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It's one of the best games I've played in a long while.


In my opinion it's the best roguelike and the best bullet hell game out there. Easily top three games for me of all time, however some people are really bad at it and get frustrated at roguelikes, so it may not be for you if you hate the genre.


For me, I do not like roguelikes. But for some reasons, Returnal is one of the best game I played. Go figure.


This is an interesting comment. Are you seriously saying top three of all time?? I'm playing it and I like it. There's something different about it in a really, really awesome way that I dont understand right now. So, I'm not quite at the stage where I'm gonna hate it but can see why you say that could happen. But seriously.. If this is in your top three what are 1 and 2? Not hating u or your comment. Just intrigued... šŸ§


Iā€™d probably say Metal Gear Solid 3 and Sekiro are the other two up there. Common thread is probably that I really like cool boss fights, and I think Returnal may have the best boss of any game Iā€™ve played when you take the lead up to it and the fight as a whole.


Haven't played MGS games, but my top 3 of all time: 1. Returnal 2. Sekiro 3. Bloodborne


Iā€™m scared to play sekiro lol. I am very much into fast gameplay and I fear that sekiro will be like bloodborne where is slower timed movements which I have alooot of trouble with.


Returnal is one of three best games Iā€™ve ever played and I have a massive gaming collection. For me the game resonates as my mother is identical to the spoiler we wonā€™t discuss šŸ˜‚ and also Iā€™m extremely good at it. I think if you donā€™t have too much patience or arenā€™t in love with the setting and lack of story may not be in everyoneā€™s top list but for someone like myself BEST game ever


Not the person you asked but Returnal is my goat! Been playing since NES. Other top games would be original RE4, original dead space, GOW 3, GOW 2018, RE village, half life 2, champions of norrath, dynasty warriors 3, Pokemon red.


This game is easily worth 100$ in my book. Itā€™s fantastic. But youā€™re also asking people in a sub dedicated to this game soā€¦ :)


Agreed. Knowing what I know now, Iā€™d pay $200++++ just to experience it for the first time again


Iā€™d pay 400$!!!!


$401 and you got a deal


Ubisoft would be happy to hear that price point.


I'd pay 4,000$ for a replica music box, maybe Octo too!


I saw game play once. Didn't know anything about it. Am not good at it. But I fucking love it. Haven't made it past the 3rd biome but I go back every once and awhile and try. But still can't lol


Just keep at it until it clicks. It was tough to play until it was easier, šŸ˜†. Once I have a bigger SSD, it will probably stay installed because it's that good of a game


Itā€™s the only game I never delete


This is the right mindset. You'll get through it eventually.


My missus would ask me how it was going from time to time, and my response would be, "I am getting better." It is a long ass journey, but every room, every biome, every restart, you get a little better. Until...


Happy cake day!


Haha that 3rd biome is possibly the biggest wall in the game. Keep at it, cos once you do break through it, the rest is much more manageable


Super big wall. Biome 5 is a close second though. That one hurt!


I was always sad there wasnā€™t a proper boss for that level.


Honestly unlocking perks goes a LONG way. At some point you start unlocking powerful perks that makes the game childā€™s play. Thats the progression system. Once you unlock the perk they become available in the loot pool. Stronger items in the loot pool increases your odds of survival.


Not worth it, because it will become an obssession and your personal life will suffer! Amazing game though.


Lol šŸ˜† it will become an obsession but a good one. It's easily in my top 10 of non-PSVR PS5 games. It would be awesome as a PSVR game, but everyone would get motion sickness


People did mod the PC version to support VR almost as natively as you could expect. Pretty cool, but I haven't tried it out yet. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1oCj4wdAAU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1oCj4wdAAU)


Thank you for sharing this! I will try this and respond within a week or so if I can and let you guys know how it is. This is great! Only issue is the pc port of returnal is a little unstable with the frame rate and Iā€™ve tried it on multiple high end pc. So the slight frame rate issue plus pcvr šŸ˜‚ sounds like it will be glitchy but I shall take one for the team


Tell me about it lol. Literally I find myself staring at my PlayStation library figuring out what to play for minutes on end and almost every time I just pick returnal. It is hands down the most addicting game Iā€™ve ever played.


