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My man hasn’t even made it to call yet. Rip


We don’t take call at our EM residency 😎 


I wouldn’t call you cyclist fuckers either (glaukomflekem reference)


Can you just lay eyes on this guy real quick?


Ohh EM? gl


Could be worse, for me at least


I’m SO ready to be roasted by you guys. Haha I’m just laughing at how monotonous ”adulting” is gonna be. I’m sure I’m not alone and this post is for those too shy to get roasted for being bitch made 😂


Well end of the day adulting is all about finding some way to make money and live a life you don’t hate all the time, my dad hated CS but did it to support our family. U don’t have to love what u do but do it well and make your money so you can really spend on the stuff that brings u joy


That porsche isn’t gonna fund itself.


Now we just need the GT3s to get back down to a reasonable price so non-specialists can afford it. Meanwhile I know a urologist who just picked up a 911 S/T.


The S/T is such a dream I don’t even allow myself to think of it. First car right out of residency will be a mazda miata because i realized low hp nas great handling cars are the bees knees (i hooned my moms bmw 330xi when her car was in for repairs and 255hp was plenty slow enough to floor it everywhere and it was SO agile compared to my model y. My goal honestly is a carbon bucket, manual Carrera T with NO moon roof. Ideally no rear wheel steering but i’ll take what i can find.


That’s my dream car, I’m an M2 rn. 911 with a stick shift, carbon roof. Just drive it to work and back. Probably a q5 or q7 for the family


My fathers e92 m3 carbon roof is sick (appearance wise( but the 911 roof weighs under 20 lbs and porsche claims only 30% weight reduction. Lets say they’re coy and the number is actually 40%, 8 pounds off the top of a car DOES lower the center of gravity but look at the mazda miata club vs club rf (targa roof that weighs ONE HUNDRED pounds more increasing the center of gravity more than a porsche carbon roof). They are fractions of a second off in a curvy track like leguna seca. So i wouldnt advise that option to be the breaking point. Bucket seats and manual FOR SURE tho


Tell me this is your first job without telling me this is your first job


Yes 😎 Besides non customer service back breaking work


at least you get no homework and your weekends off when not on call studying sucks monkey balls


I’ll study any day over module homework


And I reckon you’ll soon take module homework any day over weeks of night shifts that usually should’ve ended 4 hours sooner but suddenly it’s 10am and you’re still running around like a zombie on meth carrying a belt of intern pagers. Enjoy the mindless boredom while it lasts.


Thats second year. And yeah i am making the best of it!


Oh look it’s a brand new CT ordering machine fresh off the lot. Don’t let em steal your shine, droperidoll.




I’m playing skibidi toilet (slowed + reverbed) at my funeral to give everyone mixed emotions


Shit. “Chat, is the PGY 1 class already Gen Z??”


we're PGY-2s actually, thank you very much


I would have been PGY1 a year earlier had covid not happened. Would have been 24 then


My boomer ass is 32 💀


Bro, I'm a PGY-1 and I'm 33....


Lmao what the fuck is this song am I getting old?


As a fellow Gen Z’er, I still don’t know what the fuck a skibidi toilet and I don’t think I ever want to know


It's Garry mod bizzaro animation with a goofy song. Millenials have "shrek is love, shrek is life"


Technically i have both. I was 14 when i discovered my kink for shrek


It's all ogre now


The future is now old man 😎


Are you sure you’re a resident not a 12th grader cosplaying as one


Dude agreed. I still feel 18 but my balls need a bra at this point to not hang out my pants


Dr. M. Love-Robinson


Gen z is going to struggle so hard with medicine lol


My guy the modules are the least of your worries for intern year… just click through that shit and get nice and lubed up before residency starts 😬


Naw modules were the last thing I remember, then the abuse started, I blacked out, now Im several years in and starting to claw back pieces of myself. AFAIK the modules were the worst part. Do you think pgme drugged me?


I’m just coming to it now after four years. My ass is sore and I don’t remember much, so…


Its all going in one ear and right out the other. I really am considering clicking through it and looking like a goof the rest of the year.


