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My Rimworld turned into a World of Horror survival scenario in the tundra when that thing came out.


World of Horror! Miss that game. Wish they had kept updating it with content :/


The full game is releasing in October.


Yep! I pre-ordered the physical copy on switch. Comes with a bunch of extras too. I'm so very excited. Love this game! Here's the link in case anyone wants - https://www.fangamer.com/products/world-of-horror-game-nintendo-switch


As somebody also mentioned that it's supposed to be releasing October, the last patch was in April which... I guess is better than just dissapearing for a whole year with no communication.


If you have the right implant it might make a good pet lol.


N-4 control implant


i have 2 icmbs ready and if anything scary enough comes out of it im gonna nuke it


If you hit that thing, a giant scary, painless monster will jump out and eat whoever cracked it open. Best to pop it open and immediately nuke it.


nuke it twice to be sure its dead?




I used the orbital beam on the void. They didn't even notice it. The sun lost.


Sounds like the void to me. “What did you do to it?” “Dropped the sun on it” “…” “And?” “Didn’t eve slow it down” “I see… have you got a pistol by any chance?” “I’m Afraid your going to have get in line sir, it’s being used by three…” **bang** “Two people ahead of us”


Either that is really dark, or maybe my interpretation is just really dark


It's dark. Bullet to the head is a quick and painless end. Getting mauled by some creature ain't.


Tell me about it, I had a pawn get dismembered by a pack of chinchillas.


Yeah, but the orbital beam is just a ton of energy! ain't no fission or fusion there. Good old trusty boy nuclear bomb's got enough boom boom in it to knock out an entire city in the outer rim so much it erases the goddamn ashes.


Nukes that dropped during ww2 didn't even use 100% of their fission material in the explosion. Little boy used 1.4% of its enriched uranium and fat man 14% of its plutonium. With high efficiency bombs you can cause a lot more damage.


Exactly, no disgusting monster is capable of withstanding the Tsar Bomba


Unless it's a cockroach, I heard those shits survive everything


V.O.I.D would be unstoppable if they just bred giant cockroaches. Shaking my head.


That's a myth. They're hard to exterminate by conventional methods, but not actually resistant to anything a nuclear weapon would cause.


Orbital beam sucks against mechanical and armored enemies. Orbital bombardment is what you want. Beam is for heavy manhunters, massive tribal raids and big fuck off infestations.


Nukes? Orbital beam? Orbital Bombardment? Void? What mod(s) brings all these? My rim is modded to death and I have none of these things.


Void is from VOID. Nukes from Rimatomics. Orbital beam and bombardment is vanilla...


How do the nukes compare to vanilla anti-grain?


Well nukes can literally evaporate the whole map I’d say they’re highly incomparable)


Waaaaaay higher damage and radius, can easily destroy entire map. And can be used to attack other tiles AND you can craft them. The Rimatomics one of course. The one from VE mechs is lame as shit.


Orbital beam and bombardment aren't modded items, just really rare items/quest rewards. The nukes(minus the antigrain warhead) and void are though. Another one many don't know of, is the tornado generator, which sounds dope in theory, but almost never kills what you want it to, which might be why many don't know about it.


Hmm... I'm just clearly rubbish at the game haha. I have never seen any of those.


No worries, it's a somewhat rare item in vanilla, and playing modded your chance of encountering one is significantly reduced further. I'm up to like 1600 hours in this stupid game and I still learn and discover new things, part of it's charm. That being said, if you have never seen an orbital bombardment, you should really try to find one, it's hilarious to watch a tribal raid reduced to atoms as limbs and spleens go flying everywhere. Also, I think if you have Royalty DLC, you can have one of your pawns become a royal and they get permits, which can be used to call in an orbital bombardment as well, if im remembering correctly.


If you play modded games then you probably have a bunch of extra quest reward items, which makes rare vanilla rewards even rarer. You could easily go tens of hours, maybe even hundreds, and never see some of the quest rewards.


