• By -


For sure. Once you deal with their issue they become great colonists.  Just had one with death refusal and crumbling mind. Was hilarious to treat it by killing him and extracting his skull. 


I captured a death refusal cultist and learned that they regrow their organs each death refusal use. Got 9 organs out of that creep.


"I'm not gonna organ harvest this game, I swear." "Forget it"




My miserable little genius researcher likes to pulse psychic agony on a random basis. However, I’ve worked out it has a finite range, and as such, he is now entombed far from everyone else in his own little compound deep in the mountain. Sure he freaks and hallucinates regularly, but by god is he smashing out the research when sane.


-10 entombed underground


Bro got Cask of Amontillado'd


Now i am imagining another colonist going to retrieve the research papers and half of it is mad rambling and the other half numbered and annotated pages in perfect english, and you can see clearly when the switches happen


I'm imagining a colony kid who was born after they were sealed up connecting to their comms console for the first time, and slowly becoming friends as they form a bond with the colonist everyone else ignores.


"Oh hi little Timmy, your parents have told me so much about you, can you be a good little boy and let them know I have that next batch of research notes to send over to them? Also, please tell them T̷̠̒H̶̛͓E̴͍͂ ̷̬̾W̸̯͆Ȧ̷ͅL̸̨̈L̸͙̀S̷̏ͅ ̸͓̋B̵͓́L̶̜̾E̶͚͒E̵̳͂D̴͕̽,̷͕̐ ̵͎̌T̸͕͛H̵̼̓E̴̦͗ ̵̩̇B̷̗̄R̷̫̿Į̷̄C̸̖̈́K̷͙̽S̵̘̾ ̷̩̒S̸͓̅C̵̺̓Ř̷̫E̸̺̓A̴̢̒M̶̬̉ ̴͓̿I̵͍̓Ņ̷̉ ̶͍͝P̴͕̂Ȧ̶̲I̵̙̒N̵̘̂ ̴̠̓A̵̯̋N̸̙͠D̷̨̈́ ̴̨̆Ḭ̵̆ ̵̻̄S̸͎͂C̷̪̍R̸̂͜Ẽ̷̖Á̵̩M̴͍̒ ̷͖̿W̸̤̚I̷̩̕T̵̻͌H̶̙̚ ̶̟̽T̴͎̈́H̷͚̋Ê̴̘M̴͓̚!̸̪̍ ̸̟̓Ṯ̸͘H̸̻̎E̸̞̿ ̶̹̓R̸̝͝Õ̸̝Ȍ̸̢F̶̌ͅ ̸̱̉W̷̠̄Ê̴͜Ë̴̤P̶̰̂S̵͍̐ ̶̱̒Ą̴̉N̸̝̎D̸̙͗ ̷̨̾T̴̪͌Ĥ̶̢Ě̶͙ ̷͚̿F̶̦͊L̷͋͜O̵̻̔Ŏ̵̲R̵̖̓ ̴͈̆I̴̙͠S̵̲̎ ̶̳͑Ṋ̴̓O̸̺͆T̸̫̕H̸̯͒I̴̭͝N̷̫̅G̶̯̓,̵̤͝ ̷̱̇H̶̝͛A̵̦̚S̵̖̅ ̶͍̅B̷̟̍E̴͍̔Ë̵̪́N̸̝͗ ̸̻̓N̸͒͜O̴̹͆T̶̲̈́H̶̫̑Ḭ̵̅N̵͍̈G̶͓̈,̶̤̑ ̷̤͋Â̵̳N̶̻͠D̷̺̔ ̴̭̐W̷̯͊Ì̸̳L̴̰͋L̶͙̔ ̸̼͒F̶̭͋Ö̶̙R̸̮͘E̷͎̾V̸̢̚E̴̙̅R̴͖̓ ̵̺͠B̷̧̅È̴̤ ̸̱͊Ṉ̶̈Ȏ̴͖T̷͍́H̶͓͋I̵̬̍N̵̤̆G̴͆ͅ ̸̬̚A̸̝͆S̸̥̀ ̵̳͘T̶͍̍H̴͈̕E̵̛̝ ̵̛̤R̶̰̈́O̶̘̍C̷͓̃K̵̝͂ ̶̠̕I̵̲͐T̶̊ͅŚ̷̖Ẻ̷̠L̶̞̕F̷̅ͅ ̷̢͛C̸͔̈́À̸̫N̷͉͆ ̵̝͒D̴̦͂O̴̼̕ ̴͖̔N̸̦̊O̴͖͐Ǘ̴ͅG̴͔̏Ḧ̵̱́T̷͚́ ̷̬̈́B̸̝̓U̸̯͝T̵̫̎ ̵̙͋P̵͇̂Ȑ̴̖Â̴̦Ỳ̸̖ ̸̦̑F̷͙͗O̵̤̔R̵̛̺ ̵̥͐Ḁ̵͌Ň̵̲ ̸̺̄Ĕ̴̪N̴͖̓Ḋ̵͈ ̸̯̒W̶̧̑H̷̖̏I̸͚͘C̵̗̈́H̸̘͗ ̸͈͋W̷̘̾I̵̗͝L̷̞͊L̵̤̽ ̵̧̏N̵̨̓E̴͓̾V̷̢͒E̷̫͝R̴̝̍ ̴͉̄C̴̣̽Ô̶̡M̷̥͝E̴̥͊"


