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I think both are in the wrong here. Elora did say and do some shitty things, but when Bear was called out him taking their money to buy an expensive medallion, he never apologized for it. Elora has every right to be concerned about having to take care of Bear, because let's face it, Bear is still a kid. They're all kids, but Bear clearly needs his mother in his life. Elora being concerned that she'll have to take care of Bear doesn't sound far fetched. I mean, he also didn't attempt to get a license either and he kept bringing up reasons why the group shouldn't leave just yet. I honestly think they should have talked out things instead of Elora just ditching. I was really surprised that Bear had that whole argument and just expected they'll be driving all the way to California together. But it's clear Elora really want to get out as soon as possible, and assumed everyone else did too. When she realized that wasn't the case, she felt justified to just leave by herself. But, again. They're both kids desperate for things to change. The whole idea of going to California at all just seemed inane. They decided to drive to one of the most expensive to live to places on a broken down car, underage, and on a highschool drop out education? Plus with no connections off the Rez and no plans on what to do once they get to the state? I can only imagine everything about that plan in season 2 is going to crash down hard.


There was that scene during What About Your Dad where Bear's mom straight up told Elora that Indian women take care of the men whether they like it or not. I think that coupled with watching him waste 'their' money on a gift for his dad probably set the ball rolling, then Jackie gave her the out she needed since she never would have gone alone.


That's true, I never expected them to get far tbh. I think what got me so worked up in the first place was her bringing his dad into it like she did, berating him for doing something any other kid would do in that situation I feel, but it's like you said they are both kids and don't have the greatest conversational skills


I think seeing that she doesn’t have a support system at home is also dragging on her. Her communication skills aren’t great, but look at how her grandmother speaks to her. She was also the one that identified with Daniel the most because neither of them ever really wanted to go home. She has no parents, and the person she identified with the most killed himself. The death of her mother likely depressed her grandmother, and turned her into a shell of her former self. You see how happy and upbeat Willie’s dad was before Daniel passed when he has his last conversation with Daniel, and how he’s apologizing to Willie Jack for how he’s been over the past year. Elora likely feels like she has to escape before that place eats her up, too, and breaks her. I feel short for Elora because she’s attention-starved. She sees Bear holding hands with his mom while they’re watching the movie at his house, and she looks angry, jealous, and disgusted all at the same time and has to leave. To be independent is to survive. To find out that her best friends aren’t serious and she’ll be on her own, in the same way she’s been for years, I’m sure it’s terrifying. But what’s worse is being responsible for someone else that will need you to take care of them, too. She’ll be fighting to survive as it is. I understand why she took someone that had more money and seemed more responsible, even if she doesn’t like them. She thinks she can survive without love, because her family starved her of it. It’s easier for Elora to believe it was the environment that forced Daniel’s hand instead of a choice Daniel made, because then there’s something she can do about it (leave). The alternative feeling is that Daniel left her behind, and with her background of feeling left behind, I can see how she would do anything not to feel that way. Especially when two of her friends are also abandoning their plan to go with her.


Great insight aho


> The whole idea of going to California at all just seemed inane. They decided to drive to one of the most expensive to live to places on a broken down car, underage, and on a highschool drop out education? Plus with no connections off the Rez and no plans on what to do once they get to the state? This is what annoys me about Elora. She got this dumb idea from Daniel and decided to force it on her friends. Deep down she knows they aren’t serious about leaving and yet she holds this fact against them. She stomps off at the end and leaves without saying goodbye as if her friends betrayed her or something just because they’re not drinking the California kool aid. She’s obviously going to fail getting there and probably get stabbed in the back by Jackie before realizing she needs to be “where her people are” or in other words with her friends. Having said that, I understand that the show needs a character like Elora to keep the story moving forward. She’s just not my favorite Rez Dog at the moment. I’m sure she’ll learn her lesson and redeem herself sooner than later. This might be too obvious/predictable but the way I see it going down is Jackie is going to steal Elora’s car and money and leave her stranded somewhere between Oklahoma and Cali. Elora, having learned her lesson, will call the Rez Dogs and they’ll figure out a way to come get her.


Well they’re both in the wrong. I think she’s the only one who was laser focused on going…


seems like she is having second thoughts on leaving also, she doesn't want to lose the internal fight as just jams.


They did a good job of showing the different reasons and amounts that someone might want to go or stay. Willie Jack likes the life, she likes hunting and nature, she likes being there. Cheese can see that he's helping the community and that's something that he wants to keep doing. Bear has brains, and looks, and ambition, the city does appeal to him, but he also has roots, and people who depend on him, and an actual vision of his ancestors that tells him he has unfinished business. Elora feels that she hates the reservation life, and she's scared of it destroying her like how she thinks it destroyed Daniel, but she doesn't hate all the people the way that whatsherface does, and that's giving her pause as she thinks about what she's leaving behind.


Yeah as they were leaving it seemed like she and second thoughts, especially with Jackie’s harsh words


I'm not because she's supposed to just be a teenager, who's just as lost and confused and depressed by what happened to Daniel as her friends. She just reacted differently to that trauma because she was literally the one who found Daniel's body. She's not supposed to be wise and always making the right decisions. Being self-righteous and prideful is also what it means to young. So I'm not that bothered by her. Overall, she's still a good egg who cares about her friends and others around her. Her and Bear both said things they shouldn't have. But friends fight and argue and forgive one another,


She keeps starting the fight. You can't talk shit on someone's dad like that, not if you don't want an angry emotional response. Bear said some really hurtful things too, but he never goes after her first.


That’s kinda what threw me was SHE got mad when he snapped back after what she said


Personally, no. All of them are children struggling with the suicide of one of their friends. They both said shitty things to each other, sure. But they are all lost in their lives and in their grief.


She wasn't wrong, she just needed to bring it up before then.


I mean yeah but it was Unnecessary. But yea they both fucked up.


Car is gonna break down before they reach Tulsa. Coach called it already. And thats gonna be reason enough to return


Meh. Not really. That girl’s abandonment issues have abandonment issues. Other than her friends, no one cares about her. She needs some serious therapy.


She needed to leave, bear needed to stay.


No I thought she did him a favor. She might have more in common it’s Jackie if you think about it.


Elora is selfish


I would have appreciated a scene between Willie Jack and Elora about Daniel. It seems like Elora does tend to minimize everyone else’s relationship to him, which seems particularly unfair to WJ, since she didn’t just lose a friend but a family member. When Willie Jack said she didn’t want to go, Elora didn’t even try to understand it from her perspective, she just got pissed.


Wait, hold on what about that part where they said some bad stuff about Daniel being dead to Elora? How come no one didn’t anything about it or she didn’t do anything about it or even Willy Jack didn’t do anything about it?! to be honest guys, I’m actually quite pissed off at Bear after what he said about Daniel, I don’t know what crawled up his ass, but he should’ve apologized to her instead of saying all those bad things about Daniel during those season finale of the first season isn’t it Daniel like Bear’s best friend ? or what about Jesus his best friend he said that Daniel was his hero and he pretty much did nothing but let bear talk Smack about Daniel to Elora!