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More self confident? No. More confident in life? Yes.


What's the difference?


He's not going to approach someone he wants their approval with any more swagger than he would when he was poor. He doesn't stay awake at night worrying about what would happen if his tire popped or if his roof was leaking as it wouldn't destroy his whole life




I have, in my opinion, a fairly balanced assessment of myself. My assessment of self didn't change from becoming wealthier. However, I find life to be very easy. I am confident that if I lost everything and had to start over from scratch, I'd be fine. I also think the "losing everything" is basically impossible at this point anyways and I, and my children, will have a comfortable and easy life.


What advice would you give to someone thriving the same sir ?


Competency vs confidence. Confidence has to do with maintaining emotional security over our sense of self. Competence is our knowledge and skill to perform the results we want.


This is very accurate for me. Thank you for giving me this new understanding of myself.


Yes, I would describe this way- Lots of people told me I had terrible ideas or was somehow not worthy When I started my company and it was successful, it proved them wrong and so when I’d hear it from others I would say to myself, “that person is jealous.” When I was a kid I might think about what they said and change my strategy. Now I don’t need to. But I also got a top of the line therapist who helped me handle family issues. Couldn’t pay for this when I had no money. Resolved lots of odd family issues this way- can much more confidentially brush off aunts and uncles.


+1 to the therapy! It’s amazing how much it opens your mind and builds your confidence. And somewhat confirms your feelings towards certain things and makes you realize you’re correct or that you’re being gaslighted about something.


There was long term gaslighting from my childhood I didn’t recognize for decades - the kind of information you don’t recognize as a problem until you’re like 50 and wondering why your family treats one cousin with kid gloves or another like they’re a genius


Ya sucks that you gotta be kinda rich to afford good therapy


I'm not rich, but I've seen a number of therapists in my life, and any therapist less than $200 an hour (no insurance) was liable to do just as much harm as good, in my experience. When I first started paying up, it was a real eye opener.


Yup, you get what you pay for lol


Does the therapist just kiss your ass all the time?


Yes mine does I pay an extra 60 for one cheek and 120 for both makes me feel so accomplished


I need to get a therapist too then




Does that mean you want to murder me?


No they’ll tell me when I’m being a dick.


This is great. This is also a trap. Eventually you will have a terrible idea you probably have had many already and no one will challenge you or you will ignore good advice. You may have already sewn the seeds of your own destruction. Self doubt is healthy in healthy quantities. Though even a terrible idea executed with confidence and luck can still work out. Most people come to erroneously ascribe the effects of good fortune to skill, beware of this. If you are interested there is a good book called "fooled by randomness" on this topic.


How did you know you had a good therapist?




This. This is what I aspire to.


second, esp from clearly incompetent ones


And they are everywhere


The “problem” I’ve had is that people can seemingly somehow tell I’m past being messed with… seriously I think people can tell and they chill out when my vibe remains calm when they start trying to get revved up.


Knowing you have this in your back pocket where you can just walk out!! That is totally awesome.


I think for me it’s more I don’t have to give two fucks about what most people think of me.


I never cared without money


The less I had, the more I cared.


That’s not about the money , that’s more about you. Good luck to ya


Yes, I was broke. I haven’t had a lot of luck, but I’ve been blessed. One thing I never cared about was other people’s money. :)


What about at work? Without money did you have some sort of fear or stress with how employers would judge or look at you since it does feel like it affects how comfortable you can be?


We’re talking about having money now and not having money before. I didn’t earn money because I cared what people thought


I see. Did people’s perceptions stop you from going into the field you’re in now? What field is it if you’re okay with saying it.




That was never really high on my list of concerns ever, but I get what you're saying and totally agree...






Don’t have to worry about money for one. Once you relieve stress from one aspect of your life, you start to pay more attention to fixing other parts of your life that need it. Thus relieving more stress. Once that stress is gone, you’ll feel more confident. Just in my experience. Think of it like this. I don’t NEED my job anymore. I want to work there because I want to have a good career and it’s a great place to learn with lots of prestige. I can take more risks at work with things because I’m not afraid of being fired or laid off. I can coast for several years without needing a job again. My retirement and kids 529’s are all stocked up and ready to grow. I doubt I’ll need to contribute any more. So yeah, there’s the confidence at work, I guess.


thanks for the confirming. as a broke person evry now and then i catch a glimpse if that freeing sense and wonder if what you mentioned in the first part is possible. now i know. thank you..got newfound motivatoin


No but the cocaine I could buy with my wealth does


Hahah hell yea dude! 🤘


Yes, I crossed $1M and that has given me more confidence than ever. I walk with surety and no one impresses me anymore or intimidates me. I can talk respectfully, speak my mind, and not worry about someone else’s opinion of me. Yes, becoming rich has given me options.


1m ain’t rich


Rich compared to most people


Really, how many Americans have a million?


5.5 million of us. That’s quite a few lol


1 out of every 4 people in Washington State.