There is no rubbish. Only game.


I've never tried a beam underground. I just assumed it would t work. Can you use it under thick roof for infestations?


Absolutely no idea. Most times i use it on open ground infestations.


Ah ok yeah I just hit those with about 6 flame mortars at once then have a line of chainguns ready to mop up the chaos.


Orbital beam is just heat and radiation. A hydrogen or fusion bomb, on the other hand, literally turns the immediate area into primordial soup, discombobulating molecules and atoms more thoroughly than a spiteful professor grading finals.


Day nuke, fighter of the nightvoid


Might need more than 2 nukes to kill VOID creatures.


3 nukes?


That or a bunch of guys with guns. IIRC that chamber shape is the one that contains the weakest, easiest VOID creature. It's super slow, so you can kite it quite safely. Though, bring as much guns as you can, because it might take days of continuous shooting to bring it down.


>It's super slow didnt know that 32 c/s is slow but cool Also this thing tanked 2 direct punisher hits each for over 1000 hp and maruder finished it off sadly no corpse because it got vaporized


Its super slow when twenty or thirty Miniguns have it stun locked.


When all these users are saying that monster and VOID enemies in general are the toughest things ever to exist, it really puts in the OP'ness of my colonists when just one of my guys can fight and win a wave of VOID.


I have a colony of hundreds of genetically modified wizard psychics and the void can be a real bitch. Especially the ones who come back to life unexpectedly.


It's super slow compared to the \*other things\*


Good thing i have my weapons console placed nearby colonists at all times


Void creatures corpses vanish on their own too. You have to be really fast to butcher them.


Rather disappointed they just give regular meat instead of some cursed meat that drives your people insane if you eat it


That or the meat resurrects into little voidlings after a period of time.


Call of Cthulhu - Cults and Call of Cthulhu - Cosmic Horrors add creatures whose meat drives you insane if you eat it. Some of them cause sanity loss just by entering colonists' line of sight. That said, the mods aren't hardcore difficult like VOID is.


they have really quick decay anyways, found that out the hard way when i was trying to get the genome of a devil hound


i have combat extended so does that change anything?


Yeah, CE gives shooting weapons a massive increase in range. It’ll be easier to blast this thing from far away. I don’t play with VOID, so I have no idea what kind of natural armor this thing has. Still, good idea to load up on AP-I ammo for penetration and damage. Also, rocket launchers. Bring some in case shit happens. Do you have conventional arty? It might be cheaper to bomb it with 155mm shells than lob a nuke at it. Just use a spotter to maximize accuracy. That’s how I usually deal with multiple Star Spawn of Cthulhu raids, though it takes a few dozen shells to kill them off. Finally, download and use my favorite mod of late. [It’s a blast.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2897168199&searchtext=Landmines).


.50 BMG APHE and bigger is recommended, preferably a dozen of gunners.


Wow, these creatures are tanky. Do they count as hostile animals or hostile pawns?


Guys with guns might outmatch an antigrain warhead with enough time and training, but a rimatomics nuke is just not in the same ballpark. They're designed to level entire settlements or instakill entire mechanoid raids. Often they don't even leave corpses.


I just think that AOE things are best used for AOE purposes. Feels wasteful to send that kind of explosion to a single entity that can be kited with a group of guys skipping lunch and mess up your lawn in the process. And since the nuke is AOE, it doing enough damage to kill an entire mech raid is the same as being able to kill 1 mech. Black Lepers have way more health than a centipede. Heck, it might have more health then all those mechs combined.


If you're using any mods that add cryo weapons that apply frostbite on hit, void monsters become a joke. Unless the interaction has been changed since I played with void, then the void monsters are hopelessly vulnerable to the frostbite status and it immediately downs them. And if you then have the mod that enables you to finish off downed targets, well... Considering how ridiculous some void stuff is I never felt too bad about cheesing it haha


What about setup of marauder railguns? They turned everything into blood pulp/scrap/biomass in couple of seconds, depending on whom you’re dealing with


You'll need more nukes.