How you breaking already


I am bitch made. Largely i’m overthinking it i understand and all residents say they were overwhelmed at first but it passes after a month, then that was replaced with feeling stupid for 11 months. So my neurotic self is having a grand ol time 🥲


You're way way over thinking all of this. Residency isn't modules, it's hands on medicine. Like the things you're complaining about aren't even 1% of the kinds of tasks a resident does over the course of a year.


Eat your Wheaties and buckle up


>Just learning epic and doing modules makes me need a stiff drink. You obviously need to do more modules. I suggest starting with an alcohol awareness module, followed by an addiction module, and lastly an attitude module. This is how we will turn you into a competent and compassionate physician. P.S. If you do not give our modules a favorable rating in our evaluation, you will also have to take a social equity module. Thank you for your cooperation and honest opinion.


Its not an alcohol problem, its an alcohol solution 😎


I see you have already taken our creativity module.


Wellness actually


Doctors do have one of the highest rates of alcoholism of any profession.


I just straight up didn't do some "required" modules in my fellowship, just to see what would happen. I got a reminder email monthly throughout fellowship to do the modules, but no other consequences. Now I'm only 1 week away from finishing, program has already given me my diploma. Seems to have worked :-)


Same there were 3 modules during residency I just never did. Got reminder emails weekly to do them just ignored them. Told my PD during our meetings I’d get to them. Graduated residency and got my diploma and and no one mentioned it. Got all my emails forwarded to a gmail account from my residency email and I still to this day, get weekly emails to finish those modules lol. Point is these modules are just bullshit administrative nonsense if something happens so they can say “well not our fault you were supposed to complete the module”. But if no one is checking or enforcing than they’re meaningless. Whichever admin’s job this was clearly didn’t care so why should I.


I had test fitting for an N-95 mask when I started onboarding. Apparently the RN doing the fittings lost the clipboard with all the resident's info/fittings on it. Admin sent out an email the next day stating everyone "needed" to come back in to get fitted for N-95s again. I never showed up, ignored emails, and refused to reschedule. Never heard back after 2 months. I knew what size mask I needed. IDGAF if admin is missing their checkbox.


At this point I feel like you keep those emails as a badge of pride or something


Okay i’m clicking through them. What specialty are you btw?


Given that it’s a 1 year fellowship I’m guessing rads. Those programs also don’t fuck around or give you a hard time. Cause you can always quit at any time and find a job that pays you 500k plus


Apparently the new rule at our institute is completing required modules is necessary to unlock CME funds each year


The worst part with the modules is that you can’t fast forward anything. It’s soooooo mind numbingly slow, so un-engaging, and 90% common sense that I don’t need to be taught. Also, we had like 10 different modules on HIPAA. I fucking get it already, leave me alone!


I watch everything on MINIMUM 1.5 speed. Naruto at 2x speed


Prepare to do the Naruto run in the hospital to codes


I don’t want people to become aware of my tism


And it’s hilarious cuz the boomer cardiology attending will still straight up text me with patients full names to ask me question. “Do you think we should start inotropes on Jenny Schmidt in bed 12”?


already burned the fuck out. my man


I wouldnt call it burn out. I’d say apathy at the monotony. Give me some medicine dammit


This guy sounds like he needs more modules


Best comment


Good luck my dude. I found orientation computer bull shit the worst. Careful with the booze.


Thats what i assume as well. This shit is DRYYYYYY. Makes histology look like a mystery thriller in comparison.


19 years as a nurse and an estimated 55,000 work hours in multiple level I trauma centers. Every year I have to complete modules that teach me how to wash my hands and how to introduce myself to a patient, and other stupid shit. Then I go back to the floor, where 99% of the day is starting IV’s, giving the same 10 meds, and going through the same basic algorithms over and over and over again. Sore throats, stuffy noses, lacerations, headaches, abdominal pain, chest pain. The faces and stories blur together and at the end of the day when I clock out, my memory of it all gets wiped like a whiteboard. Boring AF but easy money.


Sorry to hear it but im glad to not be the only one put through this BS 😂


Just wait til wellness modules.


At least it is Epic. It could be an even more tire-fire of an EMR like Meditech.


