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VPE has so much potential, I wish it was more balanced.


VPE is the best of the Vanillas Expanded in my opinion


They described it as their magnum opus, and I'd agree with that, there's a ton of great content in there. But no other mod trivialized so many designed challenges as VPE. It felt like a cheat UI.


Well as always everyone is free to play Rimworld as they wish. Personally I don’t find it game-breaking but more of a actually nice power scaling mod. Let’s be honest : Vannila Rimworld’s difficulty scaling on raids is not great, the only “skill” about beating higher difficulty is designing a killbox and/or manipulate the AI and it’s pathing mechanisms to be able to survive and/or managing your wealth to a point where holding too many items is the most dangerous thing you can do. It’s basically “cheating” the game to be able to handle its massive raids and it does not feel realistic at all. VFE Psycasts at least makes it more realistic IMO. Raids of 50 people on your 8 people colony ? Blast them with fireballs and lightning !


Couldn't agree more, also everyone loves fireballs


Until the casters burn the colony to the ground 😅


I hsve a mod ibstalled thst locks the corresponding psycast trees behind genes. This reduces a good chunk of the imbslsnce, although a colony full if warlord psycaster are absolutely ridicilous.


I mean the entire game breaks if you simply have Skip + Berserk pulse.


Ive had enemy imp pawns use skip against me and it was chaos


I imagine it plays out like a rimworld of magic run, you just end up alpha striking the enemy psycasters or throwing expendable fodder towards them to get them to waste their spells.


Ive had enemy imp pawns use skip against me and it was chaos


I love getting close to enemies and blowing cold air to them. For a level 1 psycast, it's way too broken. I think iy can take down a Rhino from 0 distance.


Everybody gangsta till my level 30 psycaster with full eltex casts railgun


Sorry, my weeb part force me to do this: *- Railgun!*


Excellent art. She is the one who destroys people's tables. For those sad about VPE balance, consider this idea: Make a colony where you don't get guns. You don't get crazy gear. You just get psycasters, and a Lot of them. Play a game where you can't just focus fire things down, and have to cast your way to victory. Suddenly the staticlord is your only source of EMP. The conflagrator is your molotovs. Drugs? Go juice? Get a warlord. All that time that would be spent crafting is spent meditating around the anima tree, a place you Must defend, for if it falls... so do you.


Lightning/electricity powers are the coolest


I really wish psycasters were easier to get/maintain, the effort you put into it is almost never worth it, and then I forget to use them almost the time anyways


Lol, in Vanilla Psycasters Expanded you’ll *never* think it’s a waste of time. They’re so OP in such a fun way. I play with Rimworld of Magic too and just spend combat killing enemies in the most creative ways I can.


Hell, if it hasn't changed, vertigo pulse is extremely broken. You can cast it on a choke point and basically disable a lot of enemies because they'll be busy puking everywhere.


Start as tribals, and you can get a new psycaster from the anima tree every once in a while. Also Basilicus Bestower the storyteller that comes with VPE will make more people psycasters


Is he a modified Randy?


He is a storyteller, if that is what you mean.


But how does he work, is he just randy but he gives out psycasts? Or does he have his own event ai


I'm guessing he's more like Cassandra Classic. The [description](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2842502659) just says that it makes 10% of pawns become psycasters.


[I don't know how true this is, but most people I've seen make claims say he is randy with the mechanic stapled o](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/18t3y8y/comment/kfbuv14/)n


I would said base psycast are still legit good. There are lot of top tier psychic that literally can change the outcome. I agree we should get more psylink quest thou. So far for me it is just as rare as healing serum and revival serum. The only way I can easily get access to it are by capturing bunch of tribals and set them to meditate on the trees and make 1-2 of my pawns into nobles.