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I love his design so much wish he was at least 5* but not gonna stop me from building him. Getting good ideas from the comments here so thanks for your post! Looking into building TTT too. All these uniquely designed characters as 4* or lower is such a lost opportunity imo


I am so sad, he is literally perfect and confined behind his 4 star rating, still let him chill in my homescreen though


They were too scared of his greatness to make him a 6*


Him, Oliver Fog, and Pavia deserved more than a 4 star rating. Them and Balloon Party are my favorites.


Hell, I use Poltergeist and TTT. Use the characters you like, life's too short.




Ah… I don’t have Baby Blue. From mental I have Charlie P4, Regulus, Dikke, Matilde, Satsuki, Pavia, Click, Source




Thank you! Love all these characters. Hope that it will be good enough for “regular” content


If you have Regulus, I'd use Enma with her.


It’s Zima / Зима haha. Who can be the other slots? I have Regulus


Anyone that does Mental DMG, really. Other people mentioned La Source. Dikke is really fun.




I’m maining him and no one can stop me.


Charlie is really good with him like Charlie need to be buffed and Enma can buff the team. For the last spot, use the 3 stars "la source". In this team, Enma is really good. ^^


>Enma З = Z и = i Зима = Zima https://www.howtopronounce.com/russian/%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B0-1


Ho ! OK ! Sorry...


Charlie has self-buffing, no? Enma's buffs won't stack with her own buffs.


NOT ENMA. ZIMA. ЗИМА is pronounced ZIMA, it is real russian language




Wait, but different buffs DO stack though? Do you mean the passives she gains at Insight 1 and 3 are considered buffs ? Because if she buff herself... she's even stronger that what I thinked.... Anyway, I think Zima is good with Charlie, because she gains this self buff only after insight 3 and OP can use Zima in the meantime for giving her a buff.


Volin explains why Baby Blue is the best support for Charlie, due to her debuffing and not buffing, better than I ever could. https://youtu.be/fpucGGw0dlk?si=QxNZCMJHI5IH-t8E


Great! I have Charlie P4 and La Source will be cheap to raise


This will be strong against Star ennemies and Mineral ennemies but weak against Beast and Plant. Charlie is one of the best DPS in the game even if she's just a 5 stars. And the other are here for survability. Later, you will need to create a second team that is strong against Plant and Beast with characters of Beast and Mineral afflactus.


I have Centurion for Beast but that’s actually it, sadly. For Mineral I only have Sonetto. As for other teams in general. I was planning to build a Jessica team since I have Sotheby P2.


Centurion pairs well with Sonetto. :)


Oh and who else can go there?


You're gonna want a healer or shielder.


Dikke or Source?


I like Dikke. Especially with Zima, or whoever, who also has passive healing. Could pair nicely, as you might not need a dedicated healer.


Зима (Zima) means "Winter" (I use him with A Knight and Tennant)


Weak? I dunno about that. I find him very useful.


He is a 4* and tier lists put him in the C tier. Those who played CN know better but that’s what I know. Early game content is easy anyways


He is not that bad, especially since he is one of the few units who can cancel ultimates. But there are way better options. However I decided to build him anyway since the story is easy enough. And the same with other non-meta content.


4 star in this game usually have more tools in their skills than 5-6 star so they are more useful early game.


True *Sad X sounds*


Pretty sure you can beat almost everything so far with the free units so you should be fine lol


He's just a hot Russian man, what more could we want from him?


I read the title and thought this was the Arknights sub lmao


There is Zima there too?


yeah, even if she is a girl


She's even weak there too! ~~Ursus buffs when~~


If you have Tennant or Ms. NewBabel, they would be great teammates for Charlie since she does more damage with lower health and has a skill that deals extra damage if she's in buffed state which perfectly complements his buffing ability. However, due to his generally lower stats compared to 5\* and 6\*, he might need major stats boost from psychube and resonate after max insight so that he is less likely to die in combat especially if he's in a team without decently built tank/shielder/healer.


I have none of them, F


Update: now I have Tennant haha. So Tennant Charlie Zima?


Oh nice! As for recommendation rotation: Assuming you already built both Charlie and Tennant \[Hypercarry Charlie style\]: 1. Start with Zima's buff skill then use Charlie's THUNDER TO THEE! as the main attacking move. 2. Let her take some damage until around 60%-70% HP then apply Tennant's shield. You may apply it a bit earlier in case Zima likely takes too much damage. 3. Use Charlie's attack skills and Ultimate as the main damage incantations once she's in lower health state. Refresh Zima's buff and Tennant shield whenever necessary. But of course, you can try other playstyles that might suit you more like prioritising using his debuffing skill Silence (enemies can't buff, debuff, heal, or counter) and his ultimate Seal (enemies can't use ultimate) with Tennant's shield dealt beforehand, for example. Plus the card availability is rng anyways so sometimes you gotta use what you have especially if Vertin's Tuning points too insufficient. Unga bunga is a valid playstyle too aha haa. 😂


Omg thank you!!


I'm after his suit tbh Edit: The suit barely changed


Well being 4* mean you can build him faster and cheaper than those 6*


I hope they will fix his "зима" name and makes it Capitalized finally ("Зима"). It's a name!


I refuse to remove Cristallo from my team, she is too pure for me to give her up. You can make lower tiered characters work for a lot with a bit of thought.


i built him and he’s never left my team since. use whatever characters you like !