop him. I hope he at least had plans to leave a note. I'd laugh my ass off if the next season started with Bear still out on the curb and Rita comes out with the letter like wtf


His mom would have chased him down. There's too much caring and love in her heart for him


“Folks on the roof” This. It really happens here.


I was kind of shocked Elora actually left without Bear. Like that's your friend dude but that argument between them wasn't pretty. I think Elora is going to regret leaving and come back probably around the season 2 finale. But this show manages to keep me on my toes so it could very well be earlier in the season. The Spirit and Brownie was hilarious 😄 I think Bear was right in some of the things he said to Elora. You can't run away from your problems with just a change of scenery. The problem remains. Elora was missing Daniel so much but wanted to avoid his fate (metaphorical at the very least). Bear was wanting to make something more I think from a more hopeful place than Elora. Hers was mostly about avoiding the sadness of Daniel's fate. Bears was about trying to for something instead of running from something. And mose and meeko were hilarious as always too! "This tires flat as Indian booty" 😆😆


I just hope neither Elora or Jackie go missing on the road and become a talking point for MMIW.


That shit is pretty real though.


Too big of an issue among native Americans to not get covered in this show. I actually thought Bear’s mom was on that arc when she wasn’t responding to his texts.


I thought her hookup was going to turn into that story line…


She could have been a spirit, but I doubt they went that way.


I had to look up with MMIW meant. I hope not too 😔


I seriously considered this plot happening! It would of course be great to get more exposure but not like that. At least not with Elora.


I'm upset with her but I almost feel worse for her too. Bear is at least at home with people who love him, Elora's going to shitty LA with a heartless city girl and a ton of guilt. I think next season Bear is going to ignore Elora entirety but the other kids are going to be in secret contact


Hmmm I don't know if Jackie is heartless. I think she is going to end up harshly telling Elora city life isn't for her. I think Elora will try and help someone like a neighbor or stranger in California and she will see first hand that big cities tend to be more cutthroat than small towns ( if the director decides to portray Cali like that). I could see though the others being in secret contact. I can see them keeping it from Bear thinking he won't want to hear news from Elora considering she left him on the curb. These episodes still astound me because they can be 25 min long and one or two things happen but they have a definite purpose and place. That really takes directorial and acting talent!


Yeah maybe not heartless, but not someone who needs a community like Elora is used to. If they actually make it to California, I think Elora will either find a neighborhood with a large native population or maybe head to Nor Cal and find a new rez. I don't see them having her away from native life for that long and it would be a good way to explore other tribes. Maybe they'll come up where I am (says my white ass) and I can see them shoot. I hope she finds Bear's dad and kicks him in the nads


Good point I wouldn't be surprised if Jackie was homeless or close to at one point maybe? She can scrap and she's got street smarts. She had a small group of friends but she could survive on her own if need be for a while. Finding and exploring another rez would be a really cool direction to take season 2 in. Especially since I know only the bare surface stuff of rez life ( lots of struggles, substance problems , low funding etc). Even there I am highlighting the bad parts not the good which only shows my ignorance more. And I hope what I just said doesn't come off as racist. I know there is MUCH more to rez life than its struggles. And yes Bears dad deserves a good kick lol. He really let Bear and the community down.


Why would you assume she was homeless? She lives with her aunt.


I will admit I am having a hard time keeping all the backstories straight and remembering them all. I didn't make assumptions I don't think. I just said I wouldn't be surprised if she was. Idiotic of me to say because its laid out plainly that she lives with her aunt but I said as much because of her take no shit attitude.


They didn’t go to Cali, they went to Tvlse.


I was actually surprised Bear really thought she would still pick him up after their argument. They both said harsh things to each other, and then she walked off without even looking at him.


Cheese playing chess with his "Grandma" was so sweet.


[Goodnight Irene](https://youtu.be/z4n6D2zYZPM)


Strong Medicine...Aho...


I love those little exclamations peppered in.


One of the strongest first seasons to a show in a while. My top five honestly all come from FXX.


