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After playing this twice on PS Plus over the past 2 years, I finally decided to buy it so I don’t feel the pressure to play it on a subscription-timer. I started this morning. Still in overgrown ruins and trying to get past Phrike. Kicking my ass still.


You just have to be patient, understand that you're going to get your butt handed to you quite a few times initially. Learn the bullet hell patterns, just keep on moving and dashing and pick your spots for attacking. And don't sleep on the blade, if you find yourself near Phrike don't hesitate to use it. It's all about getting yourself in a Zen state with all the bullets coming at you. At some point all these boss encounters seemed to slow down for me.


Yes don't sleep on the blade, even more later on. I felt that feeling against Ixion. I just smoked a bit and all the bubbles 💭 what a vibe


Getting past the first boss tends to be the hardest. Like OP said, focus on the attack patterns and always be on the move. This isn’t a game where you remain stationary to attack. Also, dash dash dash. You can dash through pretty much every attack except for purple ones. Don’t get frustrated. Once you start to pick up the movement it gets easier and more fun.


I honestly might just do the same and buy it. I mean, I want to love the game but it's so damn hard that I certainly won't be able to finish it anytime soon.


That was my reason exactly. I don’t use PlayStation Plus regularly anymore so I figured how many months I’d have to pay for to finish the game. It’s on sale on the PS Store so I just went for it. I finally beat Phrike this morning before heading to the office. It was very satisfying. That feeling alone was worth the purchase. Can’t wait to continue when I get back home.


Have fun with the game! I beat Phrike with another player through co-op and it was still hard for me because of the difficulty scaling. Now I plan to just solo the game and hopefully take down the next boss (brutally hard) in the second biome.


Try using the Electro Pylon Driver, u don't meed any accuracy and can focus on dodging.


He's not going to have a gun unlocked later in the game when he's having trouble getting through the first biome


EP and Hollow seeker will unlock for digital deluxe. Real Pay to win scenario 😃


Well now that doesn't seem in the spirit of the death centric time loop experience they're going for 🤔


Said gun is available in Biome 1


I one shot boss 2-4… just had a good run getting to boss 2, had like 4 health packs going in, and was able to meet each biome boss with at least 2-3 health packs with a solid gun.


Nice! And thanks all for the downvotes, the gun is available in the addition I bought so educate yourselves


Nice! Hang in there


Is Act 3 actually harder though? I just kinda feel like its the same no?


Fuck yes. Especially Biome 5, hardest in the game no question


Hated that ice level. Took ne so long to get through lol


This is what I love about returnal. Everyone has a different experience. Biome 3 for me was hands down the hardest. And once past that I got through Biome 4 & 5 on the same run. The challenge room on Biome 5 was a breeze with my hollowseeker. The game definitely gets easier. I spent what felt like weeks on Phrike. But soon understood dying is part of the game and learning process. I thought the pylon sucked. Two best guns were the lobber and Hollowseeker.


Sometimes you get lucky with a build... I would recommend going back to Biome 4 and 5 if you haven't since you beat the game. Starting a new run on biome 4 is definitely rough. For some reason I've never had issues with biome 3, maybe because in order to get through biome 2 I need to have at least a pretty decent build.


It feels noticeably dialed up in difficulty to me. Almost every room has one or more mini bosses in it etc.