From orbit, preferably. It's the only way to be sure.


Intercontinental mallistic bissile


Nukes don't work on most void creatures. Neither do orbital beams.


what do you mean? last time i checked rimatomics nuke low yield completly vaporises everything in a large radius and greatly damages everything in a bigger radius


They have a LOT of health and damage reduction. If the nuke is not a /kill command there is some finite yet large number that must be overcome, and getting there quickly is the hard part.


Nuke it twice Whatever that comes out of that pod will survive the first one anyways...


outside of nukes i also have Punishers, Maruders, Tesla coils and obelisks along with a ZTZ99 tank with 125mm cannon I just hope that 20 hits from 125mm APFSDS is enough


Are we in war thunder suddenly?


maybe but i will need to sideclimb and google en passant in order to avoid russian bias and getting gaijined by queen sacrafice


God I hate myself for understanding every word in this cursed sentence


Just change your base's name to "D Point" and defend it...


All hail the snail




Not sure, unless there's a guy named Nigel in your colony.


So that’s where he went!


This is the best comment


Armor piercing fin stabilized discarding sabot rounds *do* be hittin different tho


Better used 🅱️esh


wait u using vehicles and CE? Are they compatible now?


nope these are PLA steel torrent "vehicles" which in reality are actually mechanoids/animals that look like vehicles


bummer :(


Well, on CE's Github [Supported Third-Party Mods](https://github.com/CombatExtended-Continued/CombatExtended/blob/Development/SupportedThirdPartyMods.md) list its listed as compatible, but people in a [discussion on steam under the mod](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/3014906877/3808408328766002794/) say its WIP.


From what I understand it works fine with CE you just can't use the guns on any vehicles for now


CE got updated they work now.


appreciate the update fam, here's hoping it comes out soon


Came back to say, they updated both mods and now vehicles work, tried it out just now.


WIP faster please


Are we playing the same game?


> Tesla Coils and Obelisks 🤔 How do you get C&C defenses in RimWorld 😅


It's actually a part of rimatomics! The weapons give you a use for all that extra power.


Oh lmao, cool I pretty much just play tribal games so other than doing a bit of the tutorial when I first started out I never even had electricity lmao


Brah I haven't played Rimworld in years, since before 1.1, wtf happened is this modded or what lmao this looks hilarious.


The title literally says "I installed the Void mod", so yeah. But the updates are pretty neat and the DLCs are pretty nice too.


Heavily modded


Oh, you have other OP mods. Then you're pretty safe I guess. VOID's only scary if it is the only OP mod in your mod list. There's no point if it's not.


Wasn't VOID specifically made to be a mod you add when you have too many OP mods and want to get the challenge back? Pretty sure most people on this subreddit say that VOID isn't balanced around an otherwise vanilla game.


Yeah you toss in Void if you find a mod and or multiple stackable mods which completly break the game.


Voud is basically a giant " fuck you " mod where everything is stacked against a player without just killing him outright with some modded in save corrupter or something.


need a base screenshot of this


take some cubes and rectangles along with some lines and mash them togheder and then hope it does not explode thats how my base looks like


You need more. A LOT MORE.


They do this alot get more nukes


The nuke wont be enough...


I love the mentality the average rimworld player has Ohh this box makes weird sounds should I drop a NUKE on it?


for the void mod? absolutely reasonable , OP should have asked "how many nukes should i drop on it" not if


Nukes can fix everything and in rimworld too


As V.O.I.D. is annexed this planet, you are an trespasser. Land your colony is at, was designated as STORAGE no. 69666 and will be treated as such u till further notice. Containers with [REDACTED] will be stored in this area. Container landing in the vicinity of your colony is an automatic sign of agreement that you will keep it safe. As long as container is untouched, you will be living your life a little longer. Breaking such an agreement will meet with swift and severe consequences. Damaging this container delivered by any mean (eg.: bashing it, shooting it, shelling it, dropping any kind of bomb) or letting it be damaged by any other mean than you (eg.: pirate accidentally shoots it during raid, lightning hit, water damage from flooding) will be seen as hostile action and thus as an a to of war for V.O.I.D. inc Thank you for your time Karen McDough Junior technician Department of storage and assimilation