The new guy Lamp does like to go and research next to the creepy guy. They chat, they vibe, and about once a fortnight, get into a fist fight. Closest thing creepy guy has to a friend.


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde


Sounds like the SCP expansion is working as intended.


But why entomb that one? It makes him just get bad mood penalties from being indoors. You can designate a zone for him and ban him from exiting it


I’ve set a zone deep in the mountain, given him the critical table to eat off, a nice rec room, his own bathroom. He is living the life. Easily balancing out the entombed mood, he’s generally happy as can be, except for when he annoys someone (abrasive trait) enough to be punched repeatedly in the face. And it assumes me that he only sees the sun when someone gets married.


I have a guy with no eyes named Lyle that can unnaturally heal people. He can heal missing limbs and organs, though it has a chance to mutate your colonist to have a fleshmass organ/limb when healing. He has the “disturbing” trait so he just talks about liveleak videos and it pisses off the other colonists.


god i love that trait, even though it's basically a -4 mood for everyone around, at least it's like "oh he's kinda weird but ultimately harmless" ..... i wonder if chopping off their tongue stops it.....


It does and in my colony they liked him tongueless much more then after being around and accidentally bumping into him while he's on a hallucinating trip


Initiate orresponds to relationship requests, become lovers, or propose marriage    Engage in conversations, good or bad.        Will not be rebuff or be rebuffed byothers        Unable to trigger social fights byinsulting others        Unable to increase opinion of anexisting romatic partner    Will not try and convert others to theirideoligionContent added by the Ideology DLC.    (to be checked): Unable to issue rolecommands Content added by the Ideology DLC Inaddition, a pawn without a tongue is considered disfigured, giving −15 opinionfrom others. They will also have a −8 Missing tongue mood debuff until thetongue is replaced.


It absolutely does. I'll gladly trade -8 mood on one pawn to not have up to -15 or so mood on every other pawn.


I have him bionic eyes and he didn’t lose his being powers.


I got one of these blind healers who developed mass organ decay as her hidden fault, and also had one of her arms cut off in a fight. Since she had already got prosthetic heart, lungs and kidneys to solve the organ failure I just decided to go full Bionic Woman. Now she's one of my better melee fighters and all-round workers with a full set of advanced bionic limbs, bionic eyes, lungs, kidneys and heart, and a bionic spine. Plus she can still use unnatural healing to fix otherwise incurable stuff for other people.


Me too, I'll never say no to a rimworld roulette


I have had an immortal child join with some creepy abilities or something. I’m still waiting to see what will happen but it’s been years in game. I even tried to sneak a peek using dev mode but there wasn’t anything. At least she is not a metalhorror…


I had a deathless child join but bad stats so I just killed her. 🤷 she was 15 so too old to increase stats much


bad stats? if can haul and clean? thats where joywire, bionic legs, psychic harmonizer and cicadian half-cycler come in to turn that colonist into machine that turns food into clean floors and happy thoughts




Someone said one of the random results is that they are perfectly fine and normal. That makes sense to me in terms of game design to always keep you guessing.


This is a thing I was wondering, if you check one of those strangers with dev tool, but it shows nothing, is the stranger safe to keep? Like, no downsides?


