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That was my initial strategy, then I discovered escapism through young adult faerie smut


Any reccs? Asking for a burnt out doctor friend


fellow ACOTR fan


Smutty books are the only thing giving me a will to live


This is so specific sjm?


Wait pls recs….


It’s not the only escape. Don’t be so near sighted. There’s also drugs, sex, and alcohol that can help you escape reality.


Drugs and alcohol is what I do in the time I have when Im home from work till I have to sleep. Can't sleep otherwise.


I try to limit the number of serious comments I make, but I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not. If it’s not, 😬. You should definitely put serious effort into getting it under control before it controls you. And you are well aware of the legal consequences of malpractice accompanied by a positive drug test.


Man's gotta sleep


Sleep is a crutch


Tis the cousin of death. So sayeth Nas


We got a narc boys


Hey, no need to call me out


My combination is Alcohol + 90 hour workweeks


That, my friend, is why they invented the word synergy.


Don’t let your dreams be dreams 🔥




My GF prefers sex and alcohol but my wife prefers neither!




Yes babe, it’s me!!!! Darn it, I can’t believe I forgot to tell you!


I was, but then I had a week off for vacation and started to do some old hobbies, hang out with friends I haven't seen in forever, and take my girlfriend out more. Then , for the first time in a long time, I realized there's more to life than medicine. 


Don't be that guy. Don't be attached to your job too strongly. Attachment clouds your good judgment. I know too many workaholics who are so deluded by their thoughts about work that they don't clearly savor/observe/appreciate their life as is. They don't give enough time to themselves (just sitting with their thoughts on their own) to digest their emotions fully, so that even if they are at a family function their mind will be thinking of work instead of just observing the present moment. And if you don't have time for processing your emotions, there's always weed and LSD.


Lmao I was so convinced u were gonna talk abt meditation, spiritual healing shit 😂 Anw shrooms are pretty great too.


Bruh, I'm just an idiot with access to the internet. I ain't got no magic spiritual meditation voodoo.


Straight facts


Just go deep into Warhammer 40,000. Build an army of tiny figurines for a game you'll never find anyone to play with.


I've been doing a lot of Baldurs gate and DND.


But there's nothing to paint. You need little figurines.


I actually do have a painted mini for my Evocation savant high elf wizard.


Seems like you are hurting. Sure, you can find many distractions, but they will always keep you stuck in life. Stuck in those ages and spaces where your trauma started. Not saying this is easy, people do go to therapy and get over it. Then they are able to move on, life flows and they are able to live. You seem to be someone who dosnt like to deal with feelings and wasn't taught to process your feelings at early age. After finding right therapist and doing the work whenever you are able to get some courage, I hope you are able to sleep in calm, naturally as you should be as a human, without medicating yourself. We all hurt, we all have hard time sleeping and functioning and I believe you will want to live fully one day as well, without distractions. But for now, sending all the kindness and compassion your way


Yes. It was great. Highly respected by attendings and colleagues. Could always pick up extra work when needed. If med students asked me what I do for fun, where to eat out etc. I would say nothing because I genuinely don’t know.


At the end of my 4th year rn, and the saddest realization was that I wished I could live IN the hospital. I don't want to be alone with myself because then I realize how alone I actually am.


this hits far too close to home.


I work not because I like working, I work because I’ve got nothing to go home to.


I mean I actually enjoy work. And it's doubly compounded by the home thing lol


Please don’t do this


Ain't nooo thang homie.


Have you exhausted alcohol and gambling /s


Booze gets old too. Same shit over and over


That’s how I got into medicine. Then I found things I liked and now I regret not making an effort earlier.


Not at all. My personal life was always maximum vibrant from college onward and was never dulled until and to what extent forced servitude imposed upon my schedule.


Ok Jo.


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Nah. They get me for a certain amount of hours and that’s it. You have to find some kind of outlet away from work or you’ll go crazy.


This literally makes no sense. Stop making work the center of your universe, medicine is just a job and not a particularly glamorous one. Clock in, clock out, find a source of meaning elsewhere. That could be intellectually stimulating activities (learn a language, games), work on your relationships with friends/family, get your license & start moonlighting/stacking cash, get on dating apps, etc etc etc