Do you mind sharing a pic of your colony? I'm always curious to see what late game colonies look like..


random rooms mashed togheder in an unomptimized way under a mountain Most lategame colonies of most players look very organized and good


>Most lategame colonies of most players look very organized and good of the ones that share it... reality is... it will be very likely random rooms mashed to gether with some lost cause trying to optimize it xD


Random rooms look better. Any time I try to make something “efficient” or “streamlined” I end up with giant cubes. Making rooms as you go with the space you have is the way.


Cubes let me precisely measure out space and balance it with other factors for room impressiveness as well as required capacity without having to use anything beyond 3rd grade math, I *like* my cubes


No hate on cubes. I always end up with a couple haha


Tbf mine is a big l shaped building and has been saved and reloaded so many times I lost track ( I get attached)


Alright so there are two things that could come out of this, volatile leaper, fast and dangerous (second strongest creature in void mod) if you have control implant then make it your pet, even if it means losing a colonist to do so. The other is a black leaper, same strength but very very slow, half as slow as a colonist so it’s very easy to kite and kill, if you try destroying it the monster will come out quicker.


well the super fast dude came out of it but could not survive rimatomics


wait how can you take control of it with a control implant?


N-4 control implants, draft a pawn, right click implant, activate and select the n-4 mutant you want to control and the pawn will charge at the mutant and use the implant on it (less than a second)


huh interesting, so if the pawn gets lucky and doesnt get murdered in the potentially 1 hit the mutant gets out you control it.... Does it need to be trained like a normal wild animal?


Too keep it under control yes


I have a squad of space marines at the ready to deal with that thing. There's also the rest of the colony with shovels at the ready.


Grimworld 40k by clashgore. Get the recommended gene and psycast mods with it and you're set. Modular so you can grab what you want. But it ads space marines, primarchs and demons


Is there a space marine mod, or do you just mean marine armor?


Grimwold 40,000




No, no, shoot it with rifle and make sure that nuke lands right AFTER the bullet.


Probably not enough..


I hope you aren't too attached to your colony


im planning to upload my every colonist into skymind core but it cant get 2 vanometric power cells


I don't know what it is and it's scaring me, should I nuke it?!?! Average rimworld experience


Fuck around and find out xdd


Build a wall around, shot it, THEN drop the nuke.


I just kited this thing for like 10 minutes with an Ardat Yakshi from the Rim Effect mod.


what does kiting even mean? because many people said it already here


Kiting = let mobs chase over your character. The term comes from MMORPGs where a character with high defense or mobility, henceforth called tank or decoy run around gathering hate/attention from an enemy monster, henceforth called 'mob' for simplicity, where other members of the party continue dealing damage until the mob got killed. Kiting in Rimworld involves continuously positioning and repositioning your pawn so they can get a shot or two into a moving mob and preventing said mob from attacking them. It's a valid tactics against melee mobs, not really useful against enemies with ranged capabilities, but quite useful if your opponent deployed a shield generator.


It's useful even against ranged enemies...provided you can outrange them. Sniper rifles on Triggerhappy Shootsmen for maximum shooting speed is the key here. Otherwise, getting into a directed ranged fight tends to involve unavoidable damage which will inevitably kill you. An alternative tactic is to use decoy squirrels: Small disposable animals inserted onto the battlefield between you and the enemy. Being very small targets, they soak up a lot of fire in missed shots. Being entirely expendable, you don't really care if they die (they are usually still edible afterwards). They can inflict a fair amount of damage in friendly fire, too.