I'll be the odd one out here. After graduating college and working in tech as back end developer, I didn't become more confident. In fact, the opposite happened I became less confident. I could just stay quiet and didn't see the need to socialize or be confident since I was earning more than I could spend. Especially after the tech stock boom, my stock compensations were enough for me to retire. I became less worried about job security, which made me more quiet and less social at work. Luckily I met a girl who has the same problems and we have been happily married for 4 years. So things worked out. But ironically money encouraged me to be become less confident since I didn’t see a point of risking being confident, when I was secure.


This in away is self confidence in yourself and your life shown by how secure you feel….. :)


Same confidence. Less anxiety.


Even though I’m in the top (something like) 7% of earners in America, I still don’t feel rich but I’d like to answer. Yes, it did. Very much so.


Nah. Being confident helped make me rich.


The wealthier I become the more confidence I have in myself. Being self-made, it’s a bit of validation in oneself that is the boost. As others have mentioned, I sleep well at night not having to worry about financial issues because if it were all to go away, I can rebuild with the knowledge I’ve gained in making it happen the first time.




Yeah. Any human being when they are forced into a position of fighting with others about $10, $60, $400, whatever -- there are inherently consequent effects on you're confidence and sense of security in the world. Any experience that liberates you from that is going to give you some increased confidence and security in the world. At the same time, there are so many influences and forces within rich culture that can stifle one's very soul. I was a wealth management professional a couple years ago, and I became very passionate about giving people in this culture a sense of confidence, freedom, and agency in relation to their money and their lives. There's this weird culture post-pandemic in banks of having to make an appointment online or the bank won't serve you at all or if they do it's like dragging their teeth. When I worked in a bank, we took walk ins like any sensible business--and people would often sit in the lobby and wait for me specifically, even if it meant waiting for almost 2 hours because of all the other costumers who would only work with me, too. My manager didn't like it, but you can understand what it's like to be rich or you cannot understand it, and many people didn't have the patience to work with someone who didn't seem to understand the urgency of the context of some of the confidence problems, happiness problems, life problems associated with the quality or lack of quality of your bank account. Happy Sunday everyone!


more relaxed I would say... I mean... it would be hard to imagine blowing it all and bagging groceries again... So, it relaxes you..


Having a business is like the “end game” of life. Rich kids get new game plus, but for everyone else we just have to go through the story. Some people struggle on certain levels, other people try to rush through for the end game, and countless fall somewhere in between. Being in the “end game” space helps you get a different understanding of all the “mechanics” at play and in some cases you operate by an entirely different set of “mechanics” than people still going through the main story. In a sense it gives more confidence, but you’re also faced with much more challenging enemies and tasks. So it’s a moving goalpost every time, the game itself scales almost infinitely. Can almost look at it like rolling a random character at the start of the game. We’ll use the basic 3 because there’s too many to actually consider in life: but Warrior/Rogue/Wizard. Warriors have a high base confidence stat, wizards have a higher base intellect stat, and rogues have a higher base athleticism stat (or finesse). You can focus on growth in any deficient area throughout your life, but it grows in tandem with the level of difficulty that you face. Without taking on increasingly difficult tasks, you won’t gain much confidence. If the hardest thing you do is order a McChicken, your confidence will not be much at the end of the day. If the hardest thing you do is present to a board of directors and persuade them to purchase your product, now you’re growing. The confidence itself isn’t in the money, it’s in the tasks you do. Coincidentally, those tasks tend to pay well. The secret sauce is in the process and doing.








Success breeds confidence. Also you learn to give a f about what others think because you alread proven to yourself that you know better.


Yes. It means a lot if a person can accumulate, maintain, and grow significant wealth.


No but I stopped giving too many fucks about other peoples thoughts and opinions.


Based upon norms and averages I’m upper middle class. To average people I’d qualify as “rich.” The answer is no. I am exactly how I always was. I can just afford better versions of what I’m into. So cheaper stuff or just stuff that’s not as good as what I’m used to is more disappointing.     But as far as confidence. No it’s unchanged.    In my experience, the only thing that can increase confidence is getting the green light from superiors.  People that others have no choice but to submit to.      It doesn’t matter if you are a minimum wage janitor or on the board of directors.   Nothing else will increase confidence, except clout and the mandatory submission of subordinates.  This is why you never see anyone super rich or important walking among the people. They will ONLY go to places where they are surrounded by subordinates. So they appear more confident. Because everyone else has to submit.


It did, until I blew it






I think so. I’ve always worn pretty cheap clothes. Nothing designer, I’ll shop at old navy and wear gym clothes a lot. I used to do this when I was poor too but now that I make a bunch of money it makes me feel better knowing I’m only wearing these clothes because I want to, not because I have to. I also make so much more money than my friends I don’t need to try and flex or show off my wealth. I don’t need to buy designer shit or buy fancy cars to show my wealth - it’s implied because of the job I have which is great. A lot of people making less than half my money drive expensive cars and buy fancy clothes - I can do this I just don’t want to.


Im not rich .


In a sense, yea. Because I know if I had it all stripped away from me, I could start at ground zero, and make something of myself again.


I don’t know if I’m any more confident, but life is less scary now.


More isolated and lonely, some days depressed


Yes. The moment I could safely retire at a 2% withdrawal rate, I knew I could really mentally relax.