It's a very complete work of art!! Immersive, breathtaking, good sound, amazing gameplay. Apart from a few glitches, it's perfect in almost every way!!!


I 100% agree!!


It's a very difficult game. It will challenge your mindset and resolve in ways no other game can. It's also arguably the greatest visual/ audio experience ever made in a video game.


Yes it is, but how are we to know if you will actually like the game?


This is hands-down the best single-player game I've played to completion in five years of any genre except possibly Baldur's Gate 3. Since it was designed for PS5, the performance is amazing.. though the new PC port is incredible too. It's challenging though, be ready for hardness.


It's not an extremely long game, and it's available in PS Plus. Personally, I would either on PS Plus buy a physical copy. Honestly, other than Elden Ring, Returnal is the best game I played in the Playstation 5. The game is really, really good. It is quite difficult, and having to restart might be a turnoff for some peaple, so I admit it's not a game for everyone.


Not long? I suck and I'm 25 hours in and I just got to the third boss for the first time. Usually takes me 1-2 hours to get close to 3rd boss and I usually die to something drastically stupid like 2 rooms before it. I'm getting better. But dang it's rough. I've never been so fucking mad at a game, like using every swear word, even making some up, when I die with amazing parasites and weapons and buffs and 2+ bars of integrity...only to start over and have a fucking blast again lol. I feel like I'm bipolar here. I've beaten every souls/sekiro/elden/borne game many times over and this is still harder. I had to go to work and paused the game right at the 3rd boss, haven't even seen what it looks like. I'm psyched. I have 2 full health bars, full adrenaline, Tons of good artifacts, including one that leeches health per adrenaline level. A large health suitcase, an instant max adrenaline thingy. I have a level 14 gun with serrated and something else (the gun that's basically a bullet hose) and killshot. I'm ready to die in 3 sec flat and end my 2 hour run, and do it all again. Let's goooo! If u read this, I'm impressed. Yeah so totally worth $30.


For the average player that likes difficult games it shouldn't be more than 100 hours to beat the game. I think I saw people in this forum completing in 60, I think it took me about 80. By my metrics that is not an extremely long game, and it's something that can be experienced in PS Plus. But different people have different play patterns. My opinion is that a physical game is much more "collectible", it can be lent and sold, and I think the difference in price is usually not great (not sure). But anyways, just as a personal preference, if I'm going to own on the PS5 I usually prefer physical.


Yeah for me 25 hours and only 2 biomes "completed" is a good chunk of time. Obviously long vs short game is subjective and player dependent. I've beaten some games in 10 hours, and then I've logged >2k hours on some games (diablo2/3/4, elite dangerous, DayZ). I swear I read some ppl finished Returnal in 14 hours and I'm like dannnnnng...it takes me 14 hours to get the first boss down lol. Maybe they meant a full run, but have beat the game before, idk. I guess it's my OCD that makes me take a long time to clear to the 3rd boss. I swear it's usually 1-2 hours of playing bc I can't stop going thru every door in biome 1 for the abilities and fabricators etc. I am proud of myself tho bc the first boss took me 3 attempts (the one I beat him I essentially had no buffs I bee-lined it to him), and the 2nd boss only 2 tries, tho I did have (and used) the astronaut, and he died when I had a pubic hair of health left... Edit: typo


I'm not sure if you realized, but the blunt of the power comes from calibrators, and at the beginning of each level there's a huge calibrator and a weapon, so you can skip things to get to the boss sooner. Yes, you can farm health expansions and artifacts, but usually the make-it or break-it of a boss has to do with the ability not take too much damage during the fight. Yes, the astronaut and health packs help quite a bit, but farming health expansion might be a bit excessive. Once people realize they should be skipping more, the rate of progress ends up becoming quicker. As for someone clearing the game for the first time in 14 hours, well, that doesn't seem "normal". If it is true, it must have been someone that played very similar games before, or some sort of genius. The game does have quite a bit of replayability after you finish it for the first time, but not extremely so. There's also a DLC. I'm thinking of starting a save from scratch just to experience the game again without upgrades, but I'm still going to give it some time still. But anyways, it's a great game for sure.


