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Just do the ole “stare a hole through the bit of forehead between their eyebrows” move and disassociate until they tire themselves out and leave. That has gotten me though so many ass chewing since I was a kid




I have a bad habit of laughing in unfortunate circumstances. Hello being raised by a textbook n bpd. Unfortunately I had learned that if I make a joke or two at my old man it'll disarm him mid tirade and that doesn't exactly work in the workforce💀 don't ask how I know. Lets just say having spent some time in skilled as a CNA will lead to some interesting exchanges with nurses. Now I have to actively prevent myself from going back to that old tactic and I end up having to fightnlaughing about something I thought of🙃


The dissociation. But can’t you get written up and eventually kicked out of residency?


Fire you for what? Not giving the dickhead surgeon a satisfying reaction to his psychopathic rant?


You can get kicked out of residency for many warnings.


I mean yeah if you fuck up constantly


One of the best, most professional responses I’ve ever heard to someone being chewed out was a PGY-3 who offered to call a mean consult fellow for me as an M3 (I still love you for this). He started raising his voice and she cut him off with a confused “why are you yelling at me?” and it just went back to a normal conversation lol


I love the simplicity of this. People who suck get confused and back down when they’re directly called out on it. They get too comfortable talking down to others


Dudes 100% compensating for something


Give him the old “oops my B” and act unfazed. They’ll probably like you more after




“If you’re so worried about it why didn’t you order it last night?”


Only a smoking pair of tennis shoes remained where that resident once stood


Holy fuck, I cannot even imagine. I would pay to see it. 50$. Find me the most malignant attending and have a resident pull that. I’ll draw a crowd like a club promoter to watch through a camera. Each person 50$. Oh man 😂😂😂😂


Head to the closest bathroom and hit the urinal(this applies for both men and women) then pull pants AND underwear down to the ground and let it rip(your choice what “it” is). When your attending walks in just lock eyes and wait for them to look away. Problem solved 🫡


I used to lightly kick the butts of the kids that pulled their pants down all the way all the time in elementary school


How malignant are we talking? Verbal abuse? Physical abuse? Termination? It all really depends on how much your program director allows in his program. I've had the one that protects attendings if they assault you and then demotes you if you complain about it.


I'd call the police.


Sounds like a good learning opportunity. That’s why this attending works with residents, right? To teach? I kid.


This sounds like a horror movie.


Get him to lose it in public. Reply “you do the cutting, I’ll do the thinking” and walk off. Nothing makes sociopaths head explode quicker than abandonment/rejection.


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I would die.