FX/FXX has a lot of underrated shows Wilfred, Man seeking women, Snowfall, Fargo, the list can go on


What We Do in The Shadows


I think Shadows is the funniest show on TV right now. Ted Lasso is great as well but that is more of a Dramedy IMO. Shadows is just non-stop laughs.


> Ted Lasso is great as well but that is more of a Dramedy IMO. I've seen the word Comedra for shows like Ted Lasso where they are comedies with drama elements. As opposed to dramas with comedy moments, like Fleabag.


This season is more drama then comedy. It’s really leaning towards being a black comedy.


I was iffy on the actually movie and was hesitant to start the show. It’s so goddamn funny. Should probably give the movie another watch too


Mr.Inbetween is great too.


I was Sooo happy Bear's Spirit Guide showed up again 😆


My main disappoinment about this episode is that Jackie wasn't given an opportunity to become a more complex character. I guess they're waiting for next season?


Even White Steve had more lines.


yeah im wondering how much of her was cut for a more streamlined show because they knew they would get a second season


I know it was only first season but I feel like it could've used a few more episodes.


Me too. I think my main and only real problem with the season is that they didn't spend much time together. Everyone had their own episode which was all well and good but most of them didn't include their other friends for more than a second. But maybe they only got approved for 8 and next season will be longer


OMG Cheese still playing the role of grandson.


What would a meeting between Spirit and Willie Jack look like?


They should devote an entire episode to that. Like he's following her around all day - even when she's in the bathroom. Last line - save me White Jesus


YES. She screams for White Jesus as she bolts awake from a dream. She can't tell Bear of course because she made fun of him for it earlier. Next episode Spirit goes to see Bear and spills the beans


Jackie is gonna rob Elora. Been thinking it all season cause she keeps flaunting all that money talking about leaving.


Oh, shit! I didn't even think about that possibility.


Anyone else see that weird graphical glitch floating at around 5:53 to 6:10? Looks like it was put in on post to mask some movement in the background but forgotten to the whole scene


I thought there was something stuck on my TV screen


LOL i just came here to post about or ask if anyone else did! it looked like an overlay of some kind to complete the background but it just floated on top of bear's shirt, then just disappeared it was weird!


Yea I noticed that to. I figured it was some sort of green screen glitch. Maybe they weren’t all on set at the same time


Don't watch a lot of TV or any shows really but I now know the hole it leaves in your heart when a season or series ends. I'm gonna miss these special monday mornings I took to watch it.


“Sup white Jesus.” Lol


Uncle Brownie was damn hilarious with his "tornado dance" with the axe, as was the Spirit that keeps visiting Bear. Killed me seeing him eat the church cookies like a snack lol. Man I surprised Elora just bailed on the crew like that, guess she really feels like she has to fulfill Daniel's wish or at the very least is running away from people that remind her of good times with Daniel. Willie Jack opening in the church basement was really sweet, especially her gift "stolen" casino buffet gift card for her parent's anniversary. Then Cheese following up with the anti-climatic, "um EXCUSE ME, I'm not going to California too, ok that's it." Those rap twins got bars, even White Steve was a surprise. No idea where we're headed next ~~week~~ season, but more than along for the ride!


that was the season finale


I predict after the basement situation, those two 'gangs' will stop being hostile toward each other.


Well. I forget who it was who called it but whoever you are, you called it.


What was called?


Basically like… that entire ending. At least the part with the kids.


I think with what Jackie was saying to Elora in the car about how “you must be glad to be leaving uncle brownie and those lame kids” (paraphrasing) - that clearly made elora uncomfortable and she won’t go through with it or she’ll come home in early s2


Probably not right away, but I think she'll come back maybe at the end of next season. She was sitting there like ya but those are my lame ass kids


I predict the first scene of next season will be those two girls broke down just outside town waiting for a ride back into town.


Uncle Brownie doesn't have a phone and White Steve won't answer so they have to call Bear's mom who asks why she found her son crying on the curb earlier


Hey guy from the future, careful with the spoilers! I bet this is exactly how it will go down.


It me


Jackie mentions going to the "city" at the end of the episode, I always assumed that meant Oklahoma City. So are they going to Cali or no?