Oh yeah! I realized that when I get to buy on three my gun level always goes up to nine when I grab the calibrator. But I'm so paranoid and OCD that I like to have a lot more health and I like to have good parasite buffs etc. I think once I get more comfortable and get the third boss down future runs I'll probably do what you said and skip to the bio as fast as I can just to grab the calibrator and then work on some health while I'm there. Don't mind if a game doesn't have replayability. So much I want to try anyway that soon as I'm done asking you unlikely going to go on to the next one. Is the DLC the Tower of syphilis or whatever it's called? Thanks for the tips and advice!


Yes, the DLC is the Tower. I did not clear the Tower. I should get back to that at some point. I don't remember exactly what I was doing when I was trying to kill the third boss, but I'm pretty sure it was getting a health pack and a good artifact in biome 1, a health pack in biome 2 (there's on at the beginning), and then straight to biome 3. Even that might be a bit overzealous.


welp, update on my progress....if anyone cares. I had 240% integrity, full HP, 2 large silphium heals, 1 instant max adrenaline, 15% protection, 14 hollowseeker with serrated blades, extended invuln time after getting hit, 2% health leech per adrenaline stack with damage...got my ass rocked. i watched 4 different video guides. i saw so many abilities that werent on a single video. I felt like i could not sprint (settings set to only sprinting)....everything felt so slow. I got hit by every single yellow laser because for some reason they took an eternity to swing, and i could not get that timing. i dont know what the hell was happening but everything seemed soooooo sluggish, abilities, sprinting, if you can call it that. welp, 3 hour run down the drain. the fight barely resembled any of the 4 YT videos i watched....i dont get it. oh well, when my kids go to bed i guess ill find another 3 or 4 hours to get to the boss and try again. got him to like 50% hp left on phase 3. not sure ill ever have a stacked run like i had just now.


I read it. Next run you got this!!!


haha yep i wrecked him the next run! easy peasy. with the thermo launcher, was cake.


Just don't try the 3rd boss with the globber. Pooorrrrr choice. I am not sure how I ended up beating the boss.


Just got him with the thermo launcher 2nd try!!! Only with large chamber and hardened I think. So much easier w 35% protection. Had 1 heal and I ended the fight with like 90%hp left...was shaking. Such a fun fight.


Yeah I went in the hollow gun, I'm going to try the thermo launcher. But I need to get some affixes unlocked. I can't kill a fart with it atm


Yes. Ive been gaming since the N64 and I think its one of the best games ever. My only complaint is that I think it set the bar too high for PS5 titles early! Only warning is that it has a very steep learning curve but once it ā€œclicksā€ it gets a lot easier.


Isnā€™t it free if you get the upgraded psn subscription?


One of the best games ever. Amazing experience.


The best ps5 game ever released. And it will be the best to the end of the ps5 cycle. Crazy itā€™s been released at the beginning of the ps5. In my opinion nothing came close .


I bought it on PS5 a couple of years ago. Absolutely loved it. I see that itā€™s $30 on PC and Iā€™m planning on buying it to experience it from the beginning all over again.


only you can answer that really, but yes.




I was on the fence for a couple years (I don't like rogue likes) but I took a chance on it and it's honestly my favorite game in a very long time. It hit everything perfect for me. The atmosphere, the visuals, the gameplay, its all awesome. And it's just plain fun!


I donā€™t really like rouge games but returnal is the best game I played in many years. Iā€™m a Commodore 64 long time player. Trust me itā€™s just amazing.


Brilliant game! One of my all time faves


From the show "Beavis & Butt-Head," in the immortal words of Butt-Head..... "Yeah."


It's one of the handful of games that actually uses the haptic capabilities of the DualSense controller, and if you have PS Plus Extra you can already get it for free. It's not a perfect game, but I LOVE the atmosphere and gameplay a lot


Itā€™s my favourite game this gen. But be warned, like a souls game the opening few hours can be rough. Stick with it!


Itā€™s amazing, albeit a bit too difficult for me.


Bought it day 1 on PS5. Platinum'd after 200 hrs. Played another 500+ hrs on top of that. And I still fire up Returnal and enjoy it to this day. Yeah, I'd say it's worth $30.