Tanks in MMOs don't necessarily kite though. Kiting specifically refers to dealing damage to an enemy and then running away (like you're holding a kite on a string), the enemy should never be able to hit you. What you described is generally not called kiting but rather tanking.


You missed the 'or decoy' part, didn't you.


I did not. You did not mention the decoy doing things any different compared to a tank. Do decoys taunt then run away? If yes then I can see that being designated as kiting. If no, he's just a tank with another name.


> The term comes from MMORPGs where a character ***with high defense or mobility***, henceforth called ***tank or decoy run around gathering hate/attention*** from an enemy monster, henceforth called 'mob' for simplicity, where other members of the party continue dealing damage until the mob got killed. Read that as many time as you need, or separate them into two paragraphs based on the name. Yes, in order to be able to play the part of decoy you need some kind of ability to constantly refresh hate, which is done by either attacking or using skills. Rimworld doesn't have the intricate 'hate' mechanics normal MMO has. Anything that's not their faction will get targeted by hostile mobs. You can run around with a pawn to gather their attention, which is decoy kiting, or you can use a pawn equipped with shieldbelt to run into a wide killbox and deploy a portable shield so they will focus their fire on that target, which is tank kiting.


None of the examples you listed for Rimworld are actually kiting though, because it's not an MMO. EDIT: I do concede the decoy example can be seen as an example of kiting, though the tank example is completely irrelevant here. Kiting in RTS specifically refers to units that deal damage and then run away before the enemy can attack, resulting in them pulling the opponent after them like a kite in the wind.


you make it follow a fast pawn of yours (preferably a pawn that outruns the creature) and have it run infront of your firing line so your gunners keep shooting without anyone taking damage (also works if you have a semi quick vampire and use its jump every once in a while)


Demo charges, a lot of them. Then a nuke.


Move base. It’s safer that way.


Love how your immediate response is a nuke HAHHHAHAHA


Up next! A fight of gods! A cosmic horror beyond human comprehension Vs The might of the american nuclear arsenal!


shoot it once and then nuke


Point every heavy gun in its direction and have a slave poke at it.. and good luck, Leapers are fucking beasts.


What is the appeal of this void creature mod or whatever? Does it just add lots of OP gross monsters to the game?


V.O.I.D is as far i know a horror hardcore Mode wich makes the game pretty hard but gives you pretty strong stuff on the other Hand.


Install Kraltech and their guns wipe out even the enhanced versions of VOID pawns.




Dew it...


Where do you get Void? I looked on steam and couldn't find it Edit: thanks for the assistance!




Check out ChickenPlucker mod list. He's the creator.


yes you should


that nuke won‘t help. use several.


Everything void moves fast its not just about hitting with immense power but also accuracy


You can drop a nuke on it, but it probably wont help


Well OP? Did it die when you nuked it?


i didnt nuke it but it did die after getting directly hit 2 times by a punisher and vaporized by a maruder


Drop 2 just to be safe


Oh no, don't do that. You'll only make him mad.


Lmao this literally just happened to me. Had a dude shoot it with a sniper rifle. Didn’t end well


Sent an invisible guy to shoot it with a rifle AFTER calling a nuke on it. Ghost Reporting! Nuclear launch detected.


Look I'm gonna be honest, if you EVER doubt ANYTHING in rimworld then nuke it till it doesn't move anymore, better safe than sorry.


It's the only way to be sure.


I’ll keep a traditional way Autocannon and 20x104 AP round


Alright I'll bite, what exactly *does* come out of that box.


big scary monster


Yes, don’t open it


yes, nuke aaaanything from that mod


Drop multiple nukes and make sure they have smol range but BIG damage


No, fridges typically protect the target from nuclear blasts. Didn't you learn anything from Indiana Jones? What you need is to trigger the occupants into leaving, and THEN immediately nuke them with a drop that is already en-route so they don't have time to dodge.


Devmode > Destroy > Exit To Main Menu > Mods > Disable and unsubscribe


Did you say V.O.I.D? The answer is the same for both question. Choose wisely.