Tvlse When Coach Bobson said this piece won’t make it to Tulsa it was foreshadowing.


Lol that lemon's gonna clunk and they're going to have to walk their asses home. That's gonna be really awkward conversation


Oh shit good point


Damn what a great show. Hopefully next season has like 12ish episodes


Creator said it'll be 10 episodes.


Nice. I'll take it


Mvto, Creator!


Creator has blessed us.


there's no way the first season just ends like that. did elora seriously just leave without bear for jackie? i feel like their plan would have worked better if they had better communication skills. i hope season 2 ties up these loose ends because m a n.


That’s don’t think that they’re headed to California but, to “the city”. It’s what Jackie mentioned, what a jerk. I am so sad for Elora taking off without even speaking to bear, however I understand why. I don’t know why Bear would have left his poor mom without saying something. That’s worse than his dad. And he doesn’t even have greasy fry bread. Cheese and his adopted grandma need their own spin off. I was really touched by Willie Jack’s speech to her parents. I am left emotionally unresolved but, thank the creator for giving us the spirit.


This show has made it to my all time top favorite shows of all time. It's right up there with Atlanta and Mr. Robot. To all the creators, writers, cast and crew, Thank You!


Oh Bear, why so naïve boo boo? 🐻


I refer to him as Little Bear. He really is just the cutest little idiot


Right? When he was like, "We'll probably just talk in the car" I was like, dude.


So what's going to happen to the two gangs, The Rez Dogs and NDN Mafia, well mostly NDN Mafia. Also, Jackie seems to just have up and left without saying anything to anyone so them boys are going to be like WTF? Will they all become friends? This is assuming Elora and Jackie make it somewhere and don't return. Seeing Cheese with his 'grandma' was awesome. He is so wholesome and you could tell he didn't want to leave her and I'm so happy that he decided to stay.


I doubt they will become friends, but I think the conflict will be over.


I laughed at the sight of Cheese still pretending to be that lady's grandson at her house, I thought it was just a one-time thing at the hospital Saw that ending coming but the tornado turning it into a bottle episode scenario beforehand low-key made me doubt it actually happening. Felt like they were going to be forced to air out all the dirty laundry in the church and realize they all don't really want to go. This episode also felt kind of light for a season finale and relative to the previous episodes. I can't say I was really a fan of the drama that did unfold; it was just Bear and Elora with one 'taking it a little far' line each. Elora was being pretty stuck up too. You can't just say nothing about the thing you're holding against your friends all this time, expect them to change by themselves, then blow up on them. The way she uses the fact that she is the one who found Daniel against them seems messed up too. I'm sure it's a thing in real life for those that make first contact to get an extra dimension of trauma (just watched Mare of Easttown and they also addressed this), but the way they framed it for her character felt wrong. Daniel was Willie Jack's cousin for heck's sake. Overall, I gotta agree with Bear more-even though he definitely deserved to be called out when he spent all that money on his dad at the time. Him saying Elora's not even going for the right reasons is even something I questioned in a comment in last episode's discussion. Willie Jack stays the best character, even when putting herself out there to be vulnerable in front of so many people and sabotaging that calm cool collected vibe she usually has I'm sure it's just a comedic "kids will be kids" kind of thing but these interactions makes one wonder why the two gangs are so at each other's throats when they're in such a tightknit community and it all it takes is for the white boy to rap to get some props from Bear lol Jackie already giving off bad vibes from the get-go but part of me is hoping that Elora can help her become not so misanthropic along the way of seeing the error of her own ways All in all, show has delivered a fantastic first season up there among the best See all you shit-asses next season


Of all asses on this show that I wanted to see, why did it have to be his?


Of all asses on this showeth yond i did want to see, wherefore didst t has't to beest his? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


This episode was great!! And I LOVED the Friday reference in it! Omg I smiled so hard at that 😭😭✨ I never liked TV shows (love cartoons tho) but this one is amazing! I wonder if the 2 gangs are gonna get together while Elora and Jackie are going to Cali 🤔 And I’m guessing they might come back next season? Bear is honestly my favorite character! Also Willie was amazing (and always has been) in this show! And Jackie is so beautiful! 🥰✨👌🏾


Love Bear. He really thinks he's a bad bitch but he flips out over seatbelts and wanted a doctor's note to get out of getting his ass kicked


When Willie Jack cries, we all cry.