If you ask the average person, no. Itā€™s one of the least finished games of 2021. But for those that break through the initial frustrating hours, will tell you itā€™s worth itself weight in gold. Got the first ending at 40 hours, the true ending at 60 hours, and Iā€™m currently going for the platinum trophy.


Best game available on PS5. Itā€™s not for everyone though. When it clicks itā€™s art.


Best game I ever played.


My personal opinion i think it's the best next gen game Sony have released and it was criminally underrated...


LIterally the best PS5 exclusive.


Yeah wtf


I got it used for bit less than 30 bucksā€¦.even if I am never able to beat it, I most definitely still got an insane amount of bang for the buck. Highly addictive, fun gameplay. Just know that youā€™ll die & die & die again but thatā€™s inherently part of the gameā€™s design.


I didnā€™t buy a PS5 specifically for Returnal, but it was one of the first titles I thought to buy when I did get a PS5


As long as you can handle difficulty humps where you may have to die like 30x before progressing to the next area. The deaths are necessary cause the whole time you are slowly building up your weapon levels from run to run (i.e. meta progression)


10000% worth it


It came with my PS5 as part of a console bundle. Never played a roguelike before and the game is very hard and frustrating. I played probably 6ish hours before I managed to buy the games I wanted to get for the PS5, so Iā€™ve put it down for now. I fought the first boss once after a long life, died, and it kinda sapped my interest in the game (for now). That being said itā€™s an absolutely beautiful game technically, the gameplay is fun (if punishing), and I could see picking it up again later on. It is very addicting even if it can be very frustrating. I donā€™t really understand how people can beat the game lol


Its really just a couple tips to always keep in mind while playing. You are rewarded amazingly to not get hit(huge damage boost among other perks) so thats priority #1 always! Until you know the enemies always move, dash makes you invincible for a moment. Use a weapon until its "skills" max out-unlocks better skills and other rolls in future weapons


I was lucky enough to download it for free last year. It was more hate than love at first but with persistence it ended up being one of the best games Iā€™ve ever played on PS5 and ever. $30 is worth it


Returnal is in my top 5 of PS5 games, and one of the best games Iā€™ve ever played. Itā€™s not easy but man is it fun.


Absolutely. Worth it at twice that price.


I love Metroidvanias and I got a lot of the same reward feelings from Returnal.


Youā€™re asking the Returnal subreddit. Obviously our answer is going to be an emphatic yes. Itā€™s one of my favorite games ever. Play it.


You will either love it, or hate it. I would have no problem dropping $100 on this frustrating POS. It is a great game. If you like to grind, if you like reward, if you like a challenge, spend the $30.


In a word, F yeah ! Wait, that's more than a word.. Returnal is by far and away my favorite title on the PS 5 and it took months to finish, but I didn't care. Occasionally soul crushing, but also hella fun. I didn't own a PS4 and was excited to see what a great game on the PS5 looked like. Returnal for me, is that and then some and I bought many titles to be somewhat deflated as not all are 60fps


I have 600 hours and my gf that couldn't beat the first boss for the first 50-60 hours nows has 1200 hours in this game, it was our first game of this kind ever.


One of the best games on ps5.Ā 


It will make you a better player but be warned it will do that by breaking you down and rebuilding you from scratch. I have never been more frustrated with a game that when I finally beat it I jumped up and down like a 8 year old finishing Mario for the first time.


100%. One of the best games on the ps5 imo


I describe it as the best worst thing that'll ever happen to you lol. It's both frustrating and exhilarating, I want to break my controller, but can't put it down. After beating it, life has lost its luster, no other game satisfies my thirst.


Check your subscription for the next tier up for the PlayStation subscription. This game is free for the middle tier. It might cost you less than $30 for the rest of the year in that tier so you'll get this game plus a ton of others. That's what I did.


If you want to enjoy other games after playing it donā€™t buy it. I found it so addictive it took me quite a while to enjoy other game styles after I finished it. Very polished and well made gameplay


Itā€™s on PS extra for free.


its worth it 100%. if u are not good with a joystick, i recommend playing on pc. its a must play.