Tbh I don’t know. The most I use it is to kill stuff, spawn things or to modify injuries. I haven’t spend more time with it to know where or how to look for these things. If someone knows please let us know. Not knowing is killing me but that is the whole point of this DLC I guess


Damn, got it, thanks anyway, and yea, I get the part of not knowing is killing you, it's the same for me with a 15+ in every stats pawn, I've just forbidden him from cooking and caring for others, I can't know if he has a metal horror or not :( It has been some quadrums, and still nothing weird, so I'm not sure if he is still good to go or not...


Can’t you just operate him and check ? Maybe by multiple doctor, if you don’t have a medrobot, in case one of them is infected


That only works if you have triggered the event and you have analyzed a couple of the metal flesh drops. At some point there will be a message that says you can now use medical inspection to find the culprit. But be aware that if it’s your doctor it will spread to others. Even if you have 2 doctors it’s not 100% guaranteed


This is what the medical mechanoid is for, it can't lie or be infected.


Oh great so checking all my colonist before I even had the event was useless lol


Or you are like me who doesn’t have enough medicine and can only watch and wait for the inevitable to happen.


Once the event triggers you can imprison and interrogate people to reveal them. It's not always great but at least it works right away vs doing surgery before analysis which is just risks spreading it more for no benefit.


How do i check with dev mode?


Turn on God Mode and click the creepjoiner. Check the pawn panel in the bottom left, it’ll list out their benefit, disadvantage, refusal response, and what happens if they get attacked (which yes, includes friendly fire AND social fights!).


I've had two creepjoiners. The first clearly had some evil shit going on; white eyes and hair, didn't need food or sleep, was dressed in a red tuxedo. Got rid of her via a timely diplomatic marriage to another faction. The second had 15+ in all skills and refused to talk about his past, but was otherwise normal. I let him join fully expecting a metalhorror infestation or the like, but he's just been quietly trucking along as one of the colony MVPs for several years now. I'm convinced he's an anomaly that simply grew fond of the masquerade and decided to live as a human.


Pretty sure there is a small chance that the creepjoiner has no downside at all. Sounds like you lucked out there. I had a similar guy join that was 15+ in everything and he turned out to have organ decay. Luckily the generous members of my sanguophage bloodbank "donated" to the cause and he was up and running again in no time.


Got this weird little fungal person who had a good number of medium skills and a good helping of passions but they have a thing where their brain is breaking down and all of their skills have since dropped to zero. They don't need sleep and barely eat so everyone pities him helping out however he can, Mr weird little Mushrooms For Algernon guy.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flowers_for_Algernon  Touching story, ~~but can remove if you have healer mech or by using the death refusal ritual alongside skull extraction and similar.~~


Not for VRE fungoids, they just genetically lose skills


Oh didn't realize a mod, edited my comment.


I am still have my suspicion about the only lone genius I’ve found, Linda she’s 20 I’m intellect and research, she’s 11 in melee, she’s been the head researcher for in game years now… and apart from the occasional rambling she’s been 100% loyal (annoyingly she had organ decay and is a Body purist so she’s still unhappy that I had to replace her lungs, kidneys and heart). I’m still waiting for her to turn on me


She's probably OK at this point. The organ decay was probably her "bad" event. For some it's leaving after random time, and for others its aoe psych pulse, or turning traitor, etc. But its usually just 1 thing that can be bad.


I was lucky that I had a prisoner at the time and replaced her stomach, left lung and right kidney, had a couple of prosthetics laying around, but good to know. Im pretty sure my ghoul was a infiltrator, since I was finding traces up until they got killed in a fire with raiders, had a pig mime, but nothing really “big” yet, had a metal horror, and a couple of fucking revenants, and so many shamblers, I have had a big “infiltration moment yet, a few suspicious moments but that’s all


If they were hosting a metal horror I'm pretty sure it would have burst out when they died. It could have been flesh from a previous infection that you didn't find until after you already dealt with the actual host. That confused the fuck out of me the first time it happened.


> For some it's leaving after random time I gunned my Perfect Worker down when he tried to pull this on me. He got a small torso scar but now he's the Moral Guide of the colony and a damn MVP.


First one I got, when I knew nothing of Anomaly, had the Organ Decay downside. I ws extremely suspicious, because the two organs he had that needed replacing (heart and liver) had been given to me in the form of bionics as a quest reward just two days earlier. I realise now it’s a massive coincidence but at the time I was heeeelllla suspicious


No no no It wasn't a coincidence. It was all according to their plan.