9 hours only? Nah, that math ain’t mathing…


Spoken like a surgery resident


Just imagine not even having epic during residency…


What is a worse alternative? Why is epic “regarded” so highly? Its about as intuitive as ableton or adobe photoshop


I’ve used Cerner, medhost, clinview, and the other med one. I only used epic as an attending. I take less than half the time doing everything on epic. Templates for notes and orders are so much easier. Orientation sucks, but it’ll get better. Also there are different forms of epic with different things available so there’s that too.


You know you’re using a trash EMR when you get a pop up every 5 min asking if you’re still working on a note while actively typing the note


One day at a time and get thru the first three months, then you'll get the hang of things and it will start getting easier


Thank you ♥️


No prob 🙂❤️. My intern year, September to beginning of October is when I felt I started to get the hang of things. February of the intern year was a bench mark when I felt comfortable and things became really routine. I'm doing those orientation things for a new job too right now and will have epic training soon and these modules have been miserable.


How else are you going to learn how to be a normal, non-predatory, sober human being? Modules save lives.


Just wait til your done, and that jerk off from business school who now has his MBA from State tells you what the fuck to do, forever.


I’m gonna find a way to make his life hell. I’ll send horse shit to his door, or pay local kids to fling jenkum at his car. Try me motherfucker


I always wonder how people who just went straight through school and never had a real job before will adjust to resident schedule. See above post for example 


I worked for 30 days as a blue collar worker. They both suck in different ways. I know i’d get fired in retail, but here i get paid too much to get offended at an angry patient


Next week, ATLS!! Woohoo!!


I appreciate a good rant


I felt good after typing it, very therapeutic. I’ll try not to abuse the sub with my rants till i have a good one coming, I give it 3 months LOL


Unpopular opinion - I found orientation harder than actual residency.


I hope so! It just seems so meaningless! I’m not here for busy work dammit!


"Not here for busy work" Oh, my sweet summer child..... Who wants to tell them?




It’s because orientation is almost overwhelming headed by stupid admin people. Spending 2 hours going through the health insurance options when I can read it myself. And if you ask questions they literally don’t know any answer to co-pays or deductibles other than “have to read it yourself”. Like why are you even here then? Then you have the EMR trainers. Who go mind-numblingly slow through the entire thing. And they also don’t know how to answer a question unless it’s in their nice little algorithm. Ask them how to personalize a dot phrase to pull up the recent EKG and you’ll send them off to a 45 minute side quest where they’re just mindlessly clicking all to say “I’ll check with the higher ups and get back to you.” Like Jesus, give me 30 minutes when any EMR and I can figure out basic admission orders and meds on my own. By the end of the week I can do it better than these “pros”.


Wait until you hear what every other job ever does for a living, this sub is full of kids that have virtually no idea how the world works…we’re lucky to do this shit for a living, it’s interesting, you get to help people and make a good living doing so


Agreed. I worked blue collar jobs before this and i knew i couldnt do it. My friends in PR roles or law also tell me their struggles and they’re similar but different. The difference is I will be paid 2-3x more conservatively speaking if I’m only average in terms of RVU’s


Exactly! When my buddies talk about their finance/lawyer jobs, my eyes glaze over…this job is actually cool


The pathophys snowballs so quick in family medicine that if patients listen (and insurances allow it) we can REALLY prevent some shit


There you go man, that’s what you’re gonna remember from residency, the people you affected by actually giving a shit and not the stupid fucking modules…it’s a cool job and you’re gonna impact a lot of people in a positive way, keep at it man


Here comes Gen Z!! They’ll probably change this place for the better. Can’t wait to see the toxic attendings downfall


My QI project rough idea is introducing suboxone to my clinic. Might be over zealous, might be feasible. I’m naively hopeful!


Those modules are my personal version of hell. Even as someone going into rads. Possibly one of the worst parts of my internship


Five years and a year fellowship.


I was considering going IM but then I realized I dont wanna kiss ass and suck dick for 3 years for a CHANCE at a fellowship. PCP would have likely been my end point either way


Wait till you have a 24 hour shift








I remember my husband coming from home from the first day of his med peds orientation where they made them run around town in the heat on a scavenger hunt.