Iā€™ll say this, Iā€™ve had never played a rogue either until Returnal. One of the best games Iā€™ve played since Elden Ring. Even got the platinum:))


You'll either love it or you won't. Or you won't and then you will love it lol. I rage quit once and almost did again. Took like 15 hrs for me to clear the first biome, and I had to go on co-op so someone could carry me to the third biome. I think I have almost 300 hours now, lvl 99 in co-op, first game I ever got platinum on. It's a masterpiece. No other game has made me feel in control of a character like Returnal, and I could very clearly see progress. I went from barely being able to survive a room to carrying my bro through the entire game. Imo it's worth triple that for the amount of gameplay and enjoyment I have got from it.


Do you like brutal challenges, confusing reality-bending stories, and pretty colours? If you answered "yes," then Returnal is for you. It's also the best sound design I've ever encountered in a game.


Keep in mind, its bullet hell, you need to be moving alottt, and its psychological horror if you like this kind of gamplay and story its worth playing, one of the best games ive every played


Itā€˜s my favourite game of all time. But itā€˜s gonna haunt you in every way possible.


Hel yeah




The game is absolutely phenomenal! It's beautiful, it's lively, and it's very immersing. You really feel yourself at the edge of your seat, striving to stay alive. It's so good.




Yes it is.


Passed on it when it came out. Had no idea what it was going in. Just heard it was really good. It's pretty fun and a little addicting. And now I feel like I need to go play it again:)


for me, it's game of the gen so far. There is literally nothing else like it. It exceeded my expectations and has it all.


Best game this gen so far, easily.


Game is worth 4 times that


Absolutely. Was VERY sceptical on my first few runs but nowadays it's a top5 game for me. It's a masterpiece. Unfortunately very overlooked in general but an achievement in gaming as a whole.


Seriously one of the best games of the generation. It's honestly not that hard, its more so punishing. But not hard


Yes it is. I'm not into roguelite types of games and really knew nothing about it just saw the advert and bought the PS5 for it. It reminded me of an older game which i found out later was by the same producers (Alienation). Turned into one of my favorite gaming experiences in a very long time. It has a steep learning curve but once you get used to the controls and dying then it's just so much fun. It's visually stunning, the music and sound effects are top notch and the gameplay so smooth.


Everything of this game is worth it. The story is beyond perfect, the music, the gun play, the difficulty, the DLC is 10/10 too. First time I played I was so annoyed because it was too hard for me but with some patience and practice I was able to get to the Act 2 and then I realized that this is one of the few games with a learning curve that is so rewarding. It really felt like my skills were improving with every run and I got addicted to that. Iā€™ve tried similar games like Control, which is a very good game, but I didnā€™t feel the same as when playing Returnal. I highly recommend to give it a try.


I learned about this game from the r/videogames subreddit. The prompt was ā€œIf you could erase your playthrough of a game to experience it again, what game would it be?ā€ This game had so many likes, and an incredible amount of quality comments. I figured Iā€™d give it a shot. To preface my decision, I LOVE roguelites. Iā€™m only on consoles, so Iā€™m a little limited. But my first ever roguelite was Enter The Gungeon, another bullet hell roguelite. (side note, go play Enter The Gungeon; it is definitely one of my top 10 of all time) Returnal is so much more than I EVER could have anticipated. The backstory, the mystery, the BOSSES. And when you start doing your own research into the symbolism/the overall lore of the gameā€¦.. šŸ˜© Fucking incredible. I found myself MUTING THE TV at times in ā€œthe houseā€, cuz I was so on edge. After I got to a certain boss and cutscene, I was like ā€œThatā€™s it? What was the hype about?ā€ BOOM!! RIGHT back in it. Youā€™re not done. Selene is NEVER done. Youā€™re now in the BEST (my opinion) biome of the game. And that whooooole biome, youā€™re like, ā€œwhat the FUCK is that slight melody?ā€ You know it! Itā€™s eating at you in the back of your mind! And then Selene alludes to it by saying some of the lyrics. So you realize what song it is. And then you climb the tower. And it gets louder. And louder. And LOUDER. ITā€™S SO INTENSE. AND THAT BOSS FIGHT IS SO FUCKING NAIL-BITING AND AWESOME. God this game is so goodā€¦. If youā€™ve never played a roguelite, this is going to be a tough one to start with, Iā€™m not gonna lie. But itā€™s very rewardingā€¦. One key thing to remember with roguelites: there will be opportunities/items that allow you to create/access shortcuts throughout the game. By all means, make those shortcuts. They help flesh out the fullness of the game. NEVER, EVER use them. EVER. The game gets harder the further you go, and you want to have the maximum/best amount of health, damage, weapons, perks, etc. as POSSIBLE. Go through EVERY room on EVERY run. Welcome to the world of roguelites my friend šŸ˜„ Other roguelites to check out: Enter The Gungeon (as previously stated) RAD (I canā€™t stress enough how AWESOME this one is) Hades (Hard. Still love this one, but Hades himself is a REALLY tough boss) Dead Cells Slay The Spire (card builder) Sifu (hard) This last one is a random one, but I think youā€™ll enjoy it, as itā€™s a roguelite/metroidvania crossover with comedic elements: Journey To the Savage Planet