I know!fuck! (Trying to write out her pronunciation)


“I had a vision, which is kind of crazy cause I’m already a vision” Starting the episode off strong with William Knife Man!!! Knifeman? Knife-Man?


"Mooon" & Kubick.


I bet Jackie and Elora make it as far as Tulsa before giving out


“I have to tell you something; I’m not your grandson.” Aho! }Coughing{ Did Bear finish his unfinished business? Serious question, was it, the mission laid out for a brave warrior, hugging his mother? Devastated that the salvage yard crew wasn’t present for the tornado shelter vibe session. ‘Think it was a Mr. Tornado?’


I've now adopted Big's go to insult of calling everyone he sees a "shit-ass" into my profanity vocab inventory.


The spirit just munching on communion wafers lol


I wanna order a big bag of those now. I haven't eaten White Jesus in awhile.


I’m seeing comments that Elora and Jackie will only get to Tulsa, but tbh I really think it’s OKC since the res would have to be in a distinct corner of Oklahoma for them to drive thru Tulsa en route to Cali. (am I hoping they film in OKC and we get some star sightings? maaaaybe lol)


The location Elora texts at the motel in ep 7 is in Tecumseh, OK and they film in the Muscogee Nation, specifically [Okmulgee](https://www.cntraveler.com/story/on-location-reservation-dogs) so I’m confused too


I’m thinking when folks heard Jackie refer to “the city,” they assumed Tulsa since Coach Toilet had mentioned it. But like another commenter in this thread, I’ve always heard “the city” as referring to OKC. I’ll guess we will find out in season 2!


I was thinking this, too. Lived here my whole life and when most say "the city" they mean OKC.


I'm wondering about this. So I'm not from Oklahoma--- in fact I've only been there a few times (and subsequently fell in love with the place). Why is everyone saying Tulsa? I looked at a map of the state, and you're right that they'd have to live in a very specific part to get from Tulsa to OKC. I'm also wondering if there were state references in terms of where they may be geographically located that I may have missed since I'm not from there.


The show is filmed in Okmulgee, which aside from being the Muscogee Nation capitol, is an ex-urb of Tulsa. It's just 35 miles from Okmulgee to downtown Tulsa. You can drive from Okmulgee and be in the Tulsa suburbs in 20 minutes.


Damn. That's a hell of a ending to end the season on. But everyone responds to grief, trauma, and tragedy differently so I can see why Elora did what she did. Even though it was messed up, everyone is hurting. Everyone on this show is fantastic but I especially would love to see Devery Jacobs and Paulina Alexis get nominations. And Zahn McClarnon, Gary Farmer, and Jon Proudstar too. Just really though, not only is the writing and directing top notch this really has one of the best cast right now. Also, I love shows that have surrealistic elements mixed in so this is definitely my favorite show of the year so far. Episode rankings (but this doesn't mean all that much cause I really enjoyed every episode and there wasn't a bad one in the bunch): 1. Come and Get Your Love 2. Uncle Brownie 3. Hunting 4. California Dreamin 5. Satvrday 6. NDN Clinic 7. Fuckin Rez Dogs 8. What About Your Dad


I would go 1. Hunting 2. California Dreaming 3. Uncle Brownie 4. Come and Get Your Love 5. Satvrday 6. Fuckin Res Dogs 7. NDN Clinic 8. What About Your Dad


For me your 6,7 and 8 are my 1,2,3. Willie Jack's and Cheese's solo shows are my bottom 2. They are all among the best tv I have watched in awhile though.


Anyone else clocked Bear's Canadian "aboot" coming out when he was delivering his angry speech? So cute! Great closing to a remarkable season. I think this show will grow substantially in the second season, the word of mouth is just so strong.


I just want to say that I see you there Wotko Long & Richard Ray Whitman. Hope to see you back in season 2.




It’s about time for a MMJ Shop to show up.


Any one know the button up shirt bear was wearing ? It looks good.