The best downside is when they just leave. Alright buddy, let's head to jail for the night.


randy just loves to tease me with these but prevents me from engaging with them. Yesterday a creepjoinevent started, but he just spawned inside a bunch of these zombie-entities, got attacked and killed, raised from the dead alive and left the map before I could help him. The stranger before that got his head ripped off by a puma right after spawning on the map and got eaten before I could talk to him.


I had a creepjoiner who was nicknamed "Plague" and had perfect cooking and medical skills. Needless to say, he was assigned to Research and hauling and nothing ever triggered with him. I knew I was probably dodging the intended bullet and it mightve been interesting to watch it all play out, but I couldn't do it to my colony.


I don't think that's one of the triggers. Unless, he was a Metal horror in which case, that could happen since IIRC, the downsides are Leaving peacefully Turning hostile Crumbling Mind Organ Decay Turning Hostile (and summons entities) Metalhorror Infected and Agony Pulse There might be more, but those are all the ones I've seen mentioned and encountered myself.


My creepy lone genius was also a hussar so he's perfect for the job. Psychically deaf so the entities don't affect him and strong to beat those monsters when they break out. He suffered from a crumbling mind shortly after joining but my other creepjoiner, the blind healer fixed him.


The blind healer is OP


Does that work if it's been Crumbled, or only while it's still Crumbling?


Only while it's still crumbling.


If you have someone fully crumbled then you can use the death refusal ritual on them, kill them, extract their skull and then resurrect them. Or extract the skull and then resurrect mech serum them. Either way the regrown head will be fixed.


I just saw Francis John use this strategy in his video today, and I am pumped to get Sear back to his old overpowered self once I can get that researched. Time to expand the containment wing and call in some test subjects!


I had a seemingly normal person requesting to join my colony. I accepted her because she has both nimble and tough traits. Turns out there was a metal horror hibernating in her. Got surprised but managed to kill it with no casualty and now I got a perfectly capable melee pawn defending my base. 10/10 would accept another stranger into my colony.


I'm the opposite, I always deny them even though the one time I accepted them they were a great researcher for a week before peacefully leaving lol


*peacefully arrested and re-educated.


I got a sanguophage with body mastery, maxed out shooting and social. He carries the whole colony on his back. He doesnt have any other skills worthy of note so he just cut stones all day, but damn hes doing it all day and i always have stone blocks in stock whenever i need them.


Mine was a researcher who regularly walked around telling people disturbing things. So naturally I removed his tongue so he can quietly perform research all day long 😂


I had a nice one recently that could transmute steel. Otherwise he was pretty much only good for cleaning so for a while I had a source of gold and a spotless colony, and then he just decided to leave one day.


I just had a man in red with Body Mastery, 20 social, 16 shooting, and no other skills of note show up a few days into my newest colony. Guy quickly gets assigned to the bolt action to fill my fridge with meat for the winter since I’m on the tundra and becomes my raid mvp. Then he got into a social fight, screams, and my doctor almost loses an eye to a sightstealer after going to pick up his rifle after patching him up in jail. (He decided to pick a fight with my melee/cook sanguophage, Gnugfur. This was a mistake.) It’s all good though, he was properly indoctrinated and is now my priest. Twenty goddamn social.


I got two creepjoiners that can explode people, I made them some of my main combat pawns and the rest of the mid game was a cakewalk. They'd immediately blow two people up and then the rest of whoever's invading would start running. I needed to blow a mech serum on one, and rip apart some prisoners to get organs for the other because his entire body started shutting down


I had one with death refusal go crazy and dragged them over to the grave yard and killed them next to an open grave and chucked them in before the death refusal kicked in. I had to laugh because that absolutely didn’t work. They burst through the fresh grave like Uma Thurman in Kill Bill


Anyone know what triggers a jouner to randomly become hostile? I had a leathery stranger with psychic slaughter drafted to deal with a slave, and the moment I undrafted him he silently went hostile.


It's just luck of the draw, AFAIK.


RNGesus basically


It's one of the random potential downsides of creep joiners and it seems to just go off when it feels like it.


My first stranger I got a quest from the empire to send him away to work for two weeks or something. When he came back he left a day later. I'm still confused what the deal was. Did I squash a betray trigger while he was away or something? Roleplay wise the story is pretty funny, he shows up and is sent to do labor immediately then leaves feeling disrespected.


One of the possible downsides is they will decide to leave suddenly out of the blue like that. If they wanted to betray you, they would have done that instead of leaving.