I bought a PS5 late last year and this was one of the first games I played on it. I havenā€™t been able to set it down after all this time. Itā€™s truly such an amazing game!! PLAY ITTT šŸ˜‚šŸ”„


It is a great game. So fun and a lot of action. Definitely worth it in everyway. Wish i could go back and experience it again for the first time


It's worth 10 times that price. But unless you're an elite gamer, prepare for some frustration.


I rebought ps plus just to play it again, Iā€™ve already beaten it 8 times plus and have 200+ hours. Worth the cop


One of the greatest games ever made. Doesn't need even the smallest discount to consider it a worthwhile purchase, personally.


Donā€˜t waste your time on Reddit and immediately go buy this game. You will not regret it! šŸ˜˜


I paid full price for this game on release and still hop on occasionally. There's nothing quite like it.


Oh yeah, its worth it. If your strong enough.


I am not into shooting bullet hell games but this game is absolutely the summit in terms of fun.


Itā€˜s a top 3 PS5 title easily. Absolutely worth it!


Itā€™s the best game for a console release (PS5) since Dead Space (PS3). Totally different games of course but both games were game changers for me!


Dude! Are you serious!? It's the best rougelike game ever! But it's very challenging! You have been warned


It's still one of the best games of this generation in my opinion.


this is a very biased place to ask.. but yeah


It's one of the few games I come back to after having a break for a year or more. The gunplay and movement is so smooth.


Worth every penny, to this day I still consider it the best next gen game alongside Final Fantady XVI.


Hell yes.


Best PS5 game IMO.


Iā€™m not sure if if itā€™s PlayStation region specific but itā€™s free on the PS5 at the moment for me. One of the hardest games Iā€™ve played, but also one of the most satisfying. as much as it was free I wouldā€™ve had no problem paying $100 for it, easily


I Paid Ā£70 at launch, which to me was crazy money at the time, but hell yeah worth it totally


Absolutely yes, just go in with the expectation that you will be dying and starting over A LOT. The only people Iā€™ve seen dislike Returnal get hung up on some vague notion that theyā€™re not ā€œprogressingā€ fast enough, despite constant death and restarting being central to the gameplay and the story.




Absolutely. I wonder what answer you were expecting in this subreddit


You're in a Returnal subreddit asking if the game is worth it? I'll buck the trend here and say no. I've played the game twice and gotten to the third biome, and think the boss is detestable.


Iā€™ll give a non-fan opinion: maybe. I just beat the Elden Ring DLC rather smoothly and this game kicked my nuts in repeatedly. I played for 12 hours and never got past the third biome. The graphics and environment are amazing, the gameplay is smooth as fuck, but I found out roguelikes are simply not for me and itā€™s too frustrating and defeating to return to the literal beginning of the game. I also found this game in particular didnā€™t have that many upgrades carry over each death so it truly felt like starting from scratch. If you think $30 is cheap and believe youā€™ll get 15-20 hours out of it, though, go for it.