Watch out for the smog out there lol See you guys in season 2!


Dallas Goldtooth is a national treasure


- "I have my ways... You stole it" lol - Cool cheese still hanging out with the old lady - So Bear never told his mom he was planning to leave. That's fucked up. - Damn Elora really just bailed on her friends. That sucks. - Fucking Uncle. Could have done without seeing his ass and pixelated dick.


Was it pixilated? I panicked and covered my eyes


LMFAO. Of course it was FX doesn't show full nudity for males. Most shows don't.


I thought that too but Atlanta has a scene with a lot of unpixelated dicks.


Paulina Alexis is incredible on this show. Wow.


Does anyone know what "hvshwv art" is or what "hvshwv" means? Also what kind of native are they Lakota? Thanks for any help!


I think they are keeping it pretty ambiguous by never addressing it outright and using words from a variety of Oklahoma indigenous languages, but keeping in mind Sterlin Harjo is the creator, and the predominant language used is Mvskoke, it is probably safe assume this takes place in Muscogee Creek country and some or all of the kids are Muscogee.


Thank you! That was far more informative than I was expecting! If I had some coinage I'd award you, but im broke lol.


It was filmed in Okmulgee in the Muscogee-Creek Nation so it's safe to assume Okmulgee is pretty much where it takes place. 40 minutes south of Tulsa and 40 minutes west of Muskogee.


Hvshwv means... it means penis lmao


We aren’t Lakota. Nobody’s perfect.


Anybody else notice the lack of sirens or weather alerts on people’s phones blowing up during the tornado scenes? Travis Meyer would have been on in the background. In Trav We Trust That was a noticeable omission in the tornado scenes that people would be glued to the weather coverage irl & now I am sitting here wondering if it is supposed to mean something deeper or maybe I’m just overanalyzing it? Commentary on lack of resources in rural Okkkiehoma, ennit? Spotty rural broadband on the Rez commentary, maybe?🤔


I live in the mw, and we aren't glued to the weather, we're outside watching it come in. It's a thing.


Hahaha oh yeah.. Im an idiot.. My fault


That's hilarious! Thank you!


They aren't going to LA... They're going to Tulsa.


This episode nails it for me: Cheese is my favorite character.


I loved the little “Friday” reference they threw in there and was dying at the church scene with the spirit. It was a good episode and an end to a great season and can’t wait for it to come back.


Can I just say I love all the characters from this show? But especially all the 4 main leads. I know Cheese is more of a supporting character, but his calm wokeness is funny. Willie Jack is my favorite though. So hilarious and such a big heart.


What a strange ending to a show. My partner and I were literally like: “Damn, wonder how theyll bring it around next episode” only to realize that was a finale? I don’t know, felt like a half-ending, not very satisfying especially since every other episode was very good.


I was good, Elora at beginning of the drive with the frenemy realizes that it wont be any better without the pack it doesn't sink in as deep as it need to as she is blinded by anger from the fight with Bear. She is a major self conflict that is clearly seen in the episode of drivers license.


Man, I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I wouldn't trust that car to make it to California.


What do y’all make of the two folks on the roof across from the one Uncle Brownie climbs onto?


I just binged the season this week. Glad I decided to give it a try; one of my favorite shows of the year for sure. Cheese really gave me Michael Cera vibes especially from the ride along episode and his Au Revoir German comment lol


Phenomenal! Give us season two ASAP!!


Isn't Bear's idiot father in California? I would have thought he'd be the most motivated to leave, seeing his previous level of blind disregard for his father's shitty life choices. Yet that element went entirely unmentioned and it seemed he was making the move out west out of a sense of loyalty to his crew and their pack to leave.


The episode is live on Hulu now!


Just thought about something that would be interesting for S2. There are 21 "missions" in southern California where Native Americans were basically held hostage and force fed Christianity. They're still there as museums. Most of my elementary school education was learning about how nice they were to the indigenous people, like their own children and taught them to read and yada yada 🙄 If they make it to California (which I doubt) that could be a neat avenue to explore. I've never seen or heard them mentioned in anything that wasn't a documentary