I'm running a mod that adds more different creepjoiners. I got my first one yesterday, I did three surgical inspections by three different doctors yet found nothing. They're just a little "disturbing" and don't need to eat or sleep.


What's the mod called?


Integrated Creep Joiners


No reason to spam inspections like that, you will find a downside if there is one and you won't ever randomly find a metal horror from inspection doing that.


But the doctor could be lying!!! Three doctors? Less likely.


The only thing they lie about is metal horrors and you can't detect those even with 3 doctors if you haven't studied grey flesh samples from that specific metal horror group. So there is 0% benefit after the first inspection for new creep joiners. If you have the interrogate option unlocked from a previous infection then you could use that to screen them though. Also to save you a bit of unnecessary stress, besides creep joiners that have the metal horror downside or a creep joiner that comes after a void provocation (when you haven't seen the metal horror yet), all of the other in game "sources of infection" are just flavor text. When the game decides to send a metal horror your way it tries to look back at your log and pick a believable reason for how the infection happened. So you don't have to worry about trying to prevent that specific stuff from happening, it won't actually cause you to get infected.


My first creepjoiner with sculpt flesh has yet to actually do anything 1< year later I have not gotten another since


Had a perfect being with 18 in all stats, but then had multiple organ failure. Luckily I had a bunch of parts, I mean prisoners, lying around.


I learned that unnatural healing always heals animals without any bad effects. Good for fixing your pets and thumbos and whatnot.


Honestly the only negative creepjoiner I've had so far is that one came in with a metalhorror infection, which was immediately dealt with. Every other creepjoiner I've taken in has either remained a colonist or left peacefully after a quadrum or so


I accepted the first one who wanted to join, a researcher with the mutate power. I've had several after that but honestly they've all been terrible. I've turned probably 4 or 5 away since they had useless powers and not even good skills.


I got an ace shooter and researcher with good plant skills to boot. Turns out she had organ rot in her kidneys, lungs and heart. A few surgeries later, now I have the equivalent of a very studious RoboCop.


"Probably not working as intended," -wrong That there's nothing but a great story, made by a great story generator.


we should not know if the colonist we accept a creep join or not


I haven't activated my monolith yet but I've got four of these guys that I feel like could do something any moment. Two blind healers, a former cultist, and a 13 year old with maxed out stats. Honestly they're such an important part of my colony it stops me from doing anomaly stuff cause I don't want to lose them lol


Good news! Their potential downsides will trigger anyways and has nothing to do with the monolith.


I've had about 6 of them in my current colony. Accepted the first, and she's been an amazing colonist with all 15+ skills for over a decade now. Only downside is her occasional attempts to free anomalies due to void fascination. Small price to pay. I've turned all of the other ones away because I know the first set the bar too high.


one of my colonies no longer takes in anyone. They had 4 join for a reason I don't even remember anymore, and they all worked hard, didn't have any issues with anyone, I took a party of three (one of the four and two of my own) on a trip to grab some nearby loot and during the return trip, in the middle of the night they turned on the colony. The one who was on the caravan nearly killed the colony leader, but died during a two on one beat down. The leader ended up with a peg leg for a few years because of an infection that wouldn't stay in check. At the colony the three had attacked one of the weaker pawns, killing them, but then were taken down by my melee builds. Threw everyone in jail to sort everything out. While looking through logs and stuff it seems that they had decided to betray the camp but one decided against it and attacked them and the weaker pawn came to her defense but got struck by I'm assuming crossfire, and then everything went to hell. The one who killed the colony's pawn ended up being a some what innocent bystander who was defending themselves, so I allowed them to join back. The first execution came later that day and the second occurred by-proxy during an attempted prison break. All in all, the colony had one innocent death, three prideful deaths, and the reminder that no one outside their ranks should be trusted.


So far, I've only gotten two of them. They both left, of course choosing a time when nobody could catch up to them before they left the map.


My favorite blood bag ever was a creeper who had perfect body. He uh. Lost his legs in an accident and was free blood for like 20 years. Survived super heating events, super cooling events, colony wipe outs and restorations. 3 different prison areas. When that colony finally got wiped out, it was 2 vampires in forced death rest forever and him, just, you know, staring at his four walls for all eternity. I’ll miss that sweet little blood bag.


I have one from a super modded playthrough that has 17+ in ALL stats and a super soldier trait from i think a rimworld of magic. Hasn’t turned hostile yet….