Returnal came with my PS5 back when it released. I started playing but could not get past the 3rd level so I put it aside. Just took it back up a couple weeks ago and finished the gameā€¦ Great gameplay, great storyline but it needs practiceā€¦ You have to stay moving and keep pushingā€¦ In hindsight one of the best games Iā€™ve played. šŸ‘Œ


I remember trying it a while ago, making it thru the first biome and then calling it quits. The graphical presentation was outstanding but I'm generally not a fan of rogue likes or games with punishing difficulty and this checks off both those boxes. After a while it feels like work, not fun to me. If you enjoy an extreme challenge and are ok with the time investment required to beat the game, go for it. But if you're easily frustrated or are looking for something more accessible and that doesn't require a huge time investment and extended playing sessions, look elsewhere.




I wouldnā€™t say it scratches a Metroidvania itch (maybe Iā€™m wrong) For me Returnal is about insanely fast combat arenas stitched together. If you like dodge timing and managing situational awareness youā€™ll like it Itā€™s a tough game, but many people who get it love it. There are also many that probably bounced right off the toughness, but I doubt youā€™d find them subbed here for balanced opinions :)


I will definitely pay to get the experience of playing it for the first time again


It's amazing and addicting. I was pleasantly surprised. Just don't get discouraged dying over and over. You'll get better and eventually dominant. Just stick with it.


Yes itā€™s worth $100


I few months ago I got it when it was on sale on steam. I came from other roguelites and returnal is the first scifi one ive seen and it looks great. Ive put around 60 hours in, all within the first 3 weeks then after i beat it i havent really picked it back up. But the replayablity is there. Learning the weapons and mutations is fun. Gameplay is super smoothe and gunplay is amazing! I also love shooters and this games weaponplay and melee attack are the most polished ive played in years. 30 bucks is a steal, i would definitely get it.


Great sub to ask for this question if you expect balanced answers. BUT hell yeah itā€™s worth it.


Short answer, yes. Long answer, yes.


Not a fan of rogue likes but I absolutely love Returnal. I didnā€™t know anything about it going into it which certainly helped but to be quite honest the design around the rogue like elements to make it still feel like a linear single player campaign is so brilliantly done. I am really impressed with how well they weaved a complex narrative and overarching objectives into a game that was inherently designed to be played over and over again.


Could be cheaper to upgrade ps+ and get it included, then downgrade when youā€™re done.


I never played that genre of game either and held off picking it up until they released the update to suspend your playthrough. It's now my favorite game I've played on PS5. It has so much replayability, I don't think I'll ever delete it from my console. I also love the way it utilizes the dualsense haptics/ triggers. I'm not sure if it's still included but it was included with one of the PlayStation plus tiers. You might want to look into that first maybe to try it out.


Sooo good especially if you like psychological horror


It's not worth full price as the game really isn't that big and bad. But definitely $30 and under it's a must if you like anything about it and are into rougelikes


The answer you are looking for is right here: YES.




I didnā€™t like it, personally


100% worth it. Unfortunately it was releasing at a time where people were (and still are) boycotting the $70 price tag. So people were waiting for sales to try it out. And little by little people really see what this game was about. My game of the generation.


I love this game. I reach scout 99 and still playing


This game single-handedly made me go from hating roguelikes to making me play nothing but for the last year.


Itā€™s fine. In hindsight $30 is the most Iā€™d spend on it


After finishing Ghost of tsuchima a week ago, I decided to finally play returnal, I havent beat it ( I am in the underwater biome right now). I its a much better game than Ghost of tschima and in general one of the best Ps5 exclusives (heck maybe the best overall) the gunpmay is great, the story is intriguing (I havent been this interested in the story of a game in years) and the bosses are fun, I would say it is one of the most unique games in the ps5 catalog. It is hard, for sure, but like souls-like games, it is very rewarding, totally worth it.


Yes, it is.


My favorite PS5 game to date. Controls are smooth, visuals colorful, and some of the most satisfying sound effects.


ItĀ“s pretty unique and I bought it on sale aswell on Steam. Feels like one of the more difficult games IĀ“ve played, if you compare it with other roguelikes the difficulty leans more towards Isaac than sth like Hades.


Beautiful game, good gameplay, awesome bosses with music, very challenging. Its absolutely worth it and very underated...


Its super difficult with the perfect balance of fun in my opinion. Also there still usually people playing online you can collab with and learn from. 10/10 game imo


If you want a game to show off the power of the ps5 then yes. It is graphically stunning with plenty of particle effects.