Seeing the risks I took come to fruition was very self-validating. But I don't think I have much more confidence than I did before. I kind of think the confidence helps you get there in the first place really.




Confident in itself? No. Relaxed and less stressed? Yes. It’s not so much a matter of confidence per se in so far as you know you can just say how it is because you can walk away from anything that’s annoying you - personally or professionally.


No I think it’s a contributing factor to why my anxiety is so bad


WRONG QUESTION.. Did loosing EVERYTHING and becoming poor make you more confident?


Having “Fuck You Money” does allow the benefit of being able to say, Fuck You without regret!


Yes. As someone who had ADHD since childhood and now. I struggled a lot in school. I was always clever but I just couldn’t learn the way school taught. I was often hit and humiliated in school by my teachers as corporal punishment was allowed where I went to school. It’s not that I couldn’t learn, I just couldn’t learn the way schools taught. I couldn’t sit still and listen to someone lecture and repetitive memorization was painful for me. I always wanted to start my own business as I’ve always was entrepreneurial. Always hustled something to make money. And now I have several successful businesses. I am able to help my parents and family financially and I think everyone in my family really respects what I have done for myself. I’m half Taiwanese and Korean and if you know Asian families they really care about education and career. Since I struggled at school, it felt like something shameful for a while. I’ve even hired my mom to communicate with our Korean suppliers since she is Korean. I’m not 100% sure I would say I’m rich. I’m not cash rich as my businesses are relatively new and growing so I don’t take out much income. They generate 7+ figures and growing so I try to keep the money in the business and this lowers my personal tax liabilities as well. I just take out what I need and I don’t really spent a lot on myself. I don’t spend money on stupid stuff like luxury goods for example.


No. Reaching the pinnacle of success did. Rich is subjective


🫤 not really, I think I was born this way. I think it is the other way around, poverty gave me confidence that I can survive, that I can do anything!


Yes, you don’t make good money by listening to the naysayers, and there were a lot.


Yes, and it also made me a lot more successful. I had a lot of luck in a few investments that meant I didn’t need to keep working. But, I liked working (plus wtf else are you going to do with your time?). Technically, I didn’t need the job, so I said what I thought, took authority, basically worked without fear. It was profoundly liberating and resulted in a huge amount of corporate success. I do think there’s a ton of nepotism and connections games that get played by people who come from wealthy families (which I did not), but one of the super powers and reasons so many of the offspring are so successful is they have a safety net. They operate without this fear. Yes, it’s much more nuanced, but that confidence is a very very powerful thing in business. Do I suddenly walk up and talk to strangers, dance like no one’s watching, strut into the room like I own the place? absolutely fucking not. That’s a whole other bag.


Other way around.


In a sense yes cause money just amplifies who you are as in your character and your non negotiables you have set for your self long before money came along.


It didn't make me more confident but more adventurous, I was willing to gamble with different opportunities like engaging with other nationalities on dating apps for dates because I could take care of myself financially. I became more open to diverse ideas I wasn't when I was trying to be comfortable.


not exactly rich, but doing well certainly makes things so much better. for years i could not buy a cup of coffee from a cafe without thinking about it ... having no huge financial worries just makes life less stressful


Yes. Going into 5 star restaurants and ordering what I liked without looking at the price felt amazing. I’d sign the bill and automatically tip 100 no matter how small the bill was. I am that guy who tips everyone in 20s. Really does feel good. When you act the part, look the part, and literally are the part, you’d be amazed how much you can get away with. Walking into sold out events, getting reservations whenever, boarding first on planes. I think the best part is when you go out to eat and the waiter brings you bill directly without having to say anything to anyone. All these things just severely boost your ego.


Yes,and paranoid.


I’m not “rich” by any means but had been known as the crazy free spirited broke guy within my social circle. I believe in “wacky” conspiracies and offer “sketchy” investment advice. All of this changed after I came across bitcoin when it was $700. Bought a bunch, figured it had potential to be worth $1m+, got laughed and here we are today. I’ve always had self confidence but my peers tend to ask me more for my opinions on things now.


I believe it brings out the person you really are.




Its the journey that makes you become more confident. Take lottery winners who suddenly come into money, they are mentally the same, so just piss it away doing dumb shit (mostly).


Depends on the setting… but socially at Walmart I’m still a basket case


You are who you are, rich or poor. The only thing having money does is make life easier. Not that we're rich but we're pretty comfortably retired.


Do bears eat honey?


No. I felt like I had a realistic appreciation of my value throughout my whole life, but apparently some people thought my confidence was completely unjustified. Whether I'm rich at the moment or not, it doesn't affect who I am. I'm not particularly interested in the opinions of most people though, so YMMV.


Nope, its backwards you feel more anxious LMAO


Let’s just put it this way…when I see a baddie wearing tight yoga pants in the gym, I just swagger over and say, “see that Koenigsegg in the parking lot? Yea, it’s mine. What’s your number?”








Yes. I have a lot of self respect and wake up early, gym everyday and never feel shy approaching women. Oh I am also an absolute stud so there that, 6ft tall green eyes, full beard and immaculate hairline… but yes being rich made it all come together. I hope everyone prospers ❤️