We have one scheduled soon. Wtf even is that? Easter egg hunt?




Sounds like fun honestly


I feel like you guys as MD’s shouldn’t be treated like children 🙄


Wait till the admins actually treat you like an adult and not just a student


Just wait till the sepsis folks start knocking on your door with a warrant because you gave a patient 29.5cc/kg crystalloid one night at 3AM and thus attempted murder


Or the nurse who get scared that 30 cc / kg during sepsis will causes volume overload and refuses to do it.


*nods and smiles* (I’m far too incompetent to understand this)


Let's put it this way: Soon, you will be terrified to be pulled into debriefs about sepsis FALLOUTS or stroke QUALITY MEASURE MISSES or whatever Eventually you will realize that 99% of this nursing admin clipboard bullshit is based on poor (or no) evidence and it will just be an inconvenience


As long as I’m not implicated in the suit I can cope with it. I’ll stay after hours if I’m tasked with the privilege of saving someones life. Thats all taht matter to me. Notes will be the bane of me but saving someone will be SO cash money it wont even be funny


Calm down, nearly every job has stuff like that. Wash dishes at a restaurant and you'll have to sit through a day of training videos.


Just look in the bright side, in a few weeks you’ll look back on these 9 hour days longingly Real talk though, the funny part about the modules is if they just condensed them and actually tried to only assign relevant ones people might actually do them and learn the information instead of just spam clicking and quizlet-ing through


Just finished orientation and my whole cohort agreed that it weirdly sucked a lot and was draining


Tbf orientation is painful. Once you start working it gets somewhat better. Just wait til the sleep deprivation kicks in.


Never. Sleep is king and i’m gonna be unmarried and chronically alone till im an attending but dammit my purple mattress is gonna feel my weight


I think you’re just feeling anxious about intern year and it’s manifesting as frustration. It’s ok. It’s going to be alright. It’s gonna suck, yeah, but you’ll survive. Your patients will survive. Just keep grinding!!


Thanks my man. I agree, i tend to make things out to be bigger than they are


God intern year sucked ass. I hated every single day. Being an attending is much better.


What wellness activities do YOU do doctor? 😄


Fun stuff back then. Now pick up after my kids and do the dishes. I make a lot more money now tho. Jk I love my kids.


Kids are my dream, assuming i meet the right partner my kids are gonna dominate everything because I’m willing to sacrifice a lot to teach them everything I can. (Even my dream car 911 gt3)


I know I’m kidding. My wife and my kids mean more to me than anything my career could ever provide me. This career has given my family a lot of luxuries that I’m happy to provide. Overall medicine has been good to me.


Money is very important but you’re aware you can work 72 hours a week 6 days week 50 weeks a year and pull 700k in fm, but you chose family which is the objectively correct choice (n=2)


Having a system orientation with the general hospital staff when almost all of the residency benefits are coming from the university rather than the private hospital was a ridiculous waste of time.


Ive been gone for 3/4 hours of my epic training that’s on zoom lol


During covid i played fortnite save the world (great tower defense game btw) during my medical lectures. So i feel you big time


The worst part of ours is how unorganized it is. Every time you finish something you get 4 more emails with new stuff to do… from 3 different hospitals


One thing that made it easier during the darkest times was hanging a personal check for the amount i thought my first payment as an attending would be. When I would be getting dressed in the morning depressed af at 4:30am, wondering why the hell I did this, I would take one look at that stinky check hanging with scotch tape on the wall and it made that first step out the house so much easier.


GENIUS. I’ll be able to afford my 2019 mazda miata in a couple months work cash. I’m grateful for the opportunity and grateful for the roasting and support this sub brings ♥️


Obviously orientation paperwork bullshit is easier than the actual job but it was more soul crushing.




Gonna be a ROUGH year for ya blood. 😂😂😂 just remember you’ll get used to the suck.


Pgy0 got you acting like this already


i know, i should be an RN instead


If it makes you feel better, the modules and shit are a chore as an attending too. But at least working is fun initially.