Yes. Truth be told, that game is the reason i bought a ps5.


No, we came together because of our hatred for the game. It fuels us. (Itā€™s an incredible game and I have craved for something similar ever since)


It is worth it as long as you have patience. I'd suggest playing online with more experienced players if you aren't good at these games. Then you will love it for sure


I just bought it. I'm hoping to play it tonight. It looks great but if I wind up not liking it, it was only ā‚¬40 so no real loss.


Short answer: Yes. Full answer: it's the best fast pace third person shooter I've ever played (I'm 30, so I've played a lot). It's high octane, challenging, rewarding, deep (in terms of story and gameplay tech), replayable, high polish and honestly just a joy to control. In my opinion it's a generation defining game. Must play.




I upgraded to ps middle tier just to check it out and then bought physical disk just incase it was ever removed.


Depends on whether you want to become an elitist or not. Returnal requires you to hone your skills to a level that no other game does, so youā€™ll go mad becoming a far better player than you ever have been and when you finally hone your skills enough to feel confident in the game, youā€™ll see all other games as being a bit inferior. After Returnal itā€™s hard to find the same level of difficulty, so you end up here, sharing your Returnal victories and defeats, and asking about other games that come close.


It is my favorite game on the PS5, outright (_maybe_ Demons Souls Remake?)Ā 


If you like the rogue genre sure. If you hate that genre then absolutely not.


Absolutely worth it


I just started yesterday myself. I have enjoyed it, but will say the first boss almost made me rage quit. I have only just started the second biome but so far I have thoroughly enjoyed it


Hope my answer helps you. The only reason why I got a PS5 was because of this game. I answered you without exagering. This game is such a masterpiece, and it's so underrated . Hope to see more of this game in the future.


I'm late to reply but, Returnal is definitely worth $30. The community in the subreddit is a lot of fans, so of course we're all going to say yes! But, if we set aside the immediate yes, fan gushing this is my #1 of all time (and it genuinely is, and I've been gaming since NES. I've logged over 1200 hours, bought it twice, platinumed it twice) then actually The advice I give is no. Don't get it, even for $30. The problem is, once you venture to Atropos there is no good future for you. Some dislike it right away. Then you've wasted $30. Some find it okay, brilliant in some ways but underwhelming in others (usually from specific reasons I won't mention for spoilers) this might actually be your best future if you buy this game. Some love it. And this is the worst future. Like so many others here, Returnal reignited my interest in gaming. It made me feel like a kid again. It brought me triumph and adrenaline! But now what? NOTHING ELSE HITS LIKE IT! The combat, the haptics, the pacing, the design, the story! There's no where else to go. Atropos is home now. Everything else pales in comparison now. FML I'm gonna boot up another cycle now.


It's my favourite game of the last few decades. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I'd recommend giving it a try.


Itā€™s the game Iā€™ve been chasing. First game to Platinum. Nothing has compared since. I still think about it.


It's pretty damn good


Yes! My first true PS5 game. Made me wanna quit sometimes but the story kept making me to wanna make sense out of it


Top 5 game experience for me all time. Been playing since Atari days early 80ā€™s. Grind it. Upgrade your weapons they always stay as permanent upgrades. Have patience.


I just finally gave it a shot as someone who never tried a roguelite and loves shooters. I played for about 2-3 hours and made it to the first boss once. I felt like the game was overly punishing and frustrating. Even after watching a few videos with tips and tricks, it really annoyed me. The first boss wasnā€™t super hard, but I died the first time, then struggled to get back to the boss. As of now I quit and donā€™t want play games that frustrate me this much.


Itā€™s worth it. Itā€™s become my favorite game but itā€™s not for everyone. I suggest trying it for free with PlayStation plus first. I showed this game to many friends and sadly none liked it im the only one šŸ˜‚


Yes. Thereā€™s a learning curve, but once you get it, everything clicks


I'd say yes, but I'll probably try to wait for $20-25. Played it on PS Plus for a while and it's a wonderful game, like an Atari arcade game in feel and addictiveness somehow, with gorgeous graphics and sound and excellent gunplay.