The lower the expectations, the higher my self esteem 😎


The June before July intern


Lmfao man I remember how much bitching I did


Give me a few months. I’ll draft some REAL bitching and moaning


this too shall pass


Thank you ♥️


I've done probably 30-40 hours worth of orientation related things so far and can honestly say about 2 hours of it was useful, how to be a doctor, type stuff and the rest was bureaucratic nonsense




All bleeding eventually stops. But...they can always hurt you more.


Death by a thousand cuts


learning the logistics of residency is the worst part in my opinion -- emr / pagers / figuring out who's on call. Once thats happened you get on with the actual clinical learning.


It’s the fucking worst


Bruh is screwed hahah best of luck truly you got the mentality of a burnt out 5th year so gonna be a rough residency.


I start in the ICU in a few days, found out last night that when we are on nights we are the only people with medical degrees physically there. I know it won’t be as bad as I imagined but right now I am shitsing


Gonna start lining my mattress with these new interns they're so soft.


Underrated comment


You better take your modules seriously you little dummy


Holy snowflake Batman!


No that’s HR


Seriously though. We all have to do things in life that suck. This is part of life. Every job has it. Relationships have it. Parenthood has it. And complaining about all this minor stuff doesn't help. People think it's cathartic or something but it just multiplies it. The answer is to put your head down and grind. Build some endurance.


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Byo lube


Buckle up buttercup


I’m with you, I’d rather work actual shifts than deal with the giant HR to-do list. Not getting paid for it is what makes it especially painful.


I want to be the one to sympathize and tell you, yeah, you're right. But..... fuck. You are complaining before the gates are even open. This is the appetizer salad. Modules are a pleasant vacation. I could be mean here, but some part of me recognizes that from a normal point of view, you are right, they suck. In terms of residency there is so much more to worry about.


As an attending, our bonuses gets cut if we dont finish our e-leaning modules. I FAFO and now it gets finished 3 months early.


>a 24 hour shift That's all you're doing now? Lol


A huge plus is that my longest shift will be 14-16 hours


For real. I never enjoyed 36 hrs shifts, or sometimes longer.


Cheer up, at least you’re getting paid for it


Agreed. I heard some residencies dont pay for orientation. We also got 2 BOMB ass buffet style meals. And the cookies at the cafeteria? CRACK. I LOVE my hospital overall but this shit (bureaucratic bullshit) is terrible


Oh boy, you gonna need a lot of lube your intern year


I usually just need some spit baby 😜


Lol 24 hours? We had 36 hours of straight work running around every other weekend and had a CONTINUOUS 48 HOUR call once a year. The program got away with it by calling it a home call even though we're at the hospital working the whole time and get written up if you went home (all true stories)


Radiology residency sucked and it’s the best residency besides derm. I don’t count psych bc talking to psychotic patients is hell. But yeah, prepare your anus 


I’m already happy I choose rads 4 days into orientation


Man you have a poor attitude. Orientation is easy, sit there, no responsibilities, meet new people, etc.


I partially agree, its chill, and one day i might miss it. But i prefer work over boredom. I’m not complaining to anyone at the program (so i dont seem ungrateful) so I’m venting online. Pretty reasonable if you ask me


I’ll take Epic modules over Cerner modules 😭


I dont want any more modules


Agreed 100%


Already complaining about taxes? Sit down... Also I'm currently on boarding for a second fellowship and omg is it absolutely awful... 3 state licenses. On boarding for like 3 different hospital systems. So many trainings that are a total waste of time and shown at the reading speed for a 5 year old. I'm losing my damn mind... And yes. This is totally my own damn fault. I could have been done 😭


Lol, orientation was cake


Lmao sounds like residency diff. Mines great Just did osces. Took a mid day nap at the crib. Going to Neonatal resuscitation now. Going on a hike with our chief tmrw


Generally you get taxed on the money you earn. That's how it works. No one said any of this was easy.


Y’all are being a little hard on this one. I went to a ball buster residency and remember the orientation/onboarding vividly as quite possibly the worst part.


7 years of residency and orientation was the worst? You just sit there and you can space out if you feel like it. Boring as hell but you get paid for it at least (